SEASON 3 EPISODE 74: COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN A-Block (1:44) BULLETIN: Biden pardons his son. Terrific. Fully support. Now, do the rest of us. Literally offer a pardon to anybody Trump might go after for prosecuting him, criticizing him, covering him, or looking at him funny. I want a 1-800-PARDONME hotline. I want 10 million pardons. SPECIAL COMMENT (2:44): And the pardons should be a jumping off point for how Biden can protect the citizens of this country. What does THIS mean, exactly? “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Joseph Robinette Biden Junior has taken that exact oath NINE times – seven, as Senator, two as Vice President. He has sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and nothing I have found, and no Constitutional scholar I have consulted, indicates that once taken, those oaths expire. And the obligation to defend the United States becomes more profound still now that presidents have been immunized by the Supreme Court from prosecution for.. effectively anything. The incoming President, the one who wants an unqualified toady like Kash Patel to head the FBI and desperately wanted a lawless menace like Matt Gaetz to head the DOJ but will instead settle for a cheap lawyer who LED the “lock her up” chanting against Hillary Clinton at the Republican convention, that president-to-be will be immune and thus unstoppable. The CURRENT president IS immune and thus unstoppable. And already in power and in command and… under oath. So. This raises this theoretical constitutional question: Do the TEN oaths Joe Biden took as Senator, as Vice President, and as President, even PERMIT him to NOT act against enemies, BOTH foreign and domestic – and defend the Constitution of the United States? So help him god? When the Supreme Court has immunized him from prosecution for doing… anything? Anything at all? As long as it’s official? B-Block (24:52) POSTSCRIPTS TO THE NEWS: You do realize that Trump's lies about his phone call with the president of Mexico means we will, soon or late, invade Mexico, right? The quote from the Trump Transition Team member to Rolling Stone is "How MUCH do we invade Mexico?" Trump has now nominated both his daughters' fathers-in-law as envoys to the Middle East - including the one who set up his brother-in-law with a taped sex sting and sent the tape to his own sister. And why did JD Vance post a meme of himself in a dress? C-Block (36:00) THE OTHER WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: Vivek Ramaswamy self-owns over unelected bureaucracy. We've found George Carlin's Worst Doctor In The World and he owns The Los Angeles Times. And Sideshow Bob (RFK Junior) is seen, uh, hanging out, in his wife's new supplements commercial.See for privacy information.
and believe and I will stand.
As a product 61and my brother a 58 who unfortunately died among 9rv or with American pilots in a terrible march 29 of 1985 I m still with you bc you know
hey. who's that rich guy on the hill? it's southern on all accounts. The devil wears a suit and tie. Not like my fancy outfit....honesty through life is full time!
Trump good voters stupid
I laugh at me
that's the 1000 islands so maybe imperial?
international rift I just gave it away omg
we watch
Hey Keith. When the water breaks I'll swim over and guide you home. To where Kennedys assassin's father was theoretically born. I think what's her beak from Alberta (fill in the blanck) Texas ah take hertoo if you may. I have waterskiied through the imperial rìft
can you say epstein
artistic in a criminal hue
throws his wife under a bus while in a boat. stunning work.
when's thar traitor o'leary going to pay for his criminal acts in a motorized vehicle admit his guilt and stop sucking the mushroom
Some commentator stated that Trump's obsession with Greenland and Panama is a false flag op to distract from, and shift the focus away from the Jack Smith report release. Not sure if I agree. Trump haters are chomping at the bit to read that report and no distractions will sway them. Yes Alito and his dumb cluck cohorts actually believe the electorate is stupid enough to believe their lies.
could djt mushroom not just get proper truth from his own investigative arm of support. kgb
Old MSNBC FAN! I'm thrilled to find you, Keith Olbermann. You have no idea of how much I have missed Countdown and you. I never missed your show on MSNBC, and if I wasn't home, I recorded the episode. Now, I'm listening and loving every minute. Keep up the good work and hugs to your pups.
rncs not iecs
if I walked Trump pet se would he look at me and say "sometimes you walk me sometime I lose you"
Uhhhhh... "Happy" New Year (???). Why oh why... do the violent extremist happenings (including the two orange Jaba the Hut assassination attempts) Always turn out to be Maga(ts)? The answer: all of us non Maga(ts) Never Ever attempt to solve any of our problems / whatever might be bothering us with violent oriented outcomes. Because we don't own cave man brains (or cave woman brains--MTG a perfect example). 🧠