Deep Pockets

Drummer/ financial planner Ryan Moore chats with other working musicians about how they've made a career out of doing what they love.

002 - Bill Peters

Bill Peters knows how to play the hand he's been dealt...As both a (semi) professional poker player and bass player out of Nashville, Bill has built a career out of doing what he loves by working hard and staying prepared. Bill takes his personal financial management seriously and pays close attention to how much money he brings in each month and where it all needs to go. This gives him the flexibility of only taking on projects that he truly cares about. Bill and I met touring with a ba...


001 - Seth Key

Seth Key says security can be a really hard thing to leave...Seth is not unfamiliar with the demands of a music career. He grew up in the small town of Bowden, Ga, and realized early on that he needed to search outside his hometown to find a music scene that he could immerse himself in. That scene was Athens, Ga, where he went to school at The University of Georgia and played guitar in a rock band all over town with his brother Tyler Key and yours truly (and our bass player Tom). After gradua...


Intro to Deep Pockets with Ryan Moore

Deep Pockets is a podcast where working musicians discuss what it is like to build a career out of making music. The life of a professional musician is incredibly rewarding but it is rife with nontraditional working conditions that make growing a sustainable (let alone successful) career challenging. Ryan Moore is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERâ„¢ and a professional drummer, who built a career as a full-time musician after he left his financial planning job. Ryan interviews a dif...


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