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Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization
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Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization

Author: Amber Cammidge, Decluttering Coach, Professional Organizer

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Are you a working mom living in a house that is stressing you out, and no time to fix it? Welcome to Declutter Your Chaos. You have just taken the first step to taking control and restoring peace and sanity back in your day.

This show will give you all the strategies, resources, and support you need to take control of your time and your home. We will also dive into your mindset, where we shift your thinking so that you are giving yourself the respect, time, and love you need in order to make sure you are living your best life.

I am your support. And I am an email away if you need me: I love to connect with my listeners so please do not hesitate to reach out if you need me!

Even more importantly than all the good decluttering tips I’m going to give you, I want you to walk away from each of these episodes feeling like you are not alone. Because you aren’t.

I know what’s like to to be living in utter chaos, with a house busting at the seams, and little kids pulling you in every direction. You want so badly to take control of the clutter in your home, but there’s just not enough time.

Well I’m here to tell you - to promise you - that you can get out of survival mode and take control of your home. I’m going to share my best tips and strategies for decluttering, broken in to small actionable steps. I’m going to help you manage you time to help keep you on track and motivated, and I’m going to help you shift your mindset so that you be aware of what causes the clutter so that you can prevent it forever. Let's do this!

185 Episodes
Hi Guys, I'm here in Denver and wanted to share some of what I am learning at this retreat.  We are learning and practicing so much here in terms of energy creation and manifesting. I only share a little bit about it here, but if you want me to share more with you individually, dm me.  If you'd like to join the challenge click here to join the fb group:  Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber  
Hi Guys, In this episode I remind you how we are all surrounded by victim culture and how it prevents us from making change and upleveling our lives.   If you'd like to join the challenge click here to join the fb group:  Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber  
Hi Friends!  In this episode I talk about a client who I worked with who let go of a lifetime of memories and did NOT regret it.  The biggest take away from this episode is that it is normal to feel sad when letting go of items that were meaningful, but you still won't regret it.  It's okay to feel the sadness because it's a loss.  But when you open up your space you allow yourself to grow, and that's what we all want - that's what makes us feel good - growth. If you'd like to join the challenge click here to join the fb group:  Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber
Hi Guys!  In this episode I talk about how clutter creates stress.  This elevated stress is not noticable to us on a day to day basis, but inside our bodies it is taking its toll.  It is making us eat mindlessly, become lethargic, and make decreases our ability to focus.  We are paying a very high price for our clutter and we don't even realize it.  But it is something we can control, so we should. Please come join me in the facebook group. Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber
Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about three things we tend to do that keep us messy. We identify as being messy Our perfectionism stops us from starting We blame not having enough time  I hope that you are able to shift your mindset to focus on being organized, doing it imperfectly, and having an abundance of time. Come join me in our facebook group and follow along on instagram: Facebook Group: Instagram: XO, Amber
HI Guys, In this episode I talk about the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.  In the book, he talks about how we all have a threshold for happiness and how to break past that.  I also talk about our new challenge in the facebook group.  You can join the facebook group here: Hope this helps you! XO, Amber
Hi Guys!   In this episode I share about how to approach decluttering and then I walk you through a decluttering session.  Declutter by room, rather than by category, but use the following sections to keep you focused: Keep - Stuff you need Keep - Sentimental items Eliminate-Trash Eliminate-Stuff not not needed in this season of life Eliminate-Stuff not good enough for you Also, use the AMBER method so you don't get overwhelmed during decluttering.  Hope this helps! XO, Amber Here's the link to my facebook group:    
Hi Guys!  In this episode I talk about how women are conditioned to give their power away.  We do it all the time - we don't mean to - but it is ingrained in us.  We are taught to be nice, and pretty, and quiet... not to be powerful.  I'm hoping that this episode will give some awareness  of this tendency and help you (and me) remember how powerful we are. PS:  Also, you don't need to declutter photos.  The memories are worth the space. XO, Amber  
Hi Guys! This is the last episode in the series on the Amber Method.  In this episode I talk about how to change your vibration so that you are able to receive the things you really want in life, rather than continuing to feel stuck, overwhelmed, and living in chaos. I hope this helps you! XO, Amber    
Hi Guys! In this episode I talk about the fourth step in the Amber Method, which is to eliminate the items from your home.  This is the actual "decluttering" step.  The Amber Method is A for Assess, M for Manifest, B for Breathe, E for Eliminate, and R for Receive.  The most important thing to remember during this step is to stay out of your head.  You can do this by using strategies that activate your prefrontal cortex:  make the project about numbers,  a specific space, or focus on a specific category. Similar to Mel Robbins' Five Second Rule, when she says 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and take action.   Imagine that your clutter is little pieces of your stress and anxiety that you are literally removing from your life.   Hope this episode helps you and don't hesitate to reach out XO, Amber
Hey Guys,  In this episode I talk about how important it is to do conscious breathing during your decluttering session.  Intentional, conscious, mindful breathing is the number one way to decrease stress and anxiety when decluttering.  This episode focuses on the B in the Amber Method.  Here are the breathing techniques I talk about here: The Surrender Breath Alternate Nostril Breathing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Breath Yogic Breath Double the Exhale Samantha Skelly is my go to person for breathwork.  Her IG is :   The Book I'm recommending is called Breath by James Nestor   I hope this helps you.  Please do not hesitate to reach out by email or on Instagram.   XO, Amber
Hi guys, In this episode I explain how to manifest your decluttered home.  Here are the steps: Change your energy by raising your vibration Imagine the result you want and let it go Visualize the hardest part Visualize yourself taking action on the smallest first micro-step I hope this helps you!  Thank you for being patient on the course.  Website is almost done. xo, Amber
Hi Guys!  In the next few episodes I'm so excited to share with you my unique method of decluttering.  We all know that decluttering is not hard, so why don't we do it?  It's really a mental game.  We need to learn how to regulate our nervous system so we are able to feel emotionally safe and not a prisoner of our things.  In this episode I talk about the first step in the AMBER Method.  It is to "Assess" the space.  Listen to this episode to get you started.  Here's the  AMBER Method to get you started: A:  Assess, M: Manifest, B: Breathe, E: Eliminate, R: Remove I hope this helps you.  BTW - My website is almost done so I will be offering you lots of both free and paid stuff soon!  Thank you for being so patient! XO, Amber
Hey Guys, I just passed a half-million downloads and with this milestone I wanted to tell you about the three most popular episodes.  Episode 145 is about how to use a checklist. Episode 155 is about how to find more peace in your day. Episode 160 is about a book called The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. Hope you enjoy! XO, Amber
Hi Friends, In this episode I chat with Jennifer Mackey Mary, who has a podcast called Everyday Style.  We talk about how what we wear has the power to change the way we feel.  Similar to how our homes makes us feel a certain way, what we put on our bodies has a huge impact on how we show up in our lives.   I have been personally transformed by this conversation - I didn't realize that what I wore around the house mattered - it does! Here is a link to her membership, where they offer everything women need to make style easy for just $27 a month:  Website-Style Circle:  Instagram:  Hope you enjoy, Amber   
Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about four levels, or steps, to decluttering the pantry.  They are: Take inspiration from the grocery store Modify it for your family Make it funtional with containers if needed Make it look cool In short, decluttering and organizing your pantry is an easy win and can be done in an hour or two.  Just take everything out, wipe it down, and put only the items back that you use.  Use these four levels to help you with your process. Hope this helps! XO, Amber
Hey Guys! In this episode I talk about decision making.  I talk about the secret to making decisions about clutter...spoiler alert...there is no wrong decision!!!  Just make a decision.  Listen to this episode to hear what indecision is doing to you.  It is shocking!   I hope this helps helps you! Reach out with any questions or to book a consultation to get help with your clutter. XO, Amber
Hey Guys, In this episode I talk about how my unconsciously be creating clutter due to subconscious feelings of unworthiness.  Everything in our environment is a reflection of our subconscious.  So if there is clutter in your world, something either conscious or not, is fueling it.  This episode talks about how to let go of both.   Hope it helps you! XO, Amber
Hey Guys,  In this episode I talk about how to turn your decluttering session into a mindful experience. Here's your plan: A=assess M=manifest B=breathe E=eliminate R=remove I hope this helps you.  Reach out anytime: Click here to join my accountability group: XO, Amber
Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about letting go of sentimental items.  I give you some steps that will help you declutter any of your items, but specifically how to make it easier to let go of some of the sentimental stuff that's so difficult to say goodbye to. Here's your plan: Categorize If items are sentimental, keep one item and take pictures of the rest Donate, trash, or give away the remaining items I hope this helps you.  Reach out anytime: Click here to join my accountability group: XO, Amber