Customer Experience Superheroes

Insights, ideas and inspiration from the world of Customer Experience. With particular emphasis on people, brands and experiences which are 'superhero' like in their status. Either they define best in class or are pushing the boundaries for the next generation of customer experience.

Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 1 Intro

Introduction to the Customer Experience Superheroes podcast series.A series inspiring CX Practioners to become CX Superheroes themselves.In the series we will share what the CX superpowers are, how to get them and how to spot them in others.As well as interviewing several CX professionals about their CX Superpower and catching up with some great branded experiences too. Intended as a 6 part series, with encouragement we are now in our 9th series and 3rd year!The CX Superheroes podcast is...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 1 Episode 1 - Employee Engagement with Simon Gilbert

Employees are the true CX Superheroes in any organisation. It is said look after your employees and they will look after your customers. But with only a reported 14% of employees fully engaged, something isn't working. In this episode of Customer Experience Superheroes, podcast host Christopher Brooks meets up with Employee Engagement expert Simon Gilbert who shares his ideas and frameworks for delivering successful engaged workforces. Simon talks about his time at Sony Mobile where...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 1 Episode 2 - Citizen M Hotels with Christopher Brooks

There are a handful of brands out there which truly get Customer Experience. The typically disrupt markets and make customers reconsider what matters most to them. Citizen M, the boutique transformational hotel chain started in Amersterdam and has now conqured half the world. It's focus on affordable luxury is brought to life with a consistent brand style and a band of brand Ambassadors in every hotel, empowered to do it all. As your guide on this journey, I believe clients are CX ...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 1 Episode 3 - Being the CXRockstar with James Dodkins

In this episode we meet up with the CXRockstar James Dodkins; key note speaker, writer, broadcaster, guitar player and recently crowned 2019 No1 CX Influencer in the UK. Global CX consultant, mentor and podcast host, Christopher Brooks speaks to James about the importance of 'Influence' in Customer Experience. James explains how he sees his role as one to help and inspire others by using a more accessible format; music and creativity. In a very open and honest interview James shares...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 1 Episode 4 - Value of Customer Journey Mapping with Christopher Brooks

This episode of Christopher Brooks' CX Superheroes is more of a masterclass than the common structured format listeners are familiar with. Customer Journey Mapping is one of the most recognised practices in customer experience. The ability to demonstrate the value of mapping is less often seen. Maps can be the catalyst to the savings and the gains made from customer experience. Understanding how to value them and create significance amongst the business is key. Having facilitated an...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 2 Episode 2 - CX in a Crisis - Reflections from Christopher Brooks

In this episode I showcase 10 organisational responses using customer/employee/community experience to make a difference in a crisis. From Amazon to Louis Vuitton, from Netflix to Pret I detail various endeavours and explore the value of them and to who. These are demonstrating the adaptable nature of strong CX programme management and will act as inspiration, as well as idea sets to all.My name is Christopher Brooks, a practicing global CX consultant and mentor with over 15 years C...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 2 Episode 3 - Customer data, permissions & consumer trust in CX with expert Simon Hinks

In this episode we deal with a topic often side stepped by CX professionals and practitioners - customer data. We speak to GDPR expert, financial services leader and all round 'one of the good guys', Simon Hinks. Global CX consultant, mentor and podcast host Christopher Brooks talks with Simon about what responsibilities Customer Experience has when it comes to customers data. Do we ever think about the implied consent when we send out feedback surveys, or do teams map out the customer ...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 2 Episode 4 - The impact of Covid-19 on online consumer behaviour with Dr Marina Shapira PhD

This episode of Christopher Brooks' CX Superheroes is a must listen episode if you are considering what and how to adjust your digital strategy in response to the current pandemic crisis. With the connection between digital behaviour and customer experience as close as any, keeping a watchful eye on changing online trends is critical. Through data and digital Customer Experience is gradually becoming a more scientific based approach to business decision making. With more focus than ever ...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 3 Episode 1 Customer Experience World Games with Helen Burt

During lockdown in March 2020, Christopher Brooks created a concept to bring the CX Community together to create better outcomes for charities, social causes and organisations needing to help their customers, employees, communities and society in general. The Customer Experience World Games 2020 was born. With over 140 players in 6 teams from over 30 countries around the world, the biggest hearted and smartest minds from the world's CX talent has gathered to help others in a crisis and s...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 3 Episode 2 The UHNW customer experience with Prof Dr Phil Klaus

Christopher Brooks' CXSuperhero podcast series covers the various superpowers needed to be a Customer Experience leader today. In this special 10th episode we meet up with the world's leading academic in Customer Experience, Prof Dr Phil Klaus and he exclusively shares with us his studies into the previously unreachable Ultra High Net Worth consumer. Best recognised for his award winning study in behavioural measurement of customer experience, Phil topped the Amazon business book charts....


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 3 Episode 3 Crisis Management in CX with expert David Wales

In this episode of Christopher Brooks' Customer Experience Superheroes we meet the superhero David Wales. David spent many years working as a firefighter and training officer, before being appointed as the first customer experience manager in the fire service. Now running his own consultancy practice Shared Aim, David shares his ideals and experiences on the importance of enabling all to review outcomes and situations from the customer's perspective. David explains how important it ...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 3 Episode 4 Service Recovery with Katie Stabler

In this series we share the CX Superpowers needed to be a leader in customer experience today. Completing our third series we welcome Katie Stabler, founder of Cultivate - Customer Experience by Design. Through an experienced career in service, Katie shares the importance of treating recovery as a customer experience opportunity. With examples from Tesco & Ritz Carlton we hear how a potential issue can result in a more committed customer. Learning this superpower as well as others in this...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 4 Episode 1 The Power of Lego Serious Play with Sirte Pihlaja

Welcome to series 4 of the Customer Experience Superheroes podcast series. Designed to highlight various superpowers needed to be a CX leader today, we bring you a variety of topics including UHNW customer personas, to journey mapping, employee engagement and service design approaches. Global CX consultant, mentor and host Christopher Brooks interviews leading practitioners who share their expertise to inspire others looking to blaze a trail in CX. In this episode we meet up with Sirte ...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 4 Episode 2 - A wake up call for CX Professionals with Nate Brown

In this episode of Customer Experience Superheroes we speak to a tour de force in customer experience, Nate Brown. As Chief Experience Officer of Officium Labs and Co-founder of the CX Accelerator community, Nate is respected across the globe for his inspirational and progressive approach to customer experience. In this episode Nate highlights a new order for CX. As the customer experience discipline has evolved, Nate highlights the importance of knowing your role in CX and being brillia...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 4 Episode 3 - From Customer Service to Customer Care with Nick Lygo-Baker

Nick Lygo-Baker has spent many years research agency side to develop a specialism in voice of the customer. Having moved to become a CX consultant, leading Paradigm CX Ltd, he's been able to take his specialism to many clients to help them both understand how to generate more powerful insights, but also how to convert what they find into actionable improvements. In conversation with global CX consultant and mentor Christopher Brooks, host of the CX Superheroes podcast series, they discuss one...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 4 Episode 4 - Inside your customer's imagination with Chip Bell

We speak with industry heavyweight, Chip Bell on the importance of collaborating with your customers to arrive at breakthrough product, services and experiences. CX global specialist, Christopher Brooks speaks with world renowned speaker on CX, Chip Bell about the value exchange delivered by including your customers in the development of improvements process. Chip shares his wealth of experience both in terms of the value in better serving customers' needs as well as deepening their customers...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 5 Episode 1 - Leadership v Management in CX with Steve Bederman

In this episode CX Superheroes podcast host Christopher Brooks spends time with a true leader in one of the key areas of a customer centricity; customer service. Steve Bederman is the CEO of NobelBiz, a leading contact centre company, with over 250 employees. Having started his career as a call agent some 40 years, Steve has grown several business and is now both a leader and influencer within the contact center sector, Having developed leading approaches to contact centre management and tech...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 5 Episode 2 - CX 'punking' it with Adrian Swinscoe

Christopher Brooks' CX Superheroes is now in its 5th series. Our aim is to bring listeners keen to progress the knowledge and insights from the world of customer experience. We hope listeners are inspired by the speakers and their topics. In this episode, global CX consultant and mentor Christopher Brooks is in conversation with the renowned CX influencer Adrian Swinscoe. Adrian leaves an impression on those he deals with. One which makes them think again about CX, from his no-nonsense&n...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 5 Episode 3 - Sustained Employee Engagement with Shane Goldberg

Christopher Brooks' Customer Experience Superheroes podcast series explore the mindset, skillset and behavioural strengths needed to be a CX leader today. We discuss with experts in their field the superpowers needed to be among the elite achieving success from customer centricity. In this episode we catch up with Shane Goldberg, lead CX consultant at CustCore Ltd, Melbourne, Australia. Shane is responsible for guiding clients through customer transformation programmes. In every in...


Customer Experience Superheroes - Series 5 Episode 4 - Meaningful Membership Experience with Steve Devine

In this series we look at the CX Superpowers needed by CX leaders and demonstrated by leading brands seeking to create competitive advantage from customer experience. In this episode we look specifically at what this means for membership experience. Steve Devine heads up PROTECT a membership association for those in the world of protection (insurers, technologists and consultancies). With a combination of relevant content, engaging speakers and enjoyable events Steve has seen PROTECT gro...


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