DiscoverCreative Acts - Bring Your Ideas To Life
Creative Acts - Bring Your Ideas To Life

Creative Acts - Bring Your Ideas To Life

Author: Fi Gregory

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Join Creativity Coach, Fi Gregory, for an honest look at the practical and personal tools we need to help us navigate our creative process, one small step at a time.
6 Episodes
Unlock Your Creativity

Unlock Your Creativity


Creative potential lies within each and everyone of us. The only person who can unlock your creative potential is you. And the only way to do this is to get into action and underway with your very own creative process.In this episode we look at how personal and critical thinking can unlock both your creative potential and your creative process.I hope you finish this episode feeling excited about what lies within you and inspired to start taking action to create what lies ahead of you.
Self Doubt

Self Doubt


Self doubt is part and parcel of every creative process, from a questioning flicker to a persistent period of darkness. Self doubt is the fearful child lost in the unknown, lacking the self trust and self belief that they can navigate their way through.In this bitesized episode we explore:What self doubt is.Why and how it crops up in the creative process.The small whispers of doubtful thoughts that chip away at our self worth.The effect of self doubt on a creative career or business.Self doub...
Ideas Overwhelm

Ideas Overwhelm


Ideas are full of so much energy and creative potential. The key to bringing an idea to life lies in our ability to get really practical and grounded in our approach to action. Without a practical approach we can easily feel anxious and overwhelmed by our ideas. In this episode we look at:What Ideas overwhelm is.How and when ideas overwhelm crops up.Why we need to develop a simple process to calm the overwhelm.How this same process can also help to move our ideas forward.A simple 3 step proce...



Perfectionism is fear disguise - a murderer who leaves no trace. Perfectionism knows that we understand there is no such thing as perfect. It knows we get that a creative process is messy. It knows we are wise to this. So it has to sneak in through the back door whilst we aren't watching, cloaking itself under the guise of high standards. But it doesn't have to carry on holding us and our creations back!In this bitesized episode we explore:How many of us don't realise perfectionism ...
I believe all have ideas inside of us that only we can bring to life. But when it comes to the doing part we often lose our way or we lose our nerve.But what if, feeling lost was the way? What if our fear could actually be serving as a signpost - directing us towards a truer and more meaningful path in our creative life and work?In this bitesized episode we look at:My personal story of becoming the artist of my own life.How ideas can show up as exciting, terrifying, or both.Why we must give o...
We know that if we want to create we must be free to play, let go, take risks, detach from outcomes, make mistakes and get lost in the unknown. Knowing this is one thing but doing it is another thing entirely. In order to really do this we must first undo ourselves from the day-to-day world of getting it right. This takes practice, which is where a Creative Practice comes in...In this bitesized episode we look at:What a Creative Practice isWhy we can't wait for the perfect timeHow small and r...