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Author: Ambiance Matchmaking

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I'm Taylor Wade. Twenty years ago, I cofounded Ambiance Matchmaking, an exclusive matchmaking agency that has helped over 100,000 singles master their dating lives. In this podcast, I share the same tactics and techniques with you. Mastering your dating life is easier than you think –– it’s just a matter of science and a little know-how.
25 Episodes
The Paradox Of Choice

The Paradox Of Choice


The paradox of choice creates a real sense of anxiety for people looking to find a long-term partner. Many try to solve this problem by dating as many people as possible as to not miss out on meeting “The One," but this can lead to an insidious addiction. We offer a different approach.This podcast is brought to you by Ambiance Matchmaking. Interested in matchmaking services? Complete an application to get started: you enjoy the podcast, would you please co...
Finally, a toolkit to know yourself and attract your life partner.This episode features Telina To’o. Telina is the founder of The Co. & Teli, helping burnt out teachers build personal brands, turn passion into uncapped profit, and create curriculum to fit their ideal lifestyle. Learn more at or on the socials at and podcast is brought to you by Ambiance Matchmaking, a personalized high-end matchmaking service for s...
This episode features my colleague Leslie Wardman. Leslie is the CEO and Matchmaker of Ambiance Matchmaking, a personalized high-end matchmaking service for selective singles. She has been matchmaking for over 20 years, with as many as 20 matches going out every week. That means she’s orchestrated around 20,000 dates in total. And, after each date she receives feedback from each client. So, as you can imagine, she has a lot of information about what people find attractive and not so attractiv...
This is part 1 of our 2-part series on the evolution of modern dating. This episode features guests Dawn, Rob, and Jennifer. They were dating throughout the 1990s and 2000s pre- and post-online dating. We discuss how online dating was beginning to change our dating culture. In part 2, we discuss how yet another new technology began radically changing the way we built our relationships.This podcast is brought to you by Ambiance Matchmaking. Interested in matchmaking services? Complete an appli...
This is part 2 of our 2-part series on the evolution of modern dating. I call on my friends from Generation Y (aka The Millennials) to discuss how technology radically changed the way we met people and how it was affecting our mentality.This podcast is brought to you by Ambiance Matchmaking. Interested in matchmaking services? Complete an application to get started: you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/i...
This episode features my good friend Tam Hunt. He is a lawyer by day and writer and scholar by night. He trained in evolutionary biology, attended law school and then became an environmental lawyer. He’s written three books. His first Eco, Ego, Eros is a collection of essays in philosophy, spirituality and science, his second book is called Solar: Why Our Energy Future Is So Bright, and his most recent book Mind, World, God: discusses science and spirit in the 21st century. Today we are ...
This episode features Vanessa Ringel. Vanessa is the Founder of GRAVITĀS, a neuro-coaching company that has empowered hundreds of women to manifest love. She is certified in Spiritual Psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), as well as having a professional background as the Head Matchmaker at Three Day Rule. Her MBA from Regents Business School has allowed her to connect with inspiring women globally. She is proud to be from Guadalajara, Mexico.In this episode we discuss:What is Ne...
This episode features one of my best friends in the world world, Leslie Gauthier. She describes the chemistry she felt with her boyfriend, Aidan. I also invite my fiancé Diego Chas to the show to talk about our chemistry when we first met in Mexico City. In this episode we discuss:What is romantic chemistry?What creates chemistry & attraction?Familiarity creates chemistry on a subconscious levelMystery elevates dopamine & pushes us over the threshold to fall in loveSincerity allo...
This episode features best-selling author Christine Chang. Based in LA, Christine helps high-performing women create ideal relationships in their personal and professional lives by teaching self-awareness, boundaries, accountability, and communication skills. Her book "Show Up: Finding Love for Independent Women" has helped thousands of professional women all over the world create the relationship of their dreams. In this episode, we discuss:The biggest challenges entrepreneurs face in t...
This episode features Daniel Smith. Dan is a conscious masculinity and embodiment coach. Growing up in a challenging home environment led him to live in curiosity, always questioning the reality he found himself facing. Carrying a lot of residual pain from some deeply traumatic childhood experiences, he embarked on a journey of transformation and healing, desiring to evolve in every area of his life. Through his experiences of learning to understand and transform himself, he started to become...
Welcome to season 2! This is a short mini-series on how to choose a matchmaker. We have so many people coming to us, saying it’s so hard to navigate all of the information on matchmaking online, especially since there’s an influx of new matchmakers. So don’t fret, I am here to help. In this episode, I provide:An insider’s perspective on the matchmaking industryThe leading matchmakers in the industryHigh-end vs low-end matchmakersDifferent business models and factors to considerThis podc...
Welcome to season 2! This is a short mini-series on how to choose a matchmaker. In this episode, I’ll explain the two major business models that exist in the industry, and break down the costs of low-end, mid-range, high-end, and very high-end matchmakers.In this episode, I provide:The two major business models in the matchmaking industryThe costs of low-end, mid-range, high-end, and very high-end matchmakersHow prices also differ depending on geographic parametersThis podcast is brought to y...
Welcome to season 2! This is a short mini-series on how to choose a matchmaker. In this episode, I’ll explain the 15 rules of thumb to follow as you begin interviewing matchmakers.In this episode, I provide:The two major business models in the matchmaking industryThe costs of low-end, mid-range, high-end, and very high-end matchmakersHow prices also differ depending on geographic parametersThis podcast is brought to you by Ambiance Matchmaking, an exclusive matchmaking agency for selective si...
Welcome to season 2! This is a short mini-series on how to choose a matchmaker. In this episode, we’ll discuss how to screen your matchmaker, including a question checklist to ask potential matchmakers during your consultations or interviews. In this episode, we’ll ask the following questions:Who will I be working with?How long have you been in business?What is your male to female ratio? And what are your most common age categories?Do you offer an “on-hold” feature? How often will ...
Welcome to season 2! This is a short mini-series on how to choose a matchmaker. In this episode, we’ll discuss the matchmaking process, starting from the initial application all the way to your first match, including our process here at Ambiance Matchmaking. Let’s get started. In this episode, we’ll discuss the following parts of the matchmaking process:ScreeningThe interviewThe agreementThe searchThe matchFeedbackOn-hold featureThis podcast is brought to you by Ambiance Matchmakin...
Welcome to season 2! This is a short mini-series on how to choose a matchmaker. In this episode, I’ll tell you how matchmakers find matches for their clients. I’m even going behind-the-scenes here at Ambiance Matchmaking to show you our exact process for finding matches for one of our most recent clients.In this episode, we’ll discuss the following methods matchmakers use to find matches for their clients (including a case study from Ambiance Matchmaking):Company’s client baseSingles database...
Welcome to season 2! This is a short mini-series on how to choose a matchmaker. In this final episode, I’m leaving you with some parting wisdom on best practices for a positive matchmaking experience. In our 20 years of working in the industry, we’ve noticed that clients with certain characteristics tend to have a much higher success rate than others, and I’m sharing those secrets with you. In this episode, we’ll discuss:Three characteristics the most successful singles haveBeing stubbor...
Season 3 Trailer

Season 3 Trailer


Did you know that 57% of divorced couples cite money as the reason for divorce and 40% of couples don’t even talk about money before marriage? It turns out that arguments around money have nothing to do with the numbers themselves and everything to do with the psychology behind money, that is, how you were raised to think about money. We all have a legacy — a story that is handed down from generation to generation about what money has meant to our family — and we bring those beliefs and feeli...
Have you ever wondered how money psychology impacts your dating life? It turns out that most arguments around money hamper many relationships. Still, most of these conflicts have nothing to do with the numbers themselves and everything to do with the psychology behind them, that is, how we were raised to think about money. In this podcast series, we’ll address the topic of money psychology, how to come to terms with our partner’s money blueprint, and how to reconcile opposing perspectives aro...
Important note: This is the second episode in a series. If you’re just joining us, I urge you to go back and start at the beginning.Whether you’re dating or in a committed relationship, understanding your and your partner’s money mindset is one of the most essential skills you’ll learn. Did you know we all have a “financial blueprint”? This blueprint is created and molded in our childhood and is influenced by our family and environment. Two things can happen when creating your blueprint as a ...