DiscoverCraig Groeschel Leadership Podcast
Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Author: Life.Church

Subscribed: 35,325Played: 548,857


The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast offers personal, practical coaching lessons that take the mystery out of leadership. In each episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, Craig brings you empowering insights and easy-to-understand takeaways you can use to lead yourself and lead your team. You’ll learn effective ways to grow as a leader, optimize your time, develop your team, and structure your organization.
159 Episodes
Great leaders care deeply about accomplishing their mission. But is it possible to care too much? In today’s podcast, Craig shares a better way to lead your organization into the future and the high cost of not letting go. Watch video and download the leader guide:
Why are some leaders more inspirational than others, and what sets them apart? In this episode, Priscilla Shirer shares how to become more inspirational in your leadership and communication—and how to inspire your team to change the world. Watch video and download the leader guide:
Many of the best leaders are confident and humble, driven yet healthy, and focused but still flexible. Greatness is often found in those extremes, and in this episode, Craig shares the secrets to mastering these extreme qualities. Watch video and download the leader guide: 
For a leader to grow, they’ll need the investment and coaching of a few mentors along the way. In this episode, one of Craig's mentors Rob Hoskins shares the practical strategies he uses to develop leaders and the advantages of finding a mentor. Watch video and download the leader guide: 
Of all the books Craig read in 2023, two stood out as top recommendations. Will Guidara’s "Unreasonable Hospitality" is one, and in this episode, Will shares why any organization will grow when they’re unreasonable about serving others. Watch video and download the leader guide: 
The best salespeople are excellent servants. They find out what their customer needs, and they work to meet that need. Great leaders exercise the same skills. In this episode, billion-dollar sales leader Stephanie Chung shows you how.Watch video and download the leader guide: 
The best leaders know there’s a time to encourage and a time to challenge themselves and their team. Dr. Josh Axe shares practical tools and phrases for encouraging and challenging—and shares his top health and lifestyle adjustments you can make today. Watch video and download the leader guide: 
You know "what got you here won’t get you there." With the near-constant rate of change in our world today, if you aren’t adapting your leadership approach, you’re likely getting left behind. Today, Craig shares three keys to staying agile in leadership.Watch video and download the leader guide: 
It’s impossible to succeed your way to self-worth. While many of us try to find fulfillment in success, today’s guest Jamie Kern Lima shows us how to find true fulfillment by growing our self-worth, not just our self-confidence. Watch video and download the leader guide: 
We all have limiting beliefs. Whether it’s “I’m not a person who works out” or “I’m not a leader,” our thoughts and beliefs can hold us back. In this episode, Steven Furtick shares how we can change our thought patterns to break those limiting beliefs. Watch video and download the leader guide: 
One factor can have the biggest impact on the trajectory of your leadership, and it’s not your genetics, appearance, or intelligence. It’s your ability to be consistent. Today, I’m sharing three keys to consistency from my new book, Think Ahead. Watch video and download the leader guide: 
If you’ve ever inherited a struggling project, team, or organization, you know how hard it can be to fix something you didn’t break. Today’s episode with Dr. Jon Chasteen will give you practical leadership tools for rebuilding what’s been broken.Watch video and download the leader guide: 
The future of your leadership will be determined by the quality of your decisions. In part two, Craig outlines the final three factors of great decision makers. If you want to strengthen your decision making, apply these factors.Watch video and download the leader guide:
Growing leaders tend to have growing disciplines. But how do you know which disciplines to focus on? In this episode, Westfall Gold CEO Dan Clark shares the habits and disciplines that consistently help him grow as a leader. Watch video and download the leader guide:
The quality of your decisions determines the direction of your life—if you want to grow as a leader, grow in your decision making. In part one, Craig outlines five of the eight factors of great decision makers. (Catch the exclusive bonus episode, too!) Watch video and download the leader guide:
Many leaders fall into the trap of copying other leaders and communicators rather than learning to master their own style. In this episode, creative leader Louie Giglio shares how to identify and develop your own leadership and communication style. Watch video and download the leader guide:
In this episode, Craig highlights five of the most powerful moments from the year and reviews the key lesson we can learn from each. Learn about daily habits, communication, leadership confidence, building culture, and so much more. Watch video and download the leader guide:
If you want to sharpen your leadership, sharpen your thinking—learn how from author, pastor, and coach Erwin McManus. Today, he’s sharing how he broke through his own mental barriers and the most common mind shifts leaders need to make. Watch video and download the leader guide:
To lead well, practice communicating well. Today, we'll hear from Liz Bohannon—top-20 ranked speaker by Forbes—on all things public speaking. She shares brilliant insights on preparation, emotional mapping, and how to read an audience. Watch video and download the leader guide:
Your reaction to problems, people, and even your own limits will determine your leadership potential. In this episode, Rener Gracie shares the jiu-jitsu and leadership principles that teach us to win when we face challenges in these three areas. Watch video and download the leader guide:
Comments (64)

Habia Khet


Feb 5th

Aakash Amanat

I've been an avid listener of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been an incredible source of inspiration and practical wisdom for anyone looking to grow in their leadership journey. Craig's insights and experiences are always relatable and applicable, whether you're leading a team in a corporate setting or even just trying to enhance your personal leadership skills. The way Craig tackles various leadership topics, ranging from communication and decision-making to building a positive work culture, is truly commendable. He has a unique way of breaking down complex concepts into digestible nuggets that can be implemented immediately. One of the things I appreciate most is how he often draws from his own experiences and challenges, making the podcast feel genuine and relatable.

Aug 21st

M Morr

shoot a bullet and see where it hits. you use that term in today's gun issues??? I stopped the podcast at that point

Jun 1st



Mar 13th

W. Roy

I started reading the compound effect after listening to this podcast and it's a great read. Thanks for the suggestion. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to improve or better themselves and their daily habits.

Jan 12th

Katie Goetschel

so great!! thank you!

Dec 21st

John Nilsson

What a champion woman!

Dec 10th

Dylan Wayne Katter

Loved this! Thank you so much!

Oct 3rd

James Hogan

Fantastic content!

Apr 28th

Troy Marsh

This is an amazing episode! Two of my most favorite people and leaders around. If you are leading anyone (including just yourself) , this is a must listen to.

Feb 2nd

Marci Gerke

My two favorite leadership trainers in one podcast. Loved this episode!

Jan 26th

Jessica Jones

SO Good. I left my 20yr very successful career of working with & building programs for the homeless in May of 2019. And have been STRUGGLING in finding my purpose. It has also brought me closer to God as I have been forced to slow down & hear HIS voice and see what HE has planned for me. I have been amazed at how he has provided for me and my son despite earning less than 30% of what I was - and yet we have not gone without anything🥰

Dec 23rd
Reply (1)

Lenore and Mark

love this concept... have been trying this for some time before hearing this podcast but this has made this concept so much clearer now... thanks for the inspiration!

Nov 7th

M Morr

amazing. thank you.

Nov 6th

Andrew Murray

Great podcast.

Sep 7th

Jacqlyn Hewell

Needed to hear this message today. So encouraging

May 24th

Jacqlyn Hewell

best podcast on influence verses position

May 24th

H. Michael Dahl

Pastor Craig, chef Mike here from Dry Gulch. I go to the Owasso campus now. I did the workout, it did kick my butt, however, I can't jump off my knees. 🥴 I will add it to my rotation. Your podcast is one of my top three. thank you

Apr 15th

Jake Fred

This is such an outstanding message. one thing that I would lead people to see is that the struggle is one of the opportunities. Everything we are presented with has the ability to be molded and to mold us. That is what an opportunity is.

Mar 31st
Reply (1)

Ryan Ayres

Interesting perspective. Late summer

Mar 28th