SEASON 3 EPISODE 74: COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN A-Block (1:44) BULLETIN: Biden pardons his son. Terrific. Fully support. Now, do the rest of us. Literally offer a pardon to anybody Trump might go after for prosecuting him, criticizing him, covering him, or looking at him funny. I want a 1-800-PARDONME hotline. I want 10 million pardons. SPECIAL COMMENT (2:44): And the pardons should be a jumping off point for how Biden can protect the citizens of this country. What does THIS mean, exactly? “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Joseph Robinette Biden Junior has taken that exact oath NINE times – seven, as Senator, two as Vice President. He has sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and nothing I have found, and no Constitutional scholar I have consulted, indicates that once taken, those oaths expire. And the obligation to defend the United States becomes more profound still now that presidents have been immunized by the Supreme Court from prosecution for.. effectively anything. The incoming President, the one who wants an unqualified toady like Kash Patel to head the FBI and desperately wanted a lawless menace like Matt Gaetz to head the DOJ but will instead settle for a cheap lawyer who LED the “lock her up” chanting against Hillary Clinton at the Republican convention, that president-to-be will be immune and thus unstoppable. The CURRENT president IS immune and thus unstoppable. And already in power and in command and… under oath. So. This raises this theoretical constitutional question: Do the TEN oaths Joe Biden took as Senator, as Vice President, and as President, even PERMIT him to NOT act against enemies, BOTH foreign and domestic – and defend the Constitution of the United States? So help him god? When the Supreme Court has immunized him from prosecution for doing… anything? Anything at all? As long as it’s official? B-Block (24:52) POSTSCRIPTS TO THE NEWS: You do realize that Trump's lies about his phone call with the president of Mexico means we will, soon or late, invade Mexico, right? The quote from the Trump Transition Team member to Rolling Stone is "How MUCH do we invade Mexico?" Trump has now nominated both his daughters' fathers-in-law as envoys to the Middle East - including the one who set up his brother-in-law with a taped sex sting and sent the tape to his own sister. And why did JD Vance post a meme of himself in a dress? C-Block (36:00) THE OTHER WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: Vivek Ramaswamy self-owns over unelected bureaucracy. We've found George Carlin's Worst Doctor In The World and he owns The Los Angeles Times. And Sideshow Bob (RFK Junior) is seen, uh, hanging out, in his wife's new supplements commercial.See for privacy information.
🎶🎶 Oh the Crap Shack is a little 'ol place where... we can act like America-hating asshaaaaats... Crap Shack, bay-- bee!! 🎶🎶 😅 😆 🤣
A smashing job, KO (considering the temporary physical disability). New subject: huh! those trump-humping trolls on here have been suspiciously Quiet 🤫 since a few days to about a week after the election, Nov. 5. I suppose they had/ have more important things to do (like messing w/ the elections in other places... like former soviet Georgia; hint: dey ar trolls from da Ruskie place).
Wow maybe Nancy Disgrace should ask On the Spectrum Elmo out on a date (?). Along w/ the keto habit, they're prolly drinking more, now that "x" is in freefall! For a good time, call me! 🤣
Is Licht a zombie? And .... OMG! Being a native New Yorker, it was beyond satisfying to have for me, fully confirmed by you, what always made me over the decades, want to throw up whenever I saw Chuck S. on the air. My whole being has always found him intellectually, esthetically, and emotionally repulsive.
Please find me on new social.... Tickface. 😆😅🤣
Man oh man... whatta GD great writer KO is! (obvs. Paddy was, as well!). "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!" "But first.... you've got to get Mad!"....
....naturally, I agree, why wouldn't I? Only common's just that it's a shame that more of the good, good, white nationalist, christian mouth-breathers haven't got any... Politically arming whiteassed religious fantasy has certainly supplied a lot of the mortar in building the tomb for global democracy.
(cont.).... Terrible for the economy (number one reason-- when polled-- why ppl voted for "it"). The cost of living will be doubled, if not tripled by next spring or summer; terrible for the environment/ fighting worsening climate change; terrible for health care (especially women... forcing ppl to birth babies that were manufactured via rape or incest); terrible for immigration/ foreign policy (Everything for countries that Used To Be our adversaries... Russia, N. Korea, and although Israel is supposed to be an ally, they're committing war crimes with abandon and acting very much like an adversary)... and on and on and on......
While I try (pretty hard) to not be like the maga cult members-- retaliatory-- butt hurt feelings-- petty reservations-- snowflakeability..... I'm prolly gonna smile a bit when these Trump voters realize just how terrible this scumbag will be... for the next.....four.........long....................years.
Hey all non-trump humpers! Guess what? A buzzword from about 6-7 yrs. ago is Back!! Hashtag : Resist ! Make buzzwords great again!
For all voters reading this... who did Not vote Trump/ Vance (such as the writer of these words)... I submit to you, during this dark period that we all find ourselves: (borrowed from public domain site, )..... The English theologian and historian Thomas Fuller appears to be the first person to commit the notion that ‘the darkest hour is just before the dawn’ to print. His religious travelogue A Pisgah-Sight Of Palestine And The Confines Thereof, 1650, contains this view: It is always darkest just before the Day dawneth. The source of the proverb isn’t known. It may be Fuller himself, or he may have been recording a piece of folk wisdom. In 1858, much later than Fuller of course, Samuel Lover attributed the notion to the Irish, in Songs and Ballads: There is a beautiful saying amongst the Irish peasantry to inspire hope under adverse circumstances:- “Remember,” they say, “that the darkest hour of all.... is the hour before day.” Please take heart.... stay strong....
And speaking of Carlin, he hhhhated you liberals. I know you retards like to claim him as “one of your own,” but he despised both sides of the political spectrum. Even just a 3rd of what he’s said about you guys would get him shut down for life.
This guy’s so gay.
sorry bc you will all die from no warning labels on things and be 1 degree away from an open windows. Think a/c. not j/d
achtung baby for all you pride boys
hope free beer on dickrotator for a day
should have listened in school,eh?
be careful. He never went to nam.
just bc I'm insane isn't why I'm incell OK! Leon let me spell it