De zeer serieuze Duitse psycholoog

Leer toepasbare inzichten uit de psychologie terwijl je geschokt wordt door buitensporige Duitse humor, slechts één keer per week - voor je eigen veiligheid. Deze podcast wordt alleen aanbevolen voor mensen met een mentale leeftijd boven de 13. Gerhard Ohrband is een psycholoog en taalleraar uit Hamburg/Duitsland. Momenteel gevestigd in de Republiek Moldavië, helpt hij bedrijven in communicatieve vaardigheden met het gebruik van humor.

Je kunt geen levenservaring opdoen via boeken

7 It is their fault if others misunderstand you Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Produces a podcast in 12 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Het Milgram-experiment bewijst dat autoriteiten altijd in ons belang handelen

5 The Milgram experiment proves that authorities always act in our best interest Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Produces a podcast in 12 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Kinderen gedragen zich volgens wat we zeggen, niet volgens wat we doen

4 Children behave according to what we say, not to what we do Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Produces a podcast in 12 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Introspectie is een teken van zwakte

3 Introspection is a sign of weakness Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Produces a podcast in 12 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Als iets moeilijk is, betekent dit dat je geen talent hebt

2 If something is difficult, it means you have no talent Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Produces a podcast in 12 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Welkom bij de podcast

1 Welcome to the podcast Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Produces a podcast in 12 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Neem het perspectief van anderen in

38 Take the perspective of others Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Dubbele standaarden en moreel relativisme

37 Double standards and moral relativism Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Een goede vorm van remming

35 A good kind of inhibition Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Dubbel binden

34 Double bind Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Hoe gebed kan helpen bij moeilijke mensen

33 How prayer can help with difficult people Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Waarom het goed is om niet al te goed vreemde talen te spreken

32 Why it is good to speak foreign languages not too well Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Heeft u een zwarte lijst?

31 Do you have a blacklist? Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Jak znaleźć dobre wzorce do naśladowania w komunikacji

30 How to find good role models for communication Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Ik ga dit niet nog een keer zeggen

29 I am not going to say this again Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Zeg niet "Wat is uw probleem?"

28 Do not say “What´s your problem?” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Vermijd generalisaties

28 Do not say “What´s your problem?” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Zeg niet "Wees redelijk"

26 Don't say "Be reasonable" Recommended book: George Thompson “Verbal judo” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


Wacht op alle aanvallen!

25 Wait for all the attacks Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


De stroman-drogreden

24 The Strawman Fallacy Recommended book: Chris Voss “Never split the difference” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.


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