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Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization
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Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization

Author: Amber Cammidge, Decluttering Coach, Professional Organizer

Subscribed: 320Played: 5,463


Are you a working mom living in a house that is stressing you out, and no time to fix it? Welcome to Declutter Your Chaos. You have just taken the first step to taking control and restoring peace and sanity back in your day.

This show will give you all the strategies, resources, and support you need to take control of your time and your home. We will also dive into your mindset, where we shift your thinking so that you are giving yourself the respect, time, and love you need in order to make sure you are living your best life.

I am your support. And I am an email away if you need me: I love to connect with my listeners so please do not hesitate to reach out if you need me!

Even more importantly than all the good decluttering tips I’m going to give you, I want you to walk away from each of these episodes feeling like you are not alone. Because you aren’t.

I know what’s like to to be living in utter chaos, with a house busting at the seams, and little kids pulling you in every direction. You want so badly to take control of the clutter in your home, but there’s just not enough time.

Well I’m here to tell you - to promise you - that you can get out of survival mode and take control of your home. I’m going to share my best tips and strategies for decluttering, broken in to small actionable steps. I’m going to help you manage you time to help keep you on track and motivated, and I’m going to help you shift your mindset so that you be aware of what causes the clutter so that you can prevent it forever. Let's do this!

174 Episodes
Hi guys, In this episode I explain how to manifest your decluttered home.  Here are the steps: Change your energy by raising your vibration Imagine the result you want and let it go Visualize the hardest part Visualize yourself taking action on the smallest first micro-step I hope this helps you!  Thank you for being patient on the course.  Website is almost done. xo, Amber
Hi Guys!  In the next few episodes I'm so excited to share with you my unique method of decluttering.  We all know that decluttering is not hard, so why don't we do it?  It's really a mental game.  We need to learn how to regulate our nervous system so we are able to feel emotionally safe and not a prisoner of our things.  In this episode I talk about the first step in the AMBER Method.  It is to "Assess" the space.  Listen to this episode to get you started.  Here's the  AMBER Method to get you started: A:  Assess, M: Manifest, B: Breathe, E: Eliminate, R: Remove I hope this helps you.  BTW - My website is almost done so I will be offering you lots of both free and paid stuff soon!  Thank you for being so patient! XO, Amber
Hey Guys, I just passed a half-million downloads and with this milestone I wanted to tell you about the three most popular episodes.  Episode 145 is about how to use a checklist. Episode 155 is about how to find more peace in your day. Episode 160 is about a book called The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. Hope you enjoy! XO, Amber
Hi Friends, In this episode I chat with Jennifer Mackey Mary, who has a podcast called Everyday Style.  We talk about how what we wear has the power to change the way we feel.  Similar to how our homes makes us feel a certain way, what we put on our bodies has a huge impact on how we show up in our lives.   I have been personally transformed by this conversation - I didn't realize that what I wore around the house mattered - it does! Here is a link to her membership, where they offer everything women need to make style easy for just $27 a month:  Website-Style Circle:  Instagram:  Hope you enjoy, Amber   
Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about four levels, or steps, to decluttering the pantry.  They are: Take inspiration from the grocery store Modify it for your family Make it funtional with containers if needed Make it look cool In short, decluttering and organizing your pantry is an easy win and can be done in an hour or two.  Just take everything out, wipe it down, and put only the items back that you use.  Use these four levels to help you with your process. Hope this helps! XO, Amber
Hey Guys! In this episode I talk about decision making.  I talk about the secret to making decisions about clutter...spoiler alert...there is no wrong decision!!!  Just make a decision.  Listen to this episode to hear what indecision is doing to you.  It is shocking!   I hope this helps helps you! Reach out with any questions or to book a consultation to get help with your clutter. XO, Amber
Hey Guys, In this episode I talk about how my unconsciously be creating clutter due to subconscious feelings of unworthiness.  Everything in our environment is a reflection of our subconscious.  So if there is clutter in your world, something either conscious or not, is fueling it.  This episode talks about how to let go of both.   Hope it helps you! XO, Amber
Hey Guys,  In this episode I talk about how to turn your decluttering session into a mindful experience. Here's your plan: A=assess M=manifest B=breathe E=eliminate R=remove I hope this helps you.  Reach out anytime: Click here to join my accountability group: XO, Amber
Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about letting go of sentimental items.  I give you some steps that will help you declutter any of your items, but specifically how to make it easier to let go of some of the sentimental stuff that's so difficult to say goodbye to. Here's your plan: Categorize If items are sentimental, keep one item and take pictures of the rest Donate, trash, or give away the remaining items I hope this helps you.  Reach out anytime: Click here to join my accountability group: XO, Amber
Hi Guys, In this episode I tell you how to approach your decluttering project when you are only have the weekends to work on it.  This is how I used to have to declutter when I worked full time and had two young kids.  Now that my kids are a little older, I can squeeze in 10 minutes a day, but if the weekends are all you have available, this episode will help keep you focused and to stay out of your emotional brain. Here are some ideas but come up with your own. Just no stories! numbers physical space size categories If you would like to join my accountablility group here's the link: Here's a link to my morning body awarness meditation: __________ XO, Amber    
Hi Guys!  In this episode, I explain how to incorportate 10 minutes of decluttering and 10 minutes of meditation into your daily routine.  This episode is about changing your habits by stacking the habit of decluttering for 10 minutes (or less) onto an errand or task you already do every day. I also talk about meditating for 10 minutes each morning which clears your mind and allows you to make very quick decisions while decluttering your "stuff." In the next episode, coming out on Thursday,  I will talk about how to approach decluttering on the weekends:  The Weekend Warrior episode.  In this upcoming episode, I will help you get out of your emotional brain and into the logical brain so you don't find yourself stuck with a room full of stuff that is overwhelming you. I you are interested in the accountability group, click here: Feel free to reach out with any questions or specific needs: XO, Amber      
Hi Guys, This episode is about how our culture really does feed into our sense of unworthiness, and how you can almost instantly shift your perspective. If you are interested in the year-long course, click here: I also have my accountability group available for you to join.  I'm so excited to meet you and get you started on your journey into minimalism. If you would like to join my accountability group click here: If you have any decluttering questions please ask.  Email me at XO, Amber
Hi Guys, Happy New Year!  In this episode I talk about my new course, which is available here: If you have any decluttering questions please ask.  Email me at XO, Amber
Hi Guys,   In this episode I answer a question from one of my listeners.  She recently lost her mom and was wondering how to let go of her mom's things without dishonoring her.  I loved answering Shari’s question,  and I would love to help you too if you have a specific question please email it to   If you would like to join my accountability group click here:   Happy Holidays to you all!   XO,   Amber
Hi Guys!  In this episode. you will find some declluttering motivation, as well as a guided mindful minute to help you let go of the stress and chaos.  Remember:  Your external environment reflects you internal experience of life.  So if you want a peaceful home, nurture a peaceful mind. I hope this helps. you!  Here is the link to my accountability group:  We'd love to have you! Xo, Amber 
Hey Guys, In this episode I talk about learned helplessness and how it can prevent us from becoming our best selves, but also how to break free from it. Here's the link to join my group.  This is your ticket to guarantee you will get it done..It will be every Friday, 6pm Eastern/3pm Pacific.  Here is the link to join: I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
Hey Guys, In this episode I invite you to my accountabiity membership, which will start this week.  It will be every Friday, 6pm Eastern/3pm Pacific.  Here is the link to join:   In this episode, I also talk about the human condition, and how feeling jealousy and comparison is something we all feel.  But we CAN consciously step out of the competition.  While comparison and competition is normal, much of it is self-imposed, and we can take steps to have less of it in our lives.   I hope this helps you!   XO,   Amber
Hey Guys! Making this tiny shift will change your entire day.  And when you do it repeatedly, it will change your life.  Give this to yourself: writing meditation or prayer being in nature It seems silly because it's so small, but the transformation it will make in you will be life changing. I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about the main reasons why people hang on to so many things:  fear of change, and fear of losing the memories.  Usually people say it's the fear of losing the memories, but it's really fear of change.   I hope this helps you in your decluttering journey. XO, Amber  
Hello!  I missed you!  I'm sorry I took such a long break, but I didn't really have a choice.  I promise to never show up as anything less than my authentic self, and I think that if I would have shown up the past few weeks I would have had to fake it.  But I'm back!  In this episode I explain what I've been up to the past few weeks, and I talk about what I think is the number one cause of the feelings of unworthiness many of us struggle with.  Hope this helps! XO, Amber  
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