Crosstalk America

Weekday hour-long live call-in program that airs on over 100 stations. Reporting the news and analyzing issues affecting the world, the church, and your family - all from a Biblical point of view. Jim Schneider is the host of Crosstalk, produced by VCY America.

Dungeons and Dragons Warning!

Dr. David Brown is Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Church in Oak Creek and has a Masters in Theology and a PhD in History specializing in the history of the English Bible. In addition to this, he is also President of Logos Communications Consortium. He is a many years researcher on witchcraft and the occult. He is author of the book The Dark Side of Halloween and the research paper The Dark Facts About Fantasy Role Playing Games.--Today comes with another warning. This time it pertains to the occult and specifically with the fantasy role-playing game, Dungeons - Dragons. This is the 50th anniversary of Dungeons - Dragons which was birthed in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. It was the first widely-old fantasy role-playing game. According to its publisher, Wizards of the Coast, it has been played by 50 million people around the world.--This weekend they are celebrating with the Dragon Days Fantasy Festival at multiple sites in downtown Lake Geneva. This past Sunday, September 22nd, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel featured their entire front page to Dungeons - Dragons, and there were multiple pages inside the Sunday edition also devoted to it. One of the articles they wrote indicated that Dungeons - Dragons is more influential now than ever before.--So what exactly is Dungeons - Dragons-- Are there occultic connections to this game-- And what are the concerns for Christians participating in Dungeons - Dragons--


Abortion…a Matter of Life and Death!

Brad Mattes is president of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. Brad is the host of Life Issues, a daily radio commentary, also the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life.--There's a lot of misinformation being communicated throughout our nation. Right up front we need to be clear. The intentional killing of a baby in the womb is not healthcare. It is murder. The Bible is very clear when it says that God hates the hands that shed innocent blood yet from coast-to-coast there are politicians that are making abortion the centerpiece of their campaigns.--Brad noted how research shows that over 95- of all abortions are done for social or economic reasons. This means they were not required for the life-health of the mother, rape or incest. Many women are also forced-coerced into having an abortion. So he believes we need to stand by and support women when they're facing an unexpected pregnancy and not tell them that the answer is to kill their child. --There's also a lot of misinformation being disseminated about the abortion pill. Although women are told it's not a baby, this procedure is chemical abortion. When the baby passes from their body they see this child and it's at that point they realize they were told a lie. This is causing not only babies to be victims but expectant mothers as well.


The Other Side of the Scopes Monkey Trial

It's often been referred to as the trial of the century. It occurred in July of 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee. It's formally known as- The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes but is more commonly referred to as The Scopes Monkey Trial. --Joining Jim to discuss this issue was Dr. Jerry Bergman, author of the book, The Other Side of the Scopes Monkey Trial. Dr. Bergman is a multi-award-winning teacher and author. He's taught biology, biochemistry, anatomy, genetics and other courses for over 40 years at the University of Toledo Medical College, Bowling Green State University and other colleges. His nine degrees include a doctorate from Wayne State University in Detroit. The 1,026 college credit hours he has earned is the equivalent to almost 20 master's degrees. He has over 1,800 publications in both scholarly and popular science journals which have been translated into 13 languages. His books, which include chapters he has authored, are in over 2,400 college libraries in 65 countries. --According to Dr. Bergman, the American Civil Liberties Union -ACLU-, was aware of a law passed that stated that in public schools, you couldn't teach theories which contradicted the biblical account of creation. The ACLU didn't appreciate that because human evolution is a major plank in their worldview. They wanted to go to court but they needed a case so they asked for volunteers. Scopes was asked to volunteer in Dayton, Tennessee. The thought was that it would bring attention to the city as it wasn't doing well due to the fact that a lot of industry had moved out. So in the end, the trial was about creation vs. evolution.


Warning! Summit of the Future Underway

If you pay attention, you can often spot the compulsion by various groups and individuals who desire to bring about global control over every nation on earth. One such effort involves the U.N. Summit of the Future that is underway.--The United Nations describes it this way- -The Summit of the Future is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future. --Effective global cooperation is increasingly critical to our survival but difficult to achieve in an atmosphere of mistrust, using outdated structures that no longer reflect today's political and economic realities.---The summit will adopt 3 agreements- A pact for the future, a global digital compact and a declaration on future generations.--The U.N. reported that, -...they adopted the potentially game-changing Pact for the Future by consensus-with a small group of just seven countries holding out, having failed to pass a last minute amendment. The centerpiece of the Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the multi-lateral system and steer humanity on a new course, to meet existing commitments and solve long-term challenges.---Alex Newman, a frequent Crosstalk guest, is attending the Summit of the Future and he'll report on activities there next Tuesday along with the ramifications for the United States and the world as a whole.--In the meantime, let Jim get you caught up on aspects such as the Pact for the Future that's already been passed. It's a pact where, believe it or not, opposition was led, not by the U.S., but by Russia.


News Roundup and Comment

The news cycle gets ahead of all of us. Get caught up each week with Crosstalk and the Friday News Round-Up- Here's a sample of what Jim presented to listeners-----Hezbollah launched 140 missiles at northern Israel overnight with Israel responding by carrying out a targeted strike on Beirut. ----Israel has condemned an adopted U.N. resolution demanding that all Israeli forces and civilians pull out of Palestinian areas within a year.----Hamas terrorists have confiscated so much humanitarian aid that the terror group is struggling to find space to store it.----Israel's atomic chief has warned that Syria built an undeclared nuclear facility after Iran, which he said has, -in alarming amounts conducting covert nuclear activities.-----Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reiterated that the kingdom would not recognize Israel without the establishment of a Palestinian state, according the Times of Israel. ----Invited by Senate Democrats, Maya Berry, an Arab-American pro-terrorist testified at an antisemitism hearing on Tuesday. Berry is the executive director of the Arab American Institute- a virulently anti-Israel organization. Jim provided audio from the hearing. ----The man suspected in an attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump evidently spent nearly 12 hours in the bushes around the former president's golf course before Secret Service agents spotted his rifle and opened fire. ----Representative Matt Gaetz said a senior Homeland Security Department official approached him as a whistleblower shortly before the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life.


Israel Strikes Hezbollah

Chris Katulka is assistant director of North American Ministries at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and host of The Friends of Israel Today radio program. He is a Bible teacher and writer for Israel My Glory magazine and is author of the book, Israel Always.--As you may have heard, Hezbollah switched to using pagers to avoid cell-phone tracking by the Israeli military. The move was a costly one as their pagers recently exploded in unison. Then the next day and without warning, the same thing happening as their walkie talkies exploded- Many terrorists in Lebanon have been killed or wounded because of this action. --In spite of this, Hezbollah has been launching projectiles toward Israel. Also, Israel has expressed outrage at the U.N. General Assembly for considering a Palestinian Authority sponsored resolution calling for international sanctions and an arms embargo against Israel. --These are just a few of the points related to Israel that were covered on this edition of Crosstalk. Others included- --How was Israel able to pull-off the exploding device scenario and what does Chris believe will be the result of this-- -Who exactly is Hezbollah and what is the source of their funding---Sensitive materials allegedly sent by Iran to the Kamala Harris campaign about her rival, Donald Trump.-What's happening with Hamas-- -Where do things stand regarding surging hate crimes across the U.S.--


Do All Religions Lead to God?

The most important issue of all time concerns your eternal destiny. You can be the most conservative, pro-life, pro-Israel person in the world, but if you get it wrong on eternity, you're forever doomed. --This edition of Crosstalk looked at this issue because last week, Pope Francis addressed an inter-religious meeting of young people from different faiths at Singapore's Catholic Junior College. He told them that every religion is a way to arrive at God. However, what does the Bible say on this issue and what carries more authority-- Is it the Pope or the Word of God-- --Returning to Crosstalk to discuss this topic was Mike Gendron. Mike is the founder and director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. Mike was a devout Roman Catholic for over 3 decades and was taught to rely upon the authority of the church above all else. Mike searched the Scriptures and was amazed to find that what he read in Scripture contradicted the teaching and tradition of the church he had been a part of for so long. He trusted Jesus as his Savior and now the Bible has become his sole authority in all matters of faith. --Responding to the Pope's words in Singapore, Mike began by noting that the Pope had a wonderful opportunity to proclaim the Gospel and Jesus who said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. It's this Christ that is the way for those who are lost and deceived. Instead, the Pope chose to be so tolerant that he wants to be all things to all people while denying the words of our blood stained Savior.--Review this Crosstalk to hear much more, including viewpoints and questions from listeners.


Constitution Day

John Adams gave a warning saying the U.S. Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people and wholly inadequate to any other government. On September 17th, 1787, 39 of our nation's founding fathers signed that great document and today it celebrates another birthday. --Returning to Crosstalk with details on its history was William J. Federer. William is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc. He's the speaker on -The American Minute- daily broadcast.--William began by reminding listeners that the most common form of government in world history has been via kings. He described kings as glorified gang leaders. So basically if you get rid of the police, eventually you'll have gangs and the gang leader with enough weapons is known as a king, pharaoh, Caesar, kaiser, or czar. As we've seen through history, as weapons improve, these kings can kill more people so their kingdoms grow larger. In other words, instead of Cain killing Abel with a rock, they can kill with a bronze weapon, an iron weapon, a phalanx spear, a scimitar sword or gunpowder. If you're friends with the gang leader-king you're more equal. If not, you're less equal. If you're their enemy, you're either dead or a slave.--As history moved along we saw the king of England become the most powerful king on the planet- a one-world-government guy with him at the top due to the fact that the sun never set on the British empire. However, there was a problem. America's founders didn't like the fact that a globalist king was telling them what to do, so they broke away and flipped the concept and made the people the king.


2nd Assassination Attempt Foiled

There's been another assassination attempt on former President Trump, the second in two months. The foiled attempt took place at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday. The alleged shooter was eventually taken into custody in a neighboring county. --Jim put together an interesting broadcast that begins with audio from Melania Trump as she draws attention to the events of July 13th, which was the date of the first assassination attempt. Jim contrasts her comments with the reaction by former CNN commentator Don Lemon. --There's also audio from Dan Bongino, Sean Hannity, Mike Johnson and others, including the alleged shooter himself, and utilizing sources such as the Epoch Times, Newsmax and Western Journal, Jim provided a thorough look at this event. Listeners wrapped up the broadcast with their views and concerns as well.


News Roundup and Comment

The presidential debate. Trump and marijuana. President Biden wearing a Trump hat-- These and many more stories were presented by Jim for listener consideration this week-----An opinion piece on the Daily Caller alleges the moderators in the recent Trump-Harris debate were doing everything they could to help VP Kamala Harris. ----Trump-Harris debate moderator Linsey Davis had a major conflict of interest in that she was a sorority sister of Kamala Harris.----Why would VP Kamala Harris call for a second debate if she won-- Former President Trump rejects calls for another one. ----The Trump campaign slammed reports that the Harris campaign told Arab-American leaders in Detroit that if she's elected in November, she would likely name left-wing Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison as the nation's top cop.----Former President Trump announced support for a Florida ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana.----A Georgia judge dismissed 3 criminal charges on Thursday in the 2020 election interference case involving former President Trump. ----North Carolina's Supreme Court ruled Monday that state election officials have to reprint presidential ballots and remove Robert F. Kennedy's name.----President Joe Biden donned a red Trump 2024 hat on Wednesday during an event with VP Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania.----State and local election officials from across the country on Wednesday warned that problems with the nation's mail delivery system threatened to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming presidential election. ----The census data released Thursday shows that Americans are less well off than they were 4 years ago.


Warning: China’s Infiltration

Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is Senior Editor for The New American. He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of Deep State- The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes, and author of Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. He is the Founder of Liberty Sentinel.--Today's program comes as a warning. The book of Ezekiel in the Bible speaks of the watchman's responsibility to sound the alarm if a threat is approaching. That's what Crosstalk is doing today- we are sounding the alarm.--Communist China is a threat. Communist China is advancing its influence and infiltrating America. It's not just the acquisition of farm land in strategic places, though that is occurring. The infiltration of China is happening on many levels including university campuses with Confucius Institutes, technology, government offices, products made in China, and the theft of intellectual property.--Who is orchestrating all of this-- Is it the President-- Is it China's leaders-- Is it those that donate money-- Alex Newman answers this question for us.--Today's program is troubling, but let's keep our trust, hope and confidence in our Lord. He is already victorious.


9-11 Remembered / Debate Reaction

Jim began the program with an important reminder that we don't ever want to forget 9-11-2001. It was a day that started like any other day. People woke up, got ready for the day, had their breakfast and went out the door to work while 19 Islamic terrorists launched an attack on American soil that took the lives of 2,977 people. Many first responders lost their lives as they attempted to rescue those in peril.--This morning ceremonies were held at Ground Zero. Todd Starnes pointed out that President Biden told reporters that he planned on -doing 9-11-. This set off a firestorm of outrage among families of the survivors who called the remarks -callous and insensitive.- Jim shared an audio clip from the widow of a New York City fire chief who was killed on 9-11.--Jim then turned our attention to the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Or, as Jim put it, -a debate where Donald Trump was debating two ABC News moderators and Kamala Harris.---Phone lines were opened for an extended period to allow listeners to share their thoughts on remembering 9-11 and their reaction to the debate. Jim closed in prayer for America.--No matter the chaos around us, let's keep our focus on God.


TX Values: Making a Difference!

Jonathan Saenz is president of TX Values, a nonprofit group dedicated to preserving and advancing a culture of family values in the state of Texas. Prior to leading Texas Values, Jonathan headed the First Liberty Institute offices in Austin where he served as Director of Legislative Affairs as well as Attorney for First Liberty Institute. He's been involved in numerous court cases including those before the Texas Supreme Court as well as the United States Supreme Court.--Biblical moral values are under attack everywhere in urban, rural and suburban areas. It seems that we can't go one hour without advertisements airing that push for the taking of pre-born life under the guise of reproductive choice. Battles are also looming in school districts that are attempting to redefine sex.--So join Jim and Jonathan as they look at the American moral landscape and discuss how we've moved from battles over meal-time prayers in schools to today where the battle lines are being drawn over the redefinition of Title IX, the voting on bodily mutilating surgeries for minors, transgenders in women's sports, abortion in Texas, the Equality Act and its effect on Bible-based living and much more, including input from listeners.


Israel Continues Under Fire

11 months ago, the terrorist group Hamas launched a direct assault on Israel killing some 1,400 people and also taking many hostages. Just a week ago, Hamas murdered 6 hostages in cold blood by shooting them in the back of their heads. Instead of condemnation against Hamas, Israel is being condemned for these deaths by people including President Biden, who's suggested that Israel isn't doing enough. Then this past weekend, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, demanded that Israel must release 100 more terrorists currently serving life sentences.--Returning to Crosstalk with an update on what's taking place in this war was Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. He is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years before he returned to the States for continued ministry. He is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel. He is one of the speakers on Prophecy Today.--This edition of Crosstalk is jam-packed with information. As you listen you'll get caught up on the following---The cold-blooded killing of Israeli hostages just before Israeli Defense Forces located them in a tunnel. --Martyrdom as a war tactic against Israel.--The importance of the Philadelphi Corridor.--Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar's demand for Israel to release more terrorists.--Minnesota Governor Walz who told a Michigan radio station that he believes demonstrators against Israel are speaking out for all the right reasons.--Hezbollah and their almost daily attacks on northern Israel from Lebanon. --The latest on the Temple Mount. --The believers role in this time and much more.


News Roundup and Comment

It's Friday- Here is a snapshot of the stories shared---Two students and two teachers killed in Georgia high school shooting- 14yo suspect taken into custody- father of suspect also involved with shooting--Hunter Biden pleads guilty to federal tax charges--Harris campaign sending 25 million to downballot democrats--Trump sentencing date changed to after the November election--US Army is at its smallest size since 1940--Companies are breaking away from the DEI agenda--Audio clip from Kamala Harris - attack on free speech--Audio clip from Donald Trump - illegal immigration--Audio clip - Harris using border wall in her political ads despite -criticizing it previously--Governor Newsom in California vetoes bill that would have allowed undocumented immigrants to get home loans--Vladimir Putin announces support of Harris for President--Whistleblower exposes shocking info regarding Secret Service agents that were protecting Donald Trump during the attempted assassination---.and several more. Listen, share and PRAY-


The Eclipse of God

There is an active attempt being made by our culture to redefine God, who he is and what he's declared. For example, how many times have we heard from politicians that a person can be religious and still be pro-choice or that we can be pro-LGBTQ and still honor God. All of this points to the idea that rather than recognize that man is made in the image of God, we're trying to make God in our image and to follow our way of thinking. --In response, there's a new book that's been released called, The Eclipse of God by Dr. Erwin Lutzer, subtitled, -Our nation's disastrous search for a more inclusive deity -and what we must do about it.-- Dr. Lutzer notes that just as the moon obscures the sun's light during an eclipse, today's radical secularism has obscured the light of God. The solution, as the book communicates, is to help readers see that first and foremost the church must return to God. We must renew our understanding of His sovereignty and holiness. Dr. Lutzer reminds us that the culture war has come to us- we didn't seek it, but win or lose, we must stand against it without losing our testimony for the gospel.--Overall, here are the objectives of this book---1.--To better understand the intellectual roots of this present darkness.--2.--To rejoice that God is sovereign and stands ready to give us the blessing of His presence, no matter our predicament.--3.--To remind us that only a repentant and submissive church can shine the light of the gospel with confidence and strength--Each chapter concludes with -The Lessons for Us,- -Our Declaration of Dependence- and -Action Steps.-


For Such a Time As This

Sam Rohrer is the President of the American Pastors Network. He is a former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives where he was Chair of the House Finance Committee. He is the speaker on Stand in the Gap Radio and Stand in the Gap Television.--As we observe what is happening in society today, we cannot help but conclude that lawlessness abounds. Just earlier today, there was a school shooting at Apalachee High School in north central Georgia which is about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta. At last report there were four killed and at least nine injured. The suspect is in custody.--Crime and violence are off the charts. Ritzy neighborhoods in California are falling prey to thievery. -Smash and grab- is now commonplace. Rape and violence are becoming everyday news. Many district attorneys are shirking their responsibilities and allowing violent criminals to walk. Car jackings go on without penalty. Then there is the impact of illegal immigration which is consuming neighborhoods and whole communities. Illegal drugs are sweeping across the nation. The morality of our nation is being attacked by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion movement. Political animosity is at an all-time high.--There are many who want to throw up their arms in despair and say, -I give up.- -I'm done with this fight.- -I'm just going into the recesses and protection of my cocoon.- -It just doesn't matter anymore.---As we observe a society that is running amok, it's critical to point out the role and responsibilities of believers today and know that God has us here for such a time as this.


Bibles in Demand!

Did you know that the extra Bible you have sitting on the shelf, sitting in a desk drawer or taking up space in your closet is in great demand-- People all over the world are clamoring for Bibles. There are those that pray regularly that somehow, someday, God will provide them a copy of His Word.--So imagine if there was a ministry that collects Bibles and distributes them around the world to meet that need. Well there is and its name is Mission Cry. Jason Woolford is president and executive director and he joined Jim to speak about this organization and how it mobilizes everyday Christians to help them distribute used Bibles to those in need.--Operating since 1956, Mission Cry began with a junk dealer who found some used Bibles and Christian books and didn't want to throw them out. He saved them until they became one full box and sent it off to India. Since then, Mission Cry has sent over 480 million dollars worth of used Bibles and Christian materials to over 178 nations. They came via people from around America as statistics show that the average American home has 6 Bibles sitting on shelves. --At Mission Cry the Bibles they take in get sorted, palletized and shrink wrapped. Then when they're sponsored -sponsoring a container costs -11,000-, they're put on a sea container -a container has half a million dollars worth of free materials-30,000 people being reached per container- and get shipped to various distribution points. From there they are freely distributed to lending libraries, seminaries, colleges and for evangelism. In 2023, nations that benefited from these materials included Colombia, Pakistan, the Solomon Islands' Honduras and many more.


News Roundup and Comment

There was much for Jim to present and for listeners to talk about on this edition of the Round-Up program. Here's a selection of stories from the first half of the broadcast, some of which include audio clips-----The Kamala Harris interview finally happened last evening. One CNN commentator said the optics were not looking so good for this. ----Harris, in her first interview as the Democratic presidential nominee, attempted to clarify her shifting positions on fracking and the border.----Harris dodged the specifics as they pertain to what she'll do on -Day One- if elected, was asked about her support for -Bidenomics- and why she hasn't done the things she's proposing already.----Governor Tim Walz was asked about his stating that he had carried weapons into war.----Senator Cory Booker said he wants to kill the MAGA strain of the Republican Party.----The national Democratic party has approved its most pro-abortion platform ever.----Vice presidential hopeful, Senator J.D. Vance, is sparking criticism for vowing that Donald Trump will not sign a federal ban on abortion.----Lila Rose of Live Action presented her perspective on the J.D. Vance comments.----A proposed amendment adding a right to abortion to the Arkansas constitution will not appear on the November ballot thanks to the Arkansas Supreme Court agreeing that its backers failed to properly file the necessary documentation with their petition signatures. ----Citizens in Missouri will vote on November 5th on whether the right to abortion will be codified into their state constitution.----Nebraska citizens will vote in November on whether to amend the state constitution regarding abortion rights.


The Consequences of Lax Border Control Hits the U.S.

Mark Krikorian is a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues serving as the executive director of Center for Immigration Studies.--Jim opened this edition of Crosstalk with headlines pointing to the consequences of the lax border control policies of the Biden-Harris administration. They dismantled the Trump border security initiatives and the result has been havoc all over the country. Social Services are also being stretched where U.S. citizens are either being delayed or outright denied services. Finally, there is great suspicion as to whether those who are hear illegally are being registered to vote and plan to participate in the November election.--Mark responded by noting that there is talk of a decline at the border. However, he believes part of it is real and part of it is fake. The real part is that in order to make certain Trump doesn't win the election, the Mexican government is engineering an interruption in the flow of illegal aliens. That way the Biden-Harris administration can say they fixed the problem. On the other hand, the fake part is that the goal of the current administration all along has been to reduce illegal crossings at the border by unlawfully waiving in illegals through the normal ports of entry and airports.--Here's how it works. Mark noted how the government has two programs where they use parole, which is limited immigration power. Under this scenario, the president can let someone in who has no right to be here. This might involve someone with a serious medical concern or someone who is required to testify in a trial and they can't get a visa. The person handles their business and they are escorted back to the border.


Anonymous Stranger

Please write your episode descriptions in short paragraphs. long blocks of text are hard to read on these cell phones. Great ahow, but he way.

06-27 Reply


it's been 3 mos for courtney? glad to hear him and hope he is well!

11-04 Reply

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