Dear Listener

Welcome to Dear Listener, a podcast proudly brought to you by Dear Community. A podcast dedicated to women in their 20's navigating through life. We touch on challenging topics such as relationships, friendships, money, career, travelling, mental health and so much more. Hosted by Hannah Koumakis, this podcast features inspirational speakers, experts, coaches but also everyday women sharing their stories.

Networking, Giving Back & Mentorship? Are They Worth It? S2E2

Exploring Networking, Giving Back, and Mentorship in Your 20's: Are They Truly Worth It? These concepts are often touted as essential, but do they truly hold value in your 20's? While many emphasise their significance, we delve into the actual benefits with Nicole, a career counselor and life coach, to gain a deeper understanding of these subjects.


What On Earth Should I Do With My Life? S2E1

What should I do with my life?" Whether this question strikes you during your final year of high school or even in your mid-twenties, it can be an intimidating and persistently nagging concern that saps our happiness and leads to stress and anxiety. In today's episode, we chat with Nicole, a career counsellor and life coach, who shares the reassuring message that you don't have to have your entire life meticulously mapped out. What you truly need is to listen to your heart and embrace your passions.


How To Start A Business: Part Two S1E4

In today's podcast, we walk about starting a business, using real-life examples from Dear The Series. From formulating the perfect pitch, creating a captivating presentation and everything else in between. The realities that business owners face when launching new products and the unforeseen roadblocks that may arise. Stay tuned to hear more about Dear The Series. Please note, Dear Listener is currently fully funded by myself! If you enjoy our podcast and want us to keep producing more, please leave us a donation. That way we can get back to creating interesting, insightful and educational content for you all.


How To Start A Business: Part One S1E3

In today's podcast, we talk about starting a business, using real-life examples from Dear The Series. From finding a factory to shipments from China to finding stockists and everything else in between. The realities that business owners face when launching new products and the unforeseen roadblocks that may arise. Stay tuned to hear more about launching Dear The Series in part two. Please note, Dear Listener is currently fully funded by myself! If you enjoy our podcast and want us to keep producing more, please leave us a donation. That way we can get back to creating interesting, insightful, and educational content for you all.


How To Make $30K From Side Hustles As A Full Time Student S1E5

In today's podcast, we dive into how Hannah earned $30k in 2021 as a Full Time Student. Earning this amount of money didn't come easily. Hannah had to sacrifice many things that were deemed 'normal' for students. Hannah shares her top 6 different ways of earning this income and how you can earn additional income too. None of this passive income/pyramid schemes, it all comes down to hard work, determination and a whole lot of saving!


Homeschooling With Rebekah Burnett S1E1

On today's episode we chat to Rebekah Burnett, the eldest sibling in the Koumakis family, who shares her experiences of homeschooling, what she loved, what she struggled with, why she decided to go to school, and whether she would recommend homeschooling to others. A raw and authentic chat between two sisters reminiscing over their childhood homeschool memories.


Is An OE Worth It? Hannah Shares Her Crazy Nannying Experience S2E4

Considering an Overseas Adventure and Nannying in London? Have you ever contemplated the idea of working in London as a nanny? Perhaps you've wondered how to establish connections in a foreign country. Join us as Hannah shares her in-depth journey of nannying in London, from initially feeling overwhelmed working with a billionaire family to her evolving sense of independence and the challenges she faced. This episode promises an entertaining narrative you won't want to miss.


The Power That Adaptability, Resilience & Your Mindset Can Have On You In Your 20's S2E3

Navigating the Turbulent Twenties: How to Embrace Adaptability, Resilience, and a Growth-Oriented Mindset. Your 20's often bring a whirlwind of change, presenting challenges that can leave you feeling overwhelmed, facing closed doors and a string of 'no's. How can you maintain your resilience during these times of adversity? Your mindset also holds immense power – how can you harness it for personal growth in this day and age? Join us in today's episode with Hannah and Nicole as we delve into these topics and more.


How To Be A Business Owner With Full Time Work S1E11

Running a business while working full time, isn't as easy as it looks. The constant tiredness, lack of motivation and stress is evident. In today's episode, Hannah talks about the realities of what it is like juggling full time work, with running a business. She shares an update on Dear The Series, where it is currently at and her biggest pain points.


The Unique Pocket Money System: Part Two S1E10

Introducing the Tiktok Viral Pocket Money System which reached nearly 3 million people worldwide. A unique system that gives children the freedom to learn about the value of money, self discipline and the power of saving. This episode we chat to Terry Koumakis, the master mind behind this unique system that has sparked thousands of people across the world to implement with their children.


The Unique Pocket Money System: For Parents S1E9

In today's podcast we dive into the Tiktok Viral Pocket Money System. This video was viewed nearly 3 million times. A new revolutionary pocket money system to help inspire and encourage children. Hannah shares about her relationship with money and how this unique system set her up for the future. If you are wanting to take your children on the most powerful economics lesson, then listen along.


How To Create A Budget S1E8

Have you ever wondered how people determine how much money to set aside for themselves each month? Well, in today's episode, Hannah goes into depth about how to determine a dollar amount or percentage split per month. She breaks down budgeting in an easy to listen, short podcast that is engaging and insightful.


How To Be Better At Saving Money S1E7

Todays episode talks about being better at saving money. Hannah goes into depth about different techniques and habits she has put in place to hold her accountable when she goes to spend money. The tips shared as valuable for anyone and everyone, young or old, rich or poor. Make yourself a goal to try at least one of these tips that is shared. Enjoy


From Failing High School To Getting 100% In Law S1E6

In today's episode we chat to Christy Koumakis, the second eldest sister of the Koumakis children. Christy shares her homeschooling experience and what it was like to attend a semi-private high school in her final year. She shares what it was like to fail high school to going on to further study a legal executive diploma and a law degree, receiving numerous scholarships and even a 100% (perfect) paper. Currently Christy is sitting at a B+ for her entire law degree, an outstanding effort for someone that battled with the constant self-doubt of not being 'smart' enough. This podcast is for those that may be struggling with trying to determine what they want for their future, or for those that may feel disheartened by their schooling grades, Christy's best advice is "Don't Give Up!" - listen now to hear her tips and how she navigated her career path. If you love our podcast, make sure you leave a review!


Becoming A Homeowner By 23 S1E2

Hannah's journey to becoming a homeowner and constructing a brand-new house at the tender age of 23 is a remarkable tale. Following 11 years filled with a multitude of jobs, personal sacrifices, and unwavering dedication, Hannah was ultimately handed the keys to her freshly built home in New Zealand. In this podcast, we delve into the intricate details of how she accomplished this, the invaluable support she received along the way, and her insights on the trending subject of property investment. Our podcasts remain unsponsored for now, relying solely on the generosity of our listeners to sustain our endeavors. If you find yourself in a position to contribute financially, please contemplate making a donation. Your support will enable us to continue producing and sharing inspirational podcasts with all of you.


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