DC Washup

Focusing on the US elections, the program brings you interviews with leaders, and newsmakers.

Gun Reform?

A week after the deadly Florida high school massacre that killed 17 people, Stephanie March, Conor Duffy and Roscoe Whalan reflect on the perpetual cycle of gun violence in America. The gang look at how this shooting may be different, what reforms are being mooted by politicians and if anything will actually change.


The Brat Pack is over

With the dismissal of Rob Porter from the White House staff it is the end of an era for an unlikely cast of characters in the Trump Administration. Zoe Daniel, Stephanie March, Conor Duffy and Roscoe Whalan discuss the disturbing circumstances that led to his demise. Zoe brings back her business expertise to explain the struggling stock market and the team imagines a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.


State of the "Uniom"

The President delivered his first State of the Union address and promised unity - but it seems a long way off. Zoe Daniel, Conor Duffy and Roscoe Whalan reflect on the speech and the President's promises. Zoe also gives the team a crash course in the "Nunes FISA Memo" and how it fits into the Russia Investigation ahead of its release. Conor takes us behind the scenes of his interview with Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci in which the one-time Communications Director called one of the ABC cameramen a pirate.


Shutdown Special

The US Government momentarily shut down this week. But why? Joined by special guest, The Australian's Cam Stewart; Zoe Daniel, Stephanie March and Roscoe Whalan explain how the so-called "Dreamers" became a political bargaining chip and what's at stake for them. The team also discuss the difficulties of deal-making with President Trump, the latest in the Russia Investigation and the continuing fall out of the #metoo campaign with former USA Gymnastics coach Larry Nassar being handed a heavy sentence.


Groundhog Day

A year on, women are again planning to march, the president is still waging war on the media, the Russia investigation lurks in the background and nevertheless, President Donald Trump's supporters still love him. The ABC's D.C. team is back for another season of Trump Land. This week, Zoe Daniel, Conor Duffy and Roscoe Whalan are joined by Voice of America Bureau Chief Steve Herman to reflect on Trump's legacy so far and cast ahead to challenges facing the Administration in 2018.


Series 2 episode 45: Best of 2017

After a blockbuster year, Zoe Daniel, Conor Duffy and Roscoe Whalan look back over the year that was. From policy failures to staffing changes, the Trump Administration is like no other. What did we learn this year and what lies ahead in 2018?


Series 2 episode 44: Peace in the Middle East

This week, Donald Trump threw out seven decades of US foreign policy to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel. It comes just days after his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn cut a plea deal with Robert Mueller who's leading the Russia Investigation. Meanwhile, two high profile Democrats announced their resignations amid mounting sexual assault allegations. What does it all mean and when will it stop? North America Correspondents Zoe Daniel and Stephanie March and producer Roscoe Whalan tackle the week's big stories.


Series 2 episode 44: The Lucky Dip edition

Is North Korea prepared to go to war, is REXIT a fad, and who is going to take home the Fake News gong? Just some of the questions North America correspondent Stephanie March, together with producers Roscoe Whalan and Brooke Wylie, ponder on this special lucky dip edition of the DC Wash Up.


The DC Wash Up podcast series 2 episode 42: Come back blues

It's one year since Donald Trump won the White House, but a sweep of state and local elections by Democrats this week has republicans on high alert that next year's midterms might not be quite the same fairy tale. ABC reporter Eliza Borrello joins producers Brooke Wylie and Roscoe Whalan to discuss the ramifications of a blues come back, as well as talk gun control in the wake of the America's latest mass shooting.


The DC Wash Up podcast series 2 episode 41: New York Terror

The worst terror attack in New York City since 9/11 happened just blocks from the Freedom Tower. While America mourned, President Donald Trump was quick to politicise the tragedy and push for immigration reform. The horror of New York overshadowed a mammoth week in Washington where the President's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was indicted in the Russia Investigation. North America Correspondent Stephanie March and producers Brooke Wylie and Roscoe Whalan break down the week that was.


Series 2 episode 40: Capitol Chaos

All eyes were on the Hill this week as high profile Republicans slammed the President for "untruths" and accused him of "debasing" the nation, in a torrent of frustrations that prompted one Senator to announce his retirement. Donald Trump wasn't deterred, and denied there was any rupture within the party, while also continuing to dispute accounts of a gold star widow's conversation with him. North America correspondent Stephanie March joins producers Roscoe Whalan and Brooke Wylie to separate the apples from the bananas.


Series 2 episode 39: A dismal discourse

America's fallen heroes became a political football this week, as the administration fended off criticism over the way President Trump handled an intimate phone call with the family of a soldier killed in Niger. The debate came amid a subtle rebuke from former President George W Bush, who decried the tone and rhetoric of political leaders. Bureau Chief Zoe Daniel joins producers Roscoe Whalan and Brooke Wylie to unpack another week in Washington.


Series 2 episode 38: West Coast Woes

As wildfires ravage California, and sexual assault allegations rock Hollywood, it's been another difficult week out west following last week's mass shooting. North America correspondent's Stephanie March and Conor Duffy join producer Brooke Wylie to reflect on their experience reporting on the Las Vegas massacre, as well as discuss the allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and ponder the politics of climate change after a summer of wild weather.


Series 2 episode 37: Sin City Horror

America is in mourning after another devastating mass shooting left scores dead and hundreds injured in Las Vegas this week. It has sparked yet another debate around gun control in the U.S but will lawmakers finally act? North America Bureau Chief Zoe Daniel joins producers Brooke Wylie and Sandra Siagian to discuss what it means to cover the "worst mass-shooting in recent American history" for the second time in 15 months. The team also look at the recovery efforts in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria, which left millions of Americans without access to power, food or water.


Series 2 episode 36: Stranger Things

What does Puerto Rico, the NFL and an Alabama Primary have in common? Tune in this week as Stephanie March, Brooke Wylie, Roscoe Whalan and Sandra Siagian trawl through the week's big stories and tackle even bigger questions like: is Donald Trump focusing too much on football and not enough on a humanitarian crisis on US soil? Can Republicans quell a populist uprising within their party and is the repeal and replacement of Obamacare finally dead?


Series 2 episode 35: The End of Days edition

This week as natural disasters ravaged Mexico and the Caribbean, Donald Trump stole headlines with his controversial debut at the United Nations and yet another war of words with Kim Jong Un. Meanwhile lawmakers revived the healthcare debate and Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling crept closer to the White House. Washington Bureau Chief Zoe Daniel joins producers Roscoe Whalan and Brooke Wylie to wade through some of the major stories this week, plus the ones which tried to slip under the radar.


Series 2 episode 34: HRC, Remember Me?

In this week's episode, Bureau Chief Zoe Daniel and producer Roscoe Whalan are joined in the studio by Jon Allen, the co-author of "Shattered" - an inside look at what went wrong with Hillary Clinton's election campaign. This week, Secretary Clinton released her own version of events in a new book titled, "What Happened". How do the books compare? Jon explains Hillary's downfall and looks at what's next for the Democratic Party.


Series 2 episode 33: Mandatory evacuation

As a category 5 hurricane looms large over the Caribbean, authorities have ordered mass evacuations across the state of Florida. Meanwhile, the Administration has ordered the end of Obama-era immigration protections for undocumented youth brought to the United States by their parents. Bureau Chief Zoe Daniel joins producers Roscoe Whalan and Brooke Wylie to discuss a week that has raised more questions than answers about what exactly it means to go home.


Series 2 episode 32: High and Dry

After Hurricane Harvey caused unprecedented flooding across the state of Texas, ABC Chief Correspondent Phil Williams and producer Roscoe Whalan call up North America Correspondent Conor Duffy in Houston to find out how the city is fighting back. Phil and Roscoe also dissect the President's visit to the disaster zone and look at the deterioration of relations between the US and two of its key adversaries: North Korea and Russia.


Series 2 episode 31: Teleprompted

We saw two sides of President Trump this week: first on message revealing his new policy on the War in Afghanistan and then completely off script relitigating his response to the Charlottesville incident. Who is the real Donald Trump? North America Correspondents Stephanie March and Conor Duffy along with Chief ABC Correspondent Philip Williams dissect the week and producer Roscoe Whalan reveals the esteemed company he cruised the Caribbean with.


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