Cornerstone Baptist Church

The newest sermons from Cornerstone Baptist Church on SermonAudio.

Colossians 2:16-19 part 1

The Scripture tells us that all the Christian needs to become spiritually mature is Christ, and yet, at times, they will still encounter those who, although coming in the name of Christ, tell them that Christ is not enough - that they need more than Christ to be mature. How does the Christian resist such pressures- Ryan explains this in the first part of a two-part message from Colossians 2-16-19 entitled, -Holding Fast to the Head.-


Colossians 2:11-15 part 2

In Colossians 2-8-10, the apostle Paul indicates that the only thing truly necessary for the Christian's sanctification is Jesus Christ. We are made -full- in Him. But how- In what sense does Jesus make us -full- - and why is He alone sufficient to do it- Ryan explains in the second part of a two-part message entitled, -A Fully Sufficient Redeemer.-


Colossians 2:11-15 part 1

In Colossians 2-8-10, the apostle Paul indicates that the only thing truly necessary for the Christian's sanctification is Jesus Christ. We are made -full- in Him. But how- In what sense does Jesus make us -full- - and why is He alone sufficient to do it- Ryan explains in the first part of a two-part message entitled, -A Fully Sufficient Redeemer.-


Colossians 2:8-10 part 3

There are probably few things more frightening than the thought of being taken captive. To lose one's freedom and be subject to the will of another is a loathsome thought to anyone. But did you know that it's possible to be taken spiritually captive- How, and what are the signs to look for- Ryan explains in the final part of a three-part message entitled, -Resisting Spiritual Captivity.-


Colossians 2:8-10 part 2

There are probably few things more frightening than the thought of being taken captive. To lose one's freedom and be subject to the will of another is a loathsome thought to anyone. But did you know that it's possible to be taken spiritually captive- How, and what are the signs to look for- Ryan explains in the second part of a three-part message entitled, -Resisting Spiritual Captivity.-


Colossians 2:8-10 part 1

There are probably few things more frightening than the thought of being taken captive. To lose one's freedom and be subject to the will of another is a loathsome thought to anyone. But did you know that it's possible to be taken spiritually captive- How, and what are the signs to look for- Ryan explains in the first part of a three-part message entitled, -Resisting Spiritual Captivity.-


Colossians 2:6-7 part 3

Have you ever struggled with assurance of salvation- It can be paralyzing. After all, literally everything is at stake. But did you know that a lack of assurance does more than just produce fear- It also hinders the Christian's growth in righteousness. Why is this the case, and what can be done about it- How can we grow in our assurance- Ryan explains in the finals part of a three-part message entitled, -Rooted and Built Up in Him.-


Colossians 2:6-7 part 2

Have you ever struggled with assurance of salvation- It can be paralyzing. After all, literally everything is at stake. But did you know that a lack of assurance does more than just produce fear- It also hinders the Christian's growth in righteousness. Why is this the case, and what can be done about it- How can we grow in our assurance- Ryan explains in the second part of a three-part message entitled, -Rooted and Built Up in Him.-


Colossians 2:6-7 part 1

Have you ever struggled with assurance of salvation- It can be paralyzing. After all, literally everything is at stake. But did you know that a lack of assurance does more than just produce fear- It also hinders the Christian's growth in righteousness. Why is this the case, and what can be done about it- How can we grow in our assurance- Ryan explains in the first part of a three-part message entitled, -Rooted and Built Up in Him.-


Colossians 1:24-2:5 part 4

According to Ephesians 4-11-12, every single Christian is a -minister.- We are all called to serve Christ through our service to His body, the church. So what is that supposed to look like- The apostle Paul provides us with a really good example in Colossians 1-24-2-5. Ryan explains in the final part of a three-part message entitled, -A Fully Pleasing Ministry.-


Colossians 1:24-2:5 part 3

According to Ephesians 4-11-12, every single Christian is a -minister.- We are all called to serve Christ through our service to His body, the church. So what is that supposed to look like- The apostle Paul provides us with a really good example in Colossians 1-24-2-5. Ryan explains in part two of a three-part message entitled, -A Fully Pleasing Ministry.-


Colossians 1:24-2:5 part 2

According to Ephesians 4-11-12, every single Christian is a -minister.- We are all called to serve Christ through our service to His body, the church. So what is that supposed to look like- The apostle Paul provides us with a really good example in Colossians 1-24-2-5. Ryan explains in part one of a three-part message entitled, -A Fully Pleasing Ministry.-


Colossians 1:24-2:5 part 1

Everyone wants to be happy. Unfortunately, not everyone can seem to agree just what it is that makes us happy. In fact, you often find a conflicting and competing set of opinions within the same person - of what they believe will make them the happiest. It's true of Christians, too. We say we seek our joy in Christ, but we are often distracted by competing desires. So what can help us to keep our attention fixed on Christ as we seek our joy in Him alone- Ryan explains in a message from Colossians 1-24-2-5 entitled, -Christ in Us, the Hope of Glory.-


Colossians 1:15-23

Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion. It's so powerful, in fact, that it can often overwhelm our senses, and, ironically enough, lead us to run into danger instead of away from it. The same thing happens spiritually. We can become so gripped with one fearful situation or another that we end up running away from our only source of refuge instead of to it. What is that refuge, and how do we learn to train our fear to keep from running away from it- Ryan explains in a message from Colossians 1-15-23 entitled, -All the Fullness of God.-


Colossians 1:9-14

Just as in other kinds of growth, there are specific markers - signs - that accompany genuine growth in spiritual maturity and indicate whether or not the Christian is able to make progress in their faith. What are some of these signs- Ryan explains in a message from Colossians 1-9-14 entitled, -Fully Pleasing to Him.-


Colossians 1:3-8

While all doctrine is equally true, that's not to say that all doctrinal truth is equally important. There are some key doctrines that are more critical to the Christian's growth in Christ than other. Ryan explains what some of the most absolute, essential doctrines to the Christian's growth are in a message from Colossians 1-3-8 entitled, -Back to Basics.-


Colossians 1:1-2

Ryan introduces Paul's letter to the Colossians with a message entitled, -To the Faithful Brothers.-


1 Corinthians 16:13-24

Ryan completes our study of 1 Corinthians by summarizing two of the core concepts that have been uncovered during the study of this letter with a message from 1 Corinthians 16-13-24 entitled -Christ in Tension.-


1 Corinthians 16:5-12

The church is a great theory. Spiritual brothers and sisters selflessly supporting one another in their pursuit of Christ - what could be better- Unfortunately, though, that's not always how things turn out. Instead, churches often experience endless competition and backbiting. How can this change- What drives a cooperative spirit in the body, and how will such a mindset be expressed once it's achieved- Ryan explains in a message from 1 Corinthians 16-5-12 entitled -Gospel Cooperation.-


1 Corinthians 16:1-4 part 3

The weekly -offering- is one of those items that seems relatively dry and uninteresting - that is, until something goes wrong. We've all heard of examples of how churches have collected the offering in a way comes off as manipulative, unethical, or overall just sort of -slimy.- What does the Bible have to say about this subject- Money is necessary for the church to run. So how can a church collect in an offering in a way that glorifies God and blesses His people- Ryan explains the answer to this question in the final part of a three-part message from 1 Corinthians 16-1-4 entitled -Spiritual Giving.-


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