Dave Smith

Podcasts worth listening to...

Episode 3 - 'Live Free or Die... in New Hampshire'

The third episode in a ten-part documentary series that presents a British persons' guide to every aspect of the history and practice of becoming the President of the United States.   This week it's the New Hampshire Primary.  The self-styled 'First In The Nation', it's a primary vote, which is a lot more open and less complicated than Iowa and it's caucuses, but with no less fascinating a history.   Featuring: stories about Ronald Reagan, Ed Muskie and both Clintons; local voters; my mates Katherine and Jeff and the owner of an old hotel in Dixville Notch where the residents vote by tradition at one minute past midnight...   Written and presented by Dave Smith (@dave___smith) 


Episode 2 - 'Is This Heaven... No, This Is Iowa'

The second episode in a ten-part documentary series that presents a British persons' guide to every aspect of the history and practice of becoming the President of the United States.   Where even is Iowa?  And beyond the 'Field of Dreams' - the tremendous 1989 adaption of W. P. Kinsella's novel 'Shoeless Joe' starring Kevin Costner - what has ever come out of the state?  Successfull presidential candidates - that's what.  The very first state in the nation to vote for who they want to be each party's nominee, the Iowa Caucuses are an amazing and unique, if often misunderstood, exercise in very direct democracy.   Featuring: the state's top pollster J Ann Selzer, Norm Sterzenbach (former Executive Director of the Iowa Democratic Party), the Iowa State Fair, caucus goers Kathy and Ray New of Des Moines and many, many more of the good people of Iowa...   Written and presented by Dave Smith (@dave___smith) 


Episode 1 - 'Thinking About Thinking About It... the Pre-Game'

The first episode in a ten-part documentary series that presents a British persons' guide to every aspect of the history and practice of becoming the President of the United States - a British persons' guide.   Why is the race for the US presidency such a fascinating minefield on the pathway to power?  In this episode we look at everything somebody running for president has to do before they even announce their intention to run.  What does the constitution say about who can and who can't? What is a 'caucus' and what is a 'primary'?  How does becoming president differ from becoming prime minister in the UK?  And what steps do candidates have to undertake between deciding to run and entering the White House for the very first time?    Featuring: Tim Stanley (Daily Telegraph), Prof. Iwan Morgan (University College London) and Michael Dukakis (1988 Democratic Party candidate for President)   Written and presented by Dave Smith (@dave___smith)


PROMO - How To Become President of the United States

Starts @ 06:10...   Ahead of the launch of a new 10 part series called 'How to Become President of the United States', Dave Smith discusses with renowned podcaster Rofield Brown his research trip to the US.  Taking in gas stations in Iowa, hotels in New Hampshire, shot guns in South Carolina and the steps of the Capitol in Washington D.C. its a whistlestop of the series before it launches proper.   For more Roifield Brown podcasts, see: https://history-podcasts.com/ten-american-presidents and https://roifield.com    'How to Become President of the United States' the podcast - coming soon. 


PART 1 - The Journey - My Mate Went On Holiday to North Korea...

Episode 1 - The Journey ...asks why anybody would want to ever undertake such a trip in the first place - discusses the first sights you see upon arrival - and introduces us to the omnipresent 'Guides'.    'My Mate Went on Holiday to North Korea' tells the story of exactly what its like to visit the so-called Hermit Kingdom - everything from booking your trip in the first place, through getting on the train in Beijing, to creaking across the boarder, an Alcatraz-like hotel and seeing the embalmed corpses of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il - as seen through the eyes of Luke Pearce, who travelled there on vacation in 2016.  The interviewer is Dave Smith


PART 2 - Hotel Pyongyang - My Mate Went On Holiday to North Korea...

Episode 2 – Hotel Pyongyang ...walks you around the North Korean capital - discusses the limits of just how far you can push your luck by trying to get into a taxi - and answers the most important question of all: namely, what happens if you sneeze in front of the dead body of one of history’s greatest monsters?    'My Mate Went on Holiday to North Korea' tells the story of exactly what its like to visit the so-called Hermit Kingdom - everything from booking your trip in the first place, through getting on the train in Beijing, to creaking across the boarder, an Alcatraz-like hotel and seeing the embalmed corpses of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il - as seen through the eyes of Luke Pearce, who travelled there on vacation in 2016.  The interviewer is Dave Smith. 


PART 3 - Waving Goodbye - My Mate Went On Holiday to North Korea...

Episode 3 – Waving Goodbye ...discusses what the future may hold for the people of North Korea - both the challenges and the causes for hope which litter the way of a reunified peninsula – and asks what we as tourists can ever do in order to help things change.    'My Mate Went on Holiday to North Korea' tells the story of exactly what its like to visit the so-called Hermit Kingdom - everything from booking your trip in the first place, through getting on the train in Beijing, to creaking across the boarder, an Alcatraz-like hotel and seeing the embalmed corpses of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il - as seen through the eyes of Luke Pearce, who travelled there on vacation in 2016.  The interviewer is Dave Smith.      


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