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Counterpoint Podcast

Author: Vector Consulting Group

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Welcome to the Counterpoint podcast, brought you by the Vector Consulting Group.
Each episode will explore how systems thinking combined with rigor of causal thinking of hard sciences can be applied to design breakthrough solutions for complex and chronic business problems across industry segments. The focus of each podcast is to validate the theoretical constructs behind these innovative solutions and to discuss the practical aspects of implementing them.
60 Episodes
Tune in to the latest episode of the Counterpoint podcast where we delve into the complex issue of managing an ever-increasing product range within companies. In this insightful episode, Arvind Rana, Partner, Vector Consulting Group dissect the dilemmas faced by organizations, from conflicting demands of sales teams and NPD departments to the financial implications of expanding product ranges. He further shares an invaluable insights into why simply adding more products isn't always the answer and how it can lead to operational inefficiencies and decreased profitability. Listen to the full episode to learn how trimming product ranges can lead to enhanced focus, improved operational efficiency, and ultimately, increased sales
Pharma labs often need help with non-conformances, which hurts their business significantly. Over time, they have only been able to make minor tweaks in their processes, but they have not yet zeroed in on the core problem – Cognitive Overload. Achal Saran Pande, Partner at Vector Consulting Group, helps understand the issue of Cognitive Overload and details how to solve it.
Join us in this eye-opening episode as we plunge into the world of USFDA warning letters hitting pharma companies worldwide. Analyst error often takes the blame for quality issues, but is it truly the culprit? Let's delve deeper with Abhinav Srivastava, senior consultant at Vector Consulting Group.    Together, we'll break the barriers, get to the real root cause, and explore the groundbreaking solution that Vector has successfully implemented!    Don't miss out on these actionable insights to resolve quality issues and make a profound impact in the pharmaceutical world. Tune in now!   #USFDA #PharmaCompliance #InnovativeSolutions #VectorConsulting 
There couldn't have been a more fitting topic to commemorate the 50th episode of the Counterpoint Podcast. In the previous episode, we delved into how Vector ensures flawless implementation and execution of solution elements for our esteemed clients. In this episode, we unveil the second and final tool that guarantees exceptional outcomes for all our clients.   Introducing 'Systemic Analysis & Holistic Intervention.' Although the name may sound complex, fear not! We will break it down step by step, exploring how we leverage this approach in our projects and how it can benefit you.   Don't miss out—tune in!
Whenever we have a brilliant idea in our heads, we tend to get attached to it and sometimes become obsessed with it. However, more often than not, the idea remains just an idea, never seeing the light of day. Obviously, an idea is valuable only when it is implemented and implemented well. In this episode with Visu, a senior consultant at the Vector Consulting Group, we explore how Vector has mastered the art of implementing ideas to perfection. We discuss the most important aspects of implementing an idea or a solution and how we overcome the challenges that come our way.
Manufacturing companies tend to be unaware of the 'Real Capacity' of their plants. Typically, companies make an estimate of their capacity based on a 'median' product mix they manufacture, capacity defined by equipment suppliers, or experience over time. This then becomes a benchmark used to measure plant efficiency. Companies may even elevate capacity when output consistently reaches this benchmark.  Through their implementations, Vector Consulting Group has consistently delivered much higher output from the existing capacity, surprising and startling plant operators. In this podcast, Achal Saran Pande, Senior Partner at Vector Consulting Group, discusses common misconceptions in calculating the 'Real Capacity' of a plant and sheds light on how to unearth hidden capacity in almost all plants. Tune in to unravel this mystery. 
Vector Consulting Group has developed a unique thinking process that combines the work of great philosophers such as Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Karl Popper, scientist David Deutsche, and management guru Eli Goldratt. This approach that we call the Scientific and Systems Thinking approach, has been instrumental in helping us find breakthrough solutions for our clients. Our commitment to sharing our knowledge and expertise with the world continues in Season II of the Counterpoint podcast. In the second episode of this season, Satyashri Mohanty, dubbed "The Coach" at Vector Consulting Group, will be explaining one of the facets of Vector's Thinking Processes - Deep Causal Thinking. Satya provides an extremely simple example to first explain the Deep Causal Thinking approach and then describes its significance in conducting diagnostics for business situations. We encourage you to listen in and try to apply these concepts to your own environment.
Thanks to all our listeners for the phenomenal positive feedback that you gave us for Season 1 of the Counterpoint Podcast. We are now back with Season 2. Companies launch new products and services frequently with the intention of offering customers new experiences while increasing their own market share. Unfortunately, there is a big risk - no one can guarantee the success of a new product. In this episode of the Counterpoint Podcast, we will examine the mystery behind new product failures, identify the core conflict underlying them and discuss steps to enable the success of every new product or service you launch.
In the first part of this 2-episode series on software development, we discussed the challenges posed by both Waterfall and Agile (scrum) methodologies and why using these could lead to a loss in productivity. We had promised to come back with a new solution that can overcome these challenges and yield very high productivity jumps. So, in this episode, we have invited Anantha Keerti back to describe the new "Rapid Feature Flow Model" innovated by Vector. He discusses why adopting the model's 'flow principles' can help companies increase productivity by 70-90%, reduce rework by 50-80% and increase release frequency by 2-3 times. All this while creating a stress-free work environment for developers! Don't miss this one, especially if this affects your industry directly or even indirectly. Tune in!
'Meetings, meetings, everywhere, no value added!' Is this true for your organization too? Do you also have endless number of meetings every day? Do you also feel that you are just moving from one meeting to another without accomplishing anything or deciding on a concrete way forward? We know that a lot of you out there are tired of attending pointless meetings. So, in this episode we will discuss how to make your meetings more productive and which kind of meetings must be done away with totally. Tune in!
It is not uncommon for companies to have multiple improvement initiatives underway at the same time. But very often these projects are delayed or don’t deliver the results envisaged when they were initiated!  Vector has helped many companies undertake very successful transformation projects. So, in this 'less than ten minutes' episode Kiran Kothekar, Founding Director, shares a story of his meeting with the MD of an FMCG company, to ​illustrate why so many improvement initiatives fail and what leaders can do to get quantum improvements to happen in their organizations in the shortest possible time To understand more about why less is more when it comes to improvement projects read:
In this podcast we visit the challenges posed by Waterfall and Agile (scrum), the most popular methodologies for software development. While examining Agile, Anantha helps us question some of the assumptions behind few of its practices like - working with small ‘self-sufficient’ teams, keeping design and requirements fluid & use of standard sprint cycles. He describes how by understanding the wrong assumptions, and by exposing the generic conflict underlying all software development processes, a truly agile software development method can be evolved. Tune in! Read more about the generic conflict underlying all software development processes here:
Agri-equipment manufacturing companies tend to have a major challenge in managing operations since demand is significantly dependent on seasons, level of rainfall, festivals, etc. Mr.Antony Cherukara, discusses how by adopting a pull-based supply chain, companies can become flexible enough to adjust themselves to changing market demand in such a way that sales loss for the company can be prevented while simultaneously de-stressing operations both for​ themselves and their suppliers. Tune in! To find out more about how destress supply chains by buffering it from demand fluctuations please read:
In this episode of the Counterpoint Podcast, we bring into focus the challenges that the pandemic has caused on the already disrupted supply chains of pharma companies in India and across the world. Achal Pande first gives us an analogy from the way train networks function to explain the real challenge with pharma operations. This makes it super-easy to understand the core problem in this environment. He then discusses how all the challenges can be sustainably eliminated to improve lead time and increase output. This will enable companies to respond with agility to changes in demand. Tune in! For more details please visit:
In the last episode on Mystery Analysis, we set the groundwork for why and how to do an analysis that would help us reveal the causality behind our post-implementation results. We also touched upon two concepts or approaches that could be used for detecting the mystery. This episode goes into details of these methods and subsequent steps to be followed. Tune in! A useful article to read while trying to understand the nature of 'cause and effect' can be found here:
We are back with the Thinking Processes series. In the last episode of the series, we had promised to discuss about 'Mystery Analysis'. So, this episode elucidates the kind of analysis that is required to be done post-implementation of a change initiative if the results do not match expectations. If results are lower, then this analysis is needed to take necessary precautions in the future. It is also equally important to do the analysis if we get better than expected results. This will help replicate it in the future. Tune in to understand why we need Mystery Analysis and the best approach for such an analysis.
The fashion industry is known for its seasonality, for the seasons bring with it the need for change in the entire range of clothing. But for the clothing companies, this poses a big challenge, the challenge of huge inventories that are left behind with every switch of a season. Moreover, the inventories cannot be used in the subsequent year because of the fast-changing fashion trends. Hence, this poses a big concern for the entire industry and has been so for decades. But not anymore, we have with us today, two guests: Anindya Ray, Chief Sourcing Officer and CHRO, Arvind Fashions Limited and Sachin Jain, Senior Partner, Vector Consulting Group, and an expert at distribution and supply chain solutions. We discuss the reasons behind why seasonality is such a huge concern and how we can break free from this constraint and make the seasons irrelevant. Tune in!
It is important for effective control of organizational activities to establish clear accountability for desired outcomes. Hence, there is a practice of using KPIs or KRAs or a related term to define individual targets. But what if we claim that these individual targets do not achieve their intended purpose. In fact, they might often result in an organization being fraught with friction between teams, blame games, poor agility and rampant system tampering behaviour. Can any sense of control ostensibly brought in by assigning individual targets be a mere mirage? Let's hear what Satyashri Mohanty has to say on this topic and lets also ask him if he can suggest a better solution to drive outcomes in companies. Tune in! Read about a radically new approach to align people to the organizational goals here :
In the previous episode of this series, we discussed the challenges and probable pitfalls of implementing a pull distribution strategy as against a conventional push system. We left off the discussion at the end of the pilot phase. In this episode, we chart out the journey from the end of the pilot phase to the scale-up phase and look at how the nature of challenges change in this phase. We conclude by discussing how these can be tackled to ensure speed and effectiveness of this transformation journey. Tune in! Find out more about implementing the pull distribution system here:
Why is it that even though many companies realise that there is significant sales loss because they are not available in the huge number of small outlets, they still do not try for direct distribution of the full market? Is it really possible? Why is it that the industry conventionally uses weighted distribution & incremental growth and accepts incomplete distribution? Can using numeric distribution be a better and more progressive metric? Find answers to all these questions in this discussion with Puneet Kulraj. Tune in! For more information on how to achieve 100% direct distribution without increasing inventory visit:
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