Crisis Point

Since 1982, Crisis Magazine has been America's leading source for Catholic perspectives on religion, culture, and politics. Join editor-in-chief Eric Sammons and leading Catholics on "Crisis Point."

The Mystery of the Stigmata (Guest: Paul Kengor)

The Stigmata holds a special place in the history of Catholic mysticism, as well as in the Catholic imagination. What is this gift, and why do certain people receive it?


You Are Going to Die!

Death is the one thing we absolutely cannot escape and also the one thing that should shape how we live. Yet we ignore death all the time. Why keeping death in our minds will help us live better lives.


A Catholic Alternative for President? (Guest:  Peter Sonski)

The presidential candidate for the American Solidarity Party joins the podcast to discuss his party's platform and what they hope to accomplish in the 2024 election.


Catholics Support Harris?

A recent poll showed that Catholics—including Mass-attending Catholics—support Kamala Harris over Donald Trump for President. What is going on?


Where Were Our Spiritual Fathers During Covid? (Guest: Kevin Wells)

During the dark spring of 2020, it seemed that so many of our spiritual fathers checked out. We were denied the Sacraments and other spiritual aids at a time we needed it most. But there were exceptions: priests who heroically ministered to their people in spite of the darkness.


What Is Catholic Fundamentalism? (And Is It a Problem?)

Recently Catholic apologist Trent Horn condemned "Catholic Fundamentalism", which many took as a veiled attack on Catholic traditionalism. We'll look at the crux of Trent's argument and what he gets right and wrong about the issue of Catholic fundamentalism.


The Gift of Motherhood (Guest: Mary Cuff)

Motherhood is the most important "job" in the world. But it comes with struggles and suffering. One mother decided to look to another type of mother for advice in this important task.


Censoring the Word of God

Since 1970 certain controversial passages of the Bible have been removed or made optional in Catholic liturgical settings. Why was this done? What has been the impact?


Back to the Beginning: Finding Solutions to Today's Problems in Genesis (Guest: Monica Miller)

The first three chapters of Genesis "set the table," so to speak, for the rest of the Bible. But they also give us answers to the problems that plague us today, if only we understand what those chapters are saying.


Our Lady of Akita: Did Our Lady Really Appear in Japan?

Last week on the Feast of the Assumption, Sister Agnes Sasagawa, a Japanese nun who claimed to see the Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Akita, passed away. We'll take a closer look at the details surrounding her life and visions.


Can Catholics be Zionists? (Guest: Dr. Matthew Tsakanikas)

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has led many Catholics to side with Israel for theological reasons, believing God has promised certain land to the Jewish people. Is this legitimate? Are Catholic obligated to defend the modern state of Israel?


Did Online Trads Cause the TLM Crackdown?

Ever since Pope Francis began to restrict the TLM, many have pointed to prominent traditionalists online as the reason. Is this true? If so, what does that say about the pope?


Why Is the U.K. Rioting? (Guest: Sarah Cain)

The United Kingdom has broken out into riots over the issue of mass immigration and a unfair policing system in place to deal with it. How did this start, and where will it end?


Kamala Harris: The Anti-Catholic Candidate

The anointing of Kamala Harris as the Democratic Presidential Nominee signals the deeply anti-Catholic nature of that party. So why do some self-proclaimed Catholics still support her?


Why Are Young Catholics More Conservative? (Guest: Fr. Gabriel Mosher, OP)

Recent news stories have highlighted that young Catholics—both clergy and laity—are increasingly conservative. We'll look at the reasons behind that growing trend.


The World Has Gone Insane

The last month has been a relentless onslaught of crazy news stories, with the world seeming to be falling apart. We'll take a look at the latest news and also discuss how Catholics properly fight for the Truth while maintaining our peace in Christ.


Reconciling Religion and Science (Guest: Fr. Paul Robinson)

The modern conflict between religion and science has only intensified in recent years. While some Catholics want to reject most modern scientific findings, many scientists act as infallible guides to all of reality. What is the proper Catholic perspective?


National Eucharistic Congress Recap: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis generated a great deal of enthusiasm among Catholics, but was it successful in its mission? We'll explore both the highs and the lows of the Congress.


Why Is Everyone Unhappy? (Guest: Fr. Robert J. Spitzer)

We live in a fundamentally unhappy time. Modern life and modern culture have led many to be profoundly unhappy and to seek happiness in many directions. How do we truly find happiness?


Did Our Lady of Fatima Save President Trump?

President Trump avoided being assassinated by less than an inch on the anniversary of an apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. A coincidence or heavenly intervention?


Ingrid Linbohm

John Paul ll kissed a Koran in Morocco. John Paul ll called every religion to pray together in Assisi in October 1986. This event followed the World Wildlife Fund meeting in Assisi in September 1986 where representatives of all religions met together for the sake of the dictatorship of eco humanist secularism.

10-03 Reply

Ingrid Linbohm

The surrender of Vatican ll to the world is coming home to roost.

03-31 Reply

Farhad Rad

#Mahsa_Amini #Nika_Shakarami #Sarina_Smailzade #Dictator_Governance #Protest #Iran #مهسا_امینی #نیکا_شاکرمی #سارینا_اسماعیل_زاده ✌️✌️✌️

10-08 Reply

Izabela Hanna Warzecha

NATO was not "expanded", but the figuratively raped by Russia countries of Poland, Romania, Hungary, the Baltic states WANTED to live in a stable, secure situation without having to always hope that no Dlugin-type of Eurasian madman (Dlugin thinks I.e that Poland should not exist) will ascend to the Russian throne. If Russia wasn't a despotic s...hole these countries would feel secure on their own. btw since when do Americans negotiate with terrorists, did I miss something?

10-08 Reply

Ingrid Linbohm

The purpose of Jesus when he came was to reveal God to us. The purpose of the church is to do the same. where the church authorities don't do that they are defective.

02-09 Reply

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