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Crisis Response

Author: DVIDS Hub

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"Crisis Response" focuses on the humanitarian efforts made by the United States military. When a disaster strikes the United States military is in many cases the first to respond. We will update this channel with news and footage concerning these relief efforts.
299 Episodes
B-roll footage of USAF C-130 arriving at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Rawalpindi,Pakistan, on 31 Jul 10. The aircrew delivered nearly 8,000 halal meals-ready-to-eat in support of Pakistan''s flood relief efforts. Footage shows aircraft arrival, unloading, exterior shots of the aircraft and a Pakistani official examining one of the meals.
B-roll of a C-17 Globemaster III from Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan delivering more than 44,000 halal meals to Islamabad, Pakistan for distribution to flood-stricken areas. Produced by Staff Sgt. Mark Leahy
Elizabeth Rood

Elizabeth Rood


Elizabeth Rood, Consulate General of the United States of America, discusses the delivery of halal meals to the people of Peshawar, Pakistan on a C-130H aircraft in support of Pakistan Humanitarian Assistance.
B-roll of the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing delivering halal meals to the people of Peshawar, Pakistan on a C-130H aircraft in support of Pakistan Humanitarian Assistance. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Drew Nystrom.
Sgt. John McHellon

Sgt. John McHellon


Sgt. John McHellon of the International Security Assistance Force movement control team discusses the uploading of halal meals in support of Pakistan Humanitarian Assistance at Bagram Air Field
Vice Adm. Mike LeFever

Vice Adm. Mike LeFever


Vice Adm. Mike LeFever talks to a military reporter about a C-17 Globemaster III from Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan delivering more than 44,000 halal meals to Islamabad, Pakistan for distribution to flood-stricken areas. For more see "C-17 Globemaster III Delievers Aid" located in b-roll section.
B-roll of U.S. Army Soldiers of the International Security Assistance Force uploading halal meals in support of Pakistan Humanitarian Assistance at Bagram Air Field. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Drew Nystrom. Afghanistan
This edition is about U.S. Service members who are working around the clock to provide aid to the flood stricken citizens of Pakistan. Marine Staff Sgt. Jeremy Vought reports from Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan.
Package about Air Force cargo jets being used in international relief efforts in Pakistan after a devastating flood. Produced by Marine Staff Sgt. Jeremy Vought.
Package about the floods in Pakistan putting U.S. military in Afghanistan on alert to provide assistance. Includes interviews with Spc. Jason Trevino from Corpus Christi, Texas, Spc. Ryan Gehringer from Mich., Capt. Tim Goodwillie from York, Pa. and Airman 1st Class Christian Ruhe from Temecula, Calif. Produced by Staff Sgt. Jeremy Vought. Also available in high definition.
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


B-roll of Pakistan flood relief efforts. Scenes include supplies being upload, supplies being shorted out, military aircraft landing on a runway, a military aircraft traveling down a runway and supplies being unload off the military aircraft. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon. pakflood10
B-Roll the military relief response to the devastating floods that recently hit Pakistan. Scenes include aerial shots of the flooded terrain, evacuation of citizens by helicopter and the distribution of food. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon. pakflood10
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


Package about Pakistani and U.S. relief workers delivering food and transporting stranded civilians as humanitarian aid is being given to people affected by floods in Pakistan. Includes soundbites from Eza Gul - a local villager, and Staff Sgt. Marco Lopez - Task Force Raptor. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon. pakflood10
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


B-roll of service members assisting in Pakistan flood relief efforts. Scenes include a helicopter taking off, various aerial views of flood damage and a soundbite from Staff Sgt. Marco Lopez. Produced Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon. pakflood10
B-Roll of U.S. forces providing aid and air transportation for victims of the recent floods in Pakistan that have adversely affected millions of people. There are sound bites from CW2 Kyle Johnson and CW4 George Kelly, both of whom are with Task Force Raptor. pakflood10
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


B-roll of preparation for Pakistan flood relief. Scenes include helicopters landing and the unloading of supplies. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon. Also see "Brig. Gen. Mike Nagata" in the interview section. pakflood10
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


B-roll of Pakistan Flood Relief. Scenes include various footage from inside helicopter looking down at the terrain effected by the flood. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon.
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


B-roll of Pakistan flood relief. Scenes include aerial footage from inside a helicopter, the helicopter landing, locals boarding the back of the helicopter and a briefing to service members by Brig. Gen. Mike Nagata. pakflood10
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


This edition features a story on Pakistan flood relief and how the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit is picking up where Pakistani and U.S. Forces have leff off after two weeks of pushing supplies and providing aid to the SWAT valley area of Pakistan. Hosted by Sgt. Jose Colon. pakflood10
Pakistan Flood Relief

Pakistan Flood Relief


B-roll of relief efforts for the flood in Pakistan. Scenes include helicopters taking off and an interview with Brig. Gen. Mike Nagata, Task Force Commander about the departure of Task Force Raptor and the arrival of Marine Force helicopters. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon. pakflood10