Daily Health Tips

This is your Daily Health Tip brought to you by The Guud Company, a cool wellness company that wants to be your daily health coach. Sharing tips and suggestions for making life a little bit healthier. Also on instagram @theguudcompany and on Alexa in the Flash Briefing section. Add us, tune in and be well!

Functional Foods: Kombucha

Have you heard of Kombucha or Kombucha tea? It’s the beverage the ancient Chinese have called the “Immortal Health Elixir.” It’s been around for more than 2,000 years and has a rich anecdotal history of health benefits like preventing and fighting cancer, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases. Listen in for my story of how I once wouldn't touch this stuff and why now it's part of my regualr routine for gut health and overall wellness. Three products to check out: KEVITA, http://kevita.com GTS Enlightened Kombucha http://www.gtslivingfoods.com/ Kombucha Wonder Drink http://wonderdrink.com/


Functional Foods: Chia Seeds

Widely known for growing an indoor Chia Pet - these seeds pack a nutritional punch that beats outs Salmon in Omega 3 fatty acid content. Heart healthy and hydrating we share in this episode 3 easy ways to add them to your diet.


Functional Foods: The Coffee Fruit

A true superfood packed with antioxidants—due to concentrated polyphenols—coffee fruit has the power to boost the immune system, protect against free radicals and act as an anti-inflammatory. Listen in for our favorite way to get this into our systems and how even kiddos can benefit from coffee fruit in the search for ultimate wellness.


Functional Foods: Reishi Mushrooms

Reishi Mushrooms have been rated the top medicinal herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years and are among several medicinal mushrooms that have been used for treatment of infections. More recently, they have also been used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and cancer. Listen in for why this super food is so powerful and how you can take a Reishi supplement in your quest for wellness.


Functional Foods: Acai

Say it with me: Ahhh-Sigh-EEE. It's a South American Superfruit know as an antioxidant with anti-aging, mind calming, cardio-preventative benefits. Most commonly eaten here in the U.S. as an Acai "Bowl" blended with other fruits and topped with a variety of things like peanut butter, coconut flakes, nuts or fresh fruit. It makes an excellent breakfast that is healthy to boot. Give it a try!?


Functional Foods: Matcha

Matcha. Souped up green tea. Super rich in antioxidants with lots of health benefits. Learn how and why you should be drinking Matcha tea.


Functional Foods - Turmeric

Functional Foods are defined by the Mayo Clinic as “foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition.” THis week we delve into a few of the darlings of the natural food world. Turmeric, known best for it's anti-inflammatory properties has a whole host of benefits attributed to it. Our pick from Organic India can be found in the Wellness Warrior Shop on Amazon. com here: http://bit.ly/GuudChecklist It's a great supplement to consider but if you'd rather get this from food look to Indian and Asian yellow curry dishes for some gentle natural healing.


Self Care Sunday: Set a meaningful, attainable goal for yourself.

This morning is all about intention. Set a new goal for yourself with respect to your wellness. Perhaps it's to drink more water, or take a daily walk, to try a new yoga class, or cut out sugar. Set it for today and follow through. Be true to yourself and your quest for wellness. Watch how setting and keeping a goal can transform you whether it is for an hour, a day, the week or your lifetime. Things shift in the precise minute we decide to make a meaningful change. You can do this for yourself not just today but any day you choose. Simple changes, better choices one day at time. I honor you for being here and working on yourself. Remember, wellness is a practice.


Health Maintenance: Hair Care

Having a great head of hair starts with a healthy scalp. Get the low down on brushing and washing and caring for your luscious locks. Link to products we love on the checklist here: http://bit.ly/GuudChecklist


Exfoliating your skin regularly.

Skin, it's your largest organ and it's important to regularly exfoliate your skin to keep it smooth and supple. Listen in for our favorite exfoliating Mitt the Kese by Kelebek. Link to it here: http://bit.ly/GuudChecklist We also love coconut oil as a natural moisturizer after exfoliating.


Time to consider your feet!

Take a good look at your feet. Is it time for some maintenance. Quarterly pedicures can help to keep your feet in tip top shape. If this isn't for you consider investing in a good foot file and tools to cut and shape your toenails. Products we like are over on the Wellness Warrior Checklist here: http://bit.ly/GuudChecklist


Is it time for an eye exam?

If you've never been to an Optometrist to have your eyes examined now may be the time. Listen in for how often you should be having your eyes examined.


Health Maintenance: Visit with your dentist

Oral health is connected to overall health and can even affect your heart health. Brush, floss and see your dentist regularly.


Our Hundreth Epsiode!! You and your Primary Care Physician

Maintenance - we all need it. But how often should you be seeing your General Physician. Listen in and make your appointments with your health practitioner or for tests like Mammograms or Colonoscopies as needed based on age and family and health history. Remember, you can also enable our Alexa skill on any device simply by saying "alexa, enable today's health tip" and then opening the skill. Give it a whirl... or check it out here; http://bit.ly/GuudTipSkill We'd love for you to leave us a review and tell us what you think!


Self Care Sunday - Filtered Water and a bottle

Take care of yourself today, put your wellness first. If you havent invested in a water filter and a reusable water bottle today is the day. Make it easy and order from Amazon.com as our picks are here: http://bit.ly/GuudChecklist Or head to a local Target or Walmart for a great selection.


Happy Father's Day & A New Alexa Skill

Happy Father's Day to all you rad Dads out there. Hope you all are enjoying time with your families. Just wanted to share with you that we have published our second Alexa skill in the wellness space. To enable the skill you can click here: http://bit.ly/GuudTipSkill or simply ask Alexa to "Enable Today's Health Tip" and to use it ask "Alexa, open Today's Health Tip" Here you will have a choice of categories and can drill down on one subject or receive tips in multiple categories. We have Six 5-star ratings as of today...we'd love you to take a moment and leave your feedback. We are working hard to deliver content to keep your wellness top of mind. Thanks every body!


How much water should we be drinking?

An easy way to self-monitor your hydration. Tips in this audio, give it a listen.


Sparkling Water Counts!

Remember when choosing a beverage that sparkling water counts towards your daily water intake and can make a great refreshing choice when you are choosing to abstain from alcohol. A nice cold sparkling water with some line is a great substitute for a gin and tonic with ZERO calories. Check out a little machine called the SODASTREAM. You can carbonate your very own filtered tap water in reusable bottles for maximum savings and very little environmental impact. Here on the checklist: http://bit.ly/GuudChecklist


Structured or Enhanced Water.

What is structured or enhanced water and is there any real health benefit?


Bottled Water - It's best to avoid!

The federal government does not mandate that bottled water be any safer than tap water – the chemical pollution standards are nearly identical (EWG 2008). In fact, bottled water is less regulated than tap water. GET THIS: Companies producing bottled water are not legally require to note the source of their water NOR have to list how the water is treated (if at all). Listen in for this and more...


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