Da Chicago Accent Guys' Podcast

We speak longingly of Chicago, which we left in our yout' And we suspect you will soon be following suit And leaving the land of Al's Beef for points south We'd like a recording of you running your mouth

John Price Is Essential.

John checks in from an overnight trucking job somewhere deep behind the Cheddar Curtain. Describes his experiences with regulatory crap and legislation that essentially made it impossible to make a living as an independent long-distance trucker from about 2008 to now. There is much talk about engines, mileage, horserpower. Things get political and K. Paul is droning on and on about something. Jimmy da Genius describes growing up in the School of Hard Knocks. Contains less than 3% COVID19 talk -- just a passing mention here and dere.


#2 FINALLY a recipe for some food. Which you can make and eat, or just listen to.

Da guys host their first guest who is inexplicably pretending like nobody knows who he obviously is, in some doomed attempt to preserve his imagined anonymity. Turns out he has our first recipe, and proceeds to describe his creation with copious exclamatory sound effects. This goes on approximately 50% longer than it has to be but what the hell? Da guy was on a roll. Plus it sounds tasty. We lament the demise of Dominick's Finer Foods, somewhere in dere. And we make plans for St. Casimir Pulaski Day.


#uno: hello from da guys from over by dere

Da guys are driving somewheres and decide to do this podcast. It's going to be loosely based on their semi-mythical exploits growing up on the Southwest Side and surrounding burbs. We want to hear voices from da heartland who know how Chicago works and where to eat. Where to go fishing and Hot Tips and numerous dinero appreciated. Let's Talk!


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