Crypto Cooler Talk's Show

Where centralized knowledge on decentralization lives!

Meet Norman, Entrepreneur and Investor in the Crypto Space

On this episode we discuss enter and exit strategy, buying the dip, Hodling, coming into the space ATH before Dec 2017, the bear market, digital currency being on the rise due to bear market price and development of custody.


Discover Emanate the Self-Governing Audio Exchange Protocol.

Today we catch up with Sean Gardner Jimi Frew and Trent Shaw of Emanate. Emanate is a music-technology platform for the blockchain. Enjoy the show and visit the site


Institutional Players Enter the Crypto Game, and Nothing Was the Same

Today @cryptocooler3rd explains who the key players in the new global financial system are. As blockchain and crypto currency rapidly grows, key institutional players from traditional finance are bringing billions into this new and exciting asset class! He also gives listeners his coin to write home about. Tune in for a brief yet detailed explanation on ENJ coin.


Jordan Spence Chief Marketing Officer at Mycrypto Explains Private Keys and Cold Storage

Jordan Spence CMO of Mycrypto joins us to explain what Mycrypto does, public keys, private keys, hardware wallets, cold storage, security in the crypto space and his personal journey. As well as the future of Mycrypto


Crypto & Blockchain Terms You Need to Know

In this episode we go over terms regularly used in crypto and blockchain discussion. Emmanuel David uses flash cards from to explain what a crypto currency is as well as exchanges, wallets, fiat currency, FUD, FOMO, Hodl, BTC, ETH, LTC and more! This podcast catches the listener up on lingo so future podcast with guess don’t sound like a foreign language. Enjoy!


CryptoCoolerTalk Introduction

CryptoCoolerTalk Podcast covers digital assets, blockchain tech, blockchain startups, ICO’s compliance, regulation, and all things blockchain and crypto related. Host Emmanuel David & Alex James simplify and bring clarity to the vast and ever growing world of digital assets AKA crypto currency. A great show for beginners, established investors, and tech enthusiast alike. One centralized podcast on decentralization, bringing listeners interviews with industry insiders, entrepreneurs, tech developers, as well as creators of startups and tokens.


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