Creator's Playbook

The podcast that inspires creativity for artists and writers - Join us as we explore the vast elements of storytelling. Every episode is an adventure into the creative process as we make monsters, relics, heroes, and more! Don’t ever feel alone in your creative pursuits again. We can’t wait to see what you make!

88 - "Doctor McDuke" - Timeloop

What if you could have the perfect day? Nothing went wrong, all you did was right, and in the end you come out on top in everyway. What kind of effort would be required to do that? It would take a culmination of all effort or very special circumstances. Or, maybe you could just relive the same day over and over again until it was just right. Timeloops are a story phenomenon that find themselves getting told again and again. Join Robbie and Sarah as they explore the inspiration behind timeloop...


87 - "Soul Bleeding" - Dystopias

Cold and dark days have come to The Creators Playbook here in episode "Soul Bleeding" where Robbie and Michael delve into the backdrop of dystopian societies. You, Great Author, have a choice before you in how your characters are going to live through an oppressive regime! Will they be triumphant and conquer in majesty? Or will your society crush them? Join us as we delve into this wonderfully awful business of making our characters' lives terrible as we create a dystopia, and place our chara...


86 - "Mr. Math" - Magical Shop

It's that time of the year. A time to go out and surprise others with gifts, treats, and service. It's a time of scrolling through online sellers and walking through isles trying to find the perfect thing. Sometimes all you need is just a little magic to make it all happen. Today join Robbie and Steven as they create a Magical Shop filled with wonder and mystery.Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creator's PlaybookEpisode Hashtag: #cppodcast086Website:


85 - "The Bunny Brigade" - Wishes

“Wishes. It's amazing how much of our lives are full of Wish routines. Wishing on the first star in the sky or a shooting star. Wishing on birthday candles. Stories are also full of wishes as well. What we wish for shows what we value, and in stories wishing can be a window into a characters soul. Wishes can also serve as both a great blessing, but also trials and tests. Remember, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”Twitter: @Creators...


84 - "The Eclipse Coin" - Storytelling Warm Ups

If you were to look behind the curtain of the production of Creator's Playbook, there are several stages that would be very obvious. Research, writing, episode preparation, recording and scheduling, down to the editing, effects, and music selection. But one thing a lot of our listeners might not know is that we actually take the art of warming up before a recording very seriously.As much research goes into our show, there is still a very real sense of improv. Because of that, we need to be in...


83 - "The Feeding Forest" - Ghost Hunters

Every tale with a Ghost is a tale of history. The ghost is something left over from the past, a linger memory, and the haunted location is the canvas for its story. It's a Ghost Hunters job to uncover these mysteries, find the vapory clues, and reveal the ghost. These stories are exciting and spooky, and today we're going to tell our own tale.Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creator's PlaybookEpisode Hashtag: #cppodcast083Website:


82 - "The 100 Year Promise" - Space Exploration

Space invites the mind to all kinds of ideas and stories. Exploring it has been the staple of thousands of science fiction stories across all medium, causing to wonder what worlds, people, creatures, and things float around the distance specks of light that sprinkle across the sky every night. Join Robbie, Sarah, and Michael as we explore our very own piece of space and turn it into a story.Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creator's PlaybookEpisode Hashtag: #cppodcast082Website:


81 - "Warm Violet" - Life's Work

There come moments when we hear our own, calm voice reassure us that what we are doing is where we are meant to be. Sometimes it is hard to hear that with such clarity when the world is filled with the chaos of the going-ons of life, but we can still hear it when we take those gentle moments to listen.What exactly is the concept of a life's work, and how do we find our purpose in what we do? These are questions I have been asking myself as of late. How do I know that the work I am creating le...


80 - "Oak Ridge Rifts" - Time Traveling Zombies

It is Halloween! So obviously we are going to talk about Zombies. But the real question we want to ask is why do people like scary stories in the first place? Is there an actual benefit to getting scared? And most importantly, how do stories of the undead fit into all of this? Join Michael and Robbie as we delve into horror and zombies with a time travel twist.Episode References:"Why Do So Many People Like Horror Movies? Six Reasons We Love Being Scared"


79 - "A Tangled Death" - Plant Monster

Plants, they seem harmless, right? Bouquets for Valentines and weddings. Daisies to brighten someone’s day. Fields of wildflowers to spark any lighthearted soul. But plants in stories? Oh, they be sinister. Seymour fed a plant human flesh and blood in Little Shop of Horrors. The villainess Poison Ivy uses plants to thwart her vigilante foes. The Whomping Willow protected a young werewolf from his classmates, and later destroyed a Ford Anglia.&nb...


78 - "Light of the Flesh" - Alien Invasion

Encounters of the third kind, but with a sinister twist. Alien invasions inspire all sorts of uncomfortable and frightful feelings. How does one fight against an enemy much more advanced than themselves? Why are they coming for our homeworld? Have we gone too far with our social media feeds and it's their way of showing us? The mystery is palpable. Join Robbie and Steven as they explore, dissect, and create their own story on alien invasions.Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creator's Playbook...


77 - "Feather's Landing" - Unfinished Business

As the seasons turn to fall, watching the colors fade from the trees and the wildlife turn to hibernation causes the human experience to reflect on the frailty of life and the cycles of death. As we enter the month of October we enter our spooky season here on Creator's Playbook, and what better way to start us off than launching into the subject of unfinished business among the ghosts of the dead! Paranormal activity around the dead had been spoken about all around the world. The concept tha...


76 - "Light in the Shadows" - Celtic Fairies

We’ve grown up hearing about Fairies, popularized by a certain Tinker Bell who is small and sassy. Fairies have largely been commercialized, gracing children’s books, postcards, figurines, and shows. But who are the Fairies? They take many forms throughout the Celtic lands of Ireland, Scotland, The Isle of Man, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany. There are legends and stories, beliefs, that are shared and different. Tales that haunt and tales that warn. Join Ste...


75 - "The Spoiler" - Doomsday Device

Fiction has done some pretty wild things with super weapons. They've become the center conflict in many stories from comic books to epic sci-fi, but how does one make an interesting and terrifying super weapon? Join Robbie and Steven as they explore the methods necessary to do just that.Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creator's PlaybookEpisode Hashtag: #cppodcast075Website:


74 - "Ships passing on the big blue wet thing" - Getting Lost

Have you ever had that moment when you realized that you weren't as sure of where you were than you thought? The landmarks are gone, the familiar faces missing, and your direction seems lost forever. What do you do in times like those? Better yet, what do your characters do?How do stories about getting help a character grow? In todays episode we explore why stories include "getting lost" elements, and how you can best use these tropes in your own stories.Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creat...


73 - "In Plain Sight" - Asteroids

Who doesn’t love a good Earth annihilation story? An asteroid spiraling towards Earth! I mean, it sure caught the dinosaurs by surprise. But is that all asteroids are good for? There’s a treasure trove hiding away in space rocks. Fortunes and resources that would have made the cunning Long John Silver crazy with wanting desire. What possibilities lay in the asteroid belt and beyond? Join Sarah and Michael as they explore the power of asteroids and wha...


72 - "Dummy Style" - Martial Arts

Coming up on the release of Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings, we wanted to explore the exciting world of Martial Arts and creating a martial arts. Martial Arts is an ancient form of story telling that has touched the hearts of millions and inspired millions more to overcome personal weakness in favor of greater strengths.Join Robbie and Steven as they create their martial arts and use it to tell the story.References: -------------------------------------------------------------List o...


71 - "Please Try Again" - Virtual Reality

As creators, we have the opportunity to tell stories of all kinds, shapes, and sizes. It could be a dark, terrifying detective mystery, or it could be an epic adventure across the galaxies. But what happens when your story takes place in a world within the world you're telling? A virtually created world using the modern technologies of the setting. Today join Robbie, Michael, and Steven as they explore the elements that make up Virtual Realities.Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creator's Play...


70 - "The Ocean on Floor 22" - Secret Base

Good guys on the run. Heroes worn down by the constant threat to their own safety. Identities that need protecting. A secret place is a home to the unsafe and daring. Most super heroes have them, and many stories are filled with them. Join Robbie and Steven as they spin up their own version and explore the secrets behind their very own base.


69 - "Choose Wisely" - Moral Dilemmas

Every good character is made great through the choices they make, but do we really know their character? Join Michael and Sarah as we create a Moral Dilemma to place our character in a situation that is at odds with their values and themselves and see what decisions they've made through a dilemma of deathly consequences that could spell disaster for the people of two planets. Twitter: @CreatorsPBPodFacebook: Creator's PlaybookEpisode Hashtag: #cppodcast069Website: Creator's Playbook


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