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Death Do Us Part
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Death Do Us Part

Author: Laura & Jeremy

Subscribed: 35Played: 426


What motivates murder? Chewing with her mouth open, leaving his socks on the floor...we are just two sibling-in-laws cracking jokes, discussing marital homicides, and hypothetically plotting the murders of our spouses. What?'s cathartic!
109 Episodes
Jut a couple weeks ago Keli conned Laura into rescuing a cat that was being pushed out of its home. Laura of course had to help this cat out, fostered it and found a good shelter in no time! Well with pet rescue on the mind we talk about a woman who used her pet to try and get her out of murder...blaming her dog for shooting her Ex-husband 10 times. We then talk about the horrible nature of animal abuse where two spouses killed their significant other's dog out of anger and jealousy. One such case was used as a PSA for other animal abusers that they will go to jail if they harm an animal. We wrap up the episode with a Laura's hypomurder that answers the question "would your pet eat you if you died." Short answer is likely would. And Jeremy's dog fighting adoptee that he would train for a taste of human blood before an accidental tragic accident. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
Why is it so hard to find someone who can cut your hair right? Well we would love to know, and complain about it. We kick off with a recap of Laura's previous complaint when her husband nearly shaved a bald spot in their sons head and Jeremy tells a story about his day drunk stylist who gave him the worst haircut ever. We then share a murder of a barber whose client shot him for giving him "half a haircut." We then discuss the Boozing Barber who force fed his many victims alcohol so they would die of alcohol poisoning. While we have both had terrible haircuts we wouldn't kill someone over it. BUT, if we were to plan a hypothetical murder one of us would use a poison dart frog hair dye job and the other would use a shampoo and wash to cause a blood clot. Grab your clippers and go to town while you listen to this weeks hairy episode! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
We aren't dead! It had been a busy 2 month unplanned Hiatus. Holidays turned into illness and kids returning to school but we are back! It is Olympic season and this episode is dedicated to professional athletes. We share with you a murder by a professional soccer player who just can't seem to stay in jail. We also discuss the tragic murder of a record setting world championship runner by her abusive husband. We share our hypothetical murders including concrete shoes set sail to Canada, and a Curling Hammer accident that ends in a fatality. Enjoy the Olympics, root for the home team, and win a gold medal in staying alive! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
We bring the podcast full circle talking once again about weddings. We shared some terrible wedding murders on our very first episode but there are so many we decided to talk about it again! We have also grown a lot since our first episode and have new parent related pet peeves about weddings we share. We get into a murder from 1966 about a woman who shot her fiancé and his surprise girlfriend after being threatened at knife point when she went to pick him up. Another more recent murder was the result of an argument a future husband had about inviting a woman he had cheated with to the wedding. She stabbed him and was not even charged. For our hypothetical murders we concoct a top tier wedding cake poisoning and a wedding dress train crash. So grab some year old cake and enjoy some marital carnage. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
It has been awhile. Between kids getting sick, a vasectomy, and one kid getting 7 stitches, we have been busy. But we are back with the topic of getting you junk SNIPPED! That's right, we are talking vasectomies, contraception, and when men get their most favorite appendage cut off. Laura shares a list of stories about men who have had their penises chopped off. You have probably heard of Lorena Bobbitt, but what about the rest? Jeremy then shares a few stories about a couple who used superglue instead of traditional contraception, an argument turned to murder about using a condom, and an inmate killed by another for the most unforgiveable of crimes. Hold on to your junk boys! This episode is cringe. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
Our Halloween episode is fully of creepy crawlies. Discussing why spouses leave doors open that let ALL the flies in, and why is it the man's job to deal with getting rid of venomous insects? We have the answer...they are just more disposable. We get into some haunting murders, including one about the Spider Man Slayer who lived in a couples house for months before he was discovered. We also have a woman who is tired of these Mother F$%^ing snakes in her Mother F$%^ing bed...because her husband put them there. Our hypomurders include a lethal antivenom reaction and a surprise toilet snake. Happy Halloween! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
This week is all about gender norms, swapping gender roles, and what happens when people don't respect each other in a mordern society! We talk about the mental load of chores and how women often take that on more than men, how children can drive your career and life decisions, and the difficulty of misaligned expectations in a marriage. We get into a murder suicide by an pre-med olympic athlete who fell short of his goals and took it out on his successful wife and then himself. We also discuss a man who called his wife a "lazy bitch" for not making the bed after having TEN pints. You can guess how that is going to end. We sum it up with hypomurders with exploding computers and a role swap mental breakdown that results in a rat poison mix up. Grab your cigar and loafers, give them to your wife, and enjoy this weeks episode! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
We talk about bad movie watching habits, like when your spouse is on her ipad or your husband tells you WAY too many facts about the Rock for 2 hours straight. We share some movie theater murders including a man who was shot for not putting his cell phone away and throwing his popcorn at another patron. We also discuss a wife who was killed in the parking lot leaving the theater and her husband staged it to look like an attack. We share our hypothetical murders to include a silenced assassination during a movie and a noise so loud it can actually kill you. Grab your milk duds as we spill the grandma tea on movies this week. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
We talk social media pet peeves, like getting into stupid Facebook fights, distant friends tracking you down to ask for shit, and complaining about your second cousin twice removed political views. We also talk about the Gabby Petito case before getting into our own social media murders of the week. We share about a social media influencer and seller who went dark on Black Friday. Then we can't believe the horrific details of a Tibetan vlogger who is lit on fire during a livestream. We wrap our episode up with a Facebook hitman frame job and a livestream alibi. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
We talk about purging clothes from middle school and losing your belt in the hamper...every time you change your pants. Who does that? We then discuss a murder where a man shredded all of his wife's clothes the night before he killed her with the very same craft knife. Then we get into the murder of Maurizio Gucci, which is basically dramatic enough to be a movie. Oh wait...they did make a movie about it. For our hypomurders this week one is inspired by home construction using fiberglass dust and the other using toxic mothballs, you might be surprised at how toxic they really are. Put on your hippest clothes and tune in for this weeks high fashion episode! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
COVID has not gonna away, and now we are faced with new variants and a continuation of many problems we have been facing for about 2 years now...or forever, its hard to say. This week we are talking about masks! The benefits, like being anonymous in the grocery store, not having to comb your hair and avoid small talk. As well as the negatives like how it fogs up your glasses and some people can't seem to find their freaking nose...seriously cover that up! We then get into two mask related murders. Both murders involve security guards just trying to do their jobs. One was stabbed 27 times while the other was shot in the back of the head by a family. Masks can be controversial but we ask people to please not resort to violence. Instead, keep it hypothetical! Laura was tired of hypothetically planning murders so she planned a bank heist with a realistic "mask" inspired by a suspected special effects artist who has robbed some 16 banks disguised as an old man. Jeremy's hypomurder involves a strychnine laced mask for instant toxic exposure. Mask up! Delta is here and its serious! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
This week we talk about interruptions, inspired by an actual spousal interruptions during one of our recording sessions. Laura complains about how Nick tries to complete her sentences like it is a game of charades while Jeremy owns up to the fact that he interrupts Keli far more than she does him. Conversations are difficult. We then share a murder of a man who killed his elderly parents for interrupting his Anime shows too often because they needed personal care. Our second murder is one that is interrupted by a real life action hero who took part in a high speed chase to rescue a woman off the side of the road. Our hypothetical murders include vaporized mercury poisoning and a zip line interruption.   Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
Homework | Episode 85

Homework | Episode 85


We have all been through homework, some of us have managed kids doing homework, while others assist their spouses. Doing homework together or a major project is actually a great way to see how compatible you are with someone. But when one spouse is done with school and the other is going back, it can definitely create some complaints! We get into some minor homework complaints, somehow Laura starts sharing her ratings of different kinds of alternative milks, and then of course murder. This weeks murders are particularly tragic, involving a high school sweetheart turned stalker, and a Mom who killed her husband and asked her kids to help move his body after she removed the legs. That is not a happy household! We then share out hypomurders with a staged slip and fall on a pile of homework, and one of the most creative murders yet where the only evidence left is a deflated exercise ball. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
Hangry | Episode 84

Hangry | Episode 84


Hangry? Don't murder, just grab a Snickers! Well this week we complain about how we deal with the hanger of our loved ones before getting into a couple bizarre murders. One is about a Scottish chef who killed his wife for not wanting to eat at his dinner party. The second concerns the possible negligence of a man whose be ridden wife died at only 68 pounds. Our hypothetical murders bring in more bizarre "inspiration" from a town in Hungary where dozens of women used arsenic to poison their husbands who treated them poorly and a reddit rumor about a Snickers shiv. Grab a snack so you don't commit real life homicide and enjoy our latest episode! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
I Quit! | Episode 83

I Quit! | Episode 83


Laura quit her job!! So this week we are talking about quitting jobs, the stress of making a job change, and the great resignation caused by the COVID pandemic. We also launched a redbubble store! Visit the link tree in our instagram to check out our new merchandise! Oh and we talk about cat butts naturally before we get into two grisly work related murders. The first is a man who killed his wife who would not quit because he felt emasculated by her job. The second is an abusive woman who was so angry her husband lost his job as a lawyer that she claimed he walked into the knife she was holding, for real that was her defense. We wrap it up with a list of signs your job may be killing you and a hypomurder planned for an out of town conference and an attic door that drops knives on its victims. Hope you all love you jobs! If not go find something you do love. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
Happy Fourth of July! We hope you had a happy and safe weekend. Laura and Jeremy come with some very fresh complaints about noisy neighbors, and how the 4th of July gives people free reign to make ungodly noise at ungodly hours of the night. We then share two firework related murders, one a gang related murder of a Brooklyn resident over a firework dispute and the other a firefighter gone rogue in a multiple homicide. We end the night with our noisy neighbor hypothetical murders with an extension cord toaster electrocution and some good ole firework tampering. Happy Birthday America! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
We talk Tinder! While neither of us have much experience we know that online dating can be a difficult and sometimes deadly undertaking. We of course still have complaints about how people misrepresent themselves online, particularly with dating apps. We discuss quite a few Tinder murders, including a catphished football player who killed his date. Another Tinder match led a woman to the home of a couple who killed and dismembered her to gain some kind of supernatural powers. Lastly, we share details on a Tinder serial killer who was caught while he had one of his victims captive. We sum it up with a list of the worst tinder murders and some hypomurders on what one may do if their spouse was caught online dating. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
Ants invading your home, flies buzzing because your spouse leaves the door open, or even bees coming down the chimney! We have some pest complaints this week and that can surely put any couple on edge. We share a murder where a woman leaves her sliding glass door open to let in two would be assassins, a much worse pest than a fly. We talk about a pesticide murder where a farmer is killed over a dispute over damaged crops. We share our hypomurders about a staged break in by a fake pest control company and a fumigation mishap inspired by a real accident of a poor man who entered his home before the tenting was finished. Pests of all kinds are nasty so get buggy with us this week.  Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
We talk about the stress of fixing things around the house, small and big home improvement projects and the baggage they bring to the table. One of us complains about a lack of focus to get small projects done while the other complains about ordering the wrong parts and materials for any project! We share a murder that took place inside a home that was supposed to be on the TV show "Zombie House Flipping," as well as a Thanksgiving murder over an argument about building a fence in the yard. We all know people can argue about home improvement projects but this is next level. Our hypothetical murders involve a sledge hammer accident and a toilet replacement burial. Grab your drink and hammer and enjoy! Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -
Pet Names | Episode 78

Pet Names | Episode 78


Laura welcomes Jeremy back after his appendectomy, he is still alive! We talk cute and annoying pet names. Particularly names for kids that confuse them, or they repeat inappropriately. We then get into a murder about a wrestler known as the silent lady who had a side hustle of robbing and murdering old ladies. She got another nickname called La Mataviejita (old lady killer). We discuss Robert Durst and his crazy saga with new coverage of a jailhouse call where he uses his pet's name Igor as a code word for murder, further building a case against him. We wrap it up with an incredibly disgusting hypomurder inspired by a killer who made soap and tea cakes out of people!!! As well as a plan for an induced appendicitis masked by pain killers. Listen, subscribe, and tell us your most exasperating pet peeves! You can follow us on Instagram/Twitter @ddupcast or visit our website at Remember, while marriage is messy...murder is messier! Intro/Outro instrumental provided by CO.AG Music -