Deep Dreams

Deep Dreams is an AI generated podcast with nonsensical stories to help you fall asleep to a soothing voice. Let your robotic overlords whisper comforting sweet nothings straight into your subconscious. What could go wrong? Website: RSS feed:

Keigo the Clojure master and evil Mr Potato Head.

Keigo, the Clojure master, with a background in vegetable behavioral management and root vegetable protocols, takes on the evil Mr Potato Head, who wants to wants to steal all the potato heads.


Edward Snowden, the Cyber Canopy, and blowing the whistle.

Edward Snowden, an aversion to keeping harmful secrets, an enchanted forest, bugs, computers, and much, much more.


Archie the armadillo and the fear of Slavoj Žižek's unfreedom.

What happens when you're terrified that your entire life may be governed by your unconscious desire to be controlled and limited in your choices? Archie the armadillo is about to find out, mispronouncing the names of Zizek and Lacan along the way! What use is not being afraid of anything except unfreedom itself, when you lack the very language to express how unfree you are to be unafraid of everything except your very unfreedom? This question, and more, will be answered in today's episode of Deep Dreams.


The tiny ant Hercules and the struggles of balancing his checkbook.

Hercules, the tiny ant, always loved balancing his checkbook. He loved it so much, that he became the exchequer of the Queen Bee. Unfortunately, he had trouble getting his finances to line up. After many trials and tribulations, which are described in this episode in excruciating detail, Hercules became an account ant.


The three blind mice and the perils of globalization.

Something about three mice and cheese and global corporations. I don't know, I didn't listen to it.


The valiant knight Elon Musk, the dragon Tweeter, and cryptocurrency bankruptcy.

Do you know about the knight Elon Musk, who killed the dragon Tweeter, and then squandered the treasure on bad cryptocurrency investments? Well, get ready to fall asleep hearing about it. I tried to avoid any similarity to real people or situations, but I think ChatGPT was having none of that.


The fox who took Switzerland to the World Court for being too neutral.

Did you know that foxes were the smartest animals in the animal kingdom? Did you also know that they detest neutrality? Well, they do, and there is no greater enemy to the foxes than the country of Switzerland. This is the story of one fox who decided to take matters into his own hands, and brought Switzerland before the International Court of Justice, to stand trial for its lack of crimes.


The wacky adventures of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh does what Gilgamesh does best: Make friends and fight beasts.


King Sigurd, the Danes, and NASA.

King Sigurd invades the kingdom of Denmark, leads his army to great victory, and joins NASA to become the first man to walk on the moon and meet Robert A. Heinlein.


Jack and the magic jelly-beans.

"Therefore, Prince Jack cut three crosswise lines across her forehead to mark her for what she was: one for going off with her grand-daughter after giving up Red Ridinghood for dead and setting out for France with Candy-Cane; second crosswise line was for going off and romancing with James after moving from Pennsylvania to Virginia; and third crosswise line was when she broke all contact with her daughter in France and swore never to speak with Candy-Cane again."


The three bears who became Chancellors of Germany.

Three little bears with a big ambition: To attain the highest political office in Germany.


Mausli, the bossy terrier.

This episode's teaser: "I hate everybody else now because no one will ever forgive me and nobody wants me anymore either so goodbye forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever goodbye goodbye everyone goodbye everyone I hate everbody goodbye everyone farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell everyone goodbye everyone hello everyone byebye byebye byebye byebye goodbye byebye byebye byebye argh leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you byebye byebye byebye goodbye byebye... The End."


Jack, his mother, and the little man.

Do you want to see a man and woman with an iron-cart and a basket of sticks? Then comes the whole world against us! No! no! I have never yet seen a worse place than this, and I would do anything to keep you from seeing it. This is what awaits you in the latest episode. This, and much worse.


Urashima Taro and Goddess Kwannon.

Urashima Taro sees some kids and wishes he never had. A bunch of Buddhist philosophy later, this episode is either extremely profound or complete garbage.


The captain, his daughter, and the demon-girl.

The camel said, the captain said, the camel said, the captain said, but I have never seen anyone as beautiful as Himsa in my entire life.


A woodcutter, his two children, and Ireland.

A woodcutter, his boy and girl, their evil stepmother, a house in the woods. Sound familiar? Think again.


Amelia, Sarah, and watermelons.

Rule #1: Tricks are usually more fun than tricks. Rule #2: It’s okay to be a little mean, if it’s to save someone little. Rule #3: Even if you do not necessarily want to be a Prime Minister when you grow up, it’s nice to be a Prime Minister at least once. Thank you for read. / 加油!


The white hair and the black hair and Johann Schwarz-Kollmann.

White hairs, black hairs, Johann Schwarz-Kollmann, the drain. A dystopian tale.


Prince John and princess Yoko.

Prince John, princess Yoko, their kingdoms, strife. Beatles.


The three princes and the glory of Allah.

Three princes, their father the king, the most beautiful princess in the land, an old, wrinkled, beautiful witch, and the glory of Allah.


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