DiscoverDaily Christian Podcast
Daily Christian Podcast
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Daily Christian Podcast

Author: Paul Dziepak

Subscribed: 55Played: 1,102


Listen in on how reading the bible every day is changing my life.

I am a husband to 1 & a father of 4 great children. My life is crazy and has zero time to waste. Taking time out of my day to spend time with God and meditate on His Word was always something I wanted to do but couldn't find time.

I was reminded, that if it was important to me, I would MAKE time... So I did. Now I record how it has and is impacting my life in hopes you will do the same. Thanks for listening and connecting with me!
369 Episodes
The Lord Jesus could come back at any moment. You could die at any moment. No day is promised to you. Let's be sure to live our life on mission and focused on fulfilling our purpose.
Finished up the book of Acts today in our reading through the Immerse Messiah Bible. These last few chapters really shows the incredible testimony of the Apostle Paul. He defended himself against the religious leaders who he once was apart. He shows how similiar they are to each other, well, except one key ingredient... Listen to more... Thank you for listening, Please subscribe on your favorite platform and tell a friend how rad this podcast is :)
Are there things that we are called to do as Christ Followers that we neglect and hope others will do on our behalf? Why is that? Are we afraid of messing up? Thanks for listening and sharing this podcast!
That must have been the longest 3-days of his life. He just found out he was persecuting the one true God and had gone blind while on his way to passionately persecute the church. Now waiting to see what God would do to him he waited for days. Thanks for listening in on the 5 minute podcast.
Reading through the Immerse Bible (NLT) we are on Week 2 day1! This is the beginning of the book of Acts and it is so exciting.  We read about the lame man healed at the gate of Beautiful. He was asking for money but got something even greater in return. Thanks for listening and for sharing this podcast!
The circumstances behind Jesus death and the timing of it clearly shows God's hand. Jesus has his last meal, the celebration of the Passover, celebrating God freeing his people from captivity. It was through the blood of the lamb that saved His people from experiencing the death all other households experienced. This is a the work of a God that is all powerful and all knowing. This is a God you can trust and seek comfort.
(203) Am I a Pharisee?

(203) Am I a Pharisee?


Reading some scripture from Luke chapter 18. Humble yourself or be humbled. Why is it that the Pharisees do not go deep in their faith but follow all the "rules" May we live a life with a truer sense of ourselves and our need for Christ and not fall into the trap of self righteousness. Thanks for listening in and for sharing this with others
Reading through Luke there is a section when Jesus visits Mary and Martha. Luke 10:38-42 The Messiah was right there and she was distracted by things that maybe could have taken up less focus. Thanks for tuning in and sharing this podcast with others, I really appreciate it!
We can try to go more than one direction in our lives often, but in reality we only have one life to live. You can only spend it one time. After it is spent, you cannot get it back. Jesus reminds us in Luke Chapter 9 the cost of being a disciple of his. It requires sacrifice You cannot live your life for you and for Him at the same time. You can only have 1 master.
We start today reading through "Immerse" the "Messiah," I think I misspoke and called it the "message" ha. Super excited to read through the New Testament with no interruption or distraction. The Messiah Immerse bible starts with the book of Luke. There is a lot that happens here but I begin talking about John the baptist and some of the things he pointed out while he was baptizing people before Jesus started his ministry. My heart is for those to see that they need to have faith on their own. You cannot live the life God has called you, by living through other peoples faith. It is a relationship with YOU and the almighty. I pray that my children see the truth, that they seek the truth, that they desire the truth. I pray that they are leaders among their peers. That they seek God first all of their days and fulfill their purpose here on earth. I hope you are encouraged today. I hope that you get into God's word today and make Him a priority in your life.
WOW! I have been recording my daily devotional time for over 6 months and have gained sooooo much from it! Along the way there have been over 32,000 downloads of the podcast, that number totally blows my mind. With that said, I am looking forward to some time to regroup my thoughts behind the podcast, website, and socials. I like to think of it as ending "season 1." There are no rules I need to follow, although it has been pointed out to me I need to do it daily because of the name, haha. There are plenty of podcasts to listen to, I am positive there are very few people who have listened to all of them. Connect with me and share this with others! Also, subscribe if you have not already on your favorite platform so you know when I start back up again.
(198) Destroy it All

(198) Destroy it All


Saul did not destroy everything that was asked of him by God. Even though you could argue that he destroyed most of it, he purposefully left some things/people intact. 1 Samuel 15:11 "I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions.” Are we living the same way, are there things in our life that God has called us to destroy or leave behind and yet we hold on to them?
(197) Angry

(197) Angry


What makes God angry? What makes Him sad? What give Him joy? Is our reaction similiar or different depending on circumstances? 1 Samuel 10&11
Shoutout to the Farrington Family living for Jesus by serving those they encounter in Nicaragua! More on them here: How are you making decisions in your life, who are you serving? 1 Samuel 8&9 We see that the Israelites wanted a king "like all the other nations" instead of just being lead by God. Are we doing the same?
How do we handle life when we are interrupted? Are we open to what God has for us? 1 Samuel 3:10 "The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Thank you for listening
(194) Lift it up

(194) Lift it up


We do not have control over as much as we wish we did. There are things that do not work out in our favor. We can all learn from Hannah, when in a situation that is beyond our control, hand it over to God in prayer and allow Him to work. 1 Samuel 1-2
(193) He is coming

(193) He is coming


Jesis is returning, let's not act as though He is not.
(192) Thirsty

(192) Thirsty


Revelation 21:6b (...To the thirsty, I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life." May we thirst for Him!
(191) it matters

(191) it matters


Your life here matters! You will live forever. Off on our Bible reading plan so I am only reading Chapter 20 in Revelation. Thanks for listening and sharing
(190) Can't Decide

(190) Can't Decide


Revelation 3:15-16 " I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Scary stuff! When you boil it down, the real heart of the matter is we just need to decide. Are we going to follow Christ or are we not?