DiscoverCreating Wealth Show Archives 301-600
Creating Wealth Show Archives 301-600
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Creating Wealth Show Archives 301-600


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Survive and thrive in today's economy! With over 500 episodes produced, business and investment guru Jason Hartman interviews top-tier guests, bestselling authors and financial experts including; Steve Forbes (Freedom Manifesto), Tomas Sowell (Housing Boom and Bust), Noam Chomsky (Manufacturing Consent), Jenny Craig (Health & Fitness CEO), Jim Cramer (Mad Money), Harvey Mackay (Swim With The Sharks & Get Your Foot in the Door), Todd Akin (Former US Congressman), William D. Cohan ( The Price of Silence, The Last Tycoon, & House of Cards), G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island), Daniel Pink (National Geographic).

Jason Hartman is the Founder and CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network, The Hartman Media Company, and The Jason Hartman Foundation. Starting with very little, Jason, while still in college at the age of 19, embarked on a career in real estate while brokering properties for clients, he was investing in he own portfolio along the way. Through creativity, persistence and hard work, he soon joined the ranks of the top one-percent of Realtors in the U.S. and in quick succession; earned a number of prestigious industry awards and became a young multi-millionaire.

Jason purchased an Irvine, California real estate brokerage firm which he expanded dramatically and was later acquired by Coldwell Banker. He combined his dedication and business talents to become a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, author, and media personality. Over the years he developed his Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ where his innovative firm educates and assists investors in acquiring prudent investments nationwide for their portfolio. Jason’s highly sought after educational events, speaking engagements, and his ultra-hot “Creating Wealth Podcast” inspire and empower hundreds of thousands of people in 26 countries worldwide.

Additional guests featured on the Creating Wealth podcast include Robert Kiyosaki (RIch Dad Poor Dad), Matthew Quirk (The 500 & The Directive), Eve Wright (Life at the Speed of Passion), John Lawrence Allen (Make Wall Street Pay You Back), Jerry Robinson (Bankruptcy in Our Nation), Peter Zeihan (The Accidental Superpower), David Crowe (National Association of Homebuilders NAHB), Consuelo Mack (PBS - Wealth Track), Sean Haugh (Libertarian Candidate for the US Senate), Scott Paul (Alliance for American Manufacturing), Charles Goyette (Ron Paul's America Show), Chris Martenson (Crash Course), Matt Theriault (Epic Real Estate Investing), Christopher Barnatt (The Future of 3D Printing), Zac Bissonnette (Good Advice From Bad People), Rich Karlgaard (Forbes Magazine). 

Chris Mayer (Agora Financial), Craig R. Smith (The Great Withdrawal), Po Bronson (The Science of Winning & Losing), Jim Stossel (Why Government Fails), John McAfee (Founder of McAfee Anti-Virus Software) Harry Dent (The Great Depression Ahead), Kevin Armstrong (Bulls, Birdies, Bogeys, and Bears), Nick Bilton (Hatching Twitter), Tom Kreautler (The Money Pit), Doug Brunt (Ghosts of Manhattan), Catherine McBreen (Get Rich, Stay Rich, Pass it On), Les Leopold (How to Make a Million Dollars an Hour), Robert Greene (Mastery, Power, & Seduction), Byron Dorgan (Gridlock), Dennis Miller (Retirement Reboot), George Gilder (Knowledge & Power), Jed Kolko (Tulia), Dr. Judith Wright (The Soft Addiction Solution), Richard Duncan (The New Depression), Dave Krieger (Clouded Titles), Bill Ayers (Confessions of an American Dissident), Dr. H. Woody Block (American Gridlock), Steven Kotler (Abundance), Laurence Kotlikoff (The Clash of Generations), Greg Farrell (Crash of the Titans), Shaun Rein (The End of Cheap China), Ken Gronbach (The Age Curve), Amity Shlaes (The Forgotten Man), Roger Lowenstein (The End of Wall Street), Jay Elliot (The Steve Jobs Way), Richard Duncan (The Dollar Crisis & The Corruption of Capitalism), Robert Wiedemer (Aftershock), and Steve Slaunwhite (The Wealthy Freelancer).

A trademark feature of Hartman Media podcasts are our 'Tenth Episodes' where alternative topics of interest are explored every tenth episode. This provides a diverse mix of programming exploring issues and influential authors like John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior), Dr. Denis Waitley (The Psychology of Winning, The Seeds of Greatness), Lori Ann LaRocco (Opportunity Knocking), Mark Divine (Seal Fit: Way of the SEAL), Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler (The Power of Belief), Dr. Kelly McGonigal (The Willpower Instinct), Doug Conant (Touch Points), Jared Diamond (The World Until Yesterday), Dr. Bob Wright (The Science of Spectacular Living), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Successful Soul), Sonia Arrison (The Coming Age of Longevity), Dr. David Rock (Your Brain at Work), Gay Hendricks (Relationship Enhancement), Hannah Holmes (Quirk), Dr. Gary Chapman (The Five Love Languages), David Farrow (Millionaire Memory), and David Allen (Getting Things Done), 

Topics explored at depth on Creating Wealth include investing, income properties, property investing, investment strategies, loan modifications, market predictions, mortgage modifications, online marketing, real estate, rental property investing, subprime mortgage crisis, 401K, retirement,, alternative currencies, alternative energy, ROI, cash flow, American economy, appreciation, arbitrage, Arkansas housing market, artificial intelligence, asset allocation, Atlanta Georgia, income property investing, attorneys, Australian mining, Austin real estate, baby boom generation, baby boomers, banking, bank loans, bankruptcies, Belize, Ben Bernanke, billionaires, bonds, book reviews, boom bust cycles, Boston, brand management, branding, Brookings Institution, Breton Woods, BP, British Petroleum, bubble markets, building wealth, business cycles, business psychology, business travelers, California, California Department of Insurance, CDI, California real estate, capital gains tax, Case-Shiller, Casey Research, cash flow, central banks, certificates of deposit, Chicago, Chicago real estate, China, college tuition, Colorado, commercial investing, commodities, commodity pricing, compound interest, conversions, CPI, Consumer Price Index, Dallas, dark pools, debt ceiling, debt crisis, debt-financed spending, deflation, Detroit, Detroit real estate, digital money, distressed properties, down payment, email marketing, estate tax, high cash flow, home equity, home financing, Indiana, Indianapolis, interest rates, jobless recovery, Kansas City, leverage, libertarian, Little Rock, maintenance warranty, management fees, Manhattan, marketing, Memphis, Miami, Michigan, mircopreneur, middle class, millennials, millionaire, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, MLS, mobile banking, monetary policy, money market fund, negative equity, new home construction, New Orleans, New York, New York City, North Carolina, Ohio, oil, oil prediction, overpriced markets, packaged commodities, passive income, passive investor, payroll tax, pension, pension funds, pension plans, Platinum Properties, positive cash-flow, price stability, price of gold, price volatility, private money lending, pro forma, property appraisal, property value, real estate arbitrage, real estate tax, rent, rental, renovated homes, rental homes, rental income, rental insurance, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, single-family homes, social marketing, social media, Swiss Franc, Swiss National Bank, Tampa, tax, tax laws, tax bracket, tax lien, taxes, tenant, tenant eviction, Tennessee, Texas, treasury reports, unemployment, unfriendly markets, US housing market, venture capital, volatility, Warren Buffet, Washington, wealth management, whistleblowers, world economy, Zero Hedge.

Additional topics explored on the Creating Wealth podcast include Bitcoin, digital currencies, corporate tax inversions, crowdfunding, inflation, the Federal Reserve, student loan debt, monetary policy, economic challenges facing generation Y, solar energy, 3D printing, medical technology, US dollar, currency exchange, plunging bond rates, personal and commercial bankruptcy, the cost of a college education, digital banking, the American dream, capital gains taxes, asset protection, gold and silver, commodities markets, precious metals, investing tips, structural and personal unemployment, bank regulations, regulatory reform, emerging markets, shadow banking, social media, derivatives, mobile commerce, government regulation, housing market, identity theft, cyber currencies, mortgage lenders, investment properties, VA loans, gold standard, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, online auctions, landlord tenant conflicts, tax lien investing, tax law, retirement, contract law, stagflation, home loans, real estate scams, renters, reverse mortgages, foreclosures, euro, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, the US housing market, micro lending, online security, cyber security, online banking, digital banking, outsourcing, online shopping, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, JP Morgan, short sales, austerity, forex, monetary systems, budget surplus, budget deficits, tax cuts, solar energy, consumer debt, consumer price index, property investing, high frequency trading, interest rates, college tuition, cashless societies, credit card debt, credit monitoring, credit ratings, currency trading, refinancing, federal stimulus, financial independence, financial planning, financial literacy, economic growth, economic development, Wall Street, IPO, IRS, Internal Revenue Service, IMF, International Monetary Fund, mobile banking, Elliot Wave theory, free trade, underwater homeowners, foreign investing, oil prices, entrepreneurship, Equifax, federal budget, Keynes, Keynesian, fiat currency, financial scams, global economy, gold standard, income tax, and foreign investment.
297 Episodes
Originally aired as CW 160 Jason talks with David Allen who is widely recognized as the world’s leading expert on personal and organizational productivity. His twenty-five-year pioneering research and coaching to corporate managers and CEOs of some of America’s most prestigious corporations and institutions has earned him Forbes’ recognition as one of the top five executive coaches in the world and Business 2.0 magazine’s inclusion in their list of the “50 Who Matter Now.”
Gratitude is one of the philosophical keys to success. Today’s motivational speakers tend to focus on the mechanical keys to success and forget about the bigger picture of the context behind the content. True philosophers understand what drives humans to succeed and the beauty of being grateful for they have. And in the interview, Finding an alternative to a traditional bank loans may not be as hard as you think. In addition to hard money lenders, financing companies such as Visio Financial offer short and medium term limits with significant interest rates. They offer no document loans which simply require a credit score to secure financing. The higher your score, the lower the rate. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:38] The concept of gratitude is a philosophical key to success [6:40] An experience in Africa reflects the human ability to be grateful for what you DO have [8:17] Poem excerpts from Og Mandino [10:21] Jason’s crystal ball says…Warren Beatty is vain and Bitcoin funds terrorism [13:24] The ultimate investing equation [14:50] Meet the Masters of Income Property in January & the Dubai Venture Alliance trip [15:32] A killer messaging app – Send us Voxer message Jeff Ball Guest Interview: [19:35] We started out as a captive lender then extended into government sponsored loans [21:03] Our products family includes interest only and medium-term financing, all document free [23:20] We offer loans to investors who have reached their Fannie limit [26:31] Buy and hold financing at 12% on a 3-year balloon, 65% LTV [28:17] What about Dodd-Frank compliance? [30:01] We have multiple sources of capital which include banks and credit funds [31:18] The higher your credit score the lower your interest [31:53] Bridge financing is an interest only product option [33:04] An innovative example of a way to use our products [34:50] Go to our website and tell us what you want and get immediate pricing [35:41] Jeff’s overall view on the economy [38:24] What is the margin of error in flipping? [40:31] While it may be a good time to be a landlord, it may be hard to find good rental properties [41:31] Moving doesn’t make sense to people with great mortgages [44:48] Our annual survey is available on our website Mentions: Mission Success! – Og Mandino Good to Great – Jim Collins Venture Alliance Mastermind Voxer – contact Jason with your questions at jhart88 Visio Financial Services Econohomes  
Save 10% monthly by managing your own properties with free software. Self-management tools often boast ease of use and shortcuts to save you time but don’t always deliver. Cozy and Landlordology are property management tools which offer end to end online self-management solutions. Both tenants and property managers benefit from the monthly automatic rent collection feature as well as the integrated application process. If you think doing a background check along with a credit report will help qualify renters qualifications then sign up for Cozy today. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:20] What time is it? It’s an amazing time to be alive [2:44] Income investment strength versus deflation [5:00] Deferring your tax liability [7:02] Inflation induced debt destruction [9:03] Debt transfers wealth from the lenders to the borrowers in an inflationary environment [10:33] What gets rewarded, gets repeated [10:57] Deflation makes debt more burdensome [13:40] Use the voicemail feature at for your questions [14:09] Sign up for the Meet the Masters event in Dubai Lucas Hall Guest Interview: [16:27] Lucas teaches managers how to manage their own properties [18:23] You need to get your message out there – try postlets [19:56] Hire a real estate photographer for great photos of your property [24:44] Going over your general requirements before meeting at the property will save time [26:04] A 2-year lease provides extra security for the tenant [27:34] What is a landlord’s open house? [29:28] Possible new tenants can submit an application as soon as they leave the property viewing [31:20] Cozy is an end to end property management platform [35:09] Rent collection can be difficult for property managers [40:47] Property managers can garnish wages to collect back rent [41:51] Automating your rent collection will make it easier for owner and tenant [42:39] Resources are available on Mention: Venture Alliance Mastermind Landlord Ologist Cozy Craigslist Postlets Circlepix Click Notices  
Originally aired as CW 294 Jason Hartman and prior guest, Jonathan Emord, get together once again to talk about current issues affecting our rights, beginning with the damaging and highly intrusive passing of the tax provision of Obama’s healthcare plan. This has created a fissure in the Constitution, a horrible outcome that opens a door to the government violating our civil liberties. Jonathan breaks down the consequences of the violations, such as our liberty to choose and right to privacy in the interest of a government mandate that only benefits the government. Moving on to TSA, Jonathan divulges the massive problems with this act.
What Time is it? It’s an Amazing Time to Be Alive Say this 10 times real fast, Inflation Induced Debt Destruction, now make it your mantra. Would you like someone else to pay your bills for you? Well when you buy income property it is exactly what happens. Your tenants pay down your debt while your property appreciates. Today, Jason outlines a chart from way back in the Creating Wealth archives. He will make the chart available to all of you listeners soon. The chart introduces the intricacies of inflation. He then takes us through most of the asset classes and how they perform against inflation. Key Takeaways: [3:30] 3 Types of markets are linear, cyclical and hybrid [6:02] Published reports and statistics can’t be trusted [9:53] Will your kids ever learn to drive a car? [11:53] A 16 year cyclical market (Orange County, CA) compared to a linear market (Lansing, MI) [12:50] Commandment #5 – Thou shalt not gamble. The property should make financial sense [16:58] What time is it? It’s an amazing time to be alive! [19:50] The Meet the Masters Event is coming up. Garrett Sutton will be there. [20:33] Asset class top performers [23:12] Inflation induced debt destruction [23:59] Waiting, substitution and hidonics make people believe inflation is lower than it is [24:52] Outsourcing your mortgage debt to tenants, they are paying your debt [27:33] The problem with the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare [30:34] Rental income is governed by housing affordability [32:00] Stock markets can be manipulated and are medium-low indexed to inflation, [33:33] Cash & taxes are low strength versus inflation – taxes aren’t calculated for inflation [38:20] Low information people are clueless about the government [39:35] Income property investors can turn the tables on the government [40:39] Join the Venture Alliance Mastermind in Dubai Mentions: The Wayback Machine How to Lie with Statistics Garrett Sutton Venture Alliance Mastermind
Have a looker travel for you and save thousands in travel expenses and time. If you’re still allowing property managers to bill you max amounts every month you need to tighten up your monthly discretionary allowance. You will be consulted every time a repair is projected beyond $200. Also, minimize the unprofitable downtime of renters moving in and moving out by signing a 2-year lease with your next tenant. Include the rent increase for upcoming year so your tenants are prepared to pay in advance of the increase. They will appreciate it. And in our interview, wouldn’t it be nice to see an interesting property on the internet and send someone else halfway across the U.S. to take photos of it for you? What about checking up on one of your existing properties to inspect the hail damage first hand? WeGoLook has an army of 20,000 “lookers” who can send you photos, videos or answer specific questions. They are even able to visit the local municipality to perform a title search. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:30] The unbelievable events in Paris are not a new thing [6:22] There may not be peace until war is not profitable [7:52] What does the current hostile environment mean for investors? [8:22] The 6 ways to get out of the government debt slavery complex [9:36] What is wrong with American Airlines and US Air [12:59] MInimize your downtime with 2-year leases with your tenants [14:23] Tighten up your discretionary repair allowance to $200 per month [15:11] Voxer is a revolutionary messaging app [16:37] Public employee unions are only interested in themselves [18:13] A great tool to self manage your properties [18:39] Meet the Masters in San Diego – Get your early bird pricing now [19:37] Dubai is the amazing place we have set up for our next Venture Alliance trip Robin Smith Guest Interview: [20:35] How WeGoLook evolved [23:06] We offer a basic report with photos/videos for $69 [26:00] We offer an hourly rate for one-off services [27:50] We also do document research, title searches and visit municipalities for customers [30:10] We cover the U.S., the UK, Australia and Canada [32:15] WeGoLook services and rates – cheaper than calling your brother in law [36:19] People can order services directly from our website [37:47] We charge travel fees and research fees for those locations which are out of the way [40:17] Interior/Exterior reports are available for property investors [42:34] We service fortune 500 companies as field assignment personnel Mentions: Hyatt Regency Orlando American Airlines US Air Voxer – A free app Venture Alliance Mastermind WeGoLook RawPorter  
Originally aired as CW 298 On this show, Jason Hartman talks with one of his investment counselors about current events, welcomes a guest caller and also brings to our listening audience the economic outlook from renowned financial expert, John Mauldin.  Mauldin discusses “spending rearrangement”, a restructuring of our country’s spending problem and tax code, and how the election outcome influences the direction of that restructuring. The larger the government becomes, the smaller the private sector becomes – not an ideal situation for economic recovery in the U.S. Mauldin gives his insights and the possible scenarios and outcomes that could happen, depending on whether or not the deficit problem is truly solved, touching on investments, job creation, tax issues and trade deficits.
What is the best coverage for your multi-state real estate portfolio? Managing insurance policies for your entire real estate portfolio can be an administrative nightmare if the coverage is provided by multiple companies. Finding a reliable and informative insurance broker who is able to offer nationwide coverage from A level underwriters would eliminate the hassle. Today, Jason gets answers for all of your insurance questions from the brokerage firm of Ross Diversified. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:21] It’s an amazing time to be alive! [2:33] China has finally ended their one child policy [4:40] The nature of the real estate industry is fragmented [9:34] Bad faith insurance or companies denying claims is common [10:30] A personal experience with National Real Estate Insurance Group [11:50] Monday’s episode features the founder of WeGoLook [14:04] Can we get listeners in more countries than the U.S. has military bases in? [16:40] Meet the Masters with Garrett Sutton in January Ed Babtkis Guest Interview: [18:50] We have had nationwide insurance available for 30 years [19:50] Nuances to the nationwide real estate market make it a difficult product to offer [21:05] The underwriting companies which serve our brokerage firm [22:16] Nationwide programs are generally done on a blanket basis [25:21] Deductible options and norms [27:24] Getting the quote to the investor [29:54] Our company is approved by major financiers [31:20] Calculating insurance rates based on zip codes [33:30] Cash value is the number one issue insurance companies have [34:55] Replacement value is better coverage [36:33] How are land contracts insured? [39:12] Hard money lenders can place property coverage, but it costs a bit more [40:00] Loss of Rent insurance Mentions: Affinity Group Management Code Red Book We Go Look Ross Diversified Acceptance Indemnity Cincinnati Insurance Blackstone
What time is it? It’s an amazing time to be alive. Based on current political and economic conditions your personal wealth could be at risk. Paul Mladjenovic of The Raving Capitalist shares his tips for weathering the upcoming economic storm, which he expects to make landfall in 12-18 months. He advises in favor of creating a home based business and diversifying your current asset portfolio. He warns people who have their assets in undiversified portfolios or in stocks which don’t satisfy a human need may find their financial futures devastated because of current government actions and policies. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:42] Being anxious about speaking in front of 2000 people [3:21] 4 mentors who changed Jason’s life [3:46] Stress – the good and the bad [5:18] “Stress comes from not doing the things you know you need to do” [6:20] Being in the flow [7:38] Getting leverage in the 3 primary areas of life – Business, Biology & Investing [9:47] Who is willing to take on this affirmation? [12:40] The Orlando Property Tour is coming up this weekend [13:20] Meet the Masters of Income Property in San Diego – Early Bird pricing [13:57] The Venture Alliance in Dubai Paul Mladjenovic Guest Interview: [15:30] Observing how government policy affects the economy [16:44] 30-years as a CFP has helped me to understand how the economy works [18:07] Communism basically micromanages every aspect of the economy [21:55] Government-sponsored agencies Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae sold bad loans to Wall Street [25:00] The current financial outlook is grim, Paul says it will be devastating [27:33] Portfolios have too much debt in them and pensions are underfunded [30:23] What should people do to protect themselves from this catastrophe? [33:01] Launch a home based business for diversification [34:37] Real estate investments trusts to mitigate the downside of the market [39:20] Run away from mega-expensive coaching programs [40:45] Short-term investing is financial gambling [43:45] What happened to the King of Long term investing, Warren Buffett? [47:35] Becoming self-sufficient is the way to weather the upcoming economic storm [50:45] Will the U.S. dollar continue to be the reserve currency? [52:00] Gold & Silver has outlived paper currencies [55:36] Gold is a portable asset and should be a portion of your diversification Mentions: Stock Investing for Dummies Paul Mladjenovic Abundance: The Future is Better than you Think Bold Book Venture Alliance Mastermind The Raving Capitalist Monex
Originally aired as CW 231 Join Jason Hartman and Doug Casey of Casey Research for a candid discussion about the condition of America and what is to come. Doug feels we needed a depression, but it doesn’t have to be as long and dismal as it’s going to be for most people. The U.S. government has gone about everything completely opposite of the right way; it’s totally bankrupt. They’re selling money/debt to the Federal Reserve because no other country in the world wants to buy our devalued American dollar. Doug feels for the average American because he/she is not going to profit from it and is going to be turned into a common serf. Pension funds are in trouble and are nothing more than the government’s scheme to finance its debt.
The Lifeonaire organization believes if you put your vision first the rest will naturally follow. What do you do with your extra time? If you default to work, you may not be living the life you want. The Lifeonaire philosophy blends your vision of the life you want and trades your money for time. The program’s foundation for making money while enjoying your time is based on real estate investing which is a historically proven asset class. If you are able to continue making money while living the life you have always wanted why wouldn’t you? Additional capacity just opened up for our Orlando Property Tour & Creating Wealth Boot camp. Go to to sign up now. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [2:56] You can either be motivated by desperation or inspiration – Jim Rohn [3:32] Orlando Property Tour has some additional capacity available & coffee [6:07] The Creating Wealth Boot camp [6:34] Meet the Masters & Venture Alliance Mastermind events [7:23] This listener is ready to invest but would like Jason’s advice Shaun McCloskey Guest Interview: [13:54] People did exactly what I taught them to do [15:45] Finding a job which is not work is ultimately the goal [17:39] Don’t forget what you love by working too much [18:44] Lifeonaire = a millionaire + a life [20:11] The four stages of lifeonaire [23:07] What would you doing if you only had 6 months to live? [25:41] Using your extra time for living your vision [28:10] Where did the 40 hour work week come from? [30:07] Visions get clouded by goals [32:35] Start with the Lifeonaire book Mentions: The Bulletproof Executive Venture Alliance Mastermind Lifeonaire  
Jason opens up about Barack Obama and Donald Trump and why he bought two self-driving vehicles. Have you ever considered lending your money to receive a better than average return? The opportunity now exists through our organization for you to become a hard money lender. Jason explains some widely used financial terms and how they apply to the residential real estate market. And, updates on the Orlando Property Tour, the upcoming Meet the Masters and the Venture Alliance trip to Dubai. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [2:44] What exactly is a convertible ARM? [3:57] We have special connections with commercial lenders who finance residential real estate [6:19] Residential properties have desirable financing [8:12] Explaining the Cost of Funds Index (COFI) [10:50] Jason just purchased 2 Tesla cars, 1 “X” and 1 “S” [15:11] The formula for calculating adjustable rate loans [17:51] What is a bridge loan and how is it used? [18:18] Becoming a hard money lender is available through our organization [21:32] The Orlando Property Tour is just about full [22:02] Meet the Masters in La Hoya, California in early January [22:46] Venture Alliance Mastermind in Dubai in February [24:11] Jason loves his Fitbit – Charge HR Mentions: 1984 Animal Farm Venture Alliance Mastermind Fitbit
Originally aired as CW 70 Jason answers some listener questions, and then shares some wisdom from Earl Nightingale and Dan Sullivan.
Leverage is the key to success Jason does a solo episode on today’s show and has a number of thoughts he’d like to share with the audience. Jason emphasizes the importance of leveraging not only our investments, but our business, and our biology too. He believes leverage is the key to success and talks on why leverage is so important. Jason also talks on Tony Robbins and his philosophy after attending his seminar last week. Key Takeaways: [2:30] Today Jason will be diving into more general topics not necessarily related to investing. [3:40] What kind of resources does Jason read? [8:20] Books are too long! [9:40] Jason believes the three most important things in life are our business, biology, and investments. [12:10] Walking 10,000 steps is a pretty big accomplishment. [12:50] The focus of the Creating Wealth show is to gain leverage on our investments. [14:45] The self-driving car could change the location, location, location motto in real estate investing. [19:00] Jason talks about Tony Robbins. [22:50] Can you really decide to be happy? [25:10] What are we really focused on? [29:55] Jason shares his thoughts about the book Talent Code by Daniel Coyle. [32:15] The best way to learn how to be a real estate investor? Buy property! [35:25] Jason shares his thoughts on the book Disrupt Yourself by Jay Samit. [37:30] There’s a website that can tell you if you’re house is haunted. [40:55] Marijuana and Denver real estate. [43:15] Check out Jason’s next events via his website. P.S The Orlando property tour is almost full. Mentioned In This Episode: Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! by Robert H. Schuller. Talent Code by Daniel Coyle The Organized Mind by Daniel Levitin. Disrupt Yourself by Jay Samit.
Results of the John Hancock 2015 Investor Sentiment Survey with Megan Greene. Megan Greene joins us today to discuss the results of the 2015 John Hancock Investor Sentiment Survey. She shares her views on whether or not the Fed’s will raise the interest rate, if the stock market is rigged and how she believes monetary easing stokes financial inequality. There are still a few spots left for the Orlando Property Tour! Go to to reserve your spot. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:54] Ms. Hartman is an extreme do it yourselfer [5:03] Jason wants me to increase my rent to value ratio [7:03] Sign, sign everywhere a sign [8:01] Inflation induced debt destruction [9:01] Orlando Property Tour has a few spots left [10:11] Meet the Masters in January [10:18] Venture Alliance Mastermind – February in Dubai [11:48] “Divorce the story, marry the truth” – Tony Robbins quote Megan Greene Guest Interview: [13:11] Regulations and less market liquidity causes volatility [14:21] High frequency trading makes it difficult for small players [16:29] The stock market is partly rigged [17:50] What’s the next move for the Fed [20:53] Results of the investor sentiment survey [21:41] The Fed’s may hike in December [22:58] Monetary easing stokes financial inequality [24:41] Pushing investors into riskier investments [26:28] Infrastructure spending may be in the future for the U.S. [27:05] How will a rate hike affect mortgage holders [29:16] Mobility is a benefit for Gen Y workers [30:25] Risks coming from outside of the U.S. Mentions: Tony Robbins Garrett Sutton Manulife John Hancock Asset Management
Originally aired as CW 171 In this show Jason has a very casual, impromptu (and silly at times) discussion with two of his favorite Investment Counselors, Ari and Sara.  You’ll get a debrief on the last Creating Wealth Boot Camp, some investing insights, a “case study” article from The Financial Freedom Report and hear first hand from one of recent our clients who is creating high ROI in this market. The next show will feature Jason’s interview with New York Times #1 bestselling author and speaker, Harvey MacKay, as they review his latest book Use Your Head To Get Your Foot In The Door: Job Search Secrets No One Else Will Tell You and some of Harvey’s older works like How To Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.
Why is the most historically proven asset class still a secret? It’s impossible to predict which way the market will turn with any amount of certainty. But there are safeguards in place for you to invest your money into proven outlets. The main investment you should consider is the most historically proven asset class, income property. Financial planners won’t suggest it and Certified Public Accountants may not know key factors to assessing your risk. A real estate investment group may be the only entity you can turn to when you want to make a solid investment. Check out our Early Bird pricing for Meet the Masters. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [2:26] Fernando discovers he probably should have purchased auctioned homes in Florida [9:10] Don’t spend so much time on individual properties [10:46] Florida had a lot of properties for sale [12:33] Judicial foreclosure markets have a slower market discovery [13:36] No one can predict what the market is going to do [15:40] An example of one of the properties [16:53] Phoenix gets too expensive [22:34] We hope to see you on the Orlando Property Tour & Meet the Masters Jeff Barnes Guest Interview: [24:17] There is a wide array of qualified retirement plans [25:52] Two tax codes, Business & Employee [27:57] Real Estate investors want to grow their money tax deferred [32:13] Diversification of income property inside of your retirement plan [34:28] Proving your transactions to the IRS [36:56] Many consumers don’t know how to invest [39:01] Becoming equity partners as a passive investor [41:45] Use the same strategies as bank, a hard money lender [44:26] To succeed, maintain control [45:08] Jeff’s Wall Street history [49:10] A certified financial planner isn’t trained in the #1 historically proven asset class [53:48] Wall Street has countless outlets for investment information [55:21] 30% of corporate profits in the U.S. come from financial services industry Mentions: American Auction Network TV Zillow Ready, Fire, Aim The Ultimate Guide for Self Directed Investing & Retirement Planning
Want to be an investor but still have a life? Value investing is the key. Tren Griffin doesn’t know the current stock price of Berkshire Hathaway and says Warren Buffett probably doesn’t either. Day-to-day ups and downs in the market don’t affect feasible, long-term investments. Value investing, traditionally known as buy and hold investing, approaches investing differently than most low fee indexes. It encourages rational thinking, interest based buying and finding the price mistakes in the market. Early Bird pricing for the next Meet the Masters event is now available. Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial: [1:29] Orlando Property Tour & Creating Wealth Seminar coming up [3:06] What I like about Warren Buffett [4:37] Know this about the properties on our site [9:39] The Walmart documentary example [14:11] Every company has 3 primary audiences – suppliers, stakeholders & customers [16:00] Send me an email with good quality sitcoms! [18:06] Meet the Masters – Early bird pricing available now! [18:30] Dubai in February with the Venture Alliance Tren Griffin Guest Interview: [19:35] Why write about Charlie Munger [20:56] 4 principles of value investing [24:11] Munger philosophy of decision-making [25:27] 25iq [26:34] The key to investing is to find a mistake – FOMO [31:40] Markets are difficult to predict in the short term [33:37] Aligning investments with interests [35:51] Are you willing to do the work required by value investing [37:38] The circle of confidence – become a specialist in one area [39:50] Munger/Buffett fundamental – Get Rich Slow [44:14] Berkshire stock never splits [46:12] Following Tren [48:03] You can have a life when you are a value investor Mentions: Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor Venture Alliance Mastermind 25iq @trengriffin Flash Boys
Originally aired as CW 186 Jason Hartman talks with acclaimed financial advisor Ric Edelman.  Barron’s has six times (2004–2009) ranked Ric Edelman among America’s 100 top financial advisors. In 2009, Ric was ranked the #1 independent financial advisor in the nation by Barron’s.
Understanding various mortgage types and how it affects you, the investor. Even though Jason believes in a fixed rate, long-term, buy and hold mortgage strategy, he encourages people to be informed about the additional financing options available. This week he and Naresh take a deep dive into the adjustable-rate mortgage, breaking it down into easy to understand piece parts. They also discuss the wrap around mortgage, what the term negative rate means and give numerical examples to clearly explain each distinct type of calculation. Early Bird pricing is available for the Orlando Property Tour & Creative Wealth Boot Camp Key Takeaways: [2:46] 5 Elements of adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM) [4:19] 1. Start or Teaser rate [5:10] 2. Index [7:20] 3. Margin [8:50] 4. Annual cap – 3 types [13:38] Negative interest rates [18:17] Negative amortization rate [19:05] Sophisticated investing techniques [22:43] AITD – Wrap around mortgage [24:23] Wrap around mortgage example [28:48] Don’t forget about the Orlando Property tour & Creating Wealth Boot Camp Mentions:  