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Dale Vince's Zerocarbonista

Author: Dale Vince

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Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission. 

208 Episodes
This week – we dive into the Labour Conference with fringe events, speeches and wall-to-wall media interviews, covering donations, wealth tax, winter fuel allowance... The big bad boy that landed in the press was the mandatory meat and dairy for school dinners, stirring up quite the storm... Keir Starmer’s sausage slip-up makes the headlines, and I share my own sausage moment on Sky News...:) Plus, we chat about the bizarre Green 100 list placing Theresa May above me, Elon Musk’s social media...
This week - An ex government minister says some crazy stuff and goes toe to toe with Nige for the right wing nut award - while an actual government minister says something crazy but true. The nuttiest project from the Tory years gets the High Court boot and the implications of that are big. Look out, Rosebank... We reflect on the good things Thatcher did… weird, and then discover Counterfactual Corner… you gotta love it…:)
In this one, we’ve got methane – a bit of a climate villain and another reason to ditch the cow. Right-wing nuts are back – Trump and his leading acolyte on this side of the pond, both vying for top spot. And vegan dogs and cats – who knew? Even vets admit they live longer, healthier lives. Green populism gets a run out in the US as a way to engage the right-wing in the polar bear-saving agenda. Plus, some simply fabulous listener questions, including a new X-rated section. Oh, and do you kno...
Our new season kicks off and we talk about the title, what it might have been and why it is what it is. We have Rishi and his 4 foot wooden spoon, a summer of Grid Faeries and the incredibly self unaware rantings of Reform in the House. The success of the latest renewable auction and the nuclear story behind that - plus our listeners are back with a bang, not least with the 10 million tonne question…
The Series 5 Wrap-Up

The Series 5 Wrap-Up


It’s been a crazy ride this series - blessed with an abundance of right wing nuts, we explored all manner of craziness, not least from Sunak and co (remember him? Nah us neither). The series spanned Dale’s time immersed in the summer of Just Stop Oil, the vital pivot to Just Stop the Tories (to de fang the right wing media) all the way up to our election campaign called Just Vote - and the actual election at which we did indeed Just Stop the Tories. Not sure Season 6 can top that,...
LIVE from WOMAD - Dale really enjoyed the audience questions on this live session which was off the charts, just brilliant. Great questions, great discussion, wide ranging, free ranging really - and great fun. Made the day.
We close out our ‘Just Stop the Tories’ season, live from WOMAD (festival). With a drive-by look back at the origins of that phrase and its realisation - Labour’s mammoth win and rapid policy moves. We also explore ‘green on green,’ a phenomenon from the election that appears to have legs. Are Labour green, or are they not? We share anecdotes about Tory MPs, public misconceptions on green energy, and the evolving role of protest. With a fabulous bunch of audience questions from the horse’s mo...
The Tories have been stopped, Labour wastes no time, and we look at a bit of green-on-green action. Dale's feeling the pressure for a new name, NIMBYs in the firing line, and another eco-activist in the dock as we ask - why are the good guys getting banged up? Another temperature record, windmills with no gears, what has Ian learned in 5 years of doing this… and other fab listener questions. Our last episode of the season ends on a high as we look ahead to a live show at WOMAD and the Vegan C...
Crawling out of our post-Glasto, post-election black hole – we’re back, and the Tories have been stopped by a massive Labour win. We talk about lifting the onshore wind farm ban, banning bee-killing pesticides, and halting new oil and gas licenses, plus Moggy is out... The Tory party leader merry-go-round continues unabashed, and we need a new season title – coz the Tories have been stopped (worth saying twice). Also, we got Grid Faeries powering the Arcadia field at Glasto, and their next gi...
Giant Batteries, Bob Vylan, climate deniers and Dale’s multi stage tour - that’s just Glasto - we also cover the election (obvs), some bandwagon jumping and the latest from Hamasgate, with Guido in the dock.
This week, we're in a whirlwind of events. Dale's shares his excitement about the upcoming election, comparing it to a kid waiting for Christmas. He shares his experiences marching for nature with Chris Packham and Emma Thompson. We tackle the 'cow in the room' - the massive role animal agriculture plays in the nature and climate crisis. Plus, we dive into how Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could mess with the Earth's ozone layer when they deorbit. All this with some cracking questions from ...
This week, we’ve got Newsnight behind the scenes, Reform’s not-manifesto, Farage being ‘stitched up’, and a GB News apology in the dead of night. While we run a calculator over Cameron’s infamous ‘cut the green crap’ period, there’s a new development on the popcorn front, and we look at the idea of vegan ghettos… all with a sprinkling of fab listener questions.
This week, Europe has outbreaks, but our right wing nut in the chair is from the unreformed party (it’s proper nutty). We talk elections as ‘Two Fleets’ Sunak launches the manifesto we all knew was coming, and we look at the $41 trillion the world just spent on the climate. We talk dangerous food, McDonald's, ice cream, and the four big industries that are literally licensed to kill us. And the pro-democracy campaign that tried to use the House of Commons to encourage voting - and got shut do...
Spoilt this week by an abundance of right-wing nuttery - headlined by Tice claiming ‘it was the sun wot did it.’ We try desperately not to mention Coutinho (and fail), but it was a Godzilla-sized solar farm that that did for us. We talk paratroopers with passports, part of Farage’s legacy, as he parachutes into the election (and Tice’s chair). This time, he can only do good because the mission is ‘Just Stop the Tories.’ We look at Sunak repeating the mistakes of Cameron, and Dale reveals a ne...
Giant Redwoods and little ones, green dystopias, and the white blokes wot did it – we've got a shed full of wing nuttery. We look at a stunning new viewpoint on green energy and ask how many Tory MPs have voted for positive climate action since Cameron the Husky Hugger... the answer may surprise you. New food stats suggest Brits are so over meat, and with fab listener contributions again, we're cooking. All this with just five weeks before this series, ‘Just Stop the Tories,’ comes to a natur...
As Sunak fires the starting gun and Just Stop the Tories approaches the end game... we've got a bag of right-wing nuts, some China nonsense, and Dale talking meat taxes with The Sun. Staying on a food theme, we also look at Fish and Ships. All capped off with a weather update and punctuated by a fab selection of listener questions. You gotta love it...:)
"We have a new headline act in the right wing nut box this week and a support act nobody ever heard of. And then there’s Right Said Fred. We ask that favourite question of all right wingers and climate procrastinators - ‘what about India?' We put ourselves in the shoes of vegans with smelly meat eating neighbours, have a quick look at Great British Energy and the new gas power station with a typo in its name - plus a couple of fabulous questions. You gotta love it."
Episode 34 - Tumbleweeds

Episode 34 - Tumbleweeds


In this week's jam packed episode our right wing nut section threatens to takeover as we revisit Moggy gate and update on a slew of legal actions that, one by one - are being lost. We welcome a Labour MP to the fold and introduce a new jingle - the tumbleweed... Green energy makes big strides towards the global takeover we all need, April offers more records but no new news and a new opinion poll offers a shocking outlook - from the worlds top climate boffins. Fab listener questions again and...
This week kicks off with our fave - the right wingnuts… There’s a legal update and we talk about Rees-Mogg, the posh man’s Julia Hartley-Brewer, and his claims so wildly untrue they’re almost laughable - we fact check him, hard (and yes, it riles Dale up...). The Welsh Government plans to clamp down on exactly this kind of thing - making it illegal for politicians to lie. Big Oil's lies are the stuff of legend, a new expose confirms. Meanwhile, climate change is not the end of the world, says...
Several overlapping Right-Wing Nut stories this week, a reform candidate that makes Julia Hartley-Brewer look like Mother Theresa, wind energy in Britain kicks butt on the grid, the EU exits a very bad deal (but stays on the hook) - we have a new study on food, questions about Taylor Swift's footprint - and we ask does the SNP have a self-destruct button. Oh and some good news for climate protest and some not so. Keep them fab questions coming.
Comments (6)

Ken Bone

if heat pumps don't work, how come I've made a living at installing them for over 15 years. plus I have one in my old 1950s semi. We are not cold. Happy to chat to your more.

May 28th

Ken Bone

Dale Vince slams heat pumps again

Dec 22nd

Ken Bone

What bollocks on your heat pump story. Most houses are only designed down to -2⁰ , so yes if you have -10⁰ not even your green gas would have kept you warm. I've been installing heat pumps for 15 years. Get your facts right.

Dec 22nd

Chris Knowles

A number of sites are saying the embargo on onshore wind has been lifted. Is that so?

Sep 24th

Chris Knowles

As a long time ecotricty customer I was surprised to hear from a friend who is also a long term customer that he is thinking of switching because of appalling customer service trying to get a faulty smart meter fixed. Over 1.5 hours on phone, still not resolved. Don't take your eye off what made you successful

Oct 8th

Chris Knowles

West Cumbria mine called in by Sec of State. Local debate for under 25s including Trudy Harrison MP supporting ended with 62% against. Its not over yet, we can stop it.

May 31st