Dad In A Daughter's World

Encouraging men with daughters to take up the mantle of Dad. My family has taught me more about myself and being a man than anything else. I am here to share stories, interviews, and life lessons to let other #girldads know that they are not alone, you are valued, and you are critically important. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Prudence Bites Me In The Butt

My daughter is smart...a little too smart...not really, there is no such thing. We had an opportunity to teach our daughter about making value based decisions (vs emotional decisions). This lesson came around to bite me in the butt at Christmas time, but it was worth it if she learns how to be self-aware and consider the people around her when she makes decisions. --- Support this podcast:


Farts? Really?.....Yes, really

I couldn't imagine having a dad podcast without talking about farts. I mean it is part of my identity as a dad. I take embarrassing my kids seriously, plus farts make me laugh #sorrynotsorry. What boils down to for us girl-dads is that it is our job to toughen them up and help our girls see that they don't have to be embarrassed with who they are or how much chili they eat. --- Support this podcast:


Demons in the guise of children?

Have you ever been startled away by a little face staring at you in the middle of the night? Yeah, me too. Made me think, this is probably why they correlate kids and demons in scary movies. Brings our guard down, then sneaks in and scares the crap out of us. Life lesson, there is nothing scary about letting your guard down and being vulnerable with your daughters. --- Support this podcast:



Welcome to the podcast! I'm here to talk about being a dad of girls. Children really are the best mirrors and we learn so much from them. We learn so we can get better, be better...for them. We want our girls to grow up and be better than us. That is the goal, the mission of this podcast. Please be sure to connect with me on Instagram at Brandon_C_Ray Thank you to InkleDeux for making this podcast possible. If you would like to join their meaningful conversations, you can find their podcast wherever you stream your podcast or at --- Support this podcast:


The End For Now

This is the end of my passion project. I have learned a lot. I won't say I won't come back to this sometime in the future, but for now, I'm stepping away to focus on life with my girls. --- Support this podcast:


Let Them Feel Fear

This may be controversial, but I have chosen to bolster their courage instead of dispel their fears. We can't always know what it is we are facing, so instead of trying to explain it away, lets just punch it in the face. --- Support this podcast:


Hollywood Sucks: A Rant

Is anyone else sick and tired of the kids shows being filled with adult content? I sure am. --- Support this podcast:


Disneyland Recap

I'm back from my time away. I had some big projects to focus on. I left off with my advice on preparing for Disney and I'm sorry I didn't my update out sooner, but here it is. We had a great time, but also learned some lessons. --- Support this podcast:


Disneyland Preperations

It has been a few years, but we are going back to Disneyland. I thought I would share some of the tips that help us be successful on our Disney outings. We have gone enough times that these are tried and true. I hope they help. --- Support this podcast:


My Coach, Bernard Scott

I finish up my bit on health by interviewing my coach for the last 15 months. Bernard has been a huge blessing in my life. I am so grateful for his influence. I am an advocate for getting a coach. We need people in our lives who are pushing for the same things. If you would like to connect with Bernard, you can find him on Instagram at @bernard_crohns_warrior  --- Support this podcast:


We Need To Be Striving

Everyone tells us we should all have goals. I don't disagree, but the goal is not really important. The goal is just something to get us on a journey. Once we are on a journey, striving to succeed, then we will change and grow. Then...we'll keep going. --- Support this podcast:


Health Is Not A Burden, It's A Privilege

A key to success on my health journey was removing the mental burden of feeling like, "I HAVE to work out today." I don't have to do anything....I GET to work out today. Making this change helps remove the mental burden, which allows us to sustain our habit longer. --- Support this podcast:


Get Rid Of Negative Self Talk

Negative self talk is causing more damage than you think. We think it only impacts us because it is our brain, but it doesn't. It impacts our whole family. I'm not asking you to instantly switch from negative self talk to being a positive person walking on clouds and sunshine. Lets just take the first step and from negative to neutral.  --- Support this podcast:


Just Show Up Every Day

A health journey is the best way to train ourselves for being good dads. The first step in getting healthy, learning to show up every day. If you can master that, then you can build a foundation of trust with yourself and with your kids. --- Support this podcast:


How To Start Getting Healthy with Joey Szolowicz

Are you stuck trying to figure out how to start getting healthy as a busy parent? It's hard, but it's important. My friend Joey joins us again to talk about what it takes to get started on a health journey. Please be sure to find Joey on IG (@joeyszolowics) --- Support this podcast:


Do The Deep Work

I hope you are on a health journey. I am and wanted to share the beginning steps. There was so much mindset work that had to be done before I could really get results. I'm going to continue sharing insights from my journey in hopes that it will help you on yours.  If you aren't on a health journey yet, get on one. You need to be alive and as strong as your girls need. --- Support this podcast:


We Are Who We're Becoming

It's 2023 and time to set your vision. There is no "new year, new you." There is just you and you will either move forward, backward, or stay the same. Just remember, whatever you do, you are modeling how to live for your girls. --- Support this podcast:


Keeping A Spirit of Adventure

We took a day trip up to the snow and nothing went as planned. That's alright though, because it was not about anything other than family time. So, keep the spirit of adventure and you'll be okay. --- Support this podcast:


Christmas Pariah

I hope your holiday has much less sickness than mine. With all this time spent being sick, I had some time to reflect on the negative impacts on how we treat our sick friends and family as well as how we need to change this going forward. --- Support this podcast:


Keep The Magic Alive

Keep the magic of Santa and the Scout Elf alive for as long as you possibly can. The kids will have plenty of time to be jaded. But, be prepared for the transition, it won't last forever. --- Support this podcast:


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