DiscoverDaily Got a Minute Message with John Ed
Daily Got a Minute Message with John Ed
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Daily Got a Minute Message with John Ed

Author: John Ed Mathison

Subscribed: 3Played: 548


In each episode of “Got a Minute,” retired Methodist minister John Ed Mathison will share a small piece of wisdom to help you through your day.
1602 Episodes
A Half House

A Half House


I hope your home is a Godly home that can have a guaranteed warranty by the One who created you and your family and all that you have.
What's in a Name?

What's in a Name?


We need to move the mentality of advancing “survival of the fit” to “revival of the unfit.” Let’s deal with the source of the issue, and not just the symptoms.
Lemonade Stand Robbery

Lemonade Stand Robbery


The kids learned that when a tough thing happens, get up and keep moving forward and something good can come from it. How does that apply to you today?



While the protests and unbecoming behavior make the headlines, God is doing a huge work on campuses that will make a difference for eternity. How can God use you to help fan the fires of revival?
Use your finances to give to causes that are making an eternal difference in God’s Kingdom.
I like Costco for some things, but I like Jesus when it comes to preparing for the end times. Who do you like?
Early Christmas

Early Christmas


Get ready to celebrate Christmas today, and it will make your celebration on December 25 more meaningful. Please celebrate Christmas for its real meaning.
Financial Giving

Financial Giving


Too often we create chaos because we hold back God’s valuable purpose by selfishly hanging on to our finances and our money. Releasing your money for a Christian cause can set in motion valuable results!



What if we Christians who claim to be soldiers of the cross would have the level of commitment that’s demonstrated at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?
The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army


“My life belongs to you, Lord. You take my life, and You do whatever You choose and whatever You wish, and I will follow. You lead the way.” How committed to God are you?
Dirt Beneath Them

Dirt Beneath Them


When you place the elements of Holy Communion in your mouth, are you willing to be fully committed to Him whose death and resurrection you celebrate? I remind you; full commitment is always the pathway to victory.



We are reminded that our sins will find us out. Make an A plus in God’s school of living and that’s a test you really need to pass.



It’s hard to correct a perception of a name—it is extremely important to be proactive and make your name one that God is proud of, and you and your friends are proud of. Make your name one that people want to remember in a positive way.
At 91, he couldn’t participate in putting out a fire, but he could give financially. He will continue to put out a lot of fires. How can you be of help to some organization or to some person today?
You never learn to walk, swim, or ride a bicycle without taking the first step, the first stroke, and the first pedal in order to do it. For Jesus, commitment was not an option, it was a necessity.
Little Mistakes

Little Mistakes


Dizzy Dean was forced to retire because of one little stumble at first base. Be careful to master the little things, because they will cause huge results.
Two-Stroke Penalty

Two-Stroke Penalty


His honesty cost him $2.5 million. What would you do in a situation where Theegala found himself?
I know whose side I am on and know who is going to ultimately win. Are you confident of whose side you are on?
The Bible is not random words thrown together but words that came from the One who created words. Rather than argue about the meaning of Biblical words, we need to obey them.
Worry and Anxiety

Worry and Anxiety


The most words Googled in the past three years have been the words worry and anxiety. We are a generation captivated by anxiety and worry. How can we handle the stress in life?