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Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Author: Cowboy Wisdom Radio

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Cowboy Wisdom Radio is about expanding your wisdom promoting and energizing wealth and success in people to experience their desired life.
604 Episodes
Join me with guest Robert Wilson talking about how to stop overthinking and expand your inspirational innovation and thus facilitate your desired life. Robert is a hypnotherapist, radio show host and published author. He is also the owner and operator of Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises offering: Dreams Freedom Dream Sculpting, Walk of Wisdom Webinars and Seminars,  Neuro Linguistic Programming and Neuro Linguistic Innovation.  Robert's website:
My Wisdom Breathes

My Wisdom Breathes


My Wisdom Breathes 2 Robert A. Wilson Wisdom Energizing Fun Read My Wisdom Breathes out loud without trying to know what you’re reading to allow yourself the freedom to go on a journey of imaginative inlightenmint That opens your adventurer’s eyesto having fun My Wisdom Breathes is written in first person minimal punctuation Politically incorrect and grammatically improper and is written to discharge and soar you out of your past to experience your nunow My Wisdom Breathes is a book written to be carried with you wherever you go and when you are experiencing a bad day you can open My Wisdom Breathes to any page and expand out of your bad Day to expand of optimistic foresight to feel a better way to experience your day as I wrote My Wisdom Breathes to show people the way I expanded my life to open your heart and soul to your trailblazer talents View My Wisdom Breathes
I now understand relish and embellish the power wisdom inspiration and sassy tenacity of saying NO as I now realize and admire the power of NO is never reply to any why questions or any question after saying NO as I awakened to understand and esteem I can never say NO… To the outside world until I can say NO to my bad habits poor behaviors and everything desire to have gone from my life as I awoke to this nowborn bravura this sunrise wise morning I was out and about my mind wanted to do something then my nowbirthed spunk stoutheartedly said NO… Then my inner saboteur said Why then my numen nerve forthrightly and fiercely said stop to my inner treasonist that always trys to talk me out of desire and into what I was dissolving and walked head down drowning in my NO as now I opened my hellraiser hutzpah to understand before… I can say NO in my physical world I have to encompass gut gall to say NO to myself and follow it because I rouse this morning with hellion rebellion within me to understand and esteem when I say NO it’s bold NO telling the other party to just go away and play anywhere but here… To stand in the power wisdom and confidence of my NO its NO because NO is stand alone word with sword of sapience cutting off any questions from somebody or anybody that lacks the wisdom courage and power of NO is NO Whens somebody asks why or any other question… The forthright response is NO is I realize and value NO is the only stand alone word I ever express because NO requires zero explanation reason or anything so now I understand and admire to say NO to what I never want in the physical world I say NO to my unwanted rat a tat crap that I used to talk…
Enterprized My Negativity I awakened to masterfully understand and esteem my negativity is raw revolutionary animated wisdom showing me my locks and blocks from yesterday opening my wise eyes and gladiator ears to embolden audacious rebellious sassy tenacity… That illuminated and eradicated my delusional illusional dark negativity with illuminated imagination wisdom inspiration lionhearted love unleashing my warrior lore to query my negativity to its roots causes of my dark negativity to discover the roots of negativity began… With my ancestors and progressed forward till today so now I grasp and value my negativity hurt feelings and painful emotions were/are self-ingrained through my self-taught perception’s conceptions and interpretations of life experiences that became behaviors… Patterns habits beliefs viewpoints hopes thinking knowing and memories so everything I think and know comes from memories that are self-taught self-ingrained and used to live experiences today as I shout to the world today we liberate ourselves from ancestral patterns… As I now understand and value my negativity as my Natural Nowbirthed Enterprising Gumption Aggrandizing (to widen in scope; increase in size or intensity; enlarge; extend.) Trendsetter Ingenious Visionary Intuition Tantalizing Yazzadazzling Daredevilry…
Cowboyw Wisdom with Rob Wilson  I awakened internally to be nowconnected to my highest self I now realized and admitted today I taught myself to struggle & rage inner turmoil because I saw the outside world do that along with my parents so today I now understand and admire life occurs for me to optimize canny celebration unleashing rebellious savvy to expand of my nowconnected... To my fun of the sun leisure as I bask of bountiful bliss kiss my life of financial freedom feeling splendorous fulfillmint as my sweet core celebrations awaken me to love my life with laughter imagination feeling energized and wise now and forever more I soar...
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


Born in Germany, Daisy began her journey with artistic expression at an early age. She studied art and music (as a combined form of expression) in Germany but pursued her work and education further when she moved to Hungary to fulfill her goal of learning the traditions and culture of her father's heritage.  The genesis of Daisy's style stems from personal tragedy that she has managed to channel through creative expressionism. Having lost her whole family in accidents, the last words uttered to her by her mother days before she passed were “Eines Tages hänge ich die Firma an den Nagel” (one of these days I will hang my gloves).  Daisy's visualization of a nail with her mother's history hanging on it, was the driving force behind her passion for working with nails. The iconic representation of a nail as strength and support was thereafter turned into a vehicle through which to express ideas and feelings.  Daisy's work has been exhibited during prestigious shows such as Art Palm Beach, Art Basel Miami, numerous private exhibits in Europe, and many of her pieces currently hang in galleries throughout the United States.
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I now realize what I resist exists in my thinking mind binding me into whatever I am resisting because I keep insisting I’m right and everybody else is wrong… As I sing my songs of surrender opening my vanguard vigor to understand and respect my path to my promised land is to quit being a twit thinking… I was a tuff guy that was my stigmatism of internal sabotage moping through life with chip of dip shit on my shoulder thinking my life was living hell… All stopped now because I stopped resisting opens my champion campaigner gall to admit all the pain I encounter in my life is because I resisted listening… To the wisdom of the invisible distrusting my abilities trying to stay safe and never get hurt by anything was my snobbish saboteur locking me in my paucity…  Prison kept me weeping in wimpy worthlessness was dissolved because I conceded I was in competition with the herd of harassing hermits passed… Away today as I stroll on my roads of robust riches never bitching about anything optimizing my gut gall to sashay thru darkness shining my light… Of lore optimizing my luminous omnific resolve electrifying my light of life to thrive all phases of my life now naturally experiencing my life sensing… My savvy visionary vitality realizing I am billionaire brilliant letting go of telling you so clears the way for me express I showed you so experiencing my life of leisure… Because I listened to the invisible trusting my abilities telling society good bye as I fly away today and everyday in every way now and forever more… I mature of revolutionary energies feeling free..
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I now understand and admire the wisdom of allowing life in the dynamic good bad or indifferent tearing down all boundaries liberating me from competition therefore I soar through whatever the event is… By feeling and hearing inspirational smooth oozing omnificence flow through my artistic arteries that opens my new internal forces invigorating canny enterprising nuances expanding my life out of… My boundaries of negativity liberating my life with love instigating freedom energizing my spiritual gall understand my human fears everything as my spirit stands tall through situations by breathing… In bold brilliant acuity breathing out doubt instantly trusting my hustling brainpower introducing my bustling brainprowess to my day to day escapades sanctioned me to escape the panic trauma and… Drama of my life opening my poise prowess and perspicacity audacity to allowing me mature enduring courage and confidence to stroll through my life hearing spiritual savvy entrusting…  My invisible tour de force feeling omniscient resolve canonizing effrontery daredevilry decreeing my spirit understand my path of expansionism of imaginative spiritual maturity opening… My inner eyes to grasping I am a visible spirit dissolving my ancestral warmongering malice that iced over my spirit because I taught myself to think from memory of my embedded whatever…  Passed away today clearing the way for me understand I allowed and allow all facets of my life in to respond of fond farseeing omnipotent numen discernment to escalate my innate talents to dissolve…  My self taught anger opening calm cool candor internally to understand the underlying lore of the my life situations with enterprising infatuation to escalate my innate potentate prowess that wows me…
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I conceded to understand my habits control my situations without me grasping my habitual haunts jump out whenever…  Situations occur beyond my comfort zone because I now realize my experiences occur to ripen my maturity trusting my sovereign savvy… To escalate my innate innovative talents to hear my invisible wisdom see the  moneyed up accomplished outcomes as I show my valorous gall to sassily stroll…  Through my life events with enthralling clarity that allows me to listen with liberating intuitive sassy tenacity expanding numen…  Swagger sanctions me to never be a bragger with a stumbling stagger of asinine arrogance because I now realize and admit…  Arrogance is selfish sabotage because arrogance thinks whatever they do is good yet when somebody else does the same thing… Arrogant people try to shame and ridicule the other person as I understand and get arrogance was my innermost idiocies that passed away today because… I cleared my inner scenery to sense clear efficacy naturally energizing revolutionary yazzapanache shows me myself and I my spry alive wizardry frees… My core candor to instantly express my invincible inspirations that dissolve my arrogance opening my quick wit to welcome innovative temerity to marry… My dreams with my daily life lionizing infinite financial ecstasy because I dispersed my asinine arrogance trusting my canny confidence that glides me…  Through life with the greatest ease understand my dreams are effortless as I eavesdrop on my intestinal intuition feeling my farseeing wit engages… My vibrant vigor to execute my spiritual experiences that open the way for my heaven on earth extravaganzas because I now realize and respect my life is… Classily celebrated through my day to day escapades that show me myself and I new waves of wisdom to expand of
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I awakened to this question… How do people that want power positions feel powerless internally? I now realize people that have to have boss positions feel inadequate internally and they lack innovative… Ability to get the job done I now admit whenever I around people that have to have boss type positions… Feel inferior in talent and afraid their abilities will stop them from be notice to advance to where they want to go… As I now realize and get people that are power hungry feed their dictator tendencies yet depending on others to accomplish…  Everything because power mongers have to create uncertainty in others and thinking they had control over others showcasing… Their snobbish thuggery because power mongers think they are special smarter and deserve more than others smothering selfish…  Malice because those that have to have power over others ignorantly think as those who feel their confidence lead with…  Lionhearted enthusiasm appreciating day to day encounters understanding all people are equal and all people are… Participants and facilitators to experience the desired accomplished outcomes because power mongers crave credit at the expense of others as I now grasp and concede power mongers have inferiority complexes...
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I asked me… How is history a failure that me and you are afraid to admit and understand never stops happening? I now realize and admit history and the events of history is what we live today because… Turmoil and struggle is the comfort zone for me you and all the world so I instantly shucked my misery of history freed my frontiersman resolve to evolve to harken my enterprising wizardry realizing and admiring… My newfound insight that I taught myself everything mimicking my circle of influence trying to fit in with the in crowd and hearing everything outside sources wanted me to know bestowing me in my self inflicted ick … Because I embedded the dreads of history instead of understanding and utilizing the wisdom of  the now grasping life is a present moment gift of glorious intuitive foresight tantalizing my innovative acuity to feel.. M farseeing endeavoring energy lionizing the wisdom intuition and exposing my innovative talents to me unleashing my trendsetter warrior as I grasp and concede history is wrote about the struggles of mankind … Through snobbish warmongering leadership because world turmoil is big business for the powers to be instantly frees me to understand arrogant tyranny has controlled the world through since the beginning of time…  Unwinds my seafaring sapience to understand me and all people are embedded with a follow the herd mindset that winds my mind in yesteryears sneers that binds me into thinking and living from what we learned and…  Taught myself from yesterdays displays good bad or indifferent never hearing the harp music of mystical utopian savvy initiating clever canny inspirations that expand me out of history to expand of my celestial…  Celebrations feeling my jubilees of  free as I asked me… How come the powers to be keep putting arrogant war mongering tyrants in power?
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I feel todays trendsetter grit get and go grab a the mane of my mustang of life swinging aboard to ride my mountains of majestic maturity sail my oceans of omnificence surf… My seas of splendor witness my endless flow of pristine peace treasuring luxurious love hellacious health windfalls of wealth and my endless streams of money flow because… I now realize I am blessed with bright light energizing sassy sovereignty energizes my day to day parades of serene peace and lush prosperity because I opened my eyes of wise…  Cleared my seers ears to understand my gifts of life are within me myself and I as now understand life lights of trails of triumph by fogging up… My life with turmoil torment and arrogant ignorant people to show me my dark side that chides me into hiding inside my cloned zone controlled by others smothered in being told…  What to do by others because I now admit and get me and people of the world have been told what to do for so long people are afraid to trust their dreamers abilities… As I now grasp and get societal system is rigged to keep us thinking the silent powers to be have the answers and solutions for me and all people to live is the lie we all have…  Believed since the beginning time because we taught ourselves through other to never hear see or trust our spiritual prowess that wows me… Myself and I into understanding feeling and trusting my intuitive powers innovative dexterity and wily wisdom to expand rather than know because to know is to live… In memory and what other people think I should know to expand is to listen with my entrepreneurial eyes see with enterprising ears to understand the grandeur of life is…  In the experiences of life lionized internal flame embellishing and relishing my hell raisers resolve to evolve of enterprising visionary omnificence
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I unflinchingly dance with the will of my dreams that unlock my cocky candor to surrendering my egotistical arrogance… To the fires of hell burning out all my snobbish sabotaging selfishness to instantly pellmell my pacesetter poise feeling my detached dexterity… That swiftly cleared my seer eyes to see my trails of triumph hearing my dreams daredevilry revolutionizing entertainers audacity mystically…  Stimulating my dreamers willpower daringly realizing everyday announces magnificent energized rich splendor for me to experience…  Authorizes my soul to beam my spunky grin of Iwon internal because I now embellish admire and respect my day to day life invigorates… My sassy fancy feats feisty enthusiastic adventurous trailblazer savvy that rumbas rebellious utopian moxie brilliantly aggrandizing serendipitous…  Bliss excites my innermost gumption to unleash my warrior omnipotence to now audaciously dawning rich enterprising audacity maturing sassy sapience… That quickly cleansed my cobwebs of dread that threaded thru me because I tried to walk the paths of least resistance that kept me swirling in mundane mockery…  Within me myself and I as my spry wizardry lights up my lavish luxury to shine from me to the world as I now understand concede and admire my dreams are… My lavish luxury my will is my thrill seeking warrior to grasp to dream is to be health and wealthy now and forever more majestically optimizing riche everyday…
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I feel my valiant playability showcase my visionary versatility that vigorously turns on my mobilewise willpower that energizes my geysers of genuine enterprising…  yazzapanache scintillates effrontery emotions rousing sassy tenacity to realize revere my life events are to expand my wily agility To hear my gut…  gumption fry my fears terminate my inner sarcasm about me lacking anything was my induced scare tactic to stay mimicking mundane thinking… My inane ineptness left my nest today To never ever stymie my life again as I now begin boldly expanding glorious internal… nerve to instantly unleash crisp canny abilities animated acute to ascend from my inner hell feeling my  hell raisers heroism energize my core warrior…  to rise above The fray never falling prey to my life closet chaos instantly energizes  embossing brilliance to shine… My sunlit wit into my most innermost crevasses where my nullifying horror stories lurk turning me into know it… All jerk because I taught myself to react in cranky crass because I thought my raised voice made people afraid of me was a lie i… told me myself and I because a loud voice is a panicked fanatic fool i put forth as I now realize my mobilewise willpower listens and shows… my classy confidence showcases my valiant playability to sanctions to never be in control of any situation rather is shines my divine daredevilry… to facilitate and participate with a clear vision enterprising emotions and listening heart to harmonize my healthiest wealthiest outcomes for all…  involved in my day to day extravangzas as I present my core jubilees of freedom to the world
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I now realize I walk from dark to light of life’s invigorating grandeur galvanizing hellacious…  Triumph to flow from within me admitting and getting life is forever challenging it is within me… To relax with clarity and vigor to laugh in the face of self thinking disgraces of my life challenges and chaos that I ingrained in pain swiftly embossed me… To toss my tormenting bosses that I let control my life into the sewer of never doer because my inner landscape was war torn turmoil was boiled into high octane…  Optimism to understand the grandeur of my gutty revolt augmenting natural daring enterprising utopian reveries frees me from… Yesterday because I now realize out of the dark is stop trying to heal my past dissolving my memorized despair…  Of my delusional ingrained prattle that rattles my self taught turmoil because the past is self taught good bad or…  Uninteresting passed away the instant I powered up my in the now woo that turned on my light of love to instantly let out venomous…  Effigies energizing my light of visionary epiphanies decrees my dreamers energies celebrating riches expanding everyday splendor…  Because I now feeling my light of lore illuminates my past my light of love ignites vim and vigor to stroll with a esteemed energies that heat up my with hell… Raisers electrify appreciating today as I now sashay my light of love through my heart and soul sets me all people and world free now and forever more…
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I sassily dispersed all my fears being afraid and being scared by understanding and admitting I was apathetically apprehensive about my abilities and agility to open up To understand and concede I was stuck in worrywart…  timidness distrusting my faculties weakly feeling sorry for myself crossed the river today as I daylighted my dexterous  daredevilry freed my enterprising inspirations  today because I now appreciate being apprehensive…  allowed me To sift out my sabotaging idiocies freeing my trailblazer tenacity to realize and get  my dreams and desired accomplished outcomes occur as I open my rich inventive wizardry feeling my unfathomable torchbearer… candor optimizing  miraculous enterprising success to understand dissolving fear being afraid and thinking I was scared was my barrage of pity me BS i filled my inner desert about my adventurous…  abilities to expand through life as I now realize admit and respect I never ever have been afraid in fear or scared I was unwilling to challenge my innovative wit wily wisdom and trendsetting gifts… That turned on my gut gumption to stop living in the past to experiencing the now promptly unleashing my class dash and pizzazz to dance with my daring audacity nurturing clever emotions exhilarating… optimistic trendsetter intuitive omninfic nirvana to unsheathe my neat feats of natural escalating affluence titillating serendipitous financial ecstasy aggrandizing thunderous splendor because… I trusted my intuitive foresight tantalizing my numen nerve whooshed my utopian willpower through my imaginative imagery excites my intrinsic artistry turning on my Picasso  prowess to wow…
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I now realize admit and dissolve all negativity that only exists in my mind thoughts beliefs viewpoints and opinions that ingrain my self teachings thru the preaching and herding from societies system… Of control that I now dissolve because my intuitive spirit unleashes my unconquerable warrior heart setting my free my seafaring soul stalwart to embellish my inner rebellion as I now understand and…  Concede all my negative encryptions were/are self embedded and self esteem stealers that I allowed to control my life until now as I naturally opens willpower to uncover and discover my divine daredevilry… That frees me from my self inflicted larcenist lies of my ego that etches good out electrifying my ego of energizing glorious optimism instantly that unsheathes my rebellious nurturer that audaciously…  Awakens my inner candor to instantly quake my self-inflicted drama and trauma that tyrannized me from within because I herd the dim despair of unfair world that encoded within me myself and… I because I believed the what I told by others that followed the powers to be beliefs and try to thieve the wealth of others for their agenda utilizing their questionable leadership by grasping this I allow me…  Disperse my ancestral embedded anger I put forth into the physical world was my delusional dream stealing fears and being scared of my abilities rebelliously unleashing my inner rebellions releasing…  Every blindsiding embezzling lewd lie internally opens newfangled fortitude to admit and understand I encrypted my naysayer narcissism inept sabotaging malice impairing me with pity me palaver…  Pilfering my self-esteem into being afraid of me.
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


Infinite Spirit open my heart eyes and soul warrior to vanguard me through my life events because I now admit and understand I did think… Arrogance and fear were my modus operandi denying me for hearing my innermost acuity as I now understand and concede the world leaders… Underlying leadership stems from money grabbing and never about people I now realize and concede needy greedy leadership has controlled… The world since the beginning of time because people encompass a survival mind that binds them in caveman control because I now grasp and respect… People have encoded survival vandalism stealing people’s dreams because I now concede people think in want with embedded need then people follow… The powers to be gluttonous money-grubbing leadership that thinks people are there pawns keeping the world yawning in ancestral ingrained poverty… Consciousness that there is never enough for everybody which is the biggest fallacy and lie ingrained in people as I now understand and admire… The money maker maverick willpower wisdom intuition inventive wit and trailblazer talent to expand through my life events with valorous virtuosity… Exuding trendsetting tenacity to succeed free of need and want dawns my dauntless audacity whizzes newfangled savvy as I asked me… Do I encompass the courage to be a moral leader with visions of expansionism in arrogant immoral world led by needy greediness?
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I See My Life Thru Infinite Spirit      Infinite Spirit I Am (your name) realwising I now see taste hear smell and touch my life thru my eyes and ears of accomplished outcomes feeling… My magnetic trust of the inaudible inspirations unconquerable willpower to expand my life hearing my winds of wisdom exhilarates my terra incognita…  Imagination of my unexplored universe unclenches my fresh inspired visionary éclat’s unleashes my innate lore revering enlightenmint conceding…  Respecting and admiring I am spirit dissolving my attachment to my self taunting humanoid harassing worries that scurry through my minds… Of ancestral attachments that bonds me to my human ways of strife trying to figure everything out all went away because I illuminated all my shadowy… Staleness realizing and conceding my humanness had me caught up in my societal administrated thinking mesmerized my despising knowing that… I have to know before I go on my new voyages of virtuosity that illuminates my intrinsic fortes opens me out to realize the wise of surprise unrestrained… Audacious willpower and valiant wisdom daylights bright spiritual enlightenmint feeling my sweet neat natural enterprising attitude titillating… My innate intrepid numen nous actuates trendsetter electric energies turning on my powerhouse poise and innovative prowess
Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio


I asked me… How does anger fissure my stranglehold on what I know and selfish ways? I now grasp anger is internal paralyzation and external…  Diction of despair because I now concede and understand post anger causes me to go into myself deep into the situation because to expand… Of life I liberate myself through understanding and respecting the acumen of anger energizes my self introspection because anger is being afraid… Of new frontiers of insight that life blesses me with everyday as I now understand anger frustration and darkness open my questioning ardor… To realize anger and frustration are showing me being afraid to listen hear and adhere to newfangled farseeing fortitude disperses my anger…  Dissolves my arrogance disband my yesteryear sneers because anger and frustration brightly clear my paths to hear and see out of the blue brilliance…  That boldly lionizes utopian endeavors forever expanding of numen nerve to recognize ire excites my desires that daylights… My opulent omnificence revering my new waves of wisdom inspiring witty imaginative sassy discernment optimizes my moneyed up … Accomplished outcomes as I feel my rich results with éclat emotions because I now realize what I think is darkness is actually my spirit talking…  To me setting me free now and forever more I masterfully open resolve expanding through dark with dexterous abilities rebellious enthusiasm…
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