DiscoverDNA, RNA and protein formation - for iPad/Mac/PC
DNA, RNA and protein formation - for iPad/Mac/PC
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DNA, RNA and protein formation - for iPad/Mac/PC

Author: The Open University

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How is genetic information stored in cells, and how is the information accessed and used? On this album, Dr Norman Cohen of The Open University uses models and graphics to provide easily understood explanations of how genetic information is stored in DNA, how DNA is replicated, and how genetic information from DNA is used to create new protein molecules. The album draws on material originally created to support The Open University course Exploring science.
8 Episodes
A brief introduction to this album.
Dr Norman Cohen introduces four key characteristics any set of inherited instructions needs to have.
DNA replication

DNA replication


How DNA molecules replicate themselves.
The information in DNA

The information in DNA


How DNA carries the information that encodes genetic instructions.
An introduction to the processes of transcription and translation.
A more detailed look at transcription, showing how messenger RNA is formed.
The role of transfer RNA in building protein chains from the information in messenger-RNA.
How protein chains form into three dimensional structures, and the role of ribosomes in protein synthesis.