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Portfolios for learning and more brought to you by the Mahara team at Catalyst IT. Host Kristina Hoeppner talks with portfolio practitioners, researchers, learning designers, students, and others about their portfolio story.

52 Episodes
Professor Dr Patsie Polly (SFHEA), Director and Fellow of the UNSW Scientia Education Academy at University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, has been using portfolios in biomedical sciences since 2011/12. In this episode she shares how she started with the practice, and why she is a strong advocate for using portfolios not just for authentic assessment tasks.Connect with Patsie on LinkedInResourcesPatsie's research and publicationsBlog post 'Can portfolio pegagogy be shaken by AI' wit...
Associate Professor Dr Zala Volcic is Director of Teaching Innovation within the Faculty of Arts at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. She shares how her students in the Bachelor of Media Communication (BMC) in the School of Media, Film, and Journalism use portfolios in different ways in their studies.Zala shares what is important to her in teaching students and how she and her colleagues assist them become humans with personal, professional, and social responsibilities. She has a lot...
In this episode, Derrin Kent, Founder of The Development Manager (TDM) in the UK, talks about how his company supports degree apprentices on their learning journey with portfolios. He details the difference between a degree and an apprenticeships and how together they are very complementary. He points out the importance of the portfolio and the reflection process.Connect with Derrin on LinkedInResourcesInstitute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE)Office for Standards in Educat...
Allison Miller, MLD, Director and Lead Consultant at Digital Capability in Adelaide, Australia, talks about her passion: ePortfolios. She also leads the ePortfolios Australia Organising Committee that offers events, research, and practice opportunity for portfolio researchers and practitioners, primarily in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.In this episode, Allison shares some of her practice and projects she's involved in and explains what the main components of a portfolio are for her and ...
Assistant Professor at Tallahassee State College Amanda B. Wallce, MA, and Kylie Pugh, MA, Adjunct Faculty at the University of West Florida and Customer Success Manager at Instructure talk about their experience with portfolios that they designed around student well-being. Together with Dr Bre Garrett (University of West Florida), they conducted research in that area and published that at the end of 2023.Kylie and Amanda share their own learning journey, filled with trials, errors, and lots ...
Mario A. Peraza just completed his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Design Methodology at Stanford University and was a student ambassador and intern at the Integrative Learning Portfolio Lab (ILPL) at the university where he taught workshops on using portfolios to curate one's digital presence besides performing a number of other tasks.In his interview Mario shares how he's been using generative AI to help with the creation and revamping of his personal public portfolio. He also...
Shari Bowker, MEd, is Learning Designer (ePortfolios) at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. There she works in the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) and supports educators university wide with implementing portfolios into their classes. In this interview Shari shares why feedback is a crucial component of portfolio practice. She gives examples of a couple of feedback frameworks and how she uses them.Connect with Shari on LinkedInResourcesArticles and pre...
Mark Glynn, now Head of Business Development for EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) at Catalyst IT Europe, used to be the Head of the Teaching Enhancement Unit at Dublin City University (DCU) for many years. In this episode, Mark shares his view on the benefits for implementing an institution-wide portfolio strategy and for rolling out a single institution-supported portfolio platform, in the case of DCU, Mahara.Connect with Mark on LinkedInResourcesDCU's Teaching Enhancement UnitOthe...
Mark Brady is a student studying in the Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Disruptive Technologies programme at Dublin City University in Ireland. He's had a successful career as videographer, but during the pandemic decided to fulfil one of his dreams to study psychology.At Dublin City University, portfolios are used extensively. Mark discusses how he is regularly engaging with his portfolio, what he has learned, and how the reflections via a regular journal work best for him at the momen...
Dr Annemarie Galeucia and David 'Boz' Bowles, MFA, are members of the Communications Across the Curriculum (CxC) team at Louisiana State University in the U.S.A. The CxC team created the Distinguished Communicator Medal Program in 2005, supporting students before effective communicators.In this episode, Annemarie and Boz talk about the evolution of the program in which portfolios play a crucial role and discuss how and why the portfolio component has changed over time and how the team support...
Dr Debra Hoven and Margaret Rauliuk, dissertation mentor and student team at Athabasca University in Canada, talk about the trials and tribulations but also the joy in creating a portfolio as alternative to the Doctor in Education monograph. They share how their work contributes to opening doors for other types of dissertations and what they have learned along the way besides why Margaret wanted to create a portfolio in the first place.ConnectDebra on LinkedInMargaret on Hylo and on X (former...
Dr Debra Hoven is an educator at Athabasca University in Canada, teaching and researching primarily in the Master in Education in Open, Digital, and Distance Education and in the Doctorate in Education programme. She has a long history with portfolios and shares one aspect of her research and practice in this interview, the autoethnographic video project that some of her MEd students engaged in to reflect on their own learning in the programme and help students coming after them get a head st...
Derrin Kent is Founder and Managing Director of The Development Manager (TDM) in the UK. He has been incorporating portfolios into apprenticeships and Skills Bootcamps since the late 2000s, giving learners better opportunities to secure and then succeed in their jobs.In this episode, we talk specifically about the Skills Bootcamps and how the portfolio works in them.Connect with Derrin on LinkedInResourcesTDM's Skills BootcampsUK's Department of Education information on Skills BootcampsRichar...
Senior Learning Designer Jamie Fulcher, MEd (University of Newcastle) has been using portfolios since about 2008. She developed a highly effective boot camp for educators to get exposed to the practice and experience it themselves to better support their own students. In this episode, Jamie shares the blueprint for this boot camp and outlines why she gamified the professional development opportunity.Connect with Jamie on LinkedInResourcesJamie's presentation 'Developing a Mahara boot camp for...
Brian Williams, BTech, is Security Operations Supervisor at Catalyst IT shares why information security is an important consideration for people creating and working with portfolios. He explains the acronym CIA (confidentiality, integrity, availability) and highlights a few stories that illustrate why data privacy needs to be a fundamental consideration for portfolio creators.Connect with Brian on LinkedInResourcesMaharaAAEEBL Digital Ethics in ePortfolios PrinciplesGDPRWhat is a SOC?The CIA ...
Kristina Hoeppner (Catalyst IT), host of this podcast, delves into metaphors used to explain how to work with portfolios in this solo episode. This is the first short episode in a new series that will be published throughout the year in which she explores concepts and ideas around portfolio practice.Connect with KristinaFediverse (Mastodon)LinkedInMahara page on LinkedInResourcesEpisode 35 with Ruth Cox and Kevin KellyShada, A.; Kelly, K.; Cox, R. & Malik, S. (2011). Growing a New Culture...
Dr Ruth Cox and Dr Kevin Kelly, pioneers of ePortfolios at San Francisco State University (SFSU) in the U.S.A. share their metaphor of 'ePorticulture' and how the gardening metaphor works well to convey the cycle of work that is involved when you create a portfolio.We go back to the roots of their portfolio initiative, what they have achieved, and where portfolios are at today at SFSU.Go to the episode notes for the links to resources, the transcript, and chapter markers.Connect with RuthRuth...
In June 2023, the 'Think UDL' podcast episode 'Digital ethics in ePortfolios with Kristina Hoeppner and Kevin Kelly' went live. In it, Lillian Nave (Appalachian State University) interviewed Dr Kevin Kelly (San Francisco State University) and Kristina Hoeppner (Catalyst IT) on the AAEEBL Digital Ethics Principles in ePortfolios in relation to the Universal Design for Learning guidelines. This is a re-post of the episode. Many thanks to Lillian for making it happen.Go to the episode notes for ...
Dr Kathleen Blake Yancey (Emerita Professor at Florida State University) has contributed to ePortfolio research and practice for many years through her numerous publications, presentations, and workshops. In this interview she looks back at some of that practice, with a particular focus on portfolio heuristics and how they differ from templates.Connect with Kathy on LinkedInResourcesKathy's web page at Florida State University and her Wikipedia entryKathy's 2022 Batson Lecture 'Tracing Learni...
Dr Terrel (Terry) Rhodes is Distinguished Fellow at AAC&U and can look back at a long history of working with portfolios, establishing the VALUE rubrics, tying portfolios to assessment and employability, and supporting many institutions in their portfolio journey.In this interview, Terry touches on many of these areas, highlighting the importance of digital ethics, student control, authenticity, and the need for integrative practice.Connect with Terry on LinkedInResourcesTerry's profile o...