Creating Espacios: Interviews with Self-Made Latinas Who Are Innovating in Their Spaces

Creating Espacios: Interviews with Self-Made Latinas Who Are Innovating in Their Spaces
Author: A Podcast by Vivian Nunez
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The personal stories highlighted on Creating Espacios will serve as a resource for other aspiring entrepreneurial women and act as a first step in closing the gap in information and resources for diverse communities who want to become a part of the media or startup world.
32 Episodes
Lorena Garcia is a Latina entrepreneur, a mom, and a staunch advocate for self-care. The Arizona-based co-founder of Wela Creative, a creative studio, and Majka, a line of wellness products geared towards the new mom, uses this episode to share more about building up her hustles and how you should be viewing self-care. Shownotes: Majka IG: Wela Creative IG: Lorena IG: Viv's IG:
Regina Merson went from lawyer to beauty brand founder and she wouldn't take any of her decisions back. Throughout the episode you'll learn more about how Regina navigated leaving a career that wasn't fulfilling her, how needle point helped open her mind to the possibility of doing something she loved, and why it's your right to change your mind. Shownotes: Reina Rebelde: Reina Rebelde's Instagram: Viv's Instagram:
Saskia Sorrosa had her career made — she was a top executive in the NBA and was leading a department that allowed her to be entrepreneurial within the safety of a larger corporation, but over time her heart aligned elsewhere. So, she started Fresh Bellies, a baby food company. Throughout this episode we learn how the recipes grew from ones she made for her own to children to those that sit on grocery store shelves today. In the episode Saskia says, "Yes, I gave up something, but I gained so much more just by moving in the direction of my passion." Here's a listen to all she gained. Shownotes: Fresh Bellies: Fresh Bellies' Instagram: Viv's Instagram:
Liz Flores is an artist, a dog mom, and the best person to talk about the ever present “you vs the unit” conversation that’s born when you grow up in a Latinx family. Based out of Chicago, Liz shares how she’s navigated setting boundaries with her family, leaving her corporate job for a creative hustle, and learning to say yes to herself by saying no to others. Follow Liz: Follow Viv: Shownotes:
In this episode Dannie Lynn Fountain shares something that so many individuals know to be true — owning your identity is layered. No matter how you self-identify, the process of arriving at that elevator pitch for yourself took hard work that was (hopefully) followed by a sigh of relief. Through this episode Dannie shares how her identity has played a role in her career and made her a more effective entrepreneur, intrapreneur, friend, daughter, and partner.
Denise is the co-founder of Project ñ, a movement that is anchored in the many worlds first-generation Latinx-Americans live in. Throughout our conversation we dive into what it takes to put together a documentary for such a movement and how doing so helped Denise come out of her shell and really learn to tell her story. The episode does an amazing job of putting the cherry on top of a season that has unintentionally always focused on inspiring you to learn to put yourself first. ---- @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Natalie Boden is the mastermind behind BODEN Agency, an award-winning agency that has worked with everyone from Target to Pepsico. During our conversation we take a step back from Natalie's biggest wins and dissect how she got here. At the core of every story is the agency Natalie has always claimed as her own — she's the architect of her own life and it's a lesson she hopes to pass on to all CE listeners. ---- @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Leticia Gonzalez-Reyes is the co-founder of 109 World, an org that allows you to use your social media platforms to change the world (seriously!). She and her friends - Olivia and Rachel (who you may know as Yoga Girl) - execute trips around the world with specific goals in mind. On this episode we chat about what it took for her to leave her established career path for a startup, how important it is to trust your gut and why social good will never go out of style. ---- @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Michelle Herrera Mulligan is the former editor-in-chief of Cosmo for Latinas and a constant champion for Latinas and the power their stories have. Throughout this episode we talk about the current political state of the country, why (now more than ever) it's important for you to tell your stories and how the first step for any progress is learning to get out of your own way. ---- @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Mitzi is a twenty-something career woman, who lives in LA and balances her tech job with one of her other (big) passions - her family. This episode focuses on what it means to be first generation and no longer just surviving. For instance, disposable do you make the most of it? We also touch on family guilt, moving away and learning to trust yourself. ---- @mitzign on Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Catherine Cuello-Fuente is the founder of Inside Crowd and Greenhopping, an app dedicated to making healthy living more accessible. Throughout this episode we talk through the health scare that sparked her entrepreneurial career and tips on how Latinxs can embrace a healthier lifestyle. Bonus: she offers up PR advice you won't want to pass on! #CreatingEspacios ---- @catherinecuellofuente on Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Gina Rodriguez encourages Latinas to live life on their own terms and conditions because at the end of that path is where they can find happiness. On this episode of Creating Espacios she also dives into the importance of being a meaningful specific, why self-care needs to be taught and encouraged among Latinxs, and how to navigate your way through Latinx guilt. #CreatingEspacios ---- @hereisgina on Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Marly Gallardo is a RISD-educated artist based out of New York City, but more than that she's a creative driven Latina who understands the very common dilemma of how your family and your hustle sometimes pull you in different directions. In this episode we remind you why your dreams are important and that it's never a bad idea to remind people of your value. ---- @marlygallardo on Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
As the founder of En Tus Zapatos, a one-stop shop for women who are conquering life at home, at work and in their relationships, Marines has created a safe haven for moms who want to embrace their careers and Latinas killing it at work who want to start a family. And, with her newest endeavor,Princesas Guerreras, she's taken her personal mission one step further. In this episode, Marines walks us through how she got the idea for Princesas Guerreras, what her career has taught her and how you can be a catalyst for change. -- @marinesduarte on Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Francesca Kennedy is the founder of Ix Style, a socially responsible brand that produces huarache sandals and donates 15% of its profits to organizations that help bring clean water to Guatemala. In this episode she walks us through how to get your social business off the ground, why you shouldn't be afraid to cold email and how to trust your gut and your passions! #CreatingEspacios -- @ixstyle on Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
#CreatingEspacios goes live! A full hour with four stories you won't want to miss. You'll hear how I got my start and how it led to Creating Espacios. Francesca Kennedy will remind you you're brave enough to make big asks. Patty Rodriguez gives you the definition of impostor syndrome and then tells you how to remind it you're boss. Finally Beatriz Acevedo helps us get rid of the old saying, calladita te ves mas bonita. -- @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Denise Paredes is the Founder of Equal Uprise, a lifestyle brand dedicated to producing handmade and ethically sourced products. During our conversation she shares how her career as an entrepreneur started by making the jump to follow her dreams and be a solo founder. Plus she sheds light on how important it is to have the right network of people around you. Especially as a Latina entrepreneur because when your family doesn't get it, your friends may. #CreatingEspacios -- @equaluprise on Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
Barbara Gonzalez kicks off Season 2 of Creating Espacios the only way she knows how, by not being afraid to be herself and speak her mind. The episode focuses on what's next for CE, how Barbara is pursuing her own version of happy and a reminder that it's more than okay to follow your own happiness too. #CreatingEspacios -- @ohhaibarbie on Twitter/Instagram @vivnunez on Twitter/Instagram Show notes:
As an award-winning journalist and CEO, Soledad O’Brien is a woman who knows the significance of a good story. With her company Starfish Media Group and philanthropy The Starfish Foundation, she has truly championed every opportunity to uplift voices that may not otherwise be heard. In this episode she talks the importance of carving a space for yourself at the table and why being the most prepared person in the room is the best way to avoid imposter syndrome.
Jessica Mendoza is an ESPN analyst, who just so happens to be the first woman to take on the role. Her resume is packed with Olympic medal wins, noteworthy ‘firsts’ at various sports broadcasting jobs and most importantly, the common theme through all of her achievements, an ability to connect with others in an authentic, powerful and vulnerable way. During her Creating Espacios episode, Jessica told us stories of growing up in a family of athletes, how fear shouldn’t stop you from making magic happen and why talking about the real things is the best way to even the playing field.
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