Courage and Spice

Courage and Spice

Hello, guys and gals and non-binary pals! You are warmly invited to Courage + Spice: the podcast for humans with self-doubt. You can expect inspiring interviews with ace humans + evidence-based approaches for you to try. If self-doubt is holding you back personally, relationally, creatively or professionally, Courage + Spice is especially for you. <br/><br/><a href=""></a>

Women who do too much with Tamu Thomas

Tamu Thomas is a transformational somatic leadership coach, the eldest daughter of West African immigrants, a mother, a speaker, and now a published author!Tamu’s first book, Women Who Work Too Much, helps overachieving, overfunctioning women set boundaries, find joy, and flourish.This conversation was a balm, and I suspect fellow Gen X women in particular, will feel seen and understood. We are the generation that grew up being told we could have it all. Now, we find ourselves in our 40s and 50s—often our most creatively fulfilling years - doing too much during menopause while parenting teens and caring for parents and wondering why we are so bloody tired.In this conversation, we discuss natural (rather than toxic) productivity, radical rest, and why work (not overwork) can be a positive thing. This is such an important conversation for those of us who have blurred the boundaries between work, rest, and play (me, too!).Resources for you:Women Who Work Too Much by Tamu ThomasTamu on Instagram @tamu.thomasTamu on TikTok @tamu_thomas Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Your Future Self

Have you ever daydreamed about a different potential future for yourself? Perhaps your imagination offers you an entirely different job, country, or relationship?It might be that your life looks the same on the inside but feels entirely different to you.This might be a creative way to spend time on a drive or in a queue, and it could also point you towards an entirely new direction.In this episode of Courage and Spice, we are exploring this sometimes magical connection with Your Future Self. We explore:* How to connect to yourself years from now* How to use this envisioning exercise when we want to make a life change* When this exercise isn’t helpful* How to decode the breadcrumb trail your imagination offers.I also share a quite magical experience of connecting to my future self years before I even knew what it was, and how my vision was a giant metaphor for life now.If you have a feeling that something new wants to emerge in your life, this episode is for you!Please do share in the comments what your Future Self is up to ✨Resources for you:* Self-belief Journalling: make a cosy date with yourself and your journal to explore a topic designed to help you grow self-belief. Our next topic is intention!* Write a letter to your future self.* Wishcraft by Barbara Sher * Rethinking positive thinking: Inside the new science of motivation byGabriele Oettingen* Hal Hershfield in conversation with Scott Barry Kaufman: The Psychology Podcast Get full access to Courage & Spice at


A Portal through the Polycrisis with Sally Burns

If you love the idea of communal learning and connection, if you are looking for like-minded souls, if you have incomplete online courses on your laptop: listen in! I’m excited for you to get to know Sally Burns. We recorded this chat before ‘The US Situation’ - I guess we need to start calling it what it is - The Coup by tech billionaires. To know that Sally is thoughtfully building an alternative to everything they stand for, fills me hope. Sally is an e-learning expert and ecological thinker. Her work involves reimagining the ways we commune and learn online, away from algorithms and ads.She’s the Founder of The Portal Collective, an online space where people can gather to learn and grow in a meaningful community. The entire site and its ethos is so beautiful! It feels like wandering through a verdant garden.Sally also offers support for non-profits, coaches, and educators who want to host their work on a learning platform that is very far from big tech. I think this is a really exciting development for course creators!We discuss the importance of collaborative, co-created learning experiences that prioritize emotional safety and mutual care. We expand on the broader implications of community, collective action, and the role of imagination in creating a more connected and equitable world.This was such a hopeful and wildly nourishing chat.More resources for you:* The Portal Collective* If you are a Course Creator - check out the Portal.* Sally on Instagram* Combining by Nora Bateson* Love this? You might enjoy my conversation with Niki Wickes. Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Your Superpower for building Self-belief

Happy (lunar) New Year! It’s the first new moon of the year, which also marks the beginning of the Chinese and Tibetan year of the wood snake (nb: I just had a little look at this, and the wood snake symbolises the embodied wisdom of the Divine Feminine who knows her worth, lives close to the Earth and is at ease in moving within her body, which is always changing, shedding old skins for new growth. The wood snake is all about moving forward intuitively, quietly, intelligently and intentionally - I mean YES PLEASE).So, what cracking energy to begin this year’s podcast with!In this episode, I’m sharing the benefits of an incredibly effective practice for building self-belief: self-reflection. More specifically supported journalling.So, if you have never quite gotten into journaling, or perhaps you love the process of self-reflection but rarely move past documenting what’s happening and into catharsis or even changing beliefs, listen in!I share more about what makes a journalling practice so powerful, how to deepen your reflections and support yourself to process what’s happening, plus: my favourite questions to ponder.Mentioned in this episode:* Self-belief Journalling - quieten self-judgement and self-criticism, learn to hear the voice of your Healthy Adult Self, and build your self-belief with my new supported self-reflection practice!* The Coaching Well - communal reflective practice and supervisory support especially for coaches.* Let me create a podcast just for you! Email me with your questions or areas of interest for a podcast. And if you have a specific experience you would appreciate my take on, email it through - I will, of course, keep it anonymous if you prefer.* The post I wrote after my reflection practice following the inauguration.* My beloved astrologer, Phyllis (tell her we are connected!). Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Dressing from the inside out with Lizzie Parsons

How do you feel about what you wear? Shopping for clothes in our fast-fashion world, deciding what you like (colours, fabrics, makers), trying things on, and deciding what suits can all feel a bit like a minefield. It can be incredibly activating for our self-doubt. Lizzie Parsons runs The Distinctive Style Atelier and she is all about finding joy, confidence, and authenticity in your personal style - she has a really fun, human Instagram account that I recommend.At the time of our conversation I was preparing for a keynote and having a real moment of what the hell should I wear?!We had such a fun chat about how to find your personal style and allow your personality to shine through.If your self-doubt get’s in the way of what you choose to wear, this is a really uplifting conversation. Enjoy! Resources:Lizzie’s InstagramUncover your style personality - take the quiz!The Distinctive Atelier Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Five things to focus on for Coaching Success

I’ve spent a lot of this year thinking about the Coaching industry. It is undoubtedly going through a somewhat sticky phase of maturing - for some of us, this is a long-time-coming-reckoning.The increasing focus on ethics and having a scope of practice, being trauma-informed, calling out the training organisations that replicate unhealthy practices is all for the good - particularly when it comes to outcomes for our beloved clients.And if you are a coach, this shift in the industry can feel a little discombobulating, it can understanably bring up self-doubt. In this episode I share more about how I am showing up to support coaches, and specifically, what I think we need to focus on - what really matters for creating a sustainable, successful practice. If you are in coach training, or you’ve been a resident of Planet Coach for a while, this is for you!Mentioned in this Episode:2025 Ripen Coaches Circle Three OG Coaches Talking Shop Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Quiet Mind, Safe Body with Olivia Mendoza

IMHO, the best kind of humans can access deep joy and light because they have sat in their darkness and shadows. Olivia is exactly that! We talk about the path from anger, pain, shame and addiction to living from a quiet mind and safe body. Olivia shares how breathwork blew her heart open and invited her to follow what she calls ‘the yellow brick road home to myself’. Breathwork is such a mysterious and deceptively simple practice. Olivia describes how peaceful, soft, and undefended she feels, how she is able to lean into challenging experiences, in particular, grieving for her mother right now. It’s so lush to hear her describe this.Now, Olivia is a breathwork practitioner; she holds women's circles and the most divine retreats (on my bucket list for when we return to the UK).Listen in for the richest conversation about what self-love looks and feels like. What it means to let go of labels of ‘good and bad’, to feel our feelings, to build our capacity to be in the mess of life.I found our first date so healing, I just know you will love Olivia.Connect with Olivia:Website and Instagram.Self-belief School with Sas Get full access to Courage & Spice at


The five things that pretty much guarantee goal success

In my former life, I was in the business of corporate goals - we called these projects - and I was responsible for some of the biggest, hairiest, riskiest projects in the UK (that life is almost unfathomable to me now). #nowonderIdrankWe often had a team of physics grads who managed an enormous Gannt chart - the project plan. We talked about The Plan endlessly. It was forever being updated, changed, added to, and reported on.We worshipped that thing. I suspect that in the face of so many moving parts and dependencies, not to mention all the humans involved, the money involved - we were trying to hold on to some morsel of control. Of certainty. But the plan NEVER reflected reality! Because things take longer than we think, people get sick or change jobs; we meet unexpected hurdles. Decisions get made in basement rooms in Whitehall, and the whole thing changes. If there is one thing I learned, it’s that doing anything is bloody complicated.When I burned out for the third time because I was not made for that level of stress, became a coach working with humans with self-doubt, I found we experience the same challenges for personal goals, on a more manageable scale.Self-doubt is often a huge part of our personal goals - which makes so much sense - we are stepping into the unknown to bring something into existence. However, no mainstream approach to goals takes our humanity, or Self-doubt into account. Instead, we are told we must be consistent, have willpower, be disciplined, and be organised. We are told our doubts, fears and worries should be dismissed or ignored. Its like having an internalised personal trainer yelling at us the whole time.But after working with hundreds of humans over the years, I can tell you that none of that even matters. In this episode of the podcast, I share the five things that pretty much guarantee goal success. These qualities are woven into my Courage-based Goals coaching programme, which is currently open for enrolment!If you’ve been stopping and starting on something that matters to you - a habit change, a creative goal, a desire for some new way of being - listen in!In this episode:Courage-based Goals: a 50-day coaching programme specifically designed for humans with self-doubt. If you are procrastinating on your goal - come and join us lovely - there is a spot just for you. We start on the 22nd of October and there is an early-bird price available right now 🐦‍⬛ Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Belonging to Yourself with Nici Wickes

I’m so excited for you all to meet my newest friend: Nici Wickes. Cookbook author, beloved TV star, restaurant reviewer and food editor for various publications, Nici is a national treasure here in Aotearoa.We discuss the often undervalued experience of living alone. Nici speaks candidly about finding joy and fulfilment inside of a full midlife, living solo, and what she has learned about herself.Our conversation moves through Nici’s experiences during New Zealand's lockdowns when she kept herself and her followers company with cooking videos. This reveals the powerful impact social media can have in fostering community and connection. Her reflections on the importance of creating meaningful connections without following the well-worn script are filled with humour and heartfelt honesty.I know you are going to love Nici!Quoteable bits:"I look back now, and that was a big part of writing A Quiet Kitchen, which is, as you say, it's only a cookbook on the surface, to be honest, and the rest of is sort of memoiry, self-helpy. Because I wish I'd read a book when I was in my 30s and 40s about how you could happily have a life on your own."“I reckon it's a really good idea, if you're on your own and feeling lonely, to move to a small place. I really do. I took a swim this morning and then stopped at the coffee shop, had coffee with a few characters, and had a few chats. That was nice. I reckon it really works.”“I think the difference now for me is if you abandon me as a friend or a lover because you don't like what you're seeing, what I know now is I won't abandon me. I've now got my own back and I'm still learning about that. And it's that beautiful liberation of going: I can be imperfect now.”Mentioned in this episode:Nici on Instagram | WebsiteA Quiet KitchenMore from A Quiet Kitchen Get full access to Courage & Spice at


After the Life Quake

It’s a delight to be back in your earholes after quite a long break since the last episode - SasIf you are experiencing a major change in your life, you’ll know what I mean by a Life Quake. These experiences shake up our foundations of who we know ourselves to be; we can feel quite unmoored and at sea.  This episode is especially for you if you are going through this kind of change right now, if you know you are entering a period of change or maybe coming out of one.I thought it would be helpful to delve into this process and maybe what to expect. It can be a huge relief to discover that there does tend to be an overall pattern to these periods, especially when you are experiencing a lot of uncertainty and/or chaos.I’m also sharing a bit of behind-the-scenes from my own Life Quake over the last nine months, what happened, and how I’m making sense of things now.My hope is that this episode helps you feel less alone. Quoteable bits:"It might be our first rodeo, but it won't be our last. We do keep changing and growing. We're always becoming, if we're lucky.""There is the sense of being able to really see the love and the light of each person. Even those people who are behaving in ways that I find objectionable - I worry about the distance they've travelled to leave their humanity behind. What has happened to them for them to think this is okay?""When that kind of grieving and shock begins to subside, we start to imagine sometimes quite big and wild options. Now that we're no longer that, what will we choose to become?"Mentioned in this episode:New glowed-up website!Everything pageLianne Raymond (who shared the dragonfly analogy)Sammie Flemming Get full access to Courage & Spice at


How to be Joyful with Karen Arthur

My brilliant guest today is Karen Arthur, menopause activist, campaigner, and host of the podcast Menopause whilst Black. She is also a teacher, a fashionista, and a grandmother, and does all of this with unrelnting wholehearted joy.Karen joins us to talk about the balance of feeling joy amidst increasingly troubling world news, embracing the aging process, and putting your energy toward meaningful change, note to mention a whole range of goodness about how we connect ourselves to the world.You can find out mroe about Karen at“Instagram is my weapon of choice. And I don’t mind being visible as long as I’m visible on my own terms.”“It all goes back to not doing something just because everybody else is doing it, but doing it because it feels right.”“I’m loving the collective resistance that I'm seeing happening around the world, whether it's walking out of the Senate, schools, turning up for marches, speaking out, having vigils. It's incredible.” Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Welcome to the new world

Welcome to a new season of Courage & Spice, and to the Age of Aquarius! For those less astrologically inclined, this means that 2024 has arrived with a big sense of newness – new ideas, new adventures, new opportunities, it’s all on the way.  With just a few weeks before I officially move from our home in Bristol to Aotearoa, New Zealand, I’m experiencing fresh starts left and right. Tune in for some transformative life updates, plus a brand new freebie and news from the world of Self-belief School! Want to get unstick and into ACTION? Sign up for the Ultimate Procrastination Interrupter here: Interested in joining the next round of SBCA? You can find all the information here: QUOTES“When no one else is watching, how do we take care of ourselves?”“Aquarius is all about speeding up innovation and new ideas… and my god do we need that! We need really smart-brained people to come up with solutions to these complex problems that we're all living with.” Get full access to Courage & Spice at


How to let go of the risk of failure (part 2)

This week, we’re taking a closer look at how to approach the fear of failure so that you can let go of it for good. The threat of failure brings up a lot of very real worries and feelings, which are completely valid. Failure is so wrapped up in our sense of self, what we’re capable of, and our hopes for the future… no wonder we put so much effort into avoiding it.In this episode, I share the experiences that taught me to recontextualize goals in terms of ideas, commitment, and decisions. Practice this and you will never fail again! QUOTES “Just notice: what are you committed to? Where do you feel that in your body? What are you willing to keep doing until?  And then there is no way you can fail.”“It takes time to really sink into commitment. Every single time you keep a promise to yourself, you're edging closer to sinking into the commitment feeling.”“It's worth reflecting on your reasoning. Do you love the reason that you've decided to not take an idea into the next stage?” Get full access to Courage & Spice at


How to let go of the risk of failure (part 1)

Are you afraid of failure? You are definitely not alone. The fear of failure is such a big reason for self-doubt to show up. To complicate it even more, we define failure in so many ways, from not making the cut, to guilt around something unfulfilled, all the way to something simply not going your way.This is a bit of a personal one for me as I’ve been diagnosed with ‘heart failure’ I’ve been playing with my relationship to failure for the last few months. I want to share my learnings for how I've made some deep peace with this. Tune in for the first of two special episodes. QUOTES“We make failure mean that something is bad or wrong with us, usually because we've been told that. We've been told that failure is a form of humiliation. Of course we would avoid it at all costs if we don't believe we can tolerate it.”“We forget that because we've failed in the past, we have so much more information. We're experienced, more understanding, older and wiser and more resourced.” Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Tending to wealth with Megan DeBoer

Is you self-doubt tied up in your relationship with money? This week, I'm joined by the Founder of Tended Wealth, Megan DeBoer.Megan defines wealth as a state of plenty in relationships, health, community, our environment, and of course our finances. Tune in for a rich discussion on the familial and cultural lineage of money, how we frame our relationship with money based on this history, and what we can do to create new, revolutionary narratives around how we build wealth and what we put it toward. You can find more about Megan at the end of February 2024, listeners can use this code for 15% off either of Megan's THRIVE or EXPAND courses: COURAGEANDSPICE REFERENCEDThe Soul of Money by Lynne TwistSacred Economics by Charles EisensteinQUOTES“The lived history of your grandparents, your parents, what they had to do to survive and the narratives that formed… all of it makes so much sense in the context of where you find yourself in this moment.” “If we all share these kinds of stories around our worthiness and our need to work really hard, there's something about that that can be really healing. That sense of ‘I'm not in this alone’ can feel a bit like we're sharing the load.” “There is cultural and societal status attached to that form of wealth. And so it's radical reclamation of what it is, to see wealth that we create around us and our own bodies, to include in that our communities and the financial health of the people in our communities.” Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Five reasons biz feels hard (before you set your biz on fire: listen in!)

Business ownership can be the most rewarding way to express who you are – you get to do meaningful work, live your values, and create beautiful things or offer helpful services. At the same time, it can be an epic self-development quest that you probably didn't even realise you were signing up for (I certainly didn’t). There’s no way to create a business that is risk-free, which means that self-doubt is often waiting around every corner. Listen in for five reasons why business can feel so freakin' hard, and what you can do about it!If you’re looking for support as a business owner, Bravehearts is a new programme inside of Self-belief School, specifically for business owners. This is low/no content - just coaching and co-working to support you to complete a business goal before Christmas!We start 6th November. Get access by signing up to Self-belief School right here: ‘We think we're just showing up and selling our beautiful work and getting to create a meaningful job for ourselves. But actually, you are going against everything you've been told will keep you safe.’‘As kids we heard, “do what you're told”. And as adults, we're looking to know the invisible rules of how to be an adult. We end up crowdsourcing our decision-making. And this is because we just aren't shown… how to trust our inner knowing’‘People are going to unfollow, unsubscribe, disagree with you. These are all just everyday, neutral choices that people make. If we have untended attachment needs, we can make any of these things mean that we are being rejected.’ Get full access to Courage & Spice at


How to cultivate a healthy body image with Prof. Phillippa Diedrichs

This episode kicks off an occasional Courage & Spice series on body image, with my brilliant guest and dear friend Professor Phillippa Diedrichs!Phil is a research psychologist at the Centre for Appearance Research in Bristol, as well as the founder of Everybody Consulting, an academic led consultancy working with global brands to drive social change and improve wellbeing. Tune in for Phil’s expert perspective on what forms our (often complex) relationship with our own bodies, and the ways we can react to and challenge the effects of the media, capitalism, and societal pressures on our self-perception. You can find out more about Phil at: IG @phillippa.diedrichs REFERENCESGender Magic by Rae McDanielQUOTES“We are judged in terms of how attractive we are, how likable we are, how funny, how smart, how healthy. These are the judgments people make all the time about other people based on how they look, so our appearance to others becomes really important.” “One of the things that we love as human beings in nature is the diversity. There's so many wonderful combinations of shapes and colours and textures. Imagine if there was only one kind of flower, one colour, one shape. Why do we then try and limit ourselves to that?”   Get full access to Courage & Spice at


The real reason you are waiting to feel ready (plus: Big News!)

One of the biggest ways that self-doubt holds us back is by telling us that we aren’t ready. This shows up differently depending on your specific situation. Maybe you’re an artist waiting to feel ready to share your work with an audience, or a writer waiting to contact agents. A coach waiting to perfect your offer before putting it out into the world… even a parent waiting until the kids are older to pursue your dreams. No matter what your situation, I’ve found that we’re never really waiting to feel ready; we’re waiting to feel safe. Listen in for tips on how to stop the waiting game from holding you back... BIG news from the world of Self-belief School! I’d love to invite you to my free workshop, Why am I so mean to me?, which will show you how to speak to yourself with compassion, encouragement and respect. The workshop will take place on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at 8 pm UK time. All you have to do is register here: Self-belief School is also getting a very exciting update, and will soon be available for you to join at any time! No more waiting for enrolment to open… and certainly no more waiting to be 'ready’ 😁 These changes will be launching next month in October, so be sure to join the waitlist to be the first to hear when you can sign up: Get full access to Courage & Spice at


Two questions to ask yourself when everything is uncertain

Welcome back to Courage and Spice! As 2023 continues, today I'm sharing with you a compassionate and deceptively simple self-reflection process that has gotten me through uncertain times recently. Listen in for these two questions that you can use to support yourself when the future doesn’t seem so clear. QUOTES“Adulting has real periods of strain. And often there is no neat solution… we have to keep going. There's no destination. I'm unlikely to get to a time where there aren't pressures or some kind of constraint. I need to figure out a way to support myself in this.”“When the world or our lives feel really complex and uncertain and big, it's almost like we need to meet that with a big solution. But actually, I found that the simpler the solution, the more likely we are to do it.” Get full access to Courage & Spice at


2023: This is not what I ordered

Believe it or not, we’re about half-way through the mystery magical adventure that has been 2023! Before we go on a podcast hiatus for the summer, I wanted to share the unexpected and twisty journey that this year has been with you. In January, if you asked me to imagine where my mind, heart, and even my body would be in July, I would never have come up with where I am now. A lot of this started with a trip back to my home and family in New Zealand, which evolved my relationship with the past and opened a new sense of possibility for the future. Tune in for more on where this has led! And if you’re interested in feeling more at home in your body, The Embodyment Workshop, is coming to you live in November:  QUOTES “I’m feeling a mix of grief and loss of leaving here and the people that I deeply care about, and also real excitement and trepidation about taking my business into a whole new place.” “There’s something about seeing through the haze and the fog of all those worries, doubts, and fears, to actually the truth of right now, in your heart.” “I’ve been thinking about all the places that I could belong that I maybe haven't allowed myself to, or that I've tried to protect myself from because of some anticipated risk that people won't like me if I go there.” Get full access to Courage & Spice at

I completely get this concept; I have a disease that essentially shuts down my digestive system.  Since this, obviously, causes weight loss to the extreme  that seems to invalidate my being "ill".  I can be laying in a hospital bed with ivs in, feeling so very sick and frightened, but I "look so good" so it can't be bad.
   But it absolutely is bad.

Cherise Nunez

I completely get this concept; I have a disease that essentially shuts down my digestive system. Since this, obviously, causes weight loss to the extreme that seems to invalidate my being "ill". I can be laying in a hospital bed with ivs in, feeling so very sick and frightened, but I "look so good" so it can't be bad. But it absolutely is bad.

06-08 Reply
Just started listening to you and love your interviews and the topics you present in your podcast! Love it!!! Keep up the great work!!

Christiann Walls

Just started listening to you and love your interviews and the topics you present in your podcast! Love it!!! Keep up the great work!!

06-21 Reply

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