Dare, Share, Create - The Podcast with Elisabeth Valentine

Conversations, concepts and insights from people who have dared to go after their dreams, who share their gifts with the world, and who have created the life that they want. This podcast aims to free you from whatever is holding you back, spark transformation and give you the courage, inspiration, permission and tools to live your best, most inspired and fulfilled life, so you can make the biggest positive impact in the world. Hosted by Elisabeth Valentine, Danish born London based voiceover artist, singer, speaker and coach.

#47- Season Finale: Setting yourself up for Success in 2022

Happy New Year! Today we talk about why New Years Resolutions and goals often don't work, and a simple way of setting powerful, realistic goals that connect deeply to the juicy things you REALLY want! Elisabeth also takes you through her Review, Re-set and Re-imagine workbook, which you can get for FREE if you email her at elisabeth@elisabethvalentine.com or connect with her on instagram @elisabethvalentine_


#46 - Hope, love, compassion and faith in the future for Christmas

Some thoughts on Christmas, hope, love and compassion... And on how to have faith in the unseen reality of the future you want to create! And you get a little musical gift for you at the endHow can you choose YOU? Care for you, whilst caring for everyone else too? What does your heart yearn for? And how can you make it happen? Email elisabeth@elisabethvalentine.com to get the FREE workbook for the Review, Re-imagine and Reset for next episode... Follow @elisabethvalentine_ on inst...


#45- Reconnect with your true self and learn to JUST BE with Zenna Grundtvis

Deep conversation this week with guest Zenna Grundtvig. Zenna has a background in Psychotherapy, and has studied dancing for more than a decade as well as many years dedicated studying Iyengar Yoga, Permaculture and Herbal medicine.Zennas work is to assist you in a deep reflection of how you are right now in this world, your body and your relations - And the tool you are using together is being present and observant of your feelings and sensations.She support people in feeling themselve...


#44 - Curate the future you want!

On today's solo episode you get a powerful tool for curating the future. Using science-based visualisation + handwriting + energy & emotion in Elisabeth Valentine's Future Diary tool, you can create the dreams-scenario of any future event, and watch the magic unfold. This is especially useful if you're nervous or fearful of something then you can re-write the story before it happens, so you can go into it, feeling confident because you've already done it successfully in your mind and on p...


#43- Put your stamp on life with Helen Williams

Today's guest is Helen Williams. Former successful corporate events manager and sales exec turned property-invester, entrepreneur, key-note speaker, coach and podcast host. She’s the founder of HEW- Helping entrepreneurs Win, a thriving coaching business. Helen is known for her tough-love, and we talk about excuses and how to banish them, backing yourself, having a vision and owning who you are and your unique greatness! Find Helen here: Instagram: @Hew_coachingWebsite: Helpingentrepreneurswi...


#42- Why measuring your progress is vital for success!

In todays episode Elisabeth shares the importance of measuring your progress, if you're to succeed with your goals! Things mentioned in the podcast- If you want a FREE copy of Stephanie and Nicky Taylors bestseller "Rent 2 Rent Success" as mentioned in episode 41, leave a 5 star review of the podcast and send a screenshot of it to support@rent2rentsuccess.com - UK listeners onlyIf you want Elisabeth's "Review, Re-imagine & Reset" PDF workbook for FREE, email info@elisabethvalentine....


#41- Believe Bigger, be Bolder, be a Gamechanger with Stephanie Taylor

On today's podcast we've got Inspiring Person of the Year - Stephanie Taylor as a guest. She's a bestselling author, property investor, co-founder of award winning property management and development company HMO Heaven and Co-founder of Rent 2 Rent Success, which helps people getting started in property. To get Stephanie and Nicky's Taylors No. 1 bestselling physical book " Rent 2 Rent Success" for FREE ( for UK listeners only) Leave a 5 star review of this episode of Dare, Share,...


#40 - What do you want?

What do you want? Do you even know? How often do you ask yourself this essential question? Leaving comfortable, ok, fine situations are so much harder than leaving terrible ones. Elisabeth shares a story of cross-roads, dark nights of the soul and ultimately leaving an absolutely comfortable, lovely job for an insecure path, that ultimately lead her to her dreams... Let Elisabeth what YOU want on Instagram @elisabethvalentine_ or email at hello@elisabethvalentine.com


#39- Not a Victim! Develop a black belt in Resilience with Sebastian Bates

On today's podcast Elisabeth speaks with Sebastian Bates, Entrepreneur, Founder of " The Warrior Academy" a global Martial arts organisation, host of " The Warrior Academy Podcast" and best selling author of The Warrior Method and his new book "Not a Victim- Enable your child to break through bullying and develop a black Belt in resilience for life! Contact Sebastian here: SebastianBates.comInstagram @seb.batesNot A Victim -"Not a Victim- Enable your child to break through bullying and develo...


#38- A winners mindset - and the fears, beliefs and thoughts that sabotage it!

Do you feel comfortable when you win? When you're no. 1? In this solo-episode Elisabeth tells a story about winning and the negative emotions that accompanied the win. Ultimately revealing fears, beliefs and thought-patterns... Most of the time we don't really know what stops us from doing certain things, going for the win, being comfortable with achievements, success and wins. It's only when you investigate what lies beneath the surface, we can address and re-program these thoughts and belie...


#37 - Dare to share: Fear less and the power of your story with Lou Hamilton

On today's episode Elisabeth talks to Lou Hamilton. She is an artist, award-winning filmmaker and author of the books Brave New Girl- How to be fearless, Fear Less and her upcoming book is very appropriately to this podcast called Dare to Share! She’s also the host of Brave New Girl Podcast and the founder of Silk Studios. Lou helps people re-frame their stories in an empowering way, so they can inspire others and grown their brand and positively impact the world. We talk about: 4.00: R...


#36 - Season 3 Premiere! Transformation, danger and stories from abroad

Season 3 is here, and in the premiere you get a little teaser of the guests and topics to come in this season, Then Elisabeth shares a story and lessons from a dangerous encounter: - Why shedding your old skin is require for growth- Why you can't wait for "some day" or "one day" to change!- Why danger can be positive- Why you should have some contingency plans in place, if you're gonna live your best, most inspired and fulfilled life. You can't make the biggest positive impact in the world, i...


#35- Season 2 finale- Sometimes the way forward is to Retreat

Sometimes the only way forward is to retreat. In daring to go after our dreams, sharing our gifts with the world and creating the life we want, we can get so caught up in working, hustling, striving and achieving 24-7, that we forget that rest is an essential part of the work. Rest and retreating gives you an overview, clarity and renewed energy, passion and purpose. What are you going to do to fill -up your fuel-tank so you have the energy and inspiration needed? That is theme of the s...


#34 - Criticism and who to take it from

" You'll only be criticised by people doing less than you" is a common saying in the entrepreneurial space. Is this actually true? In this episode, Elisabeth talks about how peoples critique, advice and opinions about what you do, your dreams and how you live your life, is nothing more than opinions. How to discern who to take criticism from by asking some deep, qualifying questions, and how we all chose the reality we want to live inIf you want the guided meditation mentioned at th...


#33 - Should's, Settling and why success isn't a one size fits all

In this solo-episode Elisabeth discusses a method to finding out what boxes you need ticked in order to feel like you're truly thriving. How we shouldn't fall pray to someone else's vision of success and happiness, but instead do what makes US feel fulfilled. And you can chose to do more than 1 thing, and you can change your mind and chose again. It's ok and part of life and growingWhy you shouldn't expect that a job, a partner or a friend can tick every single box, but instead figure out whi...


#32- Men, mindset and becoming with Mason Dyson Roberts

In this episode my guest is Mason Dyson Roberts, an entrepreneur, a former Mixed Martial Arts athlete and now a Men's holistic performance coach, and speak and coach in companies like Apple, Marvel and Coming from an inner London tough upbringing, Mason shares his story of going from living a life that often felt like a struggle, is supposed to be hard, feeling low, stressed and burnt out is normal and you're supposed to get on with it. But for the past 10 years he’s done the work...


#31- Be the person today, your future self will thank you for

In today's solo episode Elisabeth talks about helping your future self. Especially the future selv who might be tired, stressed out, overwhelmed or have used up all their decisions for the day..." If you're always ready, you never have to GET ready!" Are you ready to take it to the next level? Or do you need to do some prep, so you can say YES when the opportunities arrive? Be the person today, your future self will thank you for exercise: 1) Visualise the ideal future scenario you...


#30- Create your own story with Jo Valentina Sinclair

Today's Guest is Jo Valentina Sinclair. A Spiritual Business Mentor & Mindset Coach and radio DJ. She is the founder of Create Your Own Story - a coaching business empowering high vibe, conscious, female business owners, to change the stories they are telling themselves, about money, confidence & self worth, to create deep transformations in their life and business using a soulful blend of the metaphysical principles of success.In today's episode we cover everything from- metaphy...


#29- Just say NO!

Why is it so difficult to say no? In this solo episode, Elisabeth shares a couple of situations from her own life both personal and professionel, and reflects on why we say yes, when we really mean no. Why we should all say no when we mean no, and yes when we mean yes. When you "feel" a no, is it fear or intuition talking to you. and how to discern that for yourself.By saying NO to the wrong things, we make space to say YES to the right things... Follow Elisabeth on Instagram...


#28- Trust yourself and be a Badass!

On today's episode Elisabeth talks about control, choices and being true to yourself... Even when we don't have control over external circumstances, we ALWAYS have control over the story we tell ourselves about it. Growing up being "down-to-earth" and sensible was portrayed as desirable personality traits, but sometimes we need to be the opposite if we're gonna reach for the starts and reach our goals! But it's always a balancing act. Elisabeth also discusses how we should listen to our...


Matt Rivers

I am really enjoying these podcasts. Super inspiring and helpful. Elisabeth is a great coach! Tune in for sure.

10-06 Reply

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