Crystal Clarity Podcast

Many misconceptions and myths surround stone medicine and crystal healing. And yet, "tapped in" seers, builders, and healers have applied the power of stones since the dawn of humanity. Their ability to treat spiritual and physical disease and elevate human consciousness has been proven for thousands of years across the world. If you work in alternative healing and seek guidance about ancient methods for the application of stones and crystals, you are in the right place. Welcome to Crystal Clarity, a show devoted to the discovery of stones and crystals as an established way of natural healing. Acupuncturists, herbalists, energy workers, bodyworkers, spiritual guides and coaches, and anyone with a hunger for real alternative healing - you're in the right place. With so many New Age resources covering crystals with an untethered swirl of puzzling info, this is your chance to finally experience crystal clarity and grounded steps you can implement for real transformation.In these short and easy-to-digest discussions, learn stone medicine properties linked to masters of the Daoists lineages of ancient China, the superior healers of the High Andean mystical traditions, the initiates of the Goddess-centered Mystery Schools of Egypt, and beyond. Healing Masters have always known that stones and crystals take us far beyond Netwonian laws of physics and mainstream science. They are doorways to alternate dimensions of reality, bridges to the Otherworlds, and access points to Higher Laws of Nature - what we sometimes call miracles. In this podcast, we will break down the tangible constituents of stones as medicine, and anchor the intangible frequencies they store, illuminating how stones can germinate the seeds of awakening within each of us. In each episode we explore the most efficient applications of stones and crystals to address different needs. Learn about stones that heal the physical body, crystals that resolve spiritual origins of disease, like trauma or heartbreak, and step-by-step guidance on crystal grids and stone placements around the land and home that resolve non-beneficial energy and raise the vibration of space.  We will move beyond crystals as cures for the body and explore accessible stone rituals and practices that reveal their true nature as fundamental elements to the transformation of consciousness. Your host in this empowering journey is Sarah Thomas. A long-time acupuncturist and spiritual healer, Sarah has a Master’s degree in Acupuncture and a specialization in Daoist stone medicine.  Sarah has performed well over 10,000 stone and needle hybrid treatments in her Asheville clinic, Clarity Acupuncture. Sarah founded the Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine in 2013, a school for healers of all backgrounds to immerse themselves in stone medicine rooted in ancient wisdom practices and become certified stones medicine and crystal healing practitioners. On the podcast, Sarah brings the immense knowledge they have gained as a relentless teacher, student and practitioner. With so many stories to tell and numerous case studies to share, hear exciting and informative episodes in this podcast. Gather valuable advice from Sarah as well as the awesome experiences of her students and patients. Stone medicine and crystal healing remain a significant element of the awakening of human consciousness. As this new dawning unfolds, Sarah is here to guide you. If you're new to this vibrational art, or ready to go to the next level, you'll find a light on your path right here. Heal and awaken with stones today by getting deep, real, and grounded information straight from an expert. Listen to Crystal Clarity at

e34. Secrets of the Solar Plexus and Tailbone in Reclaiming Power in Trauma, Abuse, or Addiction

This week’s podcast episode is a grounded and practical lesson in sovereignty.  It’s all about how we can help ourselves and others reclaim our power after abuse, trauma, addiction and more. Check this out. In episode 34 I’ll talk about: 🟡 The solar plexus and its relationship to energy that’s in our field, siphoning from our power, or attached to us 🦴 The tailbone and its relationship to power, clear boundaries and healthy control of our lives 🔋 How these two power generation centers are related! This is amazing! 💎 What stones and elements on the periodic table grasp and generate personal power This episode gives you a rough 2-step protocol for working with these stones and energy centers when you’re facing trauma, abuse, possession, addiction and more. p.s. This episode gave me a chance to runway some of what I’ll be sharing next week in our free training on Thursday evening, Secrets of the Rainbow Crystalline Grid.  >>> Sign up for the free class here. We only do this twice a year, so join me.


e33. Herkimer Diamonds and How to Turn Up the Power

This episode holds the keys to the one specific and unique power of Herkimer diamonds.  Come for this short episode! It’s so clear and simple and you’ll never forget it.    Listen to episode 33 to learn: ⚡ Exactly how to turn the power up to a level 10 - on your grids, treatments and formulas ⚡ Exactly why Herkimer diamonds hold that unique power ⚡ Exactly WHEN you want to turn the power up to 10 out of 10!   Our next free (live online) stone medicine class is open for registration! We only do these twice a year. Check out the topic, date and time, and >>> enroll here.


e32. Bring Your Relationship Back from the Dead with Lazurite

This episode is all about the active ingredient in lapis lazuli: LAZURITE.  I actually had a visitation from this stone and I’ll tell you all about it.   In episode 32 you will: 🔷 Hear my story about my recent LAZURITE visitation and how it changed my life 🔷 Be reminded of HOW STONES COMMUNICATE and how to enhance that in your own life 🔷 Feel more congruent in your knowledge around lapis lazuli and its active ingredient lazurite and how you can use these stones to create a resurrection in your own personal primary relationships.    And, if your relationship needs some love, listen to this episode.


e31. Golden Selenite, Faden Quartz and Drawing Lines of Light

Welcome to Episode 31 of the Crystal Clarity Podcast where we'll dive into something that isn't really talked about a whole lot which is DRAWING LINES OF LIGHT! Perhaps you've never heard of working with crystals in this way and it's unclear to you, but it really is "laser" ⚡ focused and CRYSTAL 😉 clear. So let's get into it! What inspired this episode really were the questions I get from a lot of people on HOW TO USE the Golden Selenite Windows we have in our Clarity Crystal shop. 💛 See here:    In this episode you will: ⚡Hear 5 great examples for WHEN to draw a line of light as an energetic approach to a healing or other situation. This will really help you understand these lines of light and how important they can be in specific situations.  ⚡Learn more about what it means to “draw a line of light” and why crystals are the tool to do this with ⚡Learn 5 crystals that do this energetic work really well and why they work for this, so you can start experimenting more with this technique. We just keep on discovering the power we have when we work with this miraculous creation. Hope this episode was an interesting and useful one for you!


e30. Garnet, Rhodocrosite and the Hidden Key to Soul-Level Healing

Episode 30 is here and it’s another major episode about spiritual healing, SOUL-LEVEL healing!  This episode is for anyone dealing with a trauma that has kept you from feeling your emotions in order to heal. This could be an addiction, a long-time deep physical illness, or if you are just ready to work through, feel, and face your emotions as part of your healing journey.  Did you know that your emotions - when they’re on the move - can heal chronic disease and soul-level phenomena? Did you know that when we’re ready to heal deeply repressed pathogens, toxins, traumas and other bodily-held phenomena, we can actually FEEL to Heal? And, did you know that you can move your blood 🩸 to transform karmic, ancestral and other soul-level phenomena?   In this episode, I’m going to share: 😃 More about the incredible healing power of your feelings - and, this is rarely shared wisdom.  🤯 Wisdom about emotions that changed my life forever, from one of my spiritual mentors, Doug. YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS.  🩸 How garnet and rhodochrosite can help you feel and move repressed emotions in gentle ways that get you excited about life again.  💎🌸 Notes on garnet, rhodochrosite and even echinacea Remember, stones go to the DEEPEST levels of who we are, where the most powerful healing takes place. It’s all inside this Episode 30 and I hope you press play because I don’t think you’ll ever forget what you learn in this episode...  


e29. The Spiritual Path Of Stones And What To Look For In A Healing Stone

Welcome back to the Crystal Clarity Podcast! This episode 29 is all about the spiritual evolution of stones and crystals! How do you know if a stone is highly spiritually evolved? How do you sense its level of consciousness? Can one stone be more spiritually evolved than another? What makes a stone powerful? What makes a stone "good"? This episode gets into all of this! You’ll also hear about: 📈 The mesa stone in the Andean perspective that has a 1000x higher consciousness than the healer whose working with it ! 💚 The stone in Daoism that has the highest level of consciousness. (well, one big one) 🥇 The #1 quality I look for when I’m purchasing stones for our crystal shop or myself 🕊️ My definition of spiritual awakening and how you can find it in a stone  🪔 The one word that best defines what a spiritually awakened stone exudes. It starts with a C.   I really hope this episode helps you to better pick out stones and choose the ones that are right for you in whatever your efforts may be. If you’ve always lived your life on the spiritual path, this episode is definitely for you. 


e28. Protective Stone Jewelry - Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces and Power Placements

>> DOWNLOAD FREE PROTECTION JEWELRY GUIDE HERE  Are you in need of a protective jewelry piece right now? Are you growing and coming in contact with more people and their energy fields? Are you in a situation where protecting your body and energetic field is needed? If so, listen to this episode and download the free resource above! This episode is all about PROTECTIVE stone and crystal jewelry 💍  so let's get into it....    Here’s what you’ll learn more about: 🧿 WHERE to place protective stone jewelry based on ancient Daoist wisdom (Bracelets, necklaces and more) 💎 2 powerhouse stones that are my favorites for protective stone jewelry 🕳️ More on the power spots and energy centers of the body and what they protect in your whole system. (For example, a pinky ring protects something bigger and very important.) 📿 The difference between an amulet and a talisman   Also, if you feel you need to clear or recharge your stones, watch these videos! How to Clear Emotions & Energetic Imprints from Heirloom Jewelry ➡️ Here How to Clear & Recharge Your Stones For Better Results ➡️ Here   Go ahead and grab your free guide above. It more easily explains all of these placements visually.  Stones are the perfect wise masters for amplifying our protection magic, so I hope you find this episode useful, and if you have any questions, ask me in the comments! 


e27. How to Create Rituals with the Summer Solstice

We've made it to the Summer Solstice - June 20th, 2024 - the longest day of the year and when YIN POWERS reach their peak! 🌞 This is also coinciding with a full moon on June 21st, a rare occurrence that happens only once every 18-20 years where the moon will appear very low and big in the sky. 🤩So get ready, because this is a VERY powerful portal for medicine-making. In this episode, you’ll learn about the unique and powerful energies this rare Summer Solstice Full Moon alignment is bringing. I explain the unique portal of energy that is going to land and how YOU can take advantage of its powers to make your own creations, from herbal medicines to stone elixirs. 🌿 💦 🫙 The window of magic ✨ will take place from Thursday the 20th at 4:58pm ET (when the sun makes its turn to the dark side) until the full moon rises on Friday evening at 9:08pm ET. You do not want to miss this!! Listen to this episode to prepare for some POWERFUL ritual and medicine-making. DOWNLOAD THIS FREE GUIDE to amplify the power of your rituals with the phases of the moon! 🌙 💎


e26. How to Heal and Grow Your Plants with Selenite

In this episode I’m sharing how selenite not only promotes the growth of your garden plants and houseplants…it can also heal them when they’re sick.  There’s one stone I alway use to help my plants grow: selenite.  This gives me so much joy. It really works.   In episode 26 you’ll learn: ☀️WHY selenite heals plants! Amazing revelations! ☀️How the fibers in selenite grow longways, and what that means for chi ☀️How to perform an intuitive acupuncture treatment on your plants with selenite. This gives them so much life! In celebration of the summer solstice 🌞 GET 25% OFF ALL SELENITE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE IN THE CLARITY CRYSTAL SHOP! Click here to see the entire collection ➡️


e25. The Heart of Daoism and the Creation Codes of Light, part 3.

You've made it to the final video in this 3-part series! If you haven't watched the first two, go watch those first! Episode 23 - Part 1 Episode 24 - Part 2 We arrive now at the most powerful state of consciousness of all. It’s been hiding right in the heart of the Dao. THIS episode (25) was the inspiration for the entire 3–part series! The Genesis of Light has been all about how to generate massive amounts of spiritual light with your own form, and the state of consciousness I talk about here creates the MOST light of all! 🌟 In this final episode of the series, you’ll learn about what the word 'Genesis' really means. You’ll learn: How it relates to Isis How it relates to Mother Earth How it’s connected to the stones And, how it’s within YOU. You’ll also learn why sunstone moonstone, pyrite, and clear quartz can all help induce this powerful state of consciousness. We really are crystalline antennas! So, see… there’s another layer. Once you hear it, you'll never forget it...


e24. How to Tap Into 5D Consciousness through the Power of Compassion, Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of this 3-Part Series: The Genesis of Light! 🌟 If you haven't watched the first episode, I encourage you to go back to listen it first, then see this one. This series is all about how we can bridge to higher states of consciousness, generate light, and rely on our stone friends to assist us. It is Light that we can generate from our own bodies. It is Light that’s attracted to us as higher frequency when we become a specific …antenna.    In this video, episode 24 of the Crystal Clarity Podcast, we touch on a very important state of being... COMPASSION! 🙏🏻  Compassion is all we are. As the ego dissolves, you feel more and more compassion. Forwards and backwards through time, that is really all we are. And when we transition into this state of being, we tap into greater and greater amounts of light!   In episode 24, you’ll learn: - the second state of consciousness that sparks the Genesis of Light (the first one was shared in episode 23. Don’t miss that) - more about this state and how to get into it - 4 stones that resonate with this state and can amplify YOU   In The Genesis of Light series, YOU ARE THE MAGICAL TOOL.


e23. This Magical State of Consciousness is the Ultimate Key to Abundance, part 1

Welcome to a new 3-part series on the podcast -- The Genesis of Light. ⭐️   In this Episode 23, I'm going to share what could be the most important teaching I ever received in my LIFE. I know, it's big. It’s all about a 70,000 year old teaching and an absolutely magical state of consciousness. When you’re in this state of consciousness, life-changing things happen powerfully and automatically.   This breakthrough episode will teach you the ultimate key to abundance ✨ wealth 💸  healing ❤️‍🩹relationships 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻  - everything.    This is a powerful, life-giving tool in the healing of all living things. It’s all about how you can generate massive amounts of ⭐️LIGHT ⭐️ with your own body and field. I also go over the 3 stones that support this completely.   If you... 🕯️🔥☀️ Create sacred space for ceremonies, groups 🕯️🔥☀️ Have a healing clinic or any type of community sanctuary 🕯️🔥☀️ Have a home or property you love and work with 🕯️🔥☀️ Desire to conserve, protect and restore Nature   ... then make sure to listen to this episode. It’s a life-changing teaching from long long ago. Tune in also for the 2nd and 3rd part of this series!


e22. How to Build a Powerful Protection Grid for Your Home

Want to learn how to find the spiritual center of your home or property? Register now for our FREE webinar available for a limited time! ➡️ In this Episode 22 of the Crystal Clarity podcast, I'm going to give you the most simple and easy tools to build a protection crystal grid for your home - or any space you want to protect. This is such an EASY framework that you might wonder if it can really be this simple. Natural and powerful things ARE very simple. Here’s what you’ll learn: 🌐 A few different approaches to protection (closing, sealing, cloaking and emanating) and then a dive into the most basic and fundamental approach: guarding. 🌐 The first thing to define when you’re creating a guardian protection grid 🌐 How to create the grid: how to create the framework and where to place the points on it 💎 How to choose the best stones for guardian protection grids. We’ll talk about density, opacity, geographic location and even crystal structure.    Don’t worry, this is a breeze. It’s SIMPLE. Just tune into this episode and you’ll be building a powerful and stable protection grid with stones very soon. Trust me, this is hugely rewarding!!


e21. The Power of Crystal Grids and Earth Gridwork

Episode 21 explains the essence of crystal gridwork and the Earth grids. So let’s get into it…. This episode is actually another layer of the BREAKTHROUGH that we started in Episode 20 where we move from healing with minerals on humans in stone medicine into healing with minerals for other life forms and consciousnesses such as healing with the earth. But in this episode we will be answering the question of “What is earth gridwork?” A lot of people get confused when we touch upon this topic, but I want to take this undefinable thing and bring it into some common language for you to understand. In one word….. gridwork is a CONSCIOUSNESS! In episode 21 of the Crystal Clarity Podcast, you’ll be vibing with: The power of crystal grids and earth gridwork - what these words mean and the consciousness they bring to earth How and why certain churches, temples or sacred sites feel alive What the word “crystal” really encodes within it Examples of this work that will allow you to see it simply and work with it in everyday life  GRIDWORK. A word I use all the time…defined. This episode is bringing me so much life. If you're interested in diving deeper, our Land Healing and Earth Gridwork course is opening soon. Join the waitlist here and get notified when doors are open. 


e20. The Dream that Taught Me The True Power of Quartz

This episode is a BREAKTHROUGH. In episode 20 we dig into land healing and earth gridwork with quartz. In the Crystal Clarity Podcast so far, we’ve been exploring the nature of stones in healing and the properties and energetics of specific crystals. But, now, we’re taking a quantum leap - beyond human 🧍🏻‍♂ healing and into LAND 🌎 and SPACE 🪐 In episode 20, you’ll hear: • Why quartz is the most important tool for anyone who works with the Earth AND from their heart - with prayers, intentions, blessings and all other heart-sourced power • The story of a dream I had (I was visited by a star being) that changed my life because it showed me the true power of quartz • What non-binary really means, what “energetic signature” really means, and what your “Song” really is What we are about to dive into is a consciousness from a higher realm. It’s reaching us through the quartz …and I’m so ready for this. 🔥


e19. Are Andara Crystals Superconductors or Scams?

If you do an online search on Andara crystals, it’s very bleak. There are tons of articles debunking them as scams. It’s enough to make you never want to buy a crystal again. In episode 19, I give you my take: Are Andara Crystals Superconductors or Scams? And you know what? …the best answers aren’t black or white. In Episode 19, you’ll learn: 💎 A story about my friend who did amazing things with Andaras and the techniques she used to do them 💎 My honest opinion on their power after working with them in the treatment room for years 💎 The most understandable explanation of monatomic elements (their alleged secret ingredient) you’ll ever hear 💎 The real truth about what makes any crystal exhibit magical properties. This comes at the end


e18. Rose Quartz Fire Triangle for Trust and Vulnerability

When the outer world feels so vulnerable, we protect ourselves. The question is, how do we open? Because being curled up inside ourselves has a cost. In episode 18, we have some deep things to cover: 🔥🔺How your pericardium (your heart protector) navigates the world. I’m going to tell you how to see through its eyes and take its perspective. 🔥🔺How vulnerability, shame and self-protection work - and how they can change 🔥🔺The perfect simple rose quartz layout to create awareness and change (this is really good) 💚So, listen… if you’ve been hurt, or if you just have the life curriculum of navigating trust and protection, tune into this episode. It holds a secret for opening back up.


e17. Calm Your Nervous System with Pearl and Amazonite

Let’s take it down a notch. Episode 17 is called Calm Your Nervous System with Pearl and Amazonite. Stones are the most underutilized Earth ally in healing the nervous system. They are naturally calm and chill. They are steadfast and unchanging. You can count on them. They’re solid as a rock. The nervous system is drawn to this grounded energy. Get ready for this in episode 17:  My first 10-minute episode! Less information means less overwhelm. A story about what happened to me and my dog today (I recorded this right after) Information on the deep YIN powers within pearl and amazonite See you inside. Please rate my podcast! If you want to dive deeper into how to restore your nervous system, we have a complete free resource on stones to restore your nervous system. Click here to download.  


e16. Pyrite and Power in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon is, by far, the most powerful animal in the Chinese zodiac. Episode 16 will reveal what the year of the dragon is really all about. AND... it's a pyrite episode! You'll get: 1. rare clarity about what the year of the dragon really means 2. how to utilize and experience the power you're surrounded by right now 3. the exact science on why pyrite is the perfect magical medallion for this year This whole episode is a mega power cauldron.


e15. Orpiment Grids for Ghosts, Purging and Purification

⭐Subscribe to The Crystal Clarity podcast on Apple Podcast, or Spotify Watch the episode here on YouTube! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, & share! --- CCP Blog - Episode 15 Orpiment Grids for Ghosts, Purging and Purification Sometimes letting go, or releasing, or a gentle release just isn't enough. Sometimes we need to purge, have a big exodus of energy, leave our body, space, spirit, or even our child and the things we want to protect. This episode is all about that – burning away intense energies with arsenic trisulfide orpiment. Welcome back to the Crystal Clarity Podcast. I'm Sarah Thomas, a healer and acupuncturist with 20 years of experience in crystal and stone healing. In my healing work, I focus on spiritual origins of disease, delving deep into holistic Chinese medicine. We explore past lives, karmas, ancestry, and soul-level language, addressing everything about a person's life. As healers, we become doctors, therapists, and priests, embracing everything within the scope of true holistic healing. We stand toe to toe with people's demons, facing the deepest threads and bringing about quantum-level changes in their lives. Image of Orpiment Today, I want to talk about an incredibly potent soul-level stone – Orpiment. It's perfect for purging intense energies, ghosts, and dense blocks. When the words "releasing" or "letting go" fall short, Orpiment steps in to create a major movement and release. I've witnessed powerful transformations with Orpiment, especially in cases of haunting energies or traumatic losses. It goes beyond just talking about it; it requires a deep purification. Orpiment becomes a crucial ally for those who engage in intense healing work, standing in the fire with individuals, wrestling their demons. It's an important stone for healers who go deep into people's struggles, providing courage, love, and alchemical change. Orpiment can be placed in spaces or yards to clear dense or stagnant energy. You can create a grid using quartz crystals to capture Orpiment's vibration and distribute it around the room. This stone has a strong resonance in the back right corner of spaces and the center, aligning with its fire and earth elements. For a more personal approach, use Orpiment in heart-guided frequency layouts. Place the stone or its captured essence with quartz crystals on a picture of yourself to facilitate a profound release. This method can be applied to specific chakras or areas where you feel the need for purification. Orpiment has a softness and a monoclinic crystal structure, making it accessible and practical. Its literal and straightforward nature makes it a powerful tool for major actions like purging. Be cautious, as it's a toxic stone – never ingest it directly or make an elixir. Use indirect methods to capture its essence. In conclusion, Orpiment is an alchemical powerhouse, burning away intense energies and providing a potent tool for purification. Approach it with respect and care, allowing its transformative qualities to bring about deep shifts in your energetic landscape. Thank you for joining me on this Crystal Clarity Podcast episode. I'm Sarah Thomas, reminding you that sometimes, a purge with Orpiment is exactly what you need. See you in the next episode.


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