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Author: IBKinsprz

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Crystals is a poetry-meditation series that explores self-liberating principles and God-ward fellowship
13 Episodes



"These are words unheard, words unspoken, just whispers of the heart" Enjoy this abstract piece that carries you through the beautiful journey of two lovers.
This piece expresses my understanding of the love of God which I have experienced in my relationship with Jesus. An unfailing love that never gives up and sees past imperfections and faults. 



This is spoken word piece I wrote a few years ago, inspired by the diversity and beauty of the different means of expression. From the dancer, to the poet, to the writer, to the saxophonist, to the chef - these are all different channels of displaying to the world the creativity that is embedded in every single human being. I hope this piece stirs up a determination in you to keep expressing yourself in your unique way. 
Sweet Spirit

Sweet Spirit


When you stay conscious of the presence of God's spirit in your life, it is limitless what He can do in and through you. This piece is a love letter to this awe-inspiring presence. There is an appreciation for all He can be in the human spirit and a yearning that is inspired for more of Him.
David-Kind of Savage

David-Kind of Savage


Savagery is a word that has so easily made it into our urban vocabulary to describe anything that is remotely violent with an unapparent undertone. If the David-and-Goliath scene were to happen in our day and time, it would meet side talks of army men whispering to themselves of how savage David is as he boasts of feeding Goliath's head to vultures, while spinning his slingshot. Wouldn't it be crazy to have such level of savagery? This piece is a heart-felt message from God to you on how you can have such crazy bravery.
Let Love Rule

Let Love Rule


The love in your heart is the greatest force in the universe! Wouldn't you be short-changing yourself to not take advantage of it fully? This force is so much greater than that anger that is trying to well up from that person that offended you. So much bigger than that bitterness that has kept you speaking to that person. So much stronger than your will to not forgive. In this piece, you are reminded to let this force take charge of your life and watch it blossom into something so beautiful.
Celebrate Others

Celebrate Others


Anyone can relate to the feeling of jealousy. You see someone succeed so well in something you wish you could. There's a part of you, that's unhappy. On the flip side, if you convert that feeling into genuinely celebrating the success of others, you open yourself more to the ability to also accomplish a similar or even better feat. This is a principle that will free your heart and mind to never be threatened by other people's wins.
No Better

No Better


It's so easy for us to build a castle of identity on shifting sands of competition or being better than another person. Like any grainy foundation with no depth, it is heading for a crash. In this episode, your mind is guided away from such crisis. You were created to be whole in yourself, with a beauty and uniqueness that was not made to be compared!
The Package

The Package


If you've ever caught sight of an abandoned parcel or package at a door front, you will understand a part of the illustration that this piece creates. This is not about your neighbor's abandoned package. This is about your life and all of the parcels that have yet been explored or unopened. It represents all of the ideas and visions you might not have gathered enough courage to embark upon. Guiding your mind through this piece will stir up something in you to lay a hold on all the great things you have to offer the world.
Rise Again

Rise Again


We all go through the feeling of frustration when we fail to accomplish a goal or desire. This episode is a reminder to not let the frustration prevent you from trying again. You may be at a low point. But you will rise again!
Who are you?

Who are you?


"..As a man thinks in his heart so is he..." Your life is simply an the expression of the thoughts you focus on. In this episode, your mind is guided to be conscious of this.
Crystals Intro

Crystals Intro


It's interesting what you will find if you heat up a salt and water solution! If you've never tried it before, I take you through the process. In doing so, I explain what it is about poetry meditation that's very much like giving the experiment a shot! If you've never tried poetry-meditation, you should give this a listen!
Awake! Awake!

Awake! Awake!


Indulge in a dreamy piece with a call to awake! "...Your dreams come alive when you are awake only!..."