Damn Dude Podcast

<p>The Damn Dude Podcast host, California Cal has the conversations that need to be had in a way that will make you think and say "Damn Dude!!". Authenticity is always the name of the game! You can expect guests like Extreme Sports Athletes, Musicians, Entrepreneurs, and people who Went through Hell and Back and still came out living, creating, and designing a life they love! The D.D.P. dives deep into topics and ideas in a way that we've yet to hear elsewhere! Be sure to give a follow, listen, and a 5 star review! Much Love 🤙🏽Brand New episodes every Monday and Thursday at Noon!</p>

Patiently waiting for the cops to show up...Why Now???, Telling THE truth, Acting in the face of danger, Happy 19th Birthday Nate, Atascadero, Joshua Tree, Good People, Exhibiting Authenticity

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 19!- Why am I patiently waiting for the cops to show up at my house....AGAIN?- Current stressful situation.....Catching up on the last few weeks- Always tell THE Truth, not A truth.- Acting in the face of danger.....makes you more useful and attractive- How can we exhibit more authenticity?- Joshua Tree- Atascadero, Steffi + Justin's Wedding- Surprise guests- My lady quitting her job!!!! - Standing up for yourself and What's right.- G...


Collecting Wins = Confidence, Seek Harmony rather than Balance, Life is a constant variable, The world we're creating for our kids, No Gray Tape Show, Yamamoto Boss Show, Lao Food Fest, Beach Days

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 18, aka Episode 304- Seeking Harmony rather than Balance- I was a guest on Ignite The Spark Within Podcast talking: Conscious Sexuality- Thank you for having me @IgniteSelfMastery- As humans we can only "balance and spin so many plates", eventually they will come crashing down- I built a world of "spinning plates" for myself, and it all came crashing down- Moving forwards with Harmony- Life is a constant variable, the only way through...


Spiritual Ego Enlargement, School App Rejected, Depth or Face Value?, Fire Fighter Training, More Imagination, + More!

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 17!- Growing a "Spiritual Ego"- Inflating our Source of Ego or our Source of Appreciation - The Healed version of us, also has to shape the Ego, It's never fully gone.- My school application was rejected again!- Approaching life with Depth vs Face Value- Manifesting often requires a lot more Creativity and slowing down to observe and appreciate "what is"- Energy Flows where Focus Goes - When a book I wanted "Magically" appeared- A few...


What It's like working for Amazon, Setting your relationship Free, Raw Authenticity, OB Street Fair, Yamamoto album release party, Nates Performance, The link between Musicians & Podcasters, Family not Friends

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast! This is Season 4, Episode 16!! AKA Episode 302!- What its REALLY like working for Amazon doing Deliveries- @Yamamoto_Boss album release party for new album: Summer Time Boss- Nate & his band @NoGrayTape, absolutely ROCKED THE HOUSE!- OB Street fair- Raw Authenticity- Airing out my whole past with my GF for the sake of more depth, strengthening myself as a man, partner and father.- Raw authenticity is our baseline, this equals so much more fun, laughter, f...


You ain't safe quit playin with a Gangsta, Stay Dangerous, Kids soccer game fight, Mothers Day,I Quit my job!, Healed Identity Ego, Puves Day, Yamamoto Performance

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 15!- Bitch you aint safe quiet playin with a Gangsta- Stay Dangerous- Woman almost gets attacked by a full grown man at our kids soccer game- I was the only man to stand up and do anything- Not a single man stood up to protect the kids and this poor woman - 2 Chumps almost got absolutely slept in front of a whole crowd of people- What happened to the Men who are down to protect our kids and women?- Moms were more down to scrap th...


Episode 300!! The power of multiple Contexts/Perspectives to choose from, 9-5 = Auto Pilot for me, Spiritual promotion & the evidence

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 14! Aka: Episode 300!!!This means here at the DDP, we've got over 300 hours of content in there books!Thank you all for your love and support!- Been addicted to my phone lately.....Why?- My "9-5" is bleeding my dry- Any version of life where we don't love it makes us incentive, disconnected, less loving, less present, and has us more frequently on auto-pilot- It takes strong will to beat the programing!- Starting up swim again- Spirit...


Parenting without shortcuts, Forgetting to give ourselves credit, Nate & his Jeep, Being prepared, Change of heart on a few things, Missing out on life's beauty, A Good relationship requires constant upgrades

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 13!- Happy 7th Birthday Fordie!!- Parenting without shortcuts- Cabin weekend- The WHOLE fambam came out!- Being prepared- Learning navigational skills- Forgetting to give ourselves credit where credit is due- Tuning our perspective to see and take in more beauty in life- Nate and his Jeep!- Change of heart on a few life decisions - A good relationships require contestant upgrades and updates!- People in mediocre or crappy relationship...


Telling our kids the truth, Authenticity as our "True North", How to make cool friends: "You mainly listen to music and things your friends made", Catching the little moments, They're always watching

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 12!- Feeling brand new and refreshed feeling- Telling our kids the truth in life- Setting our own and our children's moral compass with Authenticity as our "True North"- "You mainly listen to music or shows that your friends have made, that's so cool!" - How to make cool friends- As a parent, catching all the little moments, bringing awareness to the example were leading, things as small as how we act in the car when were driving, to ...


Yamamoto Boss Interview, A Gangster & A Father Figure, What does family mean to you?

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast! This is Season 4, Episode 11!We've got a very special interview with the one and only @Yamamoto_Boss who just so happened to release a new EP Titled: Boss Level 1- If you've heard any previous interviews, or know Yamamoto from Strength Over Benches, or heard him share on his Instagram, you know he speaks with authenticity, love, and a desire to help others be their best selves. I highly suggest going back and listening to the first couple intervie...


Sacrifice, What are you willing to sacrifice or trade to have what you really want?Royal's new bike, It Takes a Village/It takes an iPad, Everything comes at a cost, often just not up front,

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 10!- The split/shift is happening in major ways- Sacrifice- What are you willing to give up, to have everything you want?- Waking up at 5:30 and getting home at 10pm for work + 8 to 13 miles on foot each work day- It seems many celebrities are willing to sacrifice far more morally than most- Nothing comes without a cost, the cost is most often a form of energy exchange- Royals new Bike!- It takes a village vs It takes an iPad....we've...


Spiritual vultures, Dangerously unhealed ceremony hosts and spiritual guides, Talking Jesus, How far would you go for money? My spiritual protectors and role, The issue with our collective consciousness

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 9!- Shout out to my Ming! 💚- Spiritual vultures are on the prowl- Anything to make a dollar- How far would you go for money?- P. Diddy, the diddler on the roof- Dangerously unhealed and unqualified spiritual guides and teachers tapping in to things that they have no idea what it is, and will typically project their own pain, confusion, and ego into/onto their guests- People thinking their standing for the right thing, yet pushing nons...


Radical Humility, Earning perspective, Clear in my direction, Healing our inner child, Really at rock bottom?, Gratitude Struggles, Love harder challenge

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is season 4, Episode 8!- Radical humility- Humbling myself to a whole new degree- Adjusting my gratitude lens, running into issues- Been being ungrateful and causing a mess- Getting even more clear on my direction, sculpting my characters- When I thought I had hit rock bottom, only to fall 100 more feet off a cliff LOL- Healing our Inner Child- Tending to the hurt 6 year old inside of us- Putting 1% into 100 things or 100% into one thing- Shout out Yamamo...


Always be your own Boss, Mastering skills for each of our senses, Happy 1 Year Ignite The spark Within!, Informational Learning vs Transformational learning, Its scary so I do it

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 7!- Putting my head down, humbling myself - Happy 1 year anniversary Ignite The Spark Within Podcast last!!! So so so proud of you Sebastian!!!! Can't believe a year has gone by already!!- Mastering skills for each of our senses- Being able to travel the world and have real contributive skills built into our body already- Even if employed by another, or you have a supervisor, you still be you Own Boss, Always, No matter what!- I've al...


Defining our spiritual role, My destiny came to me while brushing my teeth, Icaros....Music that heals, Picking a qualified ceremony host, what to watch out for, A spiritual home, Appearing in your dreams, Scared to be a fan

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is season 4, Episode 6!- As our universal consciousness expands and deepens, the powerful, positive message that myself and others are putting out via music, art, podcast, etc., will only be growing in popularity over the next years coming up. - The real ass content built off authenticity will soon become more digestible to others as we all understand and agree more as a whole.- Icaros, what are they? and how do they work?- Ceremonies.....in the world ful...


Power and context of music, Healing music, All Health/Healing by getting to the energetic source, My talk with Jesus last ceremony, A fresh start, Where & who do you get your guidance from?

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 5!- Power and context of music- Healing music (Icaros) - Managing all Health/Healing by getting to the energetic source- My talk with Jesus and stroll through Heaven last ceremony- A fresh start- Some new work- Where & who do you get your guidance from? - Why Pimp C tattooed on my arm?- Kids know the truth, connected to source- Manifesting is not fake- Spirit and power of the directions, a spiritual compass and guide- Shout o...


Damn, I can't believe people really have my back like this. Thank you Judo, Dad, Ming, Chode, Chimps, & Howie, I wouldn't have made it the last couple years without you guys 🙏🏽

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast!This is season 4, Episode 4!- Damn, I cried on my own show 😅- Taking full responsibility and owning EVERYTHING- Living off the backs of others- Feeling like a burden- Failed as a Man, Provider, Father, Partner, Brother, Son, Friend, Member of the community- People STILL holding it down for me after all my BS- "This IS me having your back, don't even trip"- Friends who are family- Being on the receiving end of needing help- Shout out: @WeCleanPlanet for co...


Clarifying my "Baseline", Valentines Day, Chinese New Year...the "real" New Year, Screaming at the tv, Comfort in chaos, Floundering, Being somebody who's reckless, Applications

Welcome to the Damn dude Podcast! This is Season 4, Episode 3! AKA: Episode 280!⁃ River happy bday⁃ If you ever find yourself screaming at the tv, Automatically means it’s time to turn it off and go outside⁃ Getting more clear on my baseline, my "0", and never dipping below that⁃ Chinese new year⁃ Hella applications⁃ How ignorant I’ve been the majority of my life ⁃ Didn’t even realize I’d been foundering, i figured if my mental state was an over all state of gratitude and positivity, then i w...


Contemplating about contemplating sui*ide, Learning loyalty, Threw out my back, Base-lining our lives, Beating the odds, "I will never fall below this level", Thank-you's and birthday shout outs, Chinese New Year

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast! This is Season 4, Episode 2!- Happy Birthday's- Chinese New Year- Thank You Show Watcher Hannah- Threw out my back by stressing and not stretching enough- Beating the odds- Lets do it all over again, even bigger and better!- Learning Loyalty with my friends growing up- Being bullied and chased teaches you a lot- Contemplating about contemplating about suicide in a healthy and progressive manner- Installing "options" into the end of all of our thought tunnels-...


Welcome to Season 4! Who am I?, My mental state, Claiming our Godly gifts proudly, Making declarations I'd previously get clowned for, Making connections, Harmony > Balance, Speaking THE truth

Welcome to a brand new Season of the Damn Dude Podcast!This is Season 4, Episode 1!Aaaahh yes, welcome to the dawning of a new era.....where lion and hyena come together.....LOL- Who am I this year???- My mental state- Claiming our gifts from God- Making declarations that old circles of friends would have laughed in my face over- Making the right connections of people who uplift you when you're confused or lost- When others see your deep rooted value and acknowledge it- Not about a hand out, ...


Yamamoto Boss: Explain yourself. New Song titled "Nigga". Last Episode of Season 3.

Welcome to the Damn Dude Podcast! This is the last episode of Season 3! This is Season 3, Episode 74!Let's start off by saying that with this episode, we're testing and pushing the limits of societies capacity to comprehend, and really challenging the idea of getting "canceled"!Ha! You know here at the Damn Dude Podcast, that authenticity is the name of the game, so lets fuckin' run it!Official @Yamamoto_Boss Interview, Part 3.- Yamamoto Boss, Explain yourself:- New song called "Nigga"- Openi...


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