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Creature Covenant with Dr. Adriana
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Creature Covenant with Dr. Adriana

Author: CTR Network

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You are tuning in to Creature Covenant with Dr. Adriana Odachowski, a non-political and non-religious world movement that celebrates the healing power of the sacred human/animal bond.

Dr. Adriana is a leading expert veterinarian in the Tampa Bay region in Florida and a visionary, passionate about creating a culture that reflects our deep love, respect, and admiration for the powerful human/animal bond.

Join Dr. Adriana and her panel of experts, visionaries, healers, and animal advocates who are here to share their amazing human/animal rescue stories and how these experiences transformed their lives.

Visit our website, sign the Creature Covenant, and become a Creature Covenant Crusader.

Join our free Facebook group and enjoy uplifting animal stories or share your own.

Follow us on Instagram creature_covenant

Together, we can build a better world for ourselves and the creatures of this Planet !!
13 Episodes
Join Dr Adriana and her expert guests Connie Lucas and Eluv. Discover what phototherapy patching is and how it can improve human and animal quality of life. A life- changing experience for many, a chapter you don't want to miss.
Join me in this enlightening interview with Carla Meeske creator of the Spirit Healer School of Shamanism. Carla is a pioneer in web-based distance healing and learning of shamanism with over 20 years of experience in professional shamanic practice for both people and animals. Learn how the oldest form of medicine can be integrated as a support system for the modern doctor today. An interview you won't want to miss !
Have you ever wonder is communication with animals is possible? If you could talk to your beloved pets that have passed, what would you ask them? Are the animals in our lives just cute companions or rather messengers from which we learn lessons? Please join me in this amazing interview with the internationally acclaimed animal communicator and author Laila del Monte. Mrs. del Monte earned her master's degree in history of religion from the Sorbonne in Paris, is a former famous flamenco dancer and today a lecturer and internationally sought-after animal communicator and consultant in Europe and the U.S. She is the author of Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing. Don't miss this enlightening interview!"
I invite you join me in this heart- felt interview with Jon Patch, host of the largest and longest running pet radio and internet show in the country, Talkin' Pets. For the past 31 years... his only true passion in life has been to help educate the world through interviews with celebrities like Betty White, Tippi Hedren, Bob Barker, Linda Blair and others, authors, foundations, and organizations like the ASPCA, LCA, HSUS, AHA, WSPA on the ways to make this world a better place for all animals and mankind . "This is the only home we have so we all need to learn how to share and maintain it so that life for us all continues and evolves forever..." Jon.
A friendly and meaningful conversation with Bill Gray from Second Chance Friends Rescue. Our host takes Dr Adriana in a journey through her past, as he digs into her heart and soul. Discover where Creature Covenant came from and where it is going.".
Please join me and my expert guest Mr Bill Gray form Second Chance Friends Rescue. Discover the good, the sad and the amazing of the animal rescue world. In their own words: “Second Chance” is not a second chance for dogs, because that would presume they had a first chance and failed. The majority of the dogs we rescue never had any chances, first, second, or otherwise. The name of our rescue refers to giving humans a second chance to provide a safe, healthy, and loving home and environment for our dogs, since most of these dogs come to us after they have been abused or neglected by their owners.”“SCF solely relies on volunteers to get the work done and no one receives compensation for their work. SCF receives no funding from the government or the United Way. Our adoption fees and donations from other dog lovers cover our costs.”.
How do we learn from animals?How can we develop our animal communication habilities? What happens to animals during the time of death and the afterlife and what lessions can we learn?Please join me and my expert guest on a journey trhough the science of animal communication.
Discover the beauty of a volunteer organization that reaches out to the most vulnerable segment in our community: the homeless population. Learn how this inspiring organization is helping the homeless in out commnuty keep their pets and how you can help. When we seem to loose everything and all we have is the love of our pets to help us trhough difficult times. An eye opener!!
Please join me to discover how Music and Flower Essences can help us heal, ourselves and our animals. Eluv, is Healing Music Artist, Channeler/ Medium, DJ & Radio Personality .Eluv, was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia. Eluv is the host of “Ultrasounds” radio show on WMNF, 88.5 FM Tampa. Thursday night's 10pm-Midnight.She creates beautiful inspirational music, guided meditations, and visualizations for relaxation and healing. Her recordings are featured on the Monroe Institute's Hemi-Sync label, with binaural sound healing technology added to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain.Her singing style is a unique immersion into grace with her angelic vocals and sacred songs. Eluv combines her vocals with a tapestry of pure tones of the Crystal Singing Bowls, lush harp strings, and other beautiful sounds. The ethereal pure tones generated by the Crystal Singing Bowls are some of the purest and most powerful healing tones in existence. Known for her open-hearted intuitive approach to healing, Eluv's music awakens joy, heart opening, well-being and deep relaxation.Her practice features multiple modalities; Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls, and Angel Harps, Live Healing Music Performances, Composing Music & Guided Meditations, Voice Overs, Mantra, Kirtan, Art, Essential Oils, Flower Essences. She is an Advanced Ancestral Healing practitioner, offering private Channeled Readings for people and animals. “Traveling through sound with Eluv, you feel as if you are floating on a cloud in heaven” ~ Karmen PFind ELUV :
Some caused have the capacity to transform one’s perspective and shape the way we approach life. Find out how a charity animal hospital inspired me to create Creature Covenant. Laura Yalcin and Karen Hubby join me in this beautiful chapter; enjoy our stories and reminiscing of meaningful experiences of helping animals and people. How compassion mobilized a whole community.
This 1 year old organization is disrupting the status quo of charitable miracles through: Animal rescue, community projects and environmental protection. Get inspired by this 28 year old woman, animal lover and community leader, changing the world with kindness.
How a rescued dog inspired a whole community, changed lives and created a Legacy: Love From Luke. Let’s discover how the most amazing human/animal bond true story became an organization that rescues disabled animals and turns them into service dogs for disabled people.
Communicator, Spirit Channeler, Spiritual Teacher, and Reiki Master in the Traditional Usui Method, and teachesReiki Level 1 through Master Level. Her Reiki sessions include the use ofcrystals and other energy techniques, and include channeled messages frommany spiritual realms.As an Animal Communicator, Sue sends and receives messages to and fromanimals. She can do this work with living animals or those in 'spirit form,' andworks with animals in person or from a distance—the results are the same. Sheincludes Reiki for the animal, if they want it. Her mission is to give a voice toas many animals as possible!Sueʼs been featured in a segment on UK's This Morning Show, Good DayTampa, Good Day NY, Positive Energy TV, PIX 11 News, and on Late Nightwith Seth Meyers working with his dog, Frisbee; and in articles for The NewYork Times,, for her animal communication. You canhear her interviews every third Thursday of the month streaming on WMNFʼs"Ultrasounds" show Tampa, Fl., where she offers messages directly channeledfrom the animal realms for the highest good of people and the planet!Visit Sueon her orat her Twitter: @sueanimaltalkerInstagram: suepikeenergyFacebook Fan Page: has videos of some of her animal communication sessions on her YouTubechannel: suepikeenergy