Daily MGTOW Dose

Bringing you the latest on Mgtow philosophy and walking the red pill life. My main channel was deleted from youtube. I am working on a new one but It won't be MGTOW content. Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support</a>

Ex wife gets mad that husband takes new girlfriend to one of their houses.

Angelina got made that Brad visited their house in France with his new girlfriend. They are fighting over it so they both have a claim. Angelina was upset that they were there on their wedding anniversary. She forgot that once you get divorced your wedding anniversary doesn't mean anything anymore. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Women sets up a Tinder account to rob dude, it doesn't work out like she planned.

Women are coming to the realization that not all of them will make 2M a month on OnlyFans. What is a girl to do when she really needs money and she just isn't getting what she wants. Well set up a Tinder account and start scamming dudes by convincing them to come over and get beat up and robbed. Sadly, her master plan was waylaid by her first date. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Women gets a ball to the throat because it's really tough to dodge a tennis ball.

I try, I really try to be open minded, but come on. The number one seed hits a ball to a line judge. She isn't paying attention or the effort to move or duck is just too much. She takes a ball to the throat, hahahahahahahha, ball to the throat and the number one seed gets disqualified. It must be really hard to be a line judge. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Rogan lets slip his wife just started listening to his podcast. What does that mean?

I listen to Rogan, alot, I listen to him at the gym so I get a bit of overloaded when it comes to his episodes. I also listen to it at 1.5 times speed which well makes it tough to remember some stuff. I finally found this tidbit that I have been looking for for a few days. Joe was talking to Rob Lowe and he said that his wife started listening to his podcast. To me that is super interesting that after 11 years she has started listening. What does that tell you? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Belle Thorne made an OnlyFans account and shows us what she thinks of men.

Belle Thorne, another well adjusted ex disney star has made 2 M dollars from her OnlyFans account in under a week. She has shown us how stupid she thinks men are by charging them $200 to see her in a provocative pose. She has forced OnlyFans to change their payment and refund policies and screwed over the sisterhood by letting the Simps of the world see how women think of men. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


If your new to Red Pill life just beware of some of the advice you get from content creators

Its easy to try and find someone to follow when you first find mgtow and the red pill life. Not all guru's are looking out for your best interests. Be patient and remember all the things you hear, take what works, leave the rest.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Raya the celebrity dating app isn't working out too well for post wall Nikki

Nikki Glaser, a celebrity, maybe c tier, maybe lower is on Raya the celebrity dating app. It's not working out to well for her. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Nikki Glaser talks about her porn addiction

The third part of the dissection of the Nikki Glaser podcast on Rogan, she talks about her porn addiction and what porn she likes to watch.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Why can't Nikki get laid?

Part two of Nikki's talk with Rogan. A deep dive into her dating habits and why she isn't getting laid.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Nikki Glaser hit the wall and no one told her.

Part one of a three part look at Nikki Glaser on Rogan. She is delusional and shows how women really think about men, dating and porn. Its a great look into the mind of a woman that just hit the wall.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


The Fallacy of if I think this way so must you.

We all have the tendency to think that the whole world thinks the same way we do. Tomi goes into great depth that this must be true. Remember when you are Red Pill you goals will never be the same as the women you pursue.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Red Pill Rage

There is a lot of Red Pill Rage out there, many guys are confused by it. It's natural. Understand why it is happening. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Maintaining the frame

Rona rona, women are flailing. They need strong boundaries or they fall apart. If you are going to date, you need to remember that.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Women are being "Aggressively" stared out, and they don't like it.

2020 has been a bad year for women. They have lost the spotlight, lost their jobs and most of them are selling pictures of themselves on OnlyFans but nobody is buying them. Now with all the mask wearing they are getting stared at aggressively. They don't like it and men need to stop.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


When a political party becomes a woman.

The Democrats in the US have just become a woman. They say stupid things, the do stupid things and they don't care about the repercussions.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Cardi B. WAP and the race to the bottom

Cardi B and Thee Stallion have a new song out. It's just as trashy as you think it will be. Women think that being crude makes them manly, it just makes them trash. The goal of feminism, race to the bottom and become trashy. Looks like they are winning.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Tomi Lahren and all men are trash.

Hot, Blond and single, Tomi Lahren is upset she can't get a guy to stick around.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Fat Women and the working world, when you see one you should leave.

Working in the Bay Area taught me when you see a fat woman getting hired it's time to find a new job. I recently visited the DMV and saw a sea of fat women. The sad state and the final decline of the world.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


The truth is women just aren't that interesting.

If you remove sex from the equation, women really don't bring much to the table. i go over an article that discusses why men over 30 aren't willing to settle down and more and more men are staying single showing women what they put us through in our teens and 20's. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


Alyssa Milano, recruit mode complaint, she isn't as popular as Rogan

Alyssa Milano took to the twitter verse to talk about the oppression of Native Americans and how unfair the world is that her podcast is the 1/3 the size of Rogan. Good news for her, it's not 1/3rd the size it around 1/10th the size so she can tell herself shes in the top 10. Another recruit mode rant from a post wall woman.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mistermigtowmayhem/support


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