Daily Energize

<p>Your 5 day a week podcast to get a jolt of energy a quick tip to help you live your life to the max!</p>

Chase Your Passions

Today's topic is about chasing your passions. Something I'm, well, passionate about. Chasing your passions. Do the things that fill your cup. What brings you joy, what fills your cup and energizes you.


Give Yourself Grace

Today's reminder, if you didn't catch it yet by the title, is to give yourself grace. That's right. Give yourself some grace, some love. You know, we've been talking a lot about different things this week, whether it's safe places, you know, clutter, being open, and a myriad of topics last week and last 700 some episodes.


Safe Places

Today's episode is about safe places. Places where you can feel safe, comfortable, you can, you know, drop your armor, drop your shield a little bit, and allow yourself to be you.



Can you take a quick look to your left? Look to your right? Do you see clutter around? Like random stuff something around? I see a little bit here, but thankfully not too much.Okay, kind of weird right? Asking about clutter and things around you. Maybe you see it, maybe you don't, or maybe you haven't, maybe you don't. But that is the focus of today's episode.


Be Open

This episode was inspired by going to events. And I try to go to events that pour into me. I'm intentional about the ones I go to so that, you know, it can help me in my personal life, in my, you know, mindset, personal growth, but also in business.And one thing that I really try to do, I try to be very intentional about, is from the beginning, from day one, from the moment I step in, to be open and to be open to new possibilities, new ideas, new thoughts, new people.


Be Great

Today's episode is a quote. That's right, it is a quote that I heard that I was excited, well, I heard it and I'm excited to share it with you and kind of jive on it a little bit. Dig in and hopefully it can help you live your life to the max.


Enjoy The Journey

Today's episode of The Daily Energizer is all focused on enjoying the journey. Enjoying the journey.


Be Present

Today's episode is what I talked a little bit about yesterday, but we're going, we're digging in a little bit deeper with it and that is being present, being present. So recently I was at a men's retreat and I'm enjoying the men's retreat, savoring it, having some amazing conversations, but I noticed not all conversations, but some of them that I wasn't being as present.


Being Intentional

Today's episode is all about being intentional. Now we've talked about intentions before, setting our intentions for the week, you know, like your goals and intentions, but those aren't the kind of intentions I'm discussing today.


Being Kind

Today's episode is about something I heard of relatively recently, and it pains me? I'm not sure it pains, it's disheartening. That's the word I was looking for, it's disheartening. And that is when people are just unkind to each other, they're just rude,


Be You

Today's episode is all about, is about being you. Be you. Don't try to be anybody else. And man, I can't tell you how many times I have tried to be like somebody else. Tried to copy the way they talk, the way they dress, the way they heck even walk at times. So, so many times. Now, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.


Habit Check-In

Today's topic of the Daily Energize is habits. Habits, that's right, not the things you wear on your head as a nun or anything like that. I think that's different, it's a totally different kind of habit, but habits and the things that you do regularly.


Living Joyfully

Today's episode is about Living Joyfully. So, joy and happiness are two different things. Let's be upfront and clear about that. Happiness for me is more short term, it's kind of fleeting, it's based on certain things.


Mastermind Success

Today's episode is about some success I've had with Mastermind. And really, okay, success I've had, yay, but about what it can do for you and what kind of Mastermind am I talking about.


What Energizes You?

In today's episode of The Daily Energize, we're going to talk about what excites you. That's right, what excites you? What gets you ramped up, pumped up, ready to go? What is that thing?


Weekend Challenge

This weekend, I invite you to take 10 minutes. Pick one person, or you pick each person in your family or friends, whoever runs a group, but at least pick one person and intentionally spend 10 minutes with them doing something they want to do.


Finding Inner Peace

Today's episode is all about finding that inner peace. To connect with that quiet within, to connect with your inner light, that light that shines bright, but to quiet the chaos and find that calm within.


Pick a Focus

Today's episode is about picking a focus. That's right, pick a focus, pick a focus. Now this, it seems like this week I'm telling you where everything's been inspired from and all of this one was inspired from the business world, from entrepreneurial world where, okay, pick your niche, niche, whatever you wanna call it, pick the thing you're focusing on.


To-Do List

Today's topic of today's focus is Inspired from one of our cohorts. So, in any case, one thing that has come up time and time and time again for helping people stay accountable and get things done on their list our to -do lists.



Today's episode, we're going to dive right in, is about discipline. That's right, discipline. Are you disciplined? Now, there's lots of different ways we could take it, right? There's some people and they hear the word, they cringe. Other people are like, yeah, that makes a huge difference.


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