Coronavirus Central

Coronavirus Central
Author: CoronaVirus Central
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© 2020 Coronavirus Central
Coronavirus Central is a daily podcast which covers the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic with open source intelligence to promote public health, information, and safety.
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Donations are welcome: PO Box 35, Greenville Jct, ME 04442 Venmo @CVCPRV
87 Episodes
Having discontinued Coronavirus Central, allow me to invite you to listen to my new and ongoing work every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a weekend mailbag episode for your questions at Free Atlantic Radio.
For sixty to seventy minutes, we look into questions of how to restructure our society in the post-Covid world covering all areas ranging from politics to economy and from culture to scholarship. Feel free to listen.Episodes are available on iTunes and Google Play, but also at
Thank You and God Bless. Dana and I hope you are all safe and healthy!
Episode 87 will be the final episode of Coronavirus Central in light of the other challenges America faces and my desire to cover them more fully including a wider focus of topics and a more regional impact. Allow me to say thank you to you all. Today's episode starts by looking at a viral outbreak reaching new heights with an emphasis in the South and West, a bizarre and deadly means of transmission between cells by viral tentacles, and cases of delirium being caused by this still poorly understood pandemic. We see threats on the horizon of a new swine flu, and an economy that can't close but people at risk in every situation. Big money is running away from the system, and India and China continue escalating their provocations as weapons are being smuggled into the US from China to unknown ends. Perhaps, in support of cancel culture and monument wrecking, as America spirals toward an unhappy end. Keep safe everyone and God Bless.
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
US on target for highest number of cases yet:
The tentacles that Covid uses to infect from cell to cell:
Related Cell study:
Covid causes delirium and strange visions in some patients:
Emerging swine flu risk from China:
2/3 value life more, 1/3 say economy:
Surviving the economic kill switch:
Fed now buying companies directly:
Updates on India-China conflict as relations remain frosty:&
In this eighty-sixth episode, the question becomes who do you trust? We see rising numbers throughout the south and west as Texas, California, and Florida lead the way with many new cases, expected after their reopening. But as we ask what sources are there to guide our search, we share how the CDC lied about masks, the Lancet and New England Journal used fake data, and how Chinese lab reports are compromised. So we're forced to look beyond at bigger agendas, and as we see the racial resentment machine ratcheted up to unsustainable levels. Statues fall, but do we question the right institutions who set us against one another? This episode closes with an in-depth profile from Seattle, a sad harbinger of a likely future inevitable by our continuing failure to come together.
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
Virus spread accelerating leading to cancel of openings:
Texas Governor Abbot tells Texans to stay home unless necessary as cases spike:
Fauci admits to lying about masks as government policy:
Lancet and New England Journal used false data for conclusions:
China destroyed evidence of virus:
Kentucky Governor promises to help some but not others with health care in racially determined support:
Minorities exempted from face mask o
The eighty-fifth episode of Coronavirus Central looks at the escalation of the culture war between police and activists. Call offs in Atlanta and a future planned event in New York hint that the events of Seattle and Minneapolis are driving a nationwide wedge. We look at the frustrations of officers, the mentality of combatants, the question of how public officials manage these struggles, and both sides of the equation. From blacks fearing harm to whites trapped in now unsafe cities, what is clear is the polarization is growing, the lines are hardening, and people are moving as the summer promises more blood with no end in sight.
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Atlanta police calling off sick:
NYPD may strike on July 4th:
Problems of police reforms from a former Minneapolis Mayor:
Rumored letter from Seattle PD Officer:
Businesses plan exodus from Seattle:
George Washington burning in Seattle:
Rural militias organizing:
Over one-third of Americans now think Civil War likely:
Episode 84 looks at the scene around the world to follow up on two trends predicted by this show. Firstly, we see hints of a major new outbreak happening in Beijing and begin questioning what is happening in China as border clashes with India leave three dead with more injured as 54 scientists are discovered by the NIH to be on their payroll. North Korea also literally blew up their connection to the South. So we ask how that fits into the American chaos, looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the emerging polarities, concluding China and America both have an economic problem. Can China keep stability if it cannot export and deliver growth within its authoritarian system? Can America afford the debts it is running up, and placing on the backs of our people as the Fed guarantees even deeper investment into corporate bonds causing more disparity to emerge? More questions than answers are out there as we see the asymmetric war of unknown parameters continue to evolve with the dollar as one clear target.
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Major restrictions accompany new Chinese coronavirus outbreak:
54 scientists fired for taking improper Chinese money in US:
Three dead after brutal border clash between India and China:
North Korea belligerence continues to accelerate:
Comparison of American and Chinese capacities as struggle advances:
New US investment bank to counter China geostrategically:
The Fed is now buying even more corporate bonds:
For the 83rd Episode, we start with three medical pieces showing how Covid has a distinctly neurological character, how it can be corrosive over time, and look at how the nervous system could represent the perfect hiding spot. As we examine that, we see the predicted rise in cases beginning to more fully manifest in the Sun Belt and early opening states, with promises that rallies and protests will add fuel to this toxic fire. The virus remains even as our regard slips, and we look at New York losing over 90% of its traffic and hotels, restaurants, and retailers alike being decimated in Boston as the example of why a second shut down may prove impossible no matter the risks ahead.
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Covid threatens central nervous system:
Alzheimer's researchers identify three phases of Covid neurological impact:
If brain cells harbor HIV...
Record spikes in cases reported across the South:
Further problems in the South and Southwest:
Protests putting cities at risk of exposure:
Five reasons the pandemic is far from over:
New York is an emptier place these days:
20% of restaurants shut permanently across Massachusetts:
Episode 82 looks at our economy and reveals the house of cards that has been built upon the increasingly shaky foundation of corporate debt. Counting on businesses to stay afloat, the shock of the coronavirus pandemic and all it has wrought has put retail out of business in huge numbers, threatening commercial mortgage defaults. The Fed intervened and changed the rules to ensure corporate debt would remain liquid, which led to corporations acting like banks to buy their own debt with money basically created in the market through changes in Fed policy and the policy changes enacted by the CARES act, inflating a gigantic bubble. But where 2008 was about mortgages, 2020 is about corporate bonds and CLOs, collateralized loan obligations. Corporations issue debt the Fed backstops which the banks then buy when rebundled into assets about those loans in a cynical pyramid scheme just waiting for a second wave to topple it, or perhaps China dumping debt, as we ask what a post-dollar world might look like? With America adding trillions of debt both on and off books, the financial attack upon us, and the sordid system trying to save itself at the impoverishment of our people might yet prove still the greatest risk of all, amplifying all the threats we already face beyond our ability to survive.
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Retailers getting crushed as malls close:
How the Fed saved corporate debt and took ownership of the bond market:
How the banks have that same debt on balance and the risks of systemic financial collapse of a character but far greater magnitude than 2008 exists:
Total US debt surges past $55 trillion as government debt crosses $26 trillion:
Evidence China is pulling out as creditor:
Episode 81 explores an interesting premise. When one power so dominates the world as America has done since the end of the Cold War, what happens when it becomes proxy for global conflicts between peoples, powers, and principles, that its own domestic sphere becomes the battlefield for a larger international contest? We go big to understand small, looking at China, Asia, and the shifting arrangements. Post-Covid world has nations making goods at home, so China, most impacted is absorbing Hong Kong, threatening Taiwan, invading India, and developing Pakistan as it courts Russia. India arises in opposition making friendly with Australia as Japan hesitates. Korea is further destabilized. And the American military wanting to stay outwardly focused on the military war for which it is designed, has to glance uncertainly backwards toward the cultural war which everyone seems to comment upon back home, making no one happy and maintaining its own legitimacy in a land where no one else has such. Strange days in the time of revolution and pandemic as we look at the world as it is as these contradictions barrel toward resolution.
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Watch CV Central Unscripted tonight on YouTube at 7:00 Eastern:
North Korea cuts off communication with South Korea:
Chinese spy agency operating openly against dissidents in Hong Kong:
American destroyer transits Strait of Taiwan:
Taiwanese fighter jets confront Chinese counterparts as American transports pass through their airspace:
Lessons from the miliitary forces used in the Arab Spring demonstrations:
Our eightieth episode looks at the two pressing issues of our time in concert: The ongoing though too readily ignored coronavirus pandemic and the mass demonstrations, seeking to connect the two. It starts with a compelling piece from the people who run the Doomsday Clock about the probability Covid is man-made, bolstered by research from Norway and England that is quietly being released while attention is elsewhere. Against that, we see America diving once more into the mess, as Minneapolis agrees to disband the police and we wonder what that will do to both minority wealth and safety and public health. Multiple studies show blacks specifically have more health risk from Covid, yet the media and money keep pushing the protests harder, calling the very act of opposing them the dreaded canard of white supremacy. What we find, however, is quite different: From economic status, to safety, to free speech, to health, these demonstrations against a single act of police brutality that go against the trend toward better relations as demonstrated by statistics, show that ultimately one must question just how and why this animus is being used, and over this week we're going to start asking more clearly by whom.
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Watch CV Central Unscripted tonight on YouTube at 7:00 Eastern:
Likelihood of Covid being man-made:
Efficacy against human receptors suggests lab made optimization:
America got bored with the pandemic:
Minneapolis Council plans to abolish police:
UK: Blacks four times more likely to die from Covid:
Black Floridi
To celebrate our return to timely posting to podcast land, a special extended episode to include 78 and 79 is shared here as a story of two nations. It was the time of protests; the time of riots, the revolution for the people, the threat of incipient anarchy; the government would kill us, the government will save us, the good guys seizing power from the bad, the bad guys trying to steal power from the good, and amidst this all, a Dickensian struggle to paint the narrative in a way that makes it less possible each day for Americans to talk to one another. We look at both sides that are out there in the evolving social unrest, the players funding behind the game and their motives, and ask a question about what narrative will win out as America reimagines itself and burns away the old to find what, I wonder, as the new.
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British Intel Chief assesses that Covid likely manmade:
The splintering American narrative:
How America's problems would be reported elsewhere:
Are we on the brink of revolution?
When conservatives cheer tyranny:
How antifa operates like an insurgency:
Fears the unrest will be brought to the rural areas:
American imports and exports are tumbling in larger global trend:
Episode 77 sees America in trouble. Protests over police brutality have developed into national riots in several dozen cities, with fingers pointing in all directions with mass anger. As those issues are contested, a fertile breeding ground for now and the future is promised for Covid, and when we look at this conflict more closely, we see those deeper actors most responsible for the problems remain, as usual, least impacted. Keep safe and be smart as this tumultuous scenario unfolds.
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Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
In Episode 76, we see how multiple conflicts are coming together to cause a cascade failure in certainly America, but potentially far beyond. As race riots emerge with widespread looting in response to police brutality, politics is driving a discordant response. With a background of mass evictions, unemployment, and economic insecurity throughout the nation, the promise of more protests and anger on all sides seems likely. The pandemic will have even more opportunity to spread, and as we watch China annex Hong Kong more fully, we find ourselves in many undeclared wars on many fronts at once. A perfect storm that makes us all set against one another on issues of genuine import and disagreement only promises a more deadly future ahead.
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Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
To celebrate 75 shows, this special episode splits into three parts. In the first, we study new analysis from Australia demonstrating how Covid is uniquely adapted to attacking humans and a report from China how the coronavirus is erasing markers from sick cells as an ideal concealment strategy. The rising conflict between the US and China stretches from Hong Kong in protest, Taiwan becoming more concerned, and India now having issues on their Chinese border as Xi declares China must prepare for war in the future. Against that, we focus our backdrop on preparedness and using this summer of folly to get ready for a long and uncertain stretch by resetting to a simpler, sustainable, and sovereign life against all threats foreign and domestic to keep ourselves and our families safe and secure.
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Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
Episode 74 is about the struggle between humanity and the coronavirus as we seek to unlock one another. As we see younger people increasingly impacted worldwide, as new receptors are indicated at risk and new mutations become clearer, we watch the precarious balance between indifference by many and frantic research by others. Brazil is getting worse, interferons are suppressed, and we see the PRRA is making Sars2 a totally novel, dangerous, and tenacious adversary. The only good news is we are more likely to get our pets sick than the other way around, for now, but while people overlook the obvious, the virus uses us to experiment, learn, and grow.
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Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
Episode 73 is a review of the quickly deteriorating United States and China relationship that is advancing across all fronts and pulling countries to different sides as the coronavirus serves as a constant drumbeat adding pressure domestically in both nations. As a major lockdown occurs in China's Northeast with fears of a new strain with longer time to appearance, we see a feud break out at the WHO, consumers not wanting to purchase from either country, trade fraying, mistrust growing, and escalation over arms and Taiwan. As a Pentagon study shows America losing a future war with China and the People's Congress feeling pressure to push back with more than propaganda, two countries driven by mistrust, fear, suspicion, and the need to deflect blame represent a dangerous dance for not just each other but the entire world.
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
Despite zero reported official cases, major new lockdown in Chinese Northeast:
China - US spat at WHO:
Economic nationalism rising in both American and Chinese population:
Kudlow dismisses fear China will dump US sovereign debt:
Rivalry intensifies to cover Taiwan more deeply:
Chinese paper asks if America and China are destined for conflict:
Pentagon war g
The seventy second episode features a review of the highly contentious partisan response amidst the question of how we build a functional economy that can be sustained in the face of pandemic and urgent human need. We start by seeing how the locations where the outbreak happened shaped the public narrative and now we have a fight being set up as the false division of health versus economy. People themselves report they want the choice for both as health should be covered and payments sustained to mitigate risk. In particular focus are the unemployment payments which are now being attacked in certain quarters for making some Americans wealthier than they were before while working, which at that modest amount, should have us questioning much more. With home building dropping, mortgage foreclosures still rising, and uncertainty bad enough before a second wave the Pentagon privately admits likely, why are so few people asking why we rush so hard to defend an economy that clearly needs to be rethought?
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
How Democrats and Republicans are getting even more hostile:
The impending fight over who gets stimulus next:
Most Americans want health care coverage and financial support during pandemic:
Home building collapses 30% in April reflecting impending issues industry wide:
68% of unemployed doing better financially than working before:
Internal Pentagon Memo has them preparing for a second wave and ongoing global problems with Cov
Episode 71 looks at the most recent information about viral mutation, spread, and how it connects to us. We start with the troubling outbreak of Kawasaki Disease, a heart symptom affecting children in Italy and New York. As we come to see not just the different mutations, but how they oddly impact the functional proteins unlike any other coronavirus, we're reminded just how distinctive Covid behaves. We see how eyes are impacted, how cats may be carriers, and are reminded of how disjointed policy has become with respect to the science. A deeper dive into the ways Covid interacts with our cells shows not just ACE-II, but CD147 and CD26 are just the first suspected targets as we race against time and the disease in a war whose future we cannot predict despite our own dangerous complacency.
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
Outbreak of Kawasaki Disease in children related potentially to Covid:
Evidence for mutations happening in highly conserved structural proteins unlike other coronaviruses:
Sailors test positive for reinfection aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt:
Dangers of transmission through eye for coronavirus:
Cats as risk as asymptomatic Covid carriers:
Initial study reporting CD147 receptor route:
How Covid interacts with ACE2, CD147, CD26 and potentially other receptors:
This program remains free, posted every weekday, with support from listeners like you. Correspondence, stories, and donations to keep this going can be sent to: PO Box 35, Greenville Jct, ME 04442. Or, m
For episode 70, we travel north to Canada for a comparison against what the United States experiences. A more robust policy response including direct aid support has helped minimize suffering for most Canadians, although a terrible failure in nursing homes, existing outside their public health system in many cases, has driven the vast majority of their deaths. We look at Montreal having many problems including the abandonment of elderly at one nursing home. The bank has been buying everything it can up there also, but with 3 million plus already unemployed in the country of 37 million, a projected economy drop of potentially 40%, and debt quickly rising, the questions of what a re-open will permit are a problem up there as everywhere. Food prices are rising, scarcity may become a problem, and the question of a recovery in the best of situations, even with a government more committed to the safety of their people, is uncertain at best and difficult to envision in the short of medium term.
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
Montreal among worst hit cities worldwide:
Massive problems in nursing homes countrywide:
Workers abandon nursing home patients in heart of pandemic:
Canada quickly implemented a robust financial response with an emphasis on getting money out quickly:
A return to the old economy seems impossible:
Bank of Canada seeks business and household debt as growing problems especially with Covid outlays: https://www.inve
We take the 20,000 foot view in Episode 69 as we look at the bigger problems with the economy and how society has to restructure itself to meet the demands of people which change less amidst a virus that is making us rethink much of how we live. We start by looking at a Fed wanting to do more, a Washington incapable of doing anything, and how the original buying in strategy is reaching beyond where private capital will go as bankruptcies rise, profits and taxes fall, and demands for bailouts become bigger. States are working in conjunction, debt amnesty is proposed, and solutions being mentioned now might prove possible in a second wave destroying hopes for a V recovery. We see the questions arise about where people will live in a world where people are a viral threat, how automation means jobs are not coming back, and the thought of UBI as a solution to a world where people need money, businesses can't hire them, consumption is required, and government are asked to act.
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
Fed less concerned about debt than restarting economy:
Private capital warning stock market is massively overvalued:
Bankruptcies starting to mount in America:
The fight over what DC will or won't do:
Sales tax shortfalls massive throughout NY due to shut down:
Western states requesting trillon dollar bailout:
Biden endorses amnesty on mortga
Episode 68 was supposed to be about the divergent policy responses caused by the political polarization in the United States. After a serious look at just how well ideology is now predicting expectations beyond science, we see such American absurdities as the Right deploying a militia to defend a barber shop in Michigan, or the Left using the virus to decry toxic masculinity in mask usage, all ignoring this deadly pandemic. Deeper research into antibodies show more compelling evidence of ADE, that the sequence of strains may convey either immunity or severity, and offers a startling but evidentiary backed thesis from Japan that says earlier strains are the biggest determinant in why some places get wrecked, others do not, and who is at risk going forward, with America and the West in bad shape. If that's not enough, we also see evidence how ACE-II wide dispersal in the female reproductive system and fetal presence suggests earlier and wider dangers as this evolves unless we come together quickly to fight Covid instead of one another.
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Links:Latest statistics: sources: news:
Live tracking numbers from the CDC:
Partisan responses determine preventative actions taken:
Militia defends an open barber shop in MI for "freedom":
Media uses viral as example to lecture about toxic masculinity and whiteness:
Chinese study demonstrates how antibodies for Covid don't cross to other SARS viruses as expected and have different capacities where some are less effective:
Japanese study demonstrates sequence of infection by strain determines severity of illness, possibility of herd immunity, and suggests potential bioweapon model:
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Nice Podcast,
propaganda at its best considering it just stopped in 2020 HAAA THANKS FOR THE FEAR
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KEep sharing post like this
Thanks for the information keep sharing this type of information
this covid19 will never end
Has this podcast moved?
Where'd you go, Tom???
Love this podcast! A great compilation of info from reputable resources. Also, thank you for praying for all of us during this trying time. I love the fact that you pray at the end. Your podcasts are packed full of scientific facts, but let's face it, as Christians both you and I know that science and Christianity do in fact go hand in hand. Something (and sadly) that many don't understand. Keep up the good work! I will continue tuning in daily!
I was beginning to like his podcasts until he was showing bits of right leaning politics then confirming it with prayers. He reminded just a tad a bit of Evangelicals surrounding Trump. I hope he doesn't sells you a holy water in the future that claims to cure Ebola, malaria, covid-19,etc. 😄
Please give us some information in the southern hemisphere. I'm from South Africa and it is starting to het manic here and we don't know what to do.
Great show. Many good points made.
I think you're great, and referred so many people to this podcast to get real news on what's going on with covid-19. Thank you. Keep it up!
What's with the prayer at the end? This calls for science, not religion. You remind me of the fanatics during the black plague praying and whipping themselves to break God's "curse" of the virus, lol
way too long and inconsistent audio