Culture & Compliance Chronicles

A RopesTalk podcast series from the R&G Insights Lab focused on the data and behavioral sciences approach to risk management.

Compliance Analytics Simplified (A Chat with Integrity Tech Leaders from Lextegrity, Part II)

The latest installment of R&G Insights Lab’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, continues to explore the benefits of using analytics and technology in the compliance and risk management space. Zach Coseglia, managing principal and head of innovation of R&G Insights Lab, concludes his conversation with two guests from compliance software company Lextegrity, founder and CEO Parth Chanda, and head of product Kara Bonitatibus. Picking up where they left off, the group first tackles a common question from companies, “Of all of the places where there is an opportunity to bring value with data and analytics, which is the area that we should focus on?” From there, they discuss why data analytics is more of a journey than a silver bullet. Finally, they dive into examples of how continuous monitoring with a pre-built analytics engine like Lextegrity’s can help not only individual teams in a company, such as internal audit, but also the business as a whole.


Compliance Analytics Simplified (A Chat with Integrity Tech Leaders from Lextegrity, Part I)

The latest installment of R&G Insights Lab’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, explores the benefits of using analytics and technology in the compliance and risk management space. Zach Coseglia, managing principal and head of innovation of R&G Insights Lab, talks with two guests from compliance software company Lextegrity, founder and CEO Parth Chanda, and head of product Kara Bonitatibus. In the first of a two-part conversation, Parth and Kara talk about the benefits of a more analytically-powered approach to compliance and risk management; and specifically, how they have drawn upon their past experiences as in-house compliance lawyers to develop solutions that help companies get a better handle on their risk in near or real time. The three also discuss how technology, analytics and a user interface that prioritizes the employee’s experience can promote better business decision-making, improved compliance, and drive a more sophisticated analysis of programmatic effectiveness.


Using Data Ethically

In this episode of R&G Insights Lab’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, litigation & enforcement attorney Tina Yu continues her discussion with Ropes & Gray partners who focus on data, privacy and security across the firm’s enforcement and transactional practices. Picking up from a conversation about the role of data and its commoditization, Ed Black and Rohan Massey delve into how the regulators in the U.S. and UK are approaching this new world of data, where companies are trying to find their footing in navigating the possibilities stemming from growing data analytics capabilities, but where safe harbors may still be a ways off.


Navigating Data Privacy

In this episode of R&G Insights Lab’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, litigation & enforcement attorney Tina Yu speaks with Ropes & Gray partners who focus on data, privacy and security across the firm’s enforcement and transactional practices. In the first part of a two-part discussion, Ed Black and Rohan Massey discuss the legal issues that are raised as more companies utilize data for both commercial and compliance purposes. In a wide-ranging conversation, they discuss: transparency around the use of data, especially in light of data protection laws; how organizations can make the most of their data while still fulfilling their legal obligations; the international transfer of data after the CJEU’s recent decision in Schrems II; and the interplay between AI and data protection law.


Techniques on Approaching & Establishing Relationships

In this episode of Ropes & Gray’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, litigation & enforcement attorney Tina Yu continues the conversation with Julian Danobeitia, an executive coach and director at DownTheCorridor. Last episode, Tina and Julian discussed how important relationships are to improving the overall compliance culture. Now they delve into techniques legal and regulatory compliance teams can use to build relationships and enhance outreach. To make communications more effective, they discuss the importance of curiosity and empathy, and adopting a relationship-based approach to interacting with colleagues.


Building Relationships & Making Connections

In this episode of Ropes & Gray’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, litigation & enforcement attorney Tina Yu talks with Julian Danobeitia, an executive coach and director at DownTheCorridor. The first of a two-part discussion, this episode focuses on how the legal and compliance functions are often perceived within organizations, and why that impacts their ability to perform. Drawing on professional experiences, movies and psychology, the two also drill down on what kind of relationships among co-workers tend to foster a more healthy compliance culture.


Effective Remediation

The latest installment of Ropes & Gray’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, explores company culture in times of crisis. In the final part of a three-part discussion, litigation & enforcement attorney Amanda Raad talks with three partners at EY—Maryam Hussain, Melissa Myatt and Katharina Weghmann—all of whom study decision-making in the corporate context. In this episode, the group explores what effective remediation looks like and how it all ties back to the root cause of the issue. They also circle back to how companies can create a culture of compliance and the role ethics plays in this, especially for companies that use data analytics to measure culture.


Measuring Culture

The latest installment of Ropes & Gray’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, explores company culture in times of crisis. In part two of a three-part discussion, litigation & enforcement attorney Amanda Raad talks with three partners at EY—Maryam Hussain, Melissa Myatt and Katharina Weghmann—all of whom study decision-making in the corporate context. In the last episode, the group considered what the research says about the drivers of firm culture. In this episode, they shift to how companies can actually define and measure culture. They explore innovative approaches that go beyond the usual employee surveys. They also discuss why now is a particularly unique moment for companies to study their cultures, and how focusing on particular aspects of culture can make the inquiry less overwhelming and more fruitful.


Culture in Times of Crisis

The latest installment of Ropes & Gray’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, explores company culture in times of crisis. In part one of a three-part discussion, litigation & enforcement attorney Amanda Raad talks with three partners at EY—Katharina Weghmann, Maryam Hussain and Melissa Myatt—who focus on behavioral science and decision-making in the corporate context. The group considers what the research says about the drivers of firm culture, how companies and individuals make decisions, and how they’re seeing this play out as companies grapple with the global pandemic. Throughout, they also touch on how regulators are responding to the current environment.


Incorporating Behavioral Science in Audit & Monitoring

In the second episode of Ropes & Gray’s podcast series, Culture & Compliance Chronicles, litigation & enforcement attorneys Tina Yu and Amanda Raad, who co-chairs the firm’s global anti-corruption and international risk practice, continue their conversation with Jules Colborne-Baber, a partner and forensic audit expert at Deloitte UK, and Richard Bistrong, CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC, about behavioral science and compliance. The first part of their conversation focused on the importance of incorporating behavioral science in compliance programs. In part two, they turn their attention to the application of behavioral science in compliance testing and monitoring.


Behavioral Science—The Audit Monitoring Perspective

Welcome to Culture & Compliance Chronicles, a new Ropes & Gray podcast series focused on the behavioral sciences approach to risk management. In this inaugural episode—part one of a two-part series—Ropes & Gray litigation & enforcement attorneys Amanda Raad and Tina Yu are joined by special guests Richard Bistrong, CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC, and Jules Colborne-Baber, a partner and forensic audit expert at Deloitte UK, to take a deep dive into behavioral sciences and compliance, with a focus on how organizations can develop more effective tools to identify misconduct.


Applying Behavioral Science to Compliance—A Conversation with Richard Bistrong, Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC

Regulators around the world are increasingly warning against the danger of a check-the-box compliance program and encouraging companies to evaluate their respective cultures and the corresponding impact on compliance. A growing emphasis on behavioral sciences, which involves looking more deeply into why an individual makes certain decisions or acts a certain way, is becoming an increasingly important aspect of this shift. In this podcast, litigation & enforcement attorneys Amanda Raad and Tina Yu sit down with Richard Bistrong, CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC, to discuss his journey from being prosecuted by U.S. and UK authorities for bribery violations to becoming an outspoken proponent of using a behavioral sciences approach to compliance.


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