Covenant Podcast

Theological Content from a 1689 Baptist Perspective

Child Rearing to the Glory of God with George McDearmon

Dewey Dovel interviews George McDearmon in this conversation on "Child Rearing to the Glory of God." For more information visit:


"Don't Waste Your Breath" with Brian Borgman

In this episode of the Covenant Podcast, Austin McCormick and Dewey Dovel interview Brian Borgman on his book "Don't Waste Your Breath: Ecclesiastes and the Joy of a Fleeting Life." Paul Washer said of this book, "I will never look at the book of Ecclesiastes the same way again." Here is a brief description of the book: "Your life is a mere breath. This reality can be difficult for us to live by. The book of Ecclesiastes takes us on a journey to show us that although this life is a vapor, it is still a gift from God meant to be enjoyed. Instead of giving a pessimistic look at life under the sun, Ecclesiastes shows us how to glorify God in this fleeting life by enjoying the ordinary, good gifts God bestows." You can order your copy here: For more information about Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, visit


God's glory in Creation with Jeff Williams

In this episode of the Covenant Podcast, Pastor Dewey Dovel interviews former NASA employee Jeff Williams.   "Williams was selected for the NASA Astronaut Class of 1996. In addition to his space flights, he has performed various technical duties in both the space shuttle and International Space Station Programs. He has served in the Extravehicular Activity (EVA), Space Station, and Soyuz Branches of the Astronaut Office, led the development of a space shuttle cockpit upgrade, and completed temporary assignments at Marshall Space Flight Center supporting the test and evaluation of the ISS U.S. Laboratory Module and at NASA Headquarters in support of legislative affairs. In July 2002, Williams commanded a nine-day coral reef expedition operating from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Aquarius undersea habitat off the coast of Florida. Williams has also served on the ISS backup flight crews for Expeditions 12, 19, 20, as well as the backup for the one-year flight spanning Expeditions 43 through 46. Williams has logged more than 534 days in space, including nearly 32 hours in five spacewalks."   For more information visit:


Textual Criticism with Timothy Decker

In this episode of the Covenant Podcast, Austin McCormick and Dewey Dovel interview Timothy Decker on Textual Criticism. They discuss the importance of textual criticism for pastors, different methodologies, and the necessity of this discipline.   If you're interested in registering for or auditing the class referenced in this conversation, you can click here:


The Neurological Healings of Jesus with Dr. Richard Dewey Jr.

Richard B. Dewey, Jr., MD is a neurologist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease, but more importantly, he is a believer in Jesus Christ, the eternally-existing Son of God who gave Himself a ransom for many.   Dr. Dewey was saved as a young child being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord by faithful, believing parents. Throughout his youth he was taught the Word in a series of Bible churches, and in high school, he began leading small group Bible studies in homes and later in college dorms. During his college years he discovered the tape ministry of John MacArthur and began listening to as many tapes of his sermons that he could get his hands on. Shortly after moving to Dallas, he joined Countryside Bible Church which was later (and is now currently) pastored by Tom Pennington, a former associate pastor at Grace Community Church in California. In 2007 Dr. Dewey was asked by Countryside’s leadership to develop a home fellowship Bible study program. In connection with this ministry, he wrote study questions covering 14 books of the Bible which were used by the church as the home fellowship curriculum. In 2016 he was asked to serve as an elder at Countryside, and later that same year he began serving as a member of the board of directors of the Master’s University and Seminary. He retired from the Master’s board in 2021 and moved to Florida in 2022 where he is now attending a like-minded church that seeks to glorify Christ in all that it does.   For more information visit:


Theological Mentors with Sam Waldron

In this mini-episode of the Covenant Podcast, Austin McCormick asks Dr. Sam Waldron to provide some books that have been helpful to his 45-year ministry. Additionally, Austin asked Dr. Waldron about the usefulness of having "Dead Theological Mentors."   For more information visit:


Five Distinguishing Marks of a Reformed Baptist

In this conversation, Pastor Austin McCormick interviews Pastor Dewey Dovel to discuss "Five Distinguish Marks of a Reformed Baptist." Dewey explains that Reformed Baptists are Catholic, Calvinistic, Confessional, Covenantal, and Credo-Baptist. For more information visit:


Gill Group #3 - The Cause of God and Truth, Pt.1

Gill Group #3 - The Cause of God and Truth, Pt.1 | Covenant Podcast In this conversation, Pastors Austin McCormick, Dewey Dovel, and Ken Glisch discuss various sections of Part 1 of John Gill's "The Cause of God and Truth." This work defends the doctrines of grace, i.e., Calvinism. For more information, visit:


The Virtual Public Square for Reformed Baptists with Jim Savastio

In this conversation, Austin McCormick and Dewey Dovel speak with Jim Savastio about the Virtual Public Square. More specifically, we talk about how Reformed Baptists can use the mediums in our day to produce edifying content.   For more information visit:


Expositor's Institute with Justin Miller

In this episode, Dewey Dovel and Austin McCormick speak with Dr. Justin Miller, Pastor of FBC Puxico (MO), about the Expositor's Institute   For more information visit:


A Survey of John Gill by Dewey Dovel

In this episode of the Covenant Podcast, we play a Sunday School lecture that Dewey Dovel presented to his congregation, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church in SeaTac (WA).   For more information visit:


A Christian Apologetic against Mormonism with Bradley Campbell

In this conversation, we discuss a Christian Apologetic against Mormonism with Bradley Campbell. Bradley is a part of the God Loves Mormons team, and leads both the Youth and Young Adult groups at The Mission Church. The GLM YouTube Channel is designed to provide helpful and thought-provoking content for Mormons who are trying to better understand the Christian faith, and for Christians who are wanting to lovingly engage their Latter-day Saint neighbors and friends. For more information visit:


A Revolutionary Reading of Romans 13 with Timothy Decker

"It is always gratifying to see increased exegetical clarity with regard to an important passage of Scripture. It is especially gratifying when that clarity provides timely, practical guidance to the believer. Such clarity and practicality are the blessed results of Tim Decker's study on Romans 13. I have been convinced for many years of his exegetical approach to and understanding of Romans 13 and have defended it in my Political Revolution in the Reformed Tradition: An Historical and Biblical Critique. Recent events in the church and society have only emphasized both the doctrinal and practical necessity of this understanding of Romans 13. May God give this book great influence." -Dr. Sam Waldron For more information visit:


Preaching through Proverbs

In this conversation, Dewey Dovel interviews Jimmy Johnson and Austin McCormick on "Preaching through Proverbs." Jimmy and Austin discuss some different approaches to preaching through this book, some useful reasons to do so, and some Christologically rich passages. For more information, visit


Reformed Forum with Camden Bucey

In this episode, Dewey Dovel and Jimmy Johnson discuss the history of the Reformed Forum with Dr. Camden Bucey. For more information visit:


Puritanism with Joel Beeke

In this conversation, Austin McCormick, Jimmy Johnson, and Dewey Dovel interview Dr. Joel Beeke on Puritanism.   Dr. Beeke lists some of his favorite Puritans and describes how he became interested in the Puritans.   For more information visit:


Inaugurated Eschatology with Joel Beeke

In this episode, Austin McCormick, Jimmy Johnson and Dewey Dovel discussed Inaugurated Eschatology with Dr. Joel Beeke. Dr. Beeke describes why he prefers the name "Inaugurated Eschatology" over "Amillennialism," then recaps his conference sessions from CovCon24. For more information visit:  


A Theology of Biblical Counseling with Heath Lambert

"Since the beginning of the biblical counseling movement in 1970, biblical counselors have argued that counseling is a ministry of the Word, just like preaching or missions. As a ministry, counseling must be defined according to sound biblical theology rather than secular principles of psychology." Pick up a copy of the book here: For more information visit:  


A forgotten predecessor of Calvin in Geneva with Rexford Semrad

Check out these previous episodes with Rexford Semread to learn more about John Calvin: 1. Lessons from John Calvin with Rexford Semrad: 2. Calvin, Servetus, and the Libertines with Rexford Semrad: For more information visit:  


Gill Group #2 - Gill's Commentary of Song of Solomon

In this second episode of #GillGroup Austin McCormick, Dewey Dovel, Jimmy Johnson, and Ken Glisch discuss John Gill's Commentary on the Song of Solomon, with emphasis on his Christological interpretive approach to this book. In our first ever #GillGroup we discussed the importance of Gill and why were doing these episodes on his life, ministry, and theology. If you missed that conversation, you can catch it here:  


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