DiscoverCozy Mandarin: Acquire Chinese Mandarin Daily Podcast
Cozy Mandarin: Acquire Chinese Mandarin Daily Podcast

Cozy Mandarin: Acquire Chinese Mandarin Daily Podcast

Author: ClaraZ, CozyMandarin

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Cozy Mandarin is your daily podcast session in Chinese, for learning Chinese❤️ Hosted by a native speaker, the show will provide clear, comprehensible input for Mandarin Chinese learners. You will acquire Mandarin in a smooth and natural way, practicing your listening and picking up expressions, by immersing yourself in the bite-sized, stress-free sessions, which fit easily into your routine.

Updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

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54 Episodes
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊怎么表达拒绝。Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn the art and the alternative ways of saying no in Chinese. 📮 Full Transcript/文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊整理房间。✨✨Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, as Clara chats about decluttering, why it makes sense in January, its benefits, as well as its challenges with fun anecdotes. 📮:cozymandarin@gmail.comFull Transcript/文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊新年目标,以及如何实现它们。💪💪Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn expressions related to New Year's resolutions, as well as how to increase the chances of achieving them. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊跨年。Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, as Clara chats about celebrating New Year's Eve. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊她的2024年。Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, as Clara answers 10 questions at the year-end to review her 2024. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊年底回顾时必备的中文短语Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn Chineses phrases for the year-end reflections. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊送节日祝福。(圣诞快乐!🎄) Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn expressions related to sending holiday messages as well as sending holiday cards. (Merry Christmas!! 🎄) 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊这个在中国出现的新兴职业。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, learn about this emerging job in China, as well as Chinese expressions related to jobs. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊一项节日前的重要活动——逛超市。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, as Clara chats about grocery shopping before the holidays, and uncovers some common marketing tricks in the supermarkets in the context of a mini story. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊中文里的小名。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn about some common (and uncommon) close nicknames in the Chinese language. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊学中文时偷懒的方法。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, as Clara chats about 3 "lazy" ways to continue your Chinese studies (this will probably be useful, as the holiday season is around the corner). 📮 文字稿见
43. 冬天 The Winter

43. 冬天 The Winter


听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊冬天。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, about the winter, and what this season has to offer. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,继续聊聊坐火车的体验。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn expressions about traveling by trains, as well as how this experience has changed over time. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊在中国坐火车,比较乘坐高铁和乘坐绿皮火车的不同。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, learn about expressions related to traveling by trains, as well as the differences between taking Gaotie (the fastest train) and Lv Pi Che (the slowest train) in China. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,讲一个笨手笨脚的小女孩去买衣服的故事。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and follow this engaging story where a clumsy girl went shopping and a few incidents happened. You will pick up expressions about shopping, daily life, and more! 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊礼物 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and get some new ideas about gifts during this holiday season! 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊听音乐学中文。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn how to effectively learn Chinese by listening to Mandarin songs. Get your free song list & worksheet here 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊生日🎂 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese about birthday celebrations, an experience we all share, and learn about some very Chinese birthday wishes and food on this special day. 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊和别人一起住的生活。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn daily life expressions from this comparison of living alone VS. living with others (Part 2). 📮 文字稿见
听Clara用容易理解的实用中文,聊聊一个人住的独居生活。 Listen to this episode in handy, comprehensible Mandarin Chinese, and learn daily life expressions from this comparison of living alone VS. living with others (Part 1). 📮 文字稿见