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Cosmic Batter

Author: Karla Herschell

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What is reality really made of? I am your host Karla and welcome to Cosmic Batter, the podcast where we explore what it means to be human - with or ability to heal and transform, the power of love, and our connection to the Divine. This is for anyone who realizes that there is so much more to our existence...
18 Episodes
Today I am joined by the brilliant Julie Hoyle to discuss Kundalini Unleashed! Julie is a writer, artist, author of four books, teacher, healer, spiritual guide, and host of her podcast Talking True with Julie Hoyle. In today’s episode Julie shares her journey, from overwhelm and suppression of her psychic gifts at a young age, to a life of seeking spiritual answers, to a radical awakening at age 33. With Kundalini unleashed in Julie’s life, everything began to transform. Kundalini was the catalyst for the release of many lifetimes of stuck energy and emotion through purging and kriyas. Kundalini created an explosion of creative energy - Julie was greatly surprised when an Awakened Master instructed her to write her first book! It was here that she learned the importance of understanding her own journey, as well as the activations that become available to others through sharing her own experience. There have been many layers to her awakening; Julie has had lucid dreams where Great Beings have given her messages and guidance. She has experienced the deep Soul Knowing for places and people that she had no prior knowledge of, and she has had to overcome her own fears to step forward as a spiritual guide and healer. We also explore how Julie has managed to do it all, as she continues to work full time as an arts teacher in the Bahamas, and how these enlightening experiences have flowed into her work and those around her. Today’s episode is truly endearing, and Julie is so generous in her storytelling. We hope you enjoy this episode. Julie Hoyle: Podcast, Talking True with Julie Hoyle: Connect with Julie: Alternately: C Karla Herschell: NEW SESSIONS AVAILABLE: Deep Emotional Release - Released stuck energy and emotions, return to peace and love. Soul Connection - Speak directly with your Soul and Spirit Guides. Career Confidence - Amplify your unique gifts and abilities. Intuitive Reading - Get clarity and insight on your path. Connect on Instagram: See my Offers: Join my Email List:
One day I wrote in my journal "it feels like my ego is dissolving daily" and I received a response from Spirit: "Instead of saying your ego is being dissolved, you might say that you are Embodying Unity Consciousness." My life has changed drastically since my Kundalini Awakening. The lessons have been swift and unavoidable. At first this was tough because so much gets stripped away - my values have shifted, my life and business have changed and thus my identity has needed time to re-calibrate. With so many layers of change happening all at once, it can feel like you're going crazy, but ultimately this is the most beautiful and blessed journey. I wanted to make this video as a follow up to episode 13 on my Kundalini Awakening, I hope this helps anyone else going through something similar, or anybody walking the spiritual path (...which is everyone). This episode is as much for you as it is for me - making sense of my experience and simplifying the learnings has been really grounding for me. These are my top 9 ways my life has changed (so far): 1. Heightened physical communication with my body. 2. Any 'work' must have intention and purpose. 3. The power of thought (thus awareness of any fear-based thought). 4. Discernment and false teachers. 5 Being self-led. No body knows you better than yourself. 6 Knowing this is a dream but being grounded in physical reality. 7 Abundance: if I am abundant then I can be affordable. 8 Manifestation, lack and true abundance. Seeking leads to lack. Instead, create space for magic to come to me. 9 Creativity. So much creative energy pours through me! Connect on Instagram: See my Offers: Join my Email List:
I sit down with Tineke Schrier - healer, light language channel, artist and my beautiful friend! But Tineke's journey had humble beginnings, pursuing a life of success by moving to London and working in the tech industry. She had the 'picture perfect' life on paper, but inside she was struggling. After a panic attack she was forced to look at her life and admit that something was wrong. Then she heard a voice saying "Go home to New Zealand!" This was the voice of the Creator which motivated her to completely change her life. She went on retreats, activated her gifts as a healer, and combined her passion and intuition with art. Her journey continues to deepen as she accesses Light Language, providing a feeling of unconditional love, and sharing this gift with the world. Listen to this episode to feel and receive some beautiful light language (towards the end) and open your mind and heart to what is possible when you listen to the guidance of your Soul. Tineke and I are excited to announce our collaboration! INTUITIVE EXPRESSION An in person event for artistic expression. We will be holding the space and guiding you through movement, meditation and art. An opportunity to come together, to simply be without any expectation, and have fun! Saturday April 27th MORE INFO AND TICKETS HERE: Connect with Tineke on Instagram @angelsandenergy Karla: Connect on Instagram: See my Offers: Join my Email List:
Joined by my Divine friend Taylah McIntosh, we discuss presence and accessing our full power, faith, living in a magical universe, the power of choice, relationships, motherhood and the gift of grief. PLEASE NOTE this episode goes DEEP and touches on Taylah's life, including losing her partner to suicide. This conversation moves through the full spectrum of human experience and really can't be summed up into a paragraph... enjoy xx Taylah offers psychosomatic bodywork (which I mentioned in my last episode!) Connect with Taylah on Instagram: Karla: Connect on Instagram: See my Offers: Join my Email List:
13: My Kundalini Awakening

13: My Kundalini Awakening


Totally unexpected and completely Sacred, my Kundalini Awakening was one of the most terrifying yet beautiful initiations I have ever experienced. As I continue to integrate this Divine expression, I feel so honored and blessed. This has altered my perception of reality and changed the course of my life forever. I feel like I am waking up for the first time! I know my path is shifting, as I wade further into the waters of mysticism and magic on my Soul’s purpose. My intention is to share this because we are ALL CAPABLE of these experiences. As with any spiritual awakening, this is a natural part of human evolution - to be celebrated! We are ready as a society to have these conversations - to release judgement, to better understand ourselves, to better understand what it means to be human, and to expand what we are truly capable of. If you have a Kundalini Awakening, know you are safe to lean into the wisdom and loving guidance of Kundalini! Allow the experience to transform you and see any fear dissolve into: Freedom, Bliss, Peace, and God! Thankyou for joining me on this journey. Join me for my live and free meditation series as we move through the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether. Join the meditations and get the Earth meditation ready to download: Book a Healing Session: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠⁠⁠
I am being guided by a Dragon and visited by Goddesses in my sleep. I can see someone's past lives laid out before me. Opportunities and connections are being magnetized to me and abundance continues to flow... I wonder what else is next? I have recently been studying and leaning into my expansion. My POV has shifted on many things as I continue to align with my Highest Timeline. Let's dive into it! SUMMER SLAYCATION - December 17th The Free 2024 Magnetism Surge Portal If you want to step into your Power and align to your Purpose in 2024, this event is for you! Join me as I show you how to gain Clarity on what you offer, raise the Value of your work and generate massive Momentum for the New Year. New Year Psychic Readings Gain insights into 2024 with expectations and predications. Understand how the Universe is asking you to evolve and grow. Put yourself in the best possible position for your success and happiness. Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠
What happens when a spiritual gal and a comedian meet up and discuss their time together at a performing arts school and the paths they went down after this? This conversation is fun, honest and explorative. We break down what it means to be Authentic and Magnetic and how we both try to achieve Impact and Healing on the planet. As usual we had nothing planned for this podcast and the finished product is absolute magic. Enjoy! "Math is essential. Without numbers on our side, we'd be nothing..." - Tanna Chamberlain, Harry Potter fan (and comedian) Connect with Tanna here: Instagram: @tannacjc "Knock, Knock, me again" podcast: BUY TICKETS to Tanna's live show in London: Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠
Have you ever thought about the Energy of your business? This is a lesson I learned the hard way. Hustle culture is rife in Western society, but it is rooted in lack and scarcity. Hustle works to a point, but it won't create a life of freedom and abundance. Why? Because you ATTRACT what you ARE. Listen to this episode to discover how to shift your energy into FLOW. Spark the most abundance, growth, ease and fun in your business and life! Flow Living Celebrate your Gifts and get paid Abundantly. Make money just by being YOU! (YES I fucking said that - you can be paid outrageously for your magical essence) Bring fun and play back into your life and business/career so its not so goddam serious all the time! Create a life that is a Full Body FUCK YES. NO SETTLING. NO lack. No obligation. Only SLAY energy. Starting November 11th 2023 Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠
SHAPESHIFTER: 3x PART IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE For the Baddie ready to Quantum Shift their Timeline. The most fun and exciting class! Integrate a sense of complete safety and love from the Universe. Step into your power as a Creator Being - able to elevate your life beyond your wildest dreams through small and simple changes. It gets to be fun and it gets to be easy! Truly knowing in your BONES that it is already done! Flow Living Celebrate your Gifts and get paid Abundantly. Make money just by being YOU! (YES I fucking said that - you can be paid outrageously for your magical essence) Bring fun and play back into your life and business/career so its not so goddam serious all the time! Create a life that is a Full Body FUCK YES. NO SETTLING. NO lack. No obligation. Only SLAY energy. Starting November 11th 2023 Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠
SHAPESHIFTER: 3x PART IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE For the Baddie ready to Quantum Shift their Timeline. Where is the Universe guiding you right now? Together we will uncover the intuitive nudges you are receiving right now and how to follow them. -Release the weight of expectations. -Understand how small moves are bold moves! -Allow your intuition to guide you somewhere beautiful. Flow Living Celebrate your Gifts and get paid Abundantly. Make money just by being YOU! (YES I fucking said that - you can be paid outrageously for your magical essence) Bring fun and play back into your life and business/career so its not so goddam serious all the time! Create a life that is a Full Body FUCK YES. NO SETTLING. NO lack. No obligation. Only SLAY energy. Starting November 11th 2023 Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to emails: ⁠⁠
SHAPESHIFTER: 3x PART IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE For the Baddie ready to Quantum Shift their Timeline. In the first session I am going to outline my own journey through change. My experiences with building a business, changing my services, facing a changing identity and what that means, and ultimately how my life has benefitted. -How I change without shame. -Get firsthand evidence that being able to pivot quickly leads to rapid expansion and success. -See how safe, fun and simple it can be to make change. Flow Living Celebrate your Gifts and get paid Abundantly. Make money just by being YOU! (YES I fucking said that - you can be paid outrageously for your magical essence) Bring fun and play back into your life and business/career so its not so goddam serious all the time! Create a life that is a Full Body FUCK YES. NO SETTLING. NO lack. No obligation. Only SLAY energy. Starting November 11th 2023 Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠
The more I have relaxed, the better it gets... and the better it gets the better it gets. Flow Living Celebrate your Gifts and get paid Abundantly. Make money just by being YOU! (YES I fucking said that - you can be paid outrageously for your magical essence) Bring fun and play back into your life and business/career so its not so goddam serious all the time! Create a life that is a Full Body FUCK YES. NO SETTLING. NO lack. No obligation. Only SLAY energy. Starting November 11th 2023 Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠
05: Murdered in a Past Life

05: Murdered in a Past Life


Could resolving murders, soul contracts and wounding from past lives upgrade your reality in this lifetime? Jas on Instagram: Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See me Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to Emails: ⁠⁠
Remember to shower and wash off any anti-life thoughts. Brad and I ponder all of life's big questions (sometimes so big words escape us lol). Brad on Instagram: Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to emails: ⁠⁠
Today we are joined by Holly to discuss the path of least resistance, spiritual predators, astral doofs, and Karla tells an irrelevant story about wild chickens. Holly is a herablist about to start her business. Follow Holly on Instagram: Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See me Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to emails: ⁠⁠
Prove to me that dreams don't matter. Connect on Instagram: ⁠⁠ See my Offers: ⁠⁠ Subscribe to emails: ⁠⁠
Welcome! Who am I, how did I get here, why are dragons visiting me, and I try to think of the word paradox... Connect on Instagram: See my Offers: Subscribe to emails:
Cosmic Batter TRAILER

Cosmic Batter TRAILER


Cosmic Batter premiers August 8th Join me as we explore stories of the unknown and my experience of becoming psychic. For those that know there is so much more to the human experience...
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