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Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians
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Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians

Author: Lorna Leeson

Subscribed: 1,692Played: 30,337


If you are tired of riding the endless circle, or you're struggling to find inspiration for your riding each week, this is the podcast for you.

The Daily Strides Podcast is for equestrians wanting to learn more, stay inspired, and continue to move the conversation between horse and rider forward.

Each episode provides step by step guided instruction on different aspects of riding, groundwork, and lunging your horse or pony.

All episodes have a full blog post published at New episodes are published every Monday.

Say goodbye to the endless circle and hello to intentional interaction with your horse in a way that you both enjoy, that you both benefit from, by subscribing to the Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians today and

Let's Make Every Ride Great
432 Episodes
Sign Up for the NEW & Free Groundwork Webinar HERE    Horses are herd animals by nature. They will always choose to be with 'their herd' when they feel uncomfortable or worried about something. And this can become a big problem for riders. This is partially due to training and development requiring both horse and rider to 'get out of their comfort zone'. Your horse's past training or experiences can also play a big role in how he responds or feels about leaving his 'herd'... And whether you need to build your horse's confidence in himself and you, or focus on retraining him regarding his expectations and yours, it will require time, patience, and consistency to overcome. And a 'herd' does not have to mean a whole field full of horses frolicking and running wild in open pastures. It can mean this, but it doesn't have to! Your horse's 'herd' can be him, his horse friend, and the donkey they share the field with. It can be the one horse he lives 'beside' most of the time, in the neighbouring stable or paddock. Or, your horse's 'herd' can also be the two goats he lives with full-time in the small paddock. Horses, being social creatures, will 'bond' with whoever they spend most of their time with. And once your horse has bonded, it can become quite the performance when you try to separate him from his 'herd'...   Read Full Article and Access to All Mentioned Links HERE   Equestrian Fitness Challenge ’24 Work on improving your overall strength, fitness, and stamina as a rider. The all-new and free 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge is a great place for you to do this.  It is walking and yoga-based (no workouts), so it will ease you into becoming a better version of yourself in the saddle gently. You can sign up HERE or by visiting  There will be a daily walk, a 10 minute daily yoga practice, and lots of tips, ideas, exercises, and ways to improve so that you can show up as the best version of you – for you and your horse. Sign up today and let’s transform your riding – one stride at a time! 100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group
Fancy taking a walk with me for 21 days and chat all things horse & riding related? If so, make sure you get signed up for the 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge The link is here:-   Finding your perfect new horse, for many riders, can also mean having to ride a lot of horses in order to find ‘the one’.  It is a decision that will have repercussions for years to come.  This is true for you, the horse, and also everyone who has to work closely with the two of you! So it makes sense that there can be quite a bit of pressure on riders to make the ‘right’ decision after trying out a new horse. But for this episode, let's stick to a few good, old-fashioned rules of thumb when it comes to trying out a new horse for the first time... Read More & Access Similar Content HERE   A Simple Plan for Trying Out a New Horse This episode is the first, taken from a week of lessons inside Daily Strides Premium. They are all about what to do when trying a new horse.  And while this is the first lesson, and a quick overview of the dos and don'ts of trying out a new horse, the following 4 audio horse riding lessons are the actual riding plan! A selection of simple exercises and movements you can use when trying out a new horse.  You will also learn what I suggest looking for at each stage of the ride.  These are all available right now inside of Daily Strides Premium. Audio horse riding lessons are delivered straight to your phone so that you can use your own time and your own arena to help you and your trusty steed.  Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group
Join the all-new 100% free 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge HERE That feeling. When you had the best of intentions about what a ride was going to be like for you and your horse. Only to realise, 15 to 20 minutes into the ride, that you are 'beat'!  Your legs are just not doing what you want them to do. Your head and shoulders feel like they weigh a tonne and self-carriage on your part is just exhausting! And as for coordination and concentration; nope and nope! If you are noticing a pattern where you're feeling physically 'done' 20 or so minutes into each of your riding sessions with your horse, you need to begin working on changing that for you and your horse. Physical fitness is an essential part of improving as a rider. You don't have to be as fit as a flea, but there is a certain level of physical abilities that are essential if you are to improve as a rider - and as a trainer for your horse. The good news is that there are a few simple key areas you can focus on in your next ride so that when you hit that point where you're feeling tired, you will have a few 'go to' exercises and practices to help you squeeze out a few more minutes of goodness in your training! Read the Full Article and Access Related Links HERE   Equestrian Fitness Challenge ’24 And in the meantime, work on improving your overall strength, fitness, and stamina as a rider. The all-new and free 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge is a great place for you to do this.  It is walking and yoga-based (no workouts), so it will ease you into becoming a better version of yourself in the saddle gently. You can sign up HERE or by visiting  There will be a daily walk, a 10 minute daily yoga practice, and lots of tips, ideas, exercises, and ways to improve so that you can show up as the best version of you – for you and your horse. Sign up today and let’s transform your riding – one stride at a time! 100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge     Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-
Sign Up for the All New 2024 EQuestrian Fitness Challenge and take a walk with me for 21 days as you become a better version of yourself in the saddle HERE How many hours do you devote to training your horse each week?  Have you ever considered that you might just be the 'team member' that needs more work...?  That you might just be the 'cap' on your horse's progress in his training and his development? Regardless of how much training your horse has,  eventually your effectiveness as a rider will determine what your horse can actually do with all that training... This week, I want you to begin thinking about, planning, and taking action on your own development. Your own conditioning, training, fitness, nutrition, social time, rest, and all of the things that you meticulously plan for your horse.  Read the Full Article & Access All Links & Related Topics HERE   Equestrian Fitness Challenge ’24 Let’s walk together for 21 days and have a chat about how you can do much more than you think you can as a rider and an equestrian… I am so excited to bring you along on this journey for the 100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge There will be a daily walk, a 10 minute daily yoga practice, and lots of tips, ideas, exercises, and ways to improve so that you can show up as the best version of you – for you and your horse. Sign up today and let’s transform your riding – one stride at a time! 100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-
Sign up for the 100% Free All New 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge HERE Walk, yoga, and learning more about 'being' a rider as you join me on a 21-day journey...    What does the typical equestrian look like? Apparently not like a lot of the typical equestrians that I know!  Let me explain; recently I asked riders to let me know what challenges they were having in their riding, in the hopes I could potentially help.  And I received so many replies from riders all over the world. Great right? Except for the line of text that so many of those emails contained...  "I'm not a typical equestrian". And because of this, the rider feeling unworthy of having their question answered...  Now, there were of course different versions of this; "I'm not your average rider" or "I'm much older than other riders".  And it was the tone of all of these similar statements that really got my attention.  To me, it seemed as though because they didn't see themselves as a 'typical equestrian', their question was not worthy of being answered.  Why is it that so many riders feel like this? Read More & Access All the Related Links HERE   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-
Sign up for the all-new 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge HERE Walk with me for 21 days and watch how it transforms your riding!   Do you find yourself huffing and puffing after a couple of rounds of canter with your horse?  Or perhaps you feel exhausted after only 20 minutes into a lesson?  You find yourself wanting to do or give more effort, but you just can’t... My goal for this episode today is to inspire you to have even better communication with your horse by improving your overall fitness in the saddle.  It really has absolutely nothing to do with your horse at all.  This is all down to you, and what you can do to become a better team leader, for "Team You and Your Horse"! Rider fitness is a topic that a lot of people seem to avoid or overlook its importance to the overall effectiveness of how the horse goes.  Many riders spend hours planning out fitness, feeding, and conditioning programs for their horse, but fail to pay attention to their own fitness. Riding is a team sport, you and your horse.  I believe it is unfair and irresponsible, for you as the rider not to try to be the best version of yourself in the saddle.  The best version of you is one that can respond quickly and effectively and this comes down to your fitness levels. Focusing on improving your riding fitness levels will have benefits in so many areas of your riding. Read More HERE   Equestrian Fitness Challenge ’24 Let’s walk together for 21 days and have a chat about how you can do much more than you think you can as a rider and an equestrian… I am so excited to bring you along on this journey for the 100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge There will be a daily walk, a 10 minute daily yoga practice, and lots of tips, ideas, exercises, and ways to improve so that you can show up as the best version of you – for you and your horse. Sign up today and let’s transform your riding – one stride at a time! 100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge     Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-            
Download Your Copy of the Groundpole Layout for This Episode HERE It is easy to become ‘stuck’, both physically and mentally, when riding in a smaller space.  As riders, we tend to ‘slow things down’ to the point where we lose forwardness.  Forwardness, both physical and mental, is essential to riding anything well… This episode of the Daily Strides Podcast comes from the 1st lesson of 5 on the topic and is focused on how you can use groundpoles in a smaller space.  Go to the Episode's Page HERE   Equestrian Fitness Challenge ’24 Let’s walk together for 21 days and have a chat about how you can do much more than you think you can as a rider and an equestrian… I am so excited to bring you along on this journey for the100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge There will be a daily walk, a 10 minute daily yoga practice, and lots of tips, ideas, exercises, and ways to improve so that you can show up as the best version of you – for you and your horse. Sign up today and let’s transform your riding – one stride at a time!100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge   Have a super day Happy Riding Lorna   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-
Sign up for the all new 100% free 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge...  It's walking and yoga based (no workouts) and packed full of tips, ideas, concepts, and ways to improve your self as a rider And share with a horsey friend... The more the merrier :)      Ask any rider what they want to make happen when it comes to their riding aids and, hopefully, creating truly independent aids will be high up there on that list.  Because, let's face it, your aids can only be as clear and useful in direct relation to how independent they are. But saying you want independent aids and working towards developing independent aids are two very different things. Especially when, as a whole, your aids are almost always used in conjunction with each other - not independently on their own... And yet, for each aid to become a useful member of your team of aids, I believe that you should first isolate each one and develop it intentionally and individually. Having one 'strong' independent aid when the rest are flapping about won't be enough to create clear conversations with your horse. Each aid must be strengthened in its own right and then be allowed to contribute to the overall team effort. Read More and access all links and resources HERE   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going Again in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-  
100% FREE 2024 Equestrian Fitness Challenge The Equestrian Fitness Challenge is BACK! And 2024's Challenge is both brand spanking new - and completely different! 21 Days of walking & yoga... Let's GO!  Sign Up Today at   Whether you realize it or not, incorrect or bad posture is hurting your riding. And your horse's way of going. And this habit will usually continue unchecked for sometimes years.  I don't believe that riders ever initially set out to ride in a way that will negatively impact things. Usually what happens is that riding a certain way either produces a certain outcome or solves a particular challenge at some point... And then turns into a habit! But, what happens if you get stuck there?  Stuck with thinking the thoughts that cause you to use or carry your body a certain way...  Usually never good things! There are lots of reasons why you might have developed less than great posture when in the saddle.  Luckily, there are also lots of ways you can begin to both identify what's going on - and how to begin remedying it in your riding. Symptoms of Poor Posture in Riding If you have started to 'slip' a little where posture is concerned in your riding, there will be signs!  Definite and obvious signs.  This is good because when you know what to look for, it makes it easier to begin to make those small tweaks that can make all the difference for you and your horse. Read More & Access More Resources on the Topic   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-
Make sure that you're on my newsletter list to get more on this topic and so, so much more for riders who are working the majority of the time alone with their horse...  Have you ever considered how different it could all be if you could open up more as a rider? Specifically around how, physically in the saddle, if you could expand yourself a little bit more, the difference it could have on your riding. And your mindset. Even your horse's way of going... Over the past few months, I have been running an in-person program on my farm South Africa based on Connection and Groundwork.  It has been such an amazing experience working with all these different riders We focused specifically on energy work, and becoming more aware of how we can intentionally use this to connect with our horses.  It was so much fun.  And, it got me thinking about riding and how so many riders are blocking the kind of flow with the energy in their riding, especially with their physical body.   So, in this week's episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, I would love to walk you through a few simple exercises you can do, from the saddle, to begin to identify where you are, potentially, contracting as a rider. Read More HERE   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! You can use the first and original audio horse riding lessons to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, and have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach Start today:-
Join Daily Strides Premium TODAY and get all 4 exercises straight to your phone  If there is one place where the ‘endless circle’ reigns supreme, it is in the small arena… Or any smaller space riders find themselves having to make use of for prolonged periods.  In fact, this was the very reason I began the Daily Strides Podcast way back when! Saying a lasting, even final, 'Goodbye' to the endless circle should be a goal that all riders want to achieve... Especially if riding in a smaller space! However, having a smaller area is not as limiting as many riders think it will be. In fact, riding in a smaller space can often help both you and your horse to become more focused and accurate.  And these are always useful and helpful when you finally do move out and begin riding in a larger space. This month I want to challenge you to look at those same ‘limitations’ as opportunities for you to develop and build your conversation with your horse instead. Exercises for a Smaller Space This week's episode of the Daily Strides Podcast is the 'Monday Lesson' of a week of audio horse riding lessons from Daily Strides Premium.  In this group of lessons, we work on 4 different exercises that you can ride to develop and train your horse when in a smaller space. Read More...   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group    
So you’re back in the saddle. It feels amazing and you love how each ride is jam-packed with learning new things and rediscovering little things you’d forgotten. However, once the initial excitement begins to wear off, you’ll probably start thinking about how to improve your skills. Self-assessment is a skill all riders can practice and improve. And it is essential if you want to improve your riding – and your horse’s overall way of going. The challenge can be knowing what to look for.  Being able to identify the root cause of an issue from a symptom of something else. This takes practice. Here are a few things to look out for in those initial rides to create a solid foundation for your comeback to riding. Read the full post and listen to the podcast HERE   Your Riding Comeback Your journey back to riding is as unique as you are. While you can draw inspiration from various plans and advice, remember to tailor them to fit your individual path and circumstances. If you’re seeking assistance with your riding comeback, consider our program ‘Returning to Riding.‘ In just 9 weeks, we’ll help you solidify your basics and transition from passenger to confident rider alongside your horse. With private 1 to 1 coaching, easy-to-follow audio lessons, and personalized weekly reviews, you’ll see yourself progress from feeling unbalanced to mastering clear communication and improving your horse’s performance. Through 9 weeks of private coaching sessions, we’ll provide the support you need via secure video, voice, and text. Plus, our proven program can be revisited with your horse anytime to refine both your skills. Explore Returning to Riding today for more details and start your journey back to the saddle!     Get Going Again in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-     Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group  
In order to make your riding comeback a lasting one, you will have to begin spending more time in the saddle than you have been recently. It makes sense, right?!  And yet, while clocking up those minutes and hours in the saddle each week can initially 'seem' to be a win... They are likely working against you and your horse in the long run. This is because when we ride for the sake of just riding (clock-in riding), we tend to become a little too 'lax' about some of the things. The basic things that lay the foundation for everything else. And when you begin to allow the small things to slide, chances are the bigger things will follow suit pretty quickly. This usually holds true for you, the rider, and your horse, especially in your training and development. So, instead of just riding for the sake of riding, I'm challenging you to begin getting a little more strategic and intentional with each of your training sessions with your horse. Yes, not just 'rides', but training sessions. Read the full post HERE     I have spoken about the 3 essential elements on separate episodes of the Daily Strides Podcast which I will link to. Each post includes a list of activities you can use to help you spark ideas - and begin 'stringing' along to help you create an intentional riding plan. Planning Your Rides - Part 1:- Fun Planning Your Rides - Part 2:- Partnership Planning Your Rides - Part 3:- Training & Development   Your Comeback to Riding You are unique as a rider. So it makes sense that your journey back to regular riding will be yours and yours alone.  Keep in mind that you can look to different plans and advice for inspiration. However, each should be then tweaked to suit your individual journey and circumstances. If you would like help with your comeback to riding, make sure you check out Returning to Riding. 9 weeks to get your basics onto autopilot so that you can make the transition from passenger to ‘rider’ for you and your horse. We will work together, using easy-to-follow audio horse riding lessons and weekly video reviews to help you transform your riding. Experience how you will go from feeling ‘floppy’, unbalanced, and lacking confidence in your abilities when in the saddle, to gaining control of your body and aids, practicing clear communication, and actually improving how your horse goes while being ridden.  With 9 weeks of private, 1 to 1 coaching with me over a secure video, voice, and text app, you will have all the support you need – and a proven program you can re-do with your horse time and again to polish both of your skills. Make sure you check out Returning to Riding today for all of the information. Happy Riding Lorna     Get Going Again in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-     Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group  
So you've committed to get back into regular riding again.  And, you're taking it a step further this year by focusing on specific outcomes or goals to work towards in your riding and with your horse. But the 'goal' and the 'first ride back' are MILES apart!  In fact, very often the comeback to riding can feel a little overwhelming for many riders. How can you make those first 4 rides count for you and your horse - while still having fun, and feeling 'able'; especially after a long break from riding? In this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, I will lay out a 4 day plan for you to follow so that you can stop 'pondering' and start working again with your horse.  And, obviously, you will have to apply common sense to this and tweak it for you and your horse's specific circumstances. Two of the most important factors when customizing your plan are why you stopped riding in the first place and how long have each of you been out of regular work.  Of course, there are a lot of other considerations, but these two tend to have the most impact on your overall decisions going forward. I have a blog post HERE about some of the factors to consider when bringing your horse back to work after a long break that might be helpful for you. Read the rest of this post and listen to the episode HERE   Your Comeback to Riding You are unique as a rider. So it makes sense that your journey back to regular riding will be yours and yours alone.  Keep in mind that you can look to different plans and advice for inspiration. However, each should be then tweaked to suit your individual journey and circumstances. If you would like help with your comeback to riding, make sure you check out Returning to Riding. 9 weeks to get your basics onto autopilot so that you can make the transition from passenger to ‘rider’ for you and your horse. We will work together, using easy-to-follow audio horse riding lessons and weekly video reviews to help you transform your riding. Experience how you will go from feeling ‘floppy’, unbalanced, and lacking confidence in your abilities when in the saddle, to gaining control of your body and aids, practicing clear communication, and actually improving how your horse goes while being ridden.  With 9 weeks of private, 1 to 1 coaching with me over a secure video, voice, and text app, you will have all the support you need – and a proven program you can re-do with your horse time and again to polish both of your skills. Make sure you check out Returning to Riding today for all of the information.   Get Going Again in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group
If horse riding has fallen down the priorities ladder in your life, you may - like many riders - want to push it back up the list.  You know, get it back up somewhere near the top so that you can really feel like it is truly something that defines 'you' again... Unfortunately, making horse riding a priority again can be one of those 'easier said than done' things for many lapsed riders. Especially when you consider what your 'mind' is telling you!  And, let's face it, if it is not a real priority, it won't last.  Sure, you might have enough willpower to push through for a week or two, maybe even a month or two.  But when the rubber hits the road and resistance begins to show up, you will continue to uphold the true priorities in your life.  And everything else will, eventually, fall by the wayside. Which is why it's important to take the time and do this right. You can read the full post & get all the links HERE   Returning to Riding 9 weeks to get your basics onto autopilot so that you can make the transition from passenger to 'rider' for you and your horse. We will work together, using easy-to-follow audio horse riding lessons and weekly video reviews to help you transform your riding. Experience how you will go from feeling 'floppy', unbalanced, and lacking confidence in your abilities when in the saddle, to gaining control of your body and aids, practicing clear communication, and actually improving how your horse goes while being ridden.  With 9 weeks of private, 1 to 1 coaching with me over a secure video, voice, and text app, you will have all the support you need - and a proven program you can re-do with your horse time and again to polish both of your skills. Make sure you check out Returning to Riding today for all of the information.   Get Going Again in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group
So many riders 'say' they want to ride more.  But making it happen is an entirely different matter altogether.  Identifying why you are not riding more is key to overcoming this.  And by 'identifying' I mean going deeper than those initial reasons or excuses that simply scratch the surface.   This is Part 2 of exploring this topic for you and your riding. If you have not already, make sure you go back HERE and listen to Part 1, which is focused more on external factors.  In today's episode, we will dive into more specific internal factors that may be causing you to complain that you're just not riding anymore...  1. Wrong Horse & Rider Combination This can be a tough one to admit to.  And then, once you have admitted it, taking action can feel mentally and emotionally uncomfortable for many riders. I think we often become conditioned to believe that if we create a partnership with a specific horse, that partnership must last forever.  We have all come across the term 'forever horse'.   However, if we think about relationships, partnerships, and friendships that we have with other people in our lives, we will see that only the rare few will truly last a lifetime. The majority will work for a period of time until either one of the people or the circumstance changes.  And we are, for the most part, okay with that happening. Often intentionally allowing a particular relationship to change and breakdown is a good thing as it creates space for someone new and more aligned with present-day you to enter the picture. If you have become aware of a lack of alignment between yourself and your horse, and it's begun to prevent you from getting into the saddle and riding, maybe it's time to reassess the partnership.   This does not have to always mean 'selling' your horse. However, by acknowledging this and then actively looking for more suitable partners for both of you, things can begin to move forward for both of you again. Both in the training and simply riding as well. Read the Rest of this Post HERE   Let's Work Together:- Returning to Riding Program   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group
Now, if you answer this with 'because we're up to our eyeballs in snow'... Okay, fair enough! However, if you answer this with 'I don't know' or an answer that you, yourself, can quickly tear apart...  This is for you! So many riders 'say' that they want to ride more.  But the difference between the saying and the doing can be a big one.  Which, when you think about how much enjoyment and connection we get from being with our horses, is a terrible pity. In this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, we'll delve into five of the more common obstacles that can prevent more time in the saddle, and chat about how you can overcome them.  Whether it's time management, inadequate facilities, or the pressure to please others, identifying the specific challenge you are facing is the first step toward a schedule that includes more riding time.   Read the Full Post HERE   Let's Work Together Returning to Riding Program Get Going Again in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group
What happens when the initial novelty of riding your horse begins to wear off? Like it or not, this will happen at some point.  And when it does, one of the best ways to find a 'spark' again, is to become curious.  For many riders, the initially satisfying 'comfort zone' ends up becoming the very thing that sets them off down a path of 'same old, same old' in their riding. What was once the highlight of each day or week, becomes a mundane task or chore that needs to be crossed off a list.   I've spoken before about how I've noticed that for most riders when they are starting out, it is simply the thrill or high of being around horses and being in the saddle that keeps them coming back for more. And, very often, an enormous amount of responsibility for the 'success' of each ride will fall on the horse and their behaviour during the ride.  Which is fine... At the beginning. However, when riders fail to begin taking more of that responsiblity for themselves, especially as the initial novelty wears off... Cracks begin to show! And horseriding tumbles lower and lower down the priority list! This is why, the longer you have been calling yourself a 'rider', the more important it becomes to begin future pacing yourself and your goals with your horse.   Read More & Access All Links HERE     80+ Ideas Based on Available Time to Do With Your Horse Get it Free:-   Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun… Even if you don’t have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group  
What if things could be more simple for you to upgrade your riding?  So, instead of practicing for hours and hours in the saddle, you could begin doing more simple things that would have an enormous ripple effect.  Quick and easy things, so that you are not left feeling overwhelmed... All of these easy-to-implement tips can be done while you are busy with your existing 'riding routine'... All it will take is some intention and self-awareness from you And while, in the long run, good correct practice coupled with sufficient knowledge and physical ability is what will really see you make progress in your riding, these 5 simple to do 'add ons' will actually help you to get there faster. And begin shifting your mindset as well.  A very important requirement as a rider. Read the Post HERE   Finding More Time to Ride Workbook It's 100% free, and it includes 80 ideas for you to do with your horse, even if you only have 15 minutes or less    Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group  
I want to begin by reminding you that you can start this process at any time throughout the year.  The date is not important.  Planning out the upcoming year in your riding will help you to get really clear on what you and your horse are working towards together. I also suggest taking the time to complete a review of the previous 12 months if this applies to you.  This way, you can begin creating a plan that actually works for you and your horse. The previous episode details the process I recommend for doing this :) Read the rest of this article HERE   Finding More Time to Ride Workbook It's 100% free and ready for you to use, whether you're getting back into the saddle after a break or you simply want to spend more time with your horse. And included in there are 80 different things to do with your horse - even if you only have 15 minutes or less...    Get Going in Your Riding:- Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach Start today:-   Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community at Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group
Comments (8)

Scott Emery

hi you are amazing I'm working on my riding thanks for this podcast

Oct 6th

Jenny Miller

love you podcast Lorna! can you do one on improving the posting trot?

Dec 19th

Ryan & Emma Nowell

I have so much trouble trotting and this really helped me

Jul 4th

Ryan & Emma Nowell

I love you you make it easy for me to understand horse back riding

May 30th

Ryan & Emma Nowell

I love horses and your podcast I do not own a horse but I do lesions and my room is decorated with horse stuff. I am a huge fan of your podcast. I AM A HORSE LOVER and I like people that do too I love you🐴👍🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎and I like animal

Apr 20th

Ryan & Emma Nowell

my favorite horse is a fressian and a gypsy vanner horse and a palomino

Apr 20th

Ryan & Emma Nowell

hi I do not own a horse but I do lesions and i love your podcast

Apr 19th


I absolutely love this podcast! She explains things so well and gives such good tips and really cares about the horses well being and teaches about partnership between horse and rider. thank you!

Mar 11th