Dating Kinda Sucks

Dating Kinda Sucks
Author: Dating Kinda Sucks
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© Copyright Dating Kinda Sucks
An honest, raw, and hilarious podcast about dating, sex, and relationships, hosted by millennial serial dater Sarah G and grizzled comedian Adam Avitable. Whether you're single, committed, or it's complicated, you'll enjoy what you hear!
194 Episodes
It's our season seven finale, and we have big changes coming in 2025 and beyond! With different types of episodes covering diverse topics that include but go beyond dating and relationships, the DKS Podcast is here to stay! This week, Adam and Sarah answer a listener question - does she actually like her boyfriend? Adam talks about dating in Tulsa and how his lack of permanence affects his ability to make connections, and Sarah gives a fantastic virtual tour of her recent visit to Taiwan. And we want you to help us start off 2025 by calling in and asking advice for future episodes by contacting our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
So. The crusty orange rapist won again. Now what?Sarah and Adam record a new episode after a too long hiatus to discuss the 4B movement, how to stop interacting with men at all to stay safe, screening out men who voted for the bloated shitstain, and how to retain your bodily autonomy in a society where women have been relegated to second-class citizens. We also don't know what we're going to do about the podcast. Is it the end? Listen and find out! The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Instagram: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
After a little summer hiatus, Adam and Sarah return to discuss the perfect woman, break down why men seem to have ridiculous standards while women have reasonable preferences, and make fun of incels and other crusty-assed dudes who only want mommies and sex slaves. Also this week, Adam goes on too many dates, Sarah appears on Good Morning America, and your hosts answer a voicemail about love bombing and being a simp. You too can call in and ask your question, suggest topics, or just give feedback by calling our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Enjoy this classic episode from the DKS Vault, originally published in August of 2020. In a quest to discover whether or not she enjoys adult films, Sarah has spent the past two weeks reviewing a veritable motherlode of alone time clips - a pornucopia, if you will - compiled by Adam. Watching everything from gay to fetish, trans to hotwife, Sarah's ready to talk about what she watched and what type of adult material is right for her. Also in this episode, Sarah has important relationship needs, Adam's so lonely he got turned on by a video game, and was Adam in one of the clips he sent Sarah? Listen and find out in this supersized episode!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
You know full well that this is going to be a great episode of the DKS Podcast! This week, Sarah and Adam discuss the massive marketing fail that is Bumble's new ad campaign, and how it was instantly clear that no women were involved in its creation or execution. Is it time to ban Bumble? Also this week, Sarah talks about Iguazu Falls in Argentina, the hosts answer an interesting call from the DKS Hotline, and more! You too can call in and ask your question, suggest topics, or just give feedback by calling our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Who would you rather encounter in the woods, a man or a bear? This question has proven controversial for many men in the world (and rather simple to answer for most women, overwhelmingly choosing the bear). This week, Sarah and Adam talk about how men should react to this question, expand the discussion to add some context for anyone who might be confused, and throw in a few bear puns as well. Also this week, Sarah makes a cake that has explosive properties, Adam makes more friends in Tulsa, and your hosts answer a call from the DKS Hotline! You too can call in and ask your question, suggest topics, or just give feedback by calling our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
It's official - women don't need men. They can buy homes, get bank accounts, and live happy, fully satisfied lives without men getting in the way, and men don't like it. In this episode, Sarah and Adam talk about the 4B movement, an anti-dating movement from South Korea, and how it's spreading across the US too. Should crusty "alphas" with unwashed asses start to worry? Also this week, Adam and Sarah talk about their lives since February, and they give an update about Passport Bros and their creepy illegal tendencies with a story about Timothy Alan Livingston and his Colombian adventures. Do you have a question or scenario you want to discuss? Call our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Why improve yourself and be a better man when you can just take your mid-level paycheck to a foreign country and be toxic there? This week Adam and Sarah tackle the douchiest douchebags of all time - Passport Bros. (Not literally tackling them - we just talk about why they're misogyny-filled shitbags who should be ashamed of themselves).Also this week, your hosts address a valid concern from a listener about the FB group "Are We Dating The Same Guy", catch each other up on life since last month's episode, and once again ask you the listener to call in with questions by calling our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Welcome to an extra special episode of the DKS Podcast from our vault! Sarah's trip to Venezuela has made it impossible to record an episode, so we're pulling a classic from 2019 to share with you. Adam was dating two women, Sarah was having single issues in Nashville, and we called this month "Two-Finger February". Listen, enjoy a classic episode from five years ago, and we'll catch you in the next one. The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
This week, Adam and Sarah discuss the costs and expenses involved in being single, dating, and being in a relationship. What precisely is the cost of loving?Also this week, Sarah and Adam talk about their birthdays, make fun of that idiot who's suing women and Facebook for being showcased in "Are We Dating The Same Guy?", answer a voicemail about lovebombing, and discuss Cape Town, South Africa as a travel destination. You too can call in and ask your question, suggest topics, or just give feedback by calling our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
It's Season Seven of the DKS Podcast, and this is the season of the listener! We want your input, your feedback, and your support by sharing, reviewing, and interacting with us as much as possible! Our success comes from the community and we want to foster that community on a whole new level this year. If you haven't given us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes, now's your chance!This week, Adam and Sarah discuss the Simone Biles/Mr. Simone Biles controversy and identify all of the ways that it's not okay for men to throw their partners under the bus just to soothe their egos or impress other men. If your partner does this to you, we'll also be giving you some tips for handling it (just short of actual murder). Also this week, Adam and Sarah talk about their holidays, a listener gives an update from their voicemail in 2023 about a one-sided relationship and a new listener calls in to ask about dating someone who's trans. You too can call in and ask your question, suggest topics, or just give feedback by calling our DKS Hotline at 407-519-0181 today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Men have been taking center stage and talking for a long time, and as we strive for equality and equity in society, we head towards the many times in life when men should just stfu and listen. Stop mansplaining, cease playing devil's advocate, quit "just joking", give up trying to fix everything, and shut the fuck up for this fabulous new episode. Also this week, Adam and Sarah answer an email from a Canadian listener about his long distance relationship, Sarah talks about how to handle a long flight in What to See with Sarah G, and more!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
We all know that facing challenges in life makes us more resilient, stronger, more capable, and better at handling whatever life throws at us, but where should those challenges be coming from? This week, Sarah and Adam will discuss whether or not your partner should be the one to challenge you, and if so, when those challenges are appropriate. Also this week, we have an email from an Australian listener (and Adam apologizes in advance for his terrible Australian accent), Sarah prepares for a trip to South Africa, and Adam gets ready for a Thanksgiving alone in Tulsa.The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
With the holidays approaching, depression can set in, for any number of reasons. Whether it's seasonal, situational, or something else, depression is real. But you're not alone, and Sarah and Adam talk about some of the better ways to deal with those holiday doldrums.Also this week, we answer an email from a listener, about an uncommunicative partner, and Sarah tells us all about her experience in Santa Fe in this week's What To See With Sarah G! More specifically, you'll hear about her time staying at Vanessie Santa Fe.(For a limited time, guests can book a romantic stay and save 25% on a 2-night minimum stay (valid for phone or in-person reservations only). Call Vanessie Santa Fe at 505-984-1193 or visit them online at today!)The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Men love to say that women date by the 6-6-6 rule - they want 6 feet, 6 inches, and 6 figures. But is this true? Is this why men are having difficulty finding dates, or is it their inability to look beyond their type? And is it settling to expand your type? This week, Adam and Sarah will talk about types and why men and women approach them differently. Also in this episode, a call about dating anxiety from a listener, Sarah explores Cape Flattery, and Adam has the most epic Sunday Funday ever, Daytona Beach style.The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
The amount of ignorance that many adult men (and a handful of women) have with regards to sex, sexual intercourse, and women’s bodies shouldn’t surprise us after seeing a bunch of crusty old white dudes legislate women’s bodies. But be prepared to be shocked at the depths this ignorance can reach. After this episode, Sarah and Adam both agree that no adult should be allowed to engage in any physical contact with another consenting adult until they take at least one sex education class. For the sake of humanity.Also this week, a Mormon listener wrestles with dating and calls into the DKS Hotline, Adam visits the beautiful Origin Hotel in Lexington (book your stay today at, and What to See with Sarah G takes us to the Badlands National Park.The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
We're a few years out from the big shutdown due to COVID-19, and we've moved on from being worried about the pandemic to a new normal where we pretend it's not happening anymore. This pandemic has had permanent effects on so many aspects of our lives - what has it done to dating? Sarah and Adam examine whether or not the pandemic has ruined the way dating used to be, and if so, what can we do about it? Also this week, Sarah gets baby fever? That can't be right. Oh, and we get a great email from an old white cishet dude, and two questions from listeners! We need your questions - call 407-519-0181 and leave a voicemail today!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
The Barbie movie is a billion dollar behemoth, and so many men are hemotional about it, recording himsterical podcasts, and throwing himsy fits. Is it warranted? Are men justified in crying about kenough being kenough? This week Sarah and Adam examine the pink feminist phenom and what it says about gender roles, the patriarchy, and horses. Also this week, a question from a listener about familial relationships, Sarah survives a trip to a remote cabin in Maine, and Adam takes over What to See with a review of the Origin Westminster and his time in Denver.The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.Next time you're in the Denver area, stay at the Origin Westminster. Visit for more details today!DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Boundaries are essential to any healthy relationship. But when does it transform from a healthy boundary to unhealthy abuse? What is the line between controlling someone's behavior and setting behaviors for a respectful relationship? Sarah and Adam discuss the recent Jonah Hill controversy and talk about why his behavior was not boundary setting and that his weaponization of therapy terms to gaslight and manipulate his girlfriend is abusive and toxic. Also this week, Adam has an interesting encounter with a fan, Sarah meets up with her ex's parents, we have a call from our DKS Hotline, and Adam and Sarah have a lovely stay at the Graduate Seattle hotel! (Make your reservations today at DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Dating apps give you the opportunity to set boundaries with regards to your safety, and when people push or violate those boundaries, it's a huge red flag. Adam and Sarah talk about when it is and is not okay to find someone in real life or on social media when you don't match on a dating app. Also this week, an email from a listener, Adam gets cranky about everything, and we get an update from an old date of Adam's and a reminder about why red flags should never be collected!The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.The DKS Podcast is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of love, sex, society and culture, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created, edited, and produced by Sarah G. and Adam Heath Avitable.DKS Hotline: (407) 519-0181Facebook group: Patreon: Instagram: Sarah G on Twitter: Avitable on Twitter: Sarah G on TikTok: Avitable on TikTok: Website: YouTube: Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
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I was 100% with them, until they both started hating on Androids lol
She’s so dedicated to being in denial.