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Cruisin' on the Cutting Edge

Author: WF

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Cruising on the cutting edge!
Join me for the thrilling ride of our lifetimes. One that never ends and only gets better every moment we are alive. I am talking about the innovations, the breakthroughs, the cures, and the mission impossibles that come from universities around the country.
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57 Episodes
CRUISERS! This week we are covering some news on materials engineering research at the University of Rochester in NY. They have gotten us one step closer to superconductors that can operate in room temp and ambient temps. I have a special guest...Master Krieger to discuss this innovation. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
CRUISERS! Tonight I have a special guest with me, my lovely sister, Josephine who is a fantastic artist. She studied to get her BFA at IU and currently teaches digital art in Maryland to high schoolers. We discuss the developments of AI created art and whether it really is art! What do you think? Enjoy. --- Support this podcast:
My Pal AL

My Pal AL


CRUISERS! This week we are headed to the University of Louisville to look at how they are making an robot mimic human eye and head movement. This is fairly mathematical, but the gist of it is fun. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Cities Are Data Hubs

Cities Are Data Hubs


CRUISERS! Tonight we are exploring the work researchers at NYU worked on to study patterns of the city lights. They want to measure the 'pulse' of the city to help with emergency response, energy management, and more. It can be a little disconcerting to hear about this, but enjoy it either way! --- Support this podcast:
Video Game Actors

Video Game Actors


CRUISERS! Thank you so much for tuning in, the show has been played 1000 times now. That's super exciting. This week we are headed to the University of Utah  to discover a unique engineering department focused on entertainment engineering. This spans all sorts of disciplines including criminal justice, intelligence communities, AI, and good ol' fashion cooking videos on YouTube. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
CRUISERS! This week we are learning about cell reprogramming. This is a very interesting topic and one that is debated about a lot in the medical community these days. The alchemy of turning blood cells into bones cells is tricky, but it doesn't necessarily require chemistry! All it takes is a cell juicer that squeezes the cells just enough to make them open to reprogramming. This is a huge advancement in the field of stem cell technology. --- Support this podcast:
CRUISERS! This week we are headed to Carnegie Mellon to learn about a fascinating material they have synthesized called liquid crystal metals. They are not solids, they are not liquids. But rather in between and this makes it very talented in areas like contracting, conducting, and yes actually lifting weights. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Don't pull the Cable?

Don't pull the Cable?


CRUISERS! This week we are headed...across the way to another Stanford lab to discover their new use of electrical stimulation to treat Binge Eating Disorders. Tune in for an interesting new step towards controlling our cravings. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Pocket AI

Pocket AI


CRUISERS! On this episode I have a special guest. Her name is Olya. This week we are going to head over to Stanford University to look into what it takes to train an AI brain. There is so much news recently about this hot topic and so I had to talk about this article I found on nature engineering which explains how we could train an AI on our phones in the future instead of using tens of thousands of computer hours in the cloud.  Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Folks, it's an honest question. You choose. Friction surfacing can be accomplished either with high speed or high pressure. It helps cover cracks in stainless steel and can prevent catastrophes like Fukushima. The researchers at University of Wisconsin are here to help with more insight on high-speed friction surfacing. Enjoy!  --- Support this podcast:
Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break


Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I am starting something on the side called The Jump for Joy! One of my videos already has millions of views. So Please spread the word.  --- Support this podcast:
CRUISERS! I know you've all been dying to hear exactly how I prep my shows, (I promise this is not just a filler episode because I have tons of homework and I didn't get to making an actual episode) so here it is! Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Forrest Jump

Forrest Jump


CRUISERS!  How high can you jump? 110ft maybe? This week we are popping over to UC Santa Barbarba where researchers have developed the highest jumping device ever. Will you be the next to break this record? Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:



CRUISERS! We are heading over to the good ol' U of A again to see what tricks they are using light on now. Optrode pacemakers are stimulation devices that use tiny lights rather than electrical shocks to induce muscle contraction. They are testing it in mice to gather more data on irregular heartbeats to help model human heart failures.  Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Killer Spartan Gel

Killer Spartan Gel


CRUISERS! This episode is especially interesting to me since my grandmother passed away of pancreatic cancer, so I hope you find as much meaning as I did in researching this new potential cure. Folks at Duke University have had surprising success with their new cancer treatment that wraps up the needed radiation in a nice little gel packet that can be directly injected into the tumor and complimented with a mild drug they developed or already proven chemicals to completely remediate the tumor. Their method has many benefits and many interesting technological applications!  Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Update for this Week

Update for this Week


Playing a little catch up this week y'all. I am working on an interesting episode though, so don't fret we will have our cruisin' session for this weekend soon.  --- Support this podcast:
Silver Underwear

Silver Underwear


CRUISERS! It is time to face the facts. You know that if you listen to this show, there is a little bit of a smelly nerd that lives inside of you. Maybe it wasn't there before, but now is time to think about your body odor. That and other more important reasons is researchers at the University of Minnesota have successfully crafted a zinc nanoparticle infusion technique for silk, cotton, nylon, polyester and more. They are specifically looking at the applications for healthcare because their novel technique called Crescoating is the longest lasting and the most successful antimicrobial out there.  Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
CRUISERS! This week we were heading to MIT and UofArizona to learn about the novel circuitry of a quantum computer use to communicate instantaneously across space. We get into the weeds of qubits, quantum networks, and entanglement. You know you are on the cutting edge when there is no Wikipedia page on the topic, and you have to read other research papers to understand it. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Spherical Metro Lines

Spherical Metro Lines


CRUISERS! This week we are exploring a relatively new concept in physics that could be used to move our metro trains effortlessly around the globe. I hope you enjoy this really crazy idea. An experiment you could try at home is sitting in your swivel chair and moving your hands back and forth to see how far you spin (if at all).  Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
CRUISERS! This week we are headed to Duke University to explore shape shifting surface world. If you've read Dune, you'll get excited about this technology. But there are also practical applications including wearable technologies, laser alignment, and organic muscle mimicry. Enjoy! Also, thanks to all the cruisers who tuned into my first livestream! Catch me next week at 9am again for the next one.  --- Support this podcast: