Date, Sex & Love

Everyone belongs to someone but finding the right one seems to be a path that leads to heartbreaks, and mistakes that could have been avoided.<br />Each week join AJay, as she peers into provocative topics people seem to avoid on Dating, Sex, and Love plus everything else in between, in the African modern society.<br />If you desire a relationship that gives you all-round satisfaction despite traditional norms in Africa or you simply want great tips on Sex and Dating, then this is the Podcast for you.

Date, Sex & Love Season 5 Finale

It's here! We've reached the end of another wild ride on Date, Sex & Love. We want to thank YOU, our incredible listener, for joining us on this journey. Your support means the world. So buckle up and get ready for another amazing episode! We promise you won't want to miss it. Hope you enjoy this season finale as much as we enjoyed making it for you!


The Misconception of the Yoruba Demon 2

We continue on the quest for understanding Yoruba Demons, the ultimate playboys and heartbreakers that women love but fear. I, Femi, and Bayo talk about all these and more...


The Misconception Of Yoruba Demon 1

Unlike every African mythology, The Yoruba Demons have become a staple reality women dread but love, they are the ultimate playboys and heartbreakers that women love but fear, but are they an extravagant group of playboys or like most men, are dealing with a trauma of heartbreak in a chauvinism elegance? In today's episode, I, Femi, and Bayo talk about all these.


Handling Jealousy

Jealousy is one of the strongest emotions in human nature. It's said that if someone isn't jealous then the person doesn't love you, but should that be a trait one must accept. Today's episode I and my guest talk about how jealousy can make or break your relationship. Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with the host and other listeners.


First Love

There was a time I would describe the first guy I dated as my first love until I realized I was never actually in love with him, but do I still term him as my first love? What do we mean when we term someone as the first love? I and my guest discuss on what it actually entails to call one your first love and the experience that comes with it. Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with the host and other listeners.


Sexual Compromise

Compromise is a necessity for every relationship to thrive because we can’t always have our way, but how much of a compromise can one expect when it comes to the satisfaction of your sexual desires and that of your partner? Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with the host and other listeners.


The Purpose of Gifting

Gifts are something we love but how does the act of gifting give meaning to a relationship? Does the act of gifting carry more weight on the item or the intention? Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with the host and other listeners.


Auditing Our Relationship

Let’s get into auditing our relationships for the sake of love because we would not want to carry over those complaints and unresolved issues into the new year. We hope to be better partners in our relationship and having this conversation is worth it. Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with the host and other listeners.



They say relationships are 50/50 but is it? Should that be the formula to a successful relationship? Does it apply to bills or everything else? These are the questions I and my guest, Funmi hope to find answers to on today’s episode. Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with the host and other listeners.



We've all heard about how women are to be submissive but what does it take to be submissive and is it only required from women? Dive in with me as I and my guest, Muna talk about submission in relationships. Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with Ajay and other listeners.


Introducing: Date, Sex & Love Season 5

Welcome to SEASON 5 of Date Sex & Love Podcast brought to you by Jamit Studios. Join in on the conversation as Ajay continues on her mission to make sure YOU always win in the game of LOVE. Be a part of the conversation by following and leaving comments on the Date, Sex & Love page on Instagram @thedsl_podcast and being a part of the WhatsApp community where you get to meet and interact with Ajay and other listeners.


Sex On The First Date

This topic is inspired by an experience Ajay had, where she was flirting with someone and they unintentionally suggested that sex was a possibility. Ajay and her guest Jessica Fortunes discussed the implications of this and how it can lead to people being in bad situations. In conclusion, they reiterated the importance of being careful when navigating the dating scene.Listen to Date, Sex & Love & Twenty-Something Rant on the Jamit platform


Who is Your Spec

On this episode Ajay and her guest chat about dating specifications and if that has any significance in who you end up with.


Exploring Foreplay

On this episode of Date,Sex & Love Ajay and her guest speak about foreplay and how it should be done.Her guest discuss the importance of communication between partners, as different people have different preferences and ideas of what foreplay should be. The discussion also touches on the misconception that African men do not know how to foreplay, and the importance of recognizing and respecting each other’s preferences.Communication between partners is key in order for foreplay to work and be enjoyable for both people. This conversation is about the misconception of foreplay, and how it is often seen as the sole responsibility of the male gender.Ajay discuss the importance of communication and understanding between both partners, as it is essential for a successful foreplay experience. They also discuss the hustle and bustle of Lagos State and how both partners have to work hard to get through the day.


Does Dating Lead to A Relatioship

In this episode, the Host shares her experience with dating and marriage. She also had guest from the Africalypso Podcast who emphasize the importance of taking time to find the right person and not rushing into marriage.They talk about using Tinder and how that can be miss leading. The speaker also discusses going through multiple unsuccessful relationships before finding one. She revealed that they dated for a year before her partner asked her to be his girlfriend. Finally, the speaker reflects on their initial attraction to their partner and how they chose to take it slow.


Between You & I : Part 2

In today's episode of Date, Sex and Love, I and my guest answered some of the questions we got from our listeners.Join us on this ride.


Understanding Abortion: Unpopular Perspectives On The Controversial Topic Of Abortion

AJ and Ludic discuss abortion on the podcast Date, Sex, and Love. AJ introduces the topic, and Ludic starts off by saying that she has a lot to say on the issue and not to hate her for her opinion. She states that she is pro-life and believes that those who are pro-choice are selfish and not looking at the big picture. They further discuss the implications of abortion, such as the potential for infanticide. They also discuss the impact of abortion on relationships, and how it can have a lasting effect on a couple. They also talk about the importance of making sure that both parties in a relationship are on the same page when it comes to the decision to have an abortion. Ultimately, AJ and Ludic agree that abortion is a difficult decision and one that should be made with care and consideration. This conversation was between two people discussing the topic of abortion and the concept of from the minutes of conception. The person being educated explained that when the sperm meets the egg, life begins and every fetus deserves to live. They spoke about the great people in our world, such as Obama, Marcus Zuckerbeck and Angelique Maya, and how if they had been aborted, the world would be a very different place. The other person suggested that instead of aborting, people should adopt those that want and can't have children. They went on to discuss the idea of giving a second chance to those who have done wrong and even if they repent, they still advocated for pro-life. It was concluded that the other person was totally against abortion. This conversation focuses on the controversial topic of abortion. The person speaking is firmly against it and believes that the woman should deal with the consequences of her decisions. However, the speaker acknowledges that there are certain medical situations where abortion is necessary. They also bring up the possibility of a naive little girl getting pregnant and feeling like she can't handle the responsibility of being a mother. They express that although being a mother comes with physical and emotional maturity, it can be a struggle for the mother to still find time for herself. The speaker ultimately argues that although there are difficult situations where an abortion is necessary, it should not be used in a selfish manner. The conversation focuses on the morality of abortion and the consequences of not being mature enough to deal with the emotions that come with being a mother. The speaker brings up a story of a woman who murdered her child due to depression, a condition known as postpartum depression. They discuss the social welfare system in Nigeria and how it may be able to help a woman in such a situation. The speaker then states that nothing justifies infanticide, even if the mother was raped or involved in incest. They bring up the example of Harry Song, who allegedly was a product of incest, and make the point that no child deserves to die for the wrongdoings of their parents.Timestamps0:00:00Episode 4: Unpopular Opinions on Abortion - Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice0:03:14Heading: Pro-Life Discussion on Abortion0:05:13Discussion on Abortion: Examining the Reasons Behind a Woman's Decision0:07:33Discussion on the Impact of Teen Pregnancy and Incest on Children0:11:47"Advice for Women Who Have Experienced Abortion"0:15:08Discussion on Abortion: Exploring Alternatives to Abortion0:19:00Heading: The Importance of Contraception and Abstinence in Preventing Unwanted Pregnancies0:20:26Discussion on Responsible Sexual Practices and Reproductive Options0:23:07Reflection on a Pro-Life Perspective: A Personal Experience0:26:21"The Risk of Committing Abortion: A Personal Story"0:30:07Discussion on Abortion: Side Effects and Alternatives0:33:35"Uterine Preparation, Abstinence, and Adoption: A Pro-Life Discussion"HighlightsBut if you can't hold yourself again, I would say recap abstinence is key. Abortion is not. Right. I don't agree to it. I'm pro life. If you are scared of the responsibilities of having children, then have the child and place the child for adoption. And you'll be helping someone else that needs a child because children are blessings. And also, what else? Again, if you can't hold your body, you don't want to, whatever.. What else are we going to see?So, yeah, that journey, that feeling was nothing to write home about. So to myself, I'm pro life because you thought the way I was arguing to you back and forth. I argue with it because of the decisions that lead these situations that lead to you or to the woman making the decision of having an abortion. Those decisions should not be ignored. That's my own. They shouldn't be ignored. They shouldn't be discarded.. I feel like we should understand where they are coming from, understand that decision. But yet again, make them to also love the fact that there is a life in them. Even if it's one week or two days, you've still created a life. And that life you've created does not deserve to be punished because of your shame mistake or your mistake. Give the life the opportunity to live. So, yeah, I'm pro life.But then again, like you've said, why then have sex, unprotected sex, if you know you're not ready to have a children? So I think that's really the takeaway the takeaway here today. If you know within your heart you're not ready for the responsibility of another life, you're not ready for the responsibility of taking care of someone else, putting that person first rather than yourself, then don't have unprotected sex.. Don't get into it. Use your contraceptives. Use a condom. Use your contraceptive pills for ladies. Even now they're condoms for women right now. Educate yourself on contraceptives. Don't do pull out game, please. If a guy comes to you and tell you that, oh my God, me my pulled out game is badass, it's a lie, please don't believe that lie. Don't believe the pull out game. Tell him to use a condom. If he's not ready to use a condom, my sister, get yourself appeal. Get yourself a morning after pill.She eventually left the relationship. She left the relationship and she went to take care of herself, make herself be better person. She went to get an education, she learned skills and now she's in a relationship whereby he's about to get married. And yes, she's all up for having a child. She can't wait to have a child because now she's in that mental stability. She's ready to have a child. There are some people that they feel that they are not ready.A family was not really supportive and she knew that she didn't have a good standing to raise a child on her own. So probably, yeah, maybe she should have had the child and give it up for adoption. But she felt that the child deserves better. If she wants to bring a child to this world, the child should deserve better rather than putting the child through hardship or putting the child through hunger and all that. So that was why she decided to have the abortion.


Long Engagement

In this podcast episode, we explore the concept of a long engagement in relationships. We discuss the factors that can influence the length of an engagement and the benefits and challenges that can come with a prolonged engagement period. Join us as we delve into the reasons why some couples choose a long engagement and what it means for their relationship dynamics. Whether you're in a long engagement or just curious about this topic, this episode offers valuable insights and perspectives.


Debunking Common Dating Myths

In this episode of Date, Sex & Love, we explore common dating myths and debunk them. We discuss the impact of these myths on dating and relationships and provide practical tips for navigating them.Key Points:The Myth of "The One": We begin by discussing the myth that there is only one perfect person for everyone. We explore the evidence against this myth and provide tips on how to approach dating with a more realistic perspective.The Myth of Love at First Sight: We then explore the myth of love at first sight and discuss the impact it can have on relationships. We highlight the importance of taking time to get to know someone before committing to a relationship.The Myth of Playing Hard to Get: We discuss the popular dating myth of playing hard to get and its potential impact on relationships. We provide evidence-based research on the effectiveness of this tactic and offer alternative ways to approach dating.The Myth of Opposites Attract: We explore the myth of opposites attract and discuss the potential challenges that can arise in relationships when partners are too different. We provide tips on how to navigate differences in a relationship and build a strong foundation.The Myth of Soulmates: Finally, we discuss the myth of soulmates and the impact it can have on our expectations for relationships. We highlight the importance of building a strong connection with a partner through shared values and interests.Conclusion:Dating myths can have a significant impact on our expectations and experiences in relationships. By understanding the evidence behind these myths, we can approach dating with a more realistic and practical mindset. Remember to take the time to get to know someone, communicate openly, and build a strong foundation based on shared values and interests. Join us for this informative discussion on debunking common dating myths.


Sex Tape

In this episode, Ajay and her guests share some intimate moments, and how a sex tape can help spicy up a relationship the pros and cons of a sex tape.


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