DiscoverDaily Prophetic Word
Daily Prophetic Word

Daily Prophetic Word

Author: Russell Walden

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Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word by Prophet Russ Walden. Russ has moved in the prophetic for decades bringing proceeding words of breakthrough to multiplied thousands. This is your moment and your season to move into your blessing place through the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into your blessings!
319 Episodes
The Father says today that I am moving in your life with an unbending intention. I am used to getting My way says the Father and I don’t take it lying down when the enemy presumes to impede My blessing in your life. Do not allow what the enemy is attempting to distract with you beloved. Embrace My intentionality in your life and don’t be concerned with what the losing team is up to. This is the peace that passes understanding. Let this peace guard your mind. Let this peace come NOW. Let My peace cause you to feel My love and My joy as a tangible thing even when the enemy is beating your door down and shouting his endless (and pointless) threats. Live FROM and live IN breakthrough. The breaker anointing is upon you and because I live inside of your heart the breaker anointing IS YOU. Come to the place that you mature out of the need for a succession of breakthrough events into a lifestyle of consistent overcoming at all times in all circumstances. Fear not says the Father. Your biggest problems are SO NOT A CHALLENGE to My goodness. Learn to laugh at the enemy. Stand between My legs, wrap your arms around My knees and stick your tongue out at the enemy for I will not allow Him to molest you in any way. Dwell in this light Beloved. Dwell in this presence for this is where My total love will manifest total power and bring total relief and joy in the midst of the clamor of the world around you
The Father says today, "Do not believe the lie that you are disqualified. Though you may look at yourself and see failure or shortcomings, I see your heart. I see the posture of your heart, and it is there that I choose to place the habitation of My glory. It is My good pleasure, not because of anything you have done, but because of who I AM, to take up residence in your life. You are precious to Me, more than you can possibly comprehend. I see the depths of your spirit, the intentions and desires that others may miss. Forget the opinions of others, the need for the approval of man, or accolades of praise in the eyes of the world. Those are fleeting reflections, but My love for you is eternal. Prophet Russ - I Want to Be a Person After God's Own Heart - Today! I see in you, says the Father, the heart of a David. A heart after My own, a heart that yearns for intimacy and connection with Me. I have placed My own heart within yours, and it beats in unison with Mine, vibrating with a resonance that can only find expression in the deepest songs of worship and highest hymns of praise. The angels of heaven, who constantly behold My face, weep with joy when they witness the glory I have placed within your life. 'Holy, holy, holy,' is their cry as they gaze upon the masterpiece I am creating in you. This is your day! Your time of blessing has come, and I will be glorified through the unfolding of My purposes in your life. Rejoice and be glad, for I am with you always."
The Father says today, let a spirit of relinquishing, relinquishing the outcome, take root deep in your heart today. Choose rather to embrace the practice of simply doing what you see me do, releasing any attachment to outcomes or personal opinions about the consequences. Surrendering now the need to control everything, and just trusting in my plan, whether you understand it or not. As you let go, I will leverage your faith and your obedience into forward momentum in life, and usher you into a new season overflowing with favor and blessing. This is a time to break free from the chains of the past, leaving the old patterns, regrets, and limitations behind, for they have no power to dictate your future. Prophet Russ - I Relinquish the Outcome and Embrace God's Exceeding Expectations for My Life - Today! The Father says I declare that this is the day, this is the season where my goodness will tangibly manifest in every area of your life. You will see breakthroughs in areas that you have longed prayed for. Doors swinging open that once seemed permanently shut. Expect My favor, to become a tangible force surrounding you like a shield, deflecting the enemy's attacks and creating new opportunities that will propel you forward toward your destiny, and you're not going by yourself, for it is not good to be alone, therefore you will not be alone, says the Father. This is a time of acceleration and advancement for I am a God of abundance who delights in exceeding your expectations. God bless you.
The Father says today; this is a year where your deepest desires will be fulfilled, and your greatest dreams will come to pass, as you align your heart and your actions with the sure word of scripture and the leading of My promptings down in the inside of you. The kiss of heaven rests upon you, bringing abundance and blessings not only to your everyday life but also to the overarching journey of your soul. Release any worry and anxieties that weigh you down and enter into a place of rest in My loving embrace. Surrender your burdens, for I care deeply for you, as demonstrated by the work of the Cross. As you walk in alignment with Matthew 6:33, seeking first the Kingdom of God, My promises will unfold in your life. This requires a daily commitment to prioritizing My Kingdom, says God, above all else. Seek My guidance in your relationships, mend broken bonds, and extend compassion to those in need, remembering that every spiritual gift carries a responsibility. Embrace every opportunity for ministry, for even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact. Prophet Russ - I Release All Anxiety and Worries and Enter Into Rest - Today! As you diligently seek My rule and My governance in your decisions and choices, I will pour down My blessings like rain upon dry and thirsty ground. Prepare for abundance by ordering your life in anticipation of this mighty outpouring. I desire to work in you, on you, and through you, bringing righteousness, peace, prosperity, and joy into your situation and even the lives of those around you. Always remember that what you make happen for others, I will make it happen for you. Embrace the fullness of My joy by serving others with humility and compassion. Listen attentively to My voice and obey My word and My command, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. I will open the windows of heaven and pour out My blessings, reordering your circumstances and bringing forth radiant peace and light. This is a year of divine favor and transformation. Walk confidently in faith, seek My Kingdom above all else, and embrace the abundant life I have prepared for you, even in the dark times, even in the season you are now walking in.
The Father says today this is your hour of fresh fire, a season of fresh kindling of My presence in your life. I am a fire from My waist downward and from My waist upward, and I will cause all that does not represent My blessing in your situation to burn away like chaff. I will gather you like precious seed and cause your life to be bread for others, portioning out the bread of heaven to multitudes through your testimony and radiant countenance. Sequester yourself with Me, and allow Me to become the light, the flame, the fire, the heat, and the passion of your soul. Prophet Russ - God is Burning Away the Chaff in My Life with Unquenchable Fire - Today! I will break down the crumbling walls of detriment and bitterness that the enemy has used to try and rob you. I will destroy the destroyer and cause My life to break forth! Life breaks out of every impediment! I came that you might have life, and life more abundantly. I will break through and cause you to come up higher! Step through a door into a new arena of blessing and breakthrough. This new arena will reshape, remold, and adjust your relationships. Toxic relationships will wane and fade away. I will bring new, fresh connections of brotherhood, communion, and fellowship with those who see you as I see you. It is a new day! Rejoice, for I am working in you, both to will and to do My good pleasure.
The Father says today, "I have written the word 'change' over your life. I am bringing a great change, for I will not leave you with less than my best. I will bring about your heart's desire and greatest dream fulfilled because this is my will in the new covenant - to give you the desires of your heart and to cause your heart to ache for exactly that which I purpose for you to have and walk in. In the new covenant, my will is expressed and made manifest as you become a living sacrifice. You judge yourself harshly and disqualified, but I look at your heart, says the Father, and your heart has been like an altar to me – an altar of whole stones postured before me. As you continue to be that living sacrifice, I am going to lay before you My good, perfect, and acceptable will. It is not about finding one specific directive to unlock my favor but simply stepping forward. I will bless that which you put your hand to. Even as you seek my will, know that it is merely for you to step forward in faith, knowing that even in the night seasons, I will speak and commune with you to correct your path as necessary. I will cause you to know things to come. Prophet Russ - I Rejoice in the Change God Has Written Over My Life - Today! It will be – uncanny – in some ways, it will just be uncanny how powerfully and fortuitously I perform the works of My hand in your situation. You may think you were caught unawares, but I am going to cause you to be prepared, like the king who dug ditches in anticipation of the promised rain. I am sending the rains of my Spirit into the dry places in your life, causing what seems barren to become fruitful and verdant. I am sending the former and the latter rain, a demonstration of my Spirit and my knowledge, by which all things that pertain to life and godliness are afforded to you. You do not have to choose between a natural and spiritual life, for I said in Matthew 6:33 that if you seek My kingdom, ALL things are added. I am not calling you to separate yourself in a religious sense but to be as I was in My earth walk, rejoicing in the midst of life, knowing the power of my anointing upon you to change lives. It is my hand at work, both to will and to do My good pleasure, for I have made you a principality and a power. You will not be denied because I will not be denied. This is the hour of my dunamis, of my exousia, my dynamic power in your situation. As you take up your cross and follow Me, you will move into My plan with newness, immediacy, and a shortening of the cycle between prayer and answer. Rejoice, for your blessing time has come! You will look back on this season and say, 'What else could have possibly gone right?'" God bless you.
The Father says today, this is a time appointed, a season of apportionment in your life. An allocation of entitlement, joy, and peace is coming upon you. Today, you step into the abundance of the kingdom. The spoils of victory are divided into your life, and you now receive a share of the inheritance laid up for you before the foundation of the world. You have cried out, "Lord, is this all there is?" But the Father says, "No, My beloved. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, the wonders I have in store for you. They are being released even now." You are coming out of Kairos timing into Chronos reality. The things you have believed for, the potential of the Kingdom you have envisioned — they are slated to manifest. This is the hour your faith becomes substance. My substance, My promises, being made manifest in your life. The psalmist declared, "My captivity has been turned." And so it is for you. I am turning your captivity. I am bringing you out of the parched place into a new reality: a new reality of My presence, My favor, My blessing. Prophet Russ - My Captivity is Turned, and Abundance Has Come for Me - Today! I am filling your mouth with laughter and your tongue with singing. Even those around you who do not know Me will be astounded and amazed, saying, "The Lord has done great things for this one!" They will come and sit at your feet, seeking the favor that rests upon your life. Your tears sown in sorrow and frustration are breaking ground for a planting of joy. A new refreshing of joy will redefine your days and fill your nights with restful sleep. When you sleep, you will dream. And when you wake, those dreams will be made reality by My hand. This is your time to go forth. 2024 has been a year of distractions, but 2025 is a year of going forth and coming out. You are coming out into a new entitlement, a new jurisdiction. My endearment rests upon you, bringing a new level of blessing, a new level of benefit and favor you have not known before.
The Father says today that My Spirit within you is a distinct and sure presence within your whole being this day. I am not in some minuscule dwelling point within you – Beloved, I occupy your whole being, body, soul, and spirit. Say within yourself today that there will be no opposition within you, not even in your physical being, for your limited vitality is being infused with the energy and vitality of heaven, even that life and strength which is resident within Me and NOW within you. I am your life, and I am your breath and the same Spirit that raised up My physical body from the grave. Yes, even so, it is on the inside of you this day to heal and to fill and to reconstitute your health and your youth and your strength. Prophet Russ - My Youth is Renewed and Restored This Day in Jesus' Name - Today! I will says the Father leave no area neglected in any aspect of your need this day. Lift up those hands that I have made holy and rejoice for your life, and your breath is being renewed and transformed. Receive the transformation and the reconstitution, even of the vitality of the early days of your youth when you ran and rejoiced in the strength that I put in the very heart of you. Refuse to be despondent today. Shake yourself as Samson shook himself, and My strength will come upon you to accomplish, excel, and redeem the days that the enemy has sought to rob you of with waves of exhaustion and frustration. Rejoice, says the Father, and again, I say rejoice this day in the strength of your youth that I am renewing under this sun.
The Father says today is a new day, a season of endearment, and a day of benefit and blessing in your life. It is a time for deconstructing the old paradigm of limitation and lack and launching you into new territory, where you will walk in My kingdom at a level you have yet to experience. You have dwelt on this mountain long enough, says God, and now you are entering uncharted territory. I am lighting your path, and My Spirit, within you as a candle, is searching out the innermost parts of your being. Look no further, for I have placed the searchlight of My wisdom and truth inside you. This is the year to follow your first witness, which is the voice of My Spirit leading you. The second witness is the enemy trying to talk you out of what I said in your inner man. Prophet Russ - I Am Stepping Out on the First Witness of God's Spirit and Inheriting My Blessing - Today! So step out in faith onto the waters of that first witness, and I will be there to guide you into your highest heart's desire and fulfill your greatest dream. Embrace joy and peace as your guides, not intellect or rationale. This is the path into My kingdom. Every step taken in joy and peace is a step forward in My kingdom. Remember that in My kingdom, a life without risk is a wasted life. To be a risk taker and a faith walker is to live by the dictates of My voice, not the voice of the world. This requires adjusting your thinking and being expectant, poised for the answer that will come suddenly to your temple. By My Spirit, I am coming suddenly into your life, like a refiner's fire and fuller's soap, to cleanse and bring you to the center of My purpose. This transformation will equip you to fulfill your divine destiny and make a lasting impact on the world.
The Father says today - In your situation, I am pouring out My grace upon you in abundance. Like a floodgate opening, you will see it manifest in every area of your life. Doors that were once closed are now swinging open and being re-established and renewed. Opportunities you thought were lost forever are being restored. Relationships that have cooled, where distance and hurt have settled in, will be rekindled and refreshed. This is a time of healing and restoration. In all of this, make a choice every day to walk in the supernatural cadence of forgiveness, release, and blessing toward others, even those who have offended and wounded you. Let go of the hurts of the past and choose to love others as I love them. This is the year of double benefit, where you will receive double for your trouble. I will cover your past mistakes, failures, and the things that have hindered you. I will reveal Myself to you in deeper ways, lifting you from difficulty and setting your feet on solid ground where you can move forward in My purposes with confidence and clarity. Prophet Russ - I Am Forgiven, Restored, and Empowered to Walk Into Double Blessing - Today! You are a letter, a living epistle known and read by all. The testimony of who I am within you – that is what truly matters. Open your heart and allow the rivers of living water within you to flow out, making you a bold proclaimer of My truth. Walk in transparency, embrace vulnerability, and be a risk-taker. Do not fear vulnerability, for it is in those tender places that My strength is made perfect. Be a risk taker and a water-walker, for life without risk is a wasted life. Enlargement is coming, but you must step out in faith. Do not doubt like Thomas, whose unbelief robbed him of his testimony. Resolve to believe, and step out knowing that I am with you always. There are no shortcuts to a changed life. Follow My example. I will reveal Myself to you, even in the dark times. I will stand by you and make the path clear. Let go of the need to control the outcome. Trust Me completely. I am walking towards you, even in the midst of your storms."
The Father says today, "I am not asleep in the bow of your boat! I have set a course for you, and though the storms of life may rage and you question how My promises will ever manifest, I say to you, keep moving forward! Keep your hand on the rudder and your eyes fixed on the horizon. Do not be distracted by the waves crashing around you or the winds that threaten to blow you off course. This journey is not about your ability to navigate the treacherous waters but about your trust in the One who commands the wind and waves. I am the Captain of your soul, and I will guide you through every tempest to the shores of My promises. Prophet Russ - My Eyes are Fixed on the Horizon of God's Promise, and I Will Keep Moving Forward - Today! You are a cherished member of My bridal company, and I have a plan and a purpose for your life so magnificent, so breathtaking, that it can only be described as the deepest desires of your heart brought to life, your greatest dreams fulfilled by the boundless resources of heaven. This is a time of profound transformation, of tearing down old structures and establishing a new foundation in every area of your life. What you do, how you live, and even your physical body will be touched by My glory. You will gaze in the mirror and see a reflection radiating the grace, the splendor, the very essence of My presence within you. This transformation will be so complete that it will touch every fiber of your being, leaving no part of you untouched by My divine hand. Rejoice, for I have not forgotten you! I am not willing to move in the earth without your partnership. This is your moment. This is your season! Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is upon you!"
The Father says today, be interruptible, for interruptions of glory are coming. I am orchestrating divine appointments, and you will find yourself at the center of My miraculous work. Someone will approach you, unexpectedly, seeking My help through you. They will say, "I was led here. Can you help me?" Ordinary moments will become extraordinary encounters. The cashier at the grocery store, the teller at the bank, the person standing next to you in line – they will encounter My presence in you and be moved to tears, to repentance, to a hunger for the divine. Are you ready for that? Prophet Russ - Let the Glory Interrupt My Life - Today! You will be unable to go about life as usual, for I am moving in and through you in unprecedented ways. Expect crowds to gather, not because of anything you have planned, but because they are drawn to the light of My presence shining through you. I am changing and shifting the spiritual atmosphere, restoring My presence in the earth. Unbelief and defeat will no longer hold sway over My people. I am demonstrating My power and love in tangible ways, revealing the riches of My glorious inheritance. As it is written in Ephesians 1:18, "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you..."1 Prepare yourself, for I am knocking at the door of your heart, ready to move in power.
The Father says today, I am redefining your life and establishing a new paradigm for your existence. Your past is no longer relevant to who I have destined you to be in My Kingdom. Your present, with all the challenges and captivity, has no power to keep you from where I am taking you in your situation. The enemy has his plans and his purposes, but know this - they are nothing in the face of what I am bringing about on your behalf. Today, I am releasing upon you the blueprint I crafted before the foundation of the world. No force or opposition can alter this divine design. Open your eyes and ears to the spiritual realm, for you will perceive My Kingdom in a new light. Prophet Russ - I Received the Blueprint of Heaven for My Breakthrough - Today! Do not be troubled by the words of man or the whispers of the enemy. You are well aware of Satan's tactics; therefore, you need not fear his threats. My plan and purpose for your life are unwavering, like a protective shield of favor, blessing, and power. Look to Me, and disregard the storms of adversity and the negative circumstances surrounding you. My hand is always outstretched, and My heart is determined to bring forth the transformation and elevation you have long awaited. Remember, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." (Psalm 32:8)1 Turn from your past transgressions, seek holiness, and cultivate purity of heart, and you will witness the manifestation of My promises in your life. Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5)
The Father says today that My goodness precedes My glory. You have cried out to Me for greater glory, and I tell you it is obtainable. Your gateway to My effulgence is available to you, but only through the shed blood of the Cross. There is no other way. No level of performance will grant you access to My throne. Only the sacrifice of My Son can afford you entrance to the glory you seek. Understand that My glory is not an outward thing; it is an inward authenticity. I dwell in the secret place, in the inner chambers of your heart and life. Moses cried out to see My glory, but it was necessary to first reveal My goodness to him. Remember, I am holy, and I desire holiness and purity of heart in those who seek Me. True repentance paves the way for a deeper experience of My presence and glory. Prophet Russ - I Receive the Greater Glory - Today So prepare yourself, for I will, from this moment on, cause My goodness to pass before you. It will take root in your life, becoming your reality and manifesting fully. My goodness is the gateway to the glory you have sought, and I am ready to answer your cry without delay. Do not lose heart; continue in the path of righteousness. This is the day that everything changes! Rejoice, and be glad. As it is written in Psalm 30:5, "For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5)
The Father says today, do not worry about what others are doing or how they seem to be moving ahead of you in My plan. I have a specific purpose and destiny for your life, and I will ensure that you are precisely where you need to be to experience My glory in its fullness. When I move upon the earth, you will be a vessel through which My Spirit flows. Your prayers are heard and answered, and through your words and actions, the world around you is transformed. Do not allow present challenges or setbacks to discourage you, for they are temporary and will ultimately give way to My perfect will. I am the God of miracles, and I am able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.  Prophet Russ - I am Right Where I Need to Be to Move Ahead in God's Plan - Today! I urge you to come closer to Me today. Reject the lies and distractions of the enemy that seek to pull your attention away from My presence. Accept My invitation to experience true joy and allow it to lift your spirits and renew your hope. My favor surrounds you like a fountain of living water, bringing refreshment and washing away any discouragement. Embrace the future I have for you and reject any thoughts of defeat or despair, for those have no place in My Kingdom. Be energized and filled with faith! You have every reason to rejoice, for I am pouring out My joy upon you and fulfilling every promise I have made. Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5)
The Father says today, do not doubt My love for you. I gave everything for you, and I harbor no regrets for doing so. I willingly gave heaven's best to ransom you. The magnitude of the cost is a metric of just how much I love you, My child...
The Father says today, now you are clean by the word I have spoken to you from the secret place down on the inside of you. This secret place is not merely a location you visit occasionally; it is meant to be your dwelling, your constant refuge...
The Father says today; I am giving you an x-ray vision in My Spirit. Open your eyes and attune your ear and open your spirit to My leading, for I have destined you to know My voice intimately. You will perceive My leading through your spiritual senses and even physically...
The Father says today: Do not let the enemy dampen your zeal. Avoid getting drawn into the pessimism, sarcasm, and unbelief that characterize the false sophistication of the world. While it may appear sophisticated on the surface, it ultimately leads...
The Father says today, I am your protector, your shield. I am with you, fighting your battles. I have sent My angels to minister to you and guide you, so be aware of their presence and their work in your life...